Anti-Aging: The Secret To Aging In Reverse

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Hello Health Champions. Most people want to live for a really long time

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but nobody wants to get old. How do we resolve this apparent conflict? Well

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today we're going to talk about the secret to Aging in Reverse coming right up.

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hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former

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Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly master health by understanding how

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the body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell

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so you don't miss anything how old do you want to get well it's not really a

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good question it's sort of unfair because most people don't have the

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knowledge to put that question into a good context and why is that because we

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rationalize about age we think we have to accept a certain age and we base that

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on life expectancy we see how long have people lived how long do people

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typically live in our culture in our society but the other problem is that we

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look at the old people and we see that a lot of them are sick and we say I do

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want to live a long time but I don't want to suffer I don't want to be sick

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for a long time so then we justify we rationalize our answer based on that and

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we come up with with a number maybe but let's try to not rationalize for a

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moment and let's just play the what-if game

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what if instead of being 90 years old and looking and feeling like this you

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are 90 years old and you look and feel like that would that change anything

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would you say oh look at that I'm 90 years old

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I was only supposed to live to 80 that's what I expected that's what I said so I

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guess I'm gonna have to go kill myself tomorrow of course not

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because as long as you feel good as long as you enjoy life you want to keep

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living so the only reason we put a limit on it is that we don't think that we can

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keep it up we don't think that we can keep

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feeling good and enjoy life and be productive but if we could that would

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change everything what if you could feel the way you do today you wouldn't want

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to stop living anytime soon you would think hey maybe a hundred and

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twenty maybe a hundred and fifty maybe way way beyond that. One of the leading

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researchers on aging and rejuvenation reversing aging has suggested that aging

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is a disease and the reason he says that and I would tend to agree is that we

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classified diseases if they affect less than 50% of people if it affects more

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than 50% like almost everybody then it's not considered a disease now it's just a

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condition it's just the inevitable something that happens to everybody

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so diseases or things like arthritis and high blood pressure and cancer diabetes

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dementia because they affect less than 50% of the population at least less than

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50% of the young population if you average it out but if you look at

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someone who's 20 years old and you look at the likelihood of finding arthritis

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and blood pressure and cancer and so on in a 20 year old it is very very small

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very very low probability whereas if you look in an 80 90 year old there are

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hundreds or thousands of times more likely to have that disease so rather

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than looking at these conditions as individual diseases he says we need to

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look at them as a result of aging because they don't go up with a few

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percent they go up thousandfold and therefore aging is the main disease is

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the principal disease that is causing all of that so let's stop looking at

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these and let's just start looking at solving aging and if you've been

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watching this channel for a while you know we talk about the same things that

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these are not individual conditions if we handle the root cause which is a lack

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health lack of function then all of these problems go away

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what is aging then if it's a disease what causes it right so there's been all

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these different theories over the years and these are all very well researched

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there's been Nobel Prize awarded for some of them and they include DNA damage

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and telomere shortening and mitochondrial dysfunction and the list

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goes on and on but these are not the mechanisms these are not the causes

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these are things that we observe as aging progresses as aging progresses

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these things progress but there is a unified principle just like in physics

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they look for the unified field theory the one idea that explains all other

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rules all other laws of physics well if these are not the causes then what is

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the cause what is the one thing that unites these theories and according to

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David Sinclair it is the loss of information and when it comes to

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information and loss of information there are two kinds genetic information

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made up of DNA accounts for 20% of aging and DNA is a code made up of four

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letters A, T, C and G. Adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine and because there's

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four distinct letters we consider this digital information because it's either

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on or off just like in a computer it's a 1 or a 0 it's not anything in between so

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just like these letters they're not a little bit a and a little bit C or some

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other letter there these are the only four options the other type of

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information is epigenetic and that accounts for 80% of aging and how aging

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functions in the body and the epigenetic is the DNA packaging

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and what does that mean well think of DNA as a blueprint that blueprint

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contains information but the blueprint doesn't

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make decisions you can think of it also as a cookbook that the DNA that's the

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written recipes inside the pages but the DNA that's the whole wrapper the whole

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package so you can't look at the recipe you can't read the recipe until you open

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the book and the cookbook is not going to decide what's for dinner right you

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decide and there's lots of variables that are involved with deciding so that

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makes the epigenetic more analogue okay they're more variables they can be

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expressed a little bit or more or all the way they're not just on or off so we

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could have different things for dinner depending on what we're in the mood for

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depending on what we had yesterday depending on what ingredients we have at

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home so you decide the epigenetic information decides not the cookbook and

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because DNA is so stable and because DNA of four distinct letters and it can be

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repaired then when we're talking about loss of information and aging we're

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talking about the loss of analog information now DNA is packaged in

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chromosomes if you open up a cell and you look in a microscope you can

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actually see this structure but if you unravel it you see that it's a enormous

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Lea long strand made up of chromatin and these this DNA double helix it's coiled

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up and it's wrapped around protein and whenever it's wrapped around these

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protein then it's packaged it's packaged tightly and you can't express you can't

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open up and read the portion of the DNA that is coiled up it's it's like the

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book is closed you can't read it then how do you read it

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well there's environmental influences these are the epigenetic factors things

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in our environment that affect the chemical

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messengers that attach and influence these proteins these histone tails and

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then these proteins will uncoil the DNA strands so that we can open up and read

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it and when we're young then this process works very very well everything

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is properly packaged every cell has an accurate identity because only the

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correct proteins are produced at the right time however as we age then this

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packaging can degrade right the we have a loss of identity because the coiling

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and uncoiling because the communication doesn't function as accurately and now

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there's some confusion as to when to turn these genes on and off and as a

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result the correct proteins are not necessarily produced at the correct time

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in the correct tissue so now we start having confusion between the liver isn't

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really sure if it's supposed to be a liver or a kidney or a brain and there's

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some overlap of the proteins being produced when there's less precision

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then we have less health and then there's three different levels of

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epigenetic expressions three different levels that we can affect this and the

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first one is the simplest but also the most short-term and that's simply that

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we have transcription factors that's how we just turn the genes on and off it's

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things that very quickly can open up and express different genes the second one

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is a little harder but it also lasts a little longer it's kind of medium term

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and that's silencing genes this is done by proteins called sirtuins that have

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been identified there's seven of them in humans and the SI R stands for silent

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information regulators so these are things that can affect the bundling and

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the expression of genes long-term so when we

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can activate the sirtuins now we can have more long-term effect and the third

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and the most profound way is what they're doing research on now and this

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is what's called a DNA methylation clock or the horvath clock and if you look

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here then there's something called a methyl group which is basically just a

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carbon with three hydrogen's they're present in the body everywhere but they

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mean different things depending on where they happen and where they were they're

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used but when they stick to a DNA then that's like the DNA gets rusty it's like

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we get plaquing on the DNA but the thing to realize is that there are enzymes

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that put it there and there are enzymes that can remove it and when they realize

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that that was quite the revolutionary discovery because then that meant that

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not only can you slow down aging but you could actually reverse it and then what

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they also found is that all of the information all of the information that

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made your body do certain things when it was young that had a youthful behavior

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all that information is still there it's like a hard drive back up and it's

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really just more a question of how and when do we complete these processes when

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do we make this a reality as opposed to if so now as it relates to aging time

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doesn't just flow in one direction anymore it's actually possible to go

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backwards in time and get younger to reverse aging if we look closer at this

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third step the DNA methylation and we realize that we can remove these methyl

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groups then it really truly is like turning back time so the technique is

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there it has been done in certain portions of mouse tissue they can't do

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it in a whole mouse and they certainly can't do it in a human

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within our lifetime it's very possible that this will be a reality that we can

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reset that we go back ten years and then every 10 years we do another reset and

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we go back and do it again so that we can repeat this process many many times

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so in the body we have something called stem cells and those are at conception

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we only have stem cells they're the original cells they can become different

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kinds of cells and they gradually differentiate until they're fully

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differentiated and now they are the different final tissues so they are

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blood cells and gut lining and muscle and brain cells and so forth but this

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typically only flows in one direction from stem cells to final tissue but what

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they have discovered is guy called Yamanaka he got the Nobel Prize for this

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he found four genes and by combining them properly they can actually turn the

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differentiated tissue into stem cells they literally turned back time they

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take an old cell and make it young so that it can start all over and become

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different tissues again and now it doesn't have that age marker that the

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tissue originally had and when they do cloning then the new individual created

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the new organism has a normal lifespan so they take an old cell and that means

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that once they clone it once they turn it back into a stem cell we use that

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technology then it is truly like they have a hard drive back up all that

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youthful information is still there now that's almost like the movie The Curious

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Case of Benjamin Button where a guy was born as an old man and he lives his life

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in Reverse and he dies a young baby so that's obviously a made-up story but

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it's kind of interesting that we actually have the technology now and

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we have done this in mice tissues where they have regenerated old optic nerves

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and they've turned them young so like I said this may or may not happen in our

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lifetime the step number three where we turn back time so for now we want to

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focus on is what can I do now how can I slow or delay aging and have the best

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quality of life not just live longer but to have the health to enjoy it and

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something we talked about a lot on this channel is good stress versus bad stress

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eustress versus distress and that applies enormously to anti-aging

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research so short term intense stress is what humans are made for that's how we

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have functioned for as long as we've been around we've been challenged we've

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been threatened and whenever that happens the body thinks I gotta get

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better I gotta get better so this short term

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intense stress it activates survival genes it activates growth hormone and

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all that good stuff as well but these longevity genes are actually activated

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and this short term intense stress may be the most beneficial thing that you

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can do for your health and your hormone balance and your longevity the other

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type of stress unfortunately is what humans are mostly exposing themselves to

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which is a chronic low-grade stress this is not a challenge that benefits the

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body in any way it's a kind of long drawn-out wearing down that doesn't give

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the body a chance to recuperate so this is the stuff that kills you whereas this

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activates survival gene and it's the most beneficial this may be the most

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destructive thing that you can do so even though we call both of them stress

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there is an enormous difference between eustress and distress we talked a lot

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on this channel about lifestyle changes that you have more

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influence than you think and now these same changes come back in the longevity

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research so high-intensity interval training and intermittent fasting are

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very powerful ways to activate survival genes basically what they mean is you

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want to challenge your body you want to threaten its survival a little bit you

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want to push it so you want to breathe hard you want to get your heart rate up

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for a short period of time on a regular basis same thing with food eating three

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meals a day every day with snacks is one of the worst things you can do because

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there's never a reason for the body to protect itself and preserve anything and

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recycle anything called autophagy but when we do HIIT now if we activate these

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survival genes and one of the most important fuels to fuel these survival

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genes and the sirtuins involved is something called nad nicotinamide

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adenine dinucleotide and guess what one of the best ways to make nad is to do

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high-intensity interval training and intermittent fasting another way to fuel

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the sirtuins is with a supplement called resveratrol which occurs in red wine but

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which has been isolated and you can buy it as a supplement another compound that

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has only recently become available is called NMN it's nicotinamide mono

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nucleotide so it's very closely related to NAD it's a precursor it's one step

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away from being nad so by eating some of the NMN you're actually increasing the

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levels of NAD and why is that important because NAD is something that occurs

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naturally in the body but it declines with age so a 50 year old probably only

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has about half as much as a 20 year old and they believe that this is a critical

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component of the aging process that a very big factor in why we age is

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that we don't have the NAD that we used to have so you as an individual have a

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lot of influence in slowing or delaying the aging process when it comes to

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actually reversing age and turning the clock back then you're gonna have to

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wait for some help they're gonna have to solve some issues first in that process

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but here's how I think about it that for every year that you live they're gonna

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have they're going to be closer to a solution they're gonna have more

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advances every year and this research is accelerating so the longer you live the

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more likely that you're going to be able to live even longer and that you're

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gonna do it in perfect health if you enjoyed this video and you'd like to

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learn more about health and how the body really works I think you'd really

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enjoyed that video next thank you so much for watching I'll see you next time

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