Anti-Aging Pt 4 - Mitochondria - User Manual For Humans S1 E20 - Dr Ekberg

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good to see you guys again thanks for

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coming I'm excited about this is kind of

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a fun topic it's got a few corks to it

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and it relates very much to health again

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and aging this is a fourth installment

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and we'll talk about mitochondria

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they're usually described as the power

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plant of the body of the cell and they

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do a few other things as well that I'm

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not going to get into

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but the main thing they do is produce

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and I just want to bring up what we

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quote that's the same slide from from

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last time the two causes of degeneration

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and there's a quote from a book by a

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neurologist Dr Pearl Mater

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it says the same forces that age your

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body or aging your brain only they hit

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your brain earlier and harder

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these culprits are at the core of

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virtually all brain degeneration from

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mild memory issues to Alzheimer's

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and the two reasons are the

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proliferation of destructive chemicals

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called free radicals which we talked

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about last time and then two the decline

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in the ability of the brain to make

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and that's what we'll talk about today

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because these two things put together

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creates a low-grade inflammation which

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is the true mechanism for virtually all

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degenerative disease

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when we talk about the the brain and the

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nervous system we talk about telomeres

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the way that they get damaged is because

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of free radicals and because we don't

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have enough energy to to deal with it

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so we will talk about energy today

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and just a few terms

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people talk about metabolism and that's

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that's a common term uh we'll we'll

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introduce also anabolism which simply

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means to build up

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catabolism which means to break down and

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metabolism is just transform it's taking

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some basically taking food and turning

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it into energy and and body parts that's

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just a little side note here because

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we're talking a lot about stress and and

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anabolism building up can only happen

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from the parasympathetic

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that portion of redu rebuilding

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repairing building stuff really only

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works all the way when we're in the

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parasympathetic or relaxed mode

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and catabolism break down that's when

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we're stressed

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when we are stressed the body doesn't

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care about anything else than to survive

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that moment

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so it's not going to worry about healing

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anything it's not going to worry about

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fighting infections it's not going to

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worry about digesting food it just wants

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to get away from that grizzly bear so in

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those moments you're in a catabolic

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State you'll break down you'll sacrifice

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it's kind of like a steamship where

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they're trying to get a little more

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speed out of the engine and they're

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running out of fuel so they start

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breaking pieces off the boat and feeding

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it to the flames

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it doesn't make sense in the long run

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but it makes sense in an emergency

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so that's kind of what the body is doing

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and when we talk about the food that we

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eat they talk about we need so many

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calories and we need fresh air to

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breathe and we need oxygen and all that

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we don't really need those things per se

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we don't need oxygen we just need oxygen

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because it can produce energy for us we

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don't need calories we just need the end

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result of the calories and the oxygen so

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we don't use those things directly we

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use the end result of them and that end

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result and I just bring that point up

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because the end result is what we're

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going to talk about today when we talk

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about energy

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in the body there's only one kind of

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energy it's called ATP

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and we'll write that out for you it's

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it's in the note

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it's too long to write the whole thing

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it stands for adenosine triphosphate

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and this is in constant Exchange

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with ADP

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which is

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adenosine diphosphate

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so as you can see on slide number four

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there is

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in triphosphate that lasts that third

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phosphate it's like it's jammed onto the

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molecule with a high energy Bond

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and that high energy bond is where we

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get all of our energy it's the only

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energy that the body can use outright it

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fuels all of the the the

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reactions and mechanisms and your

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movement and your digestions and moving

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things it does everything

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and the energy that we get is when that

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high energy bond is released

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and ATP turns into ADP when that third

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phosphate is shut off is locked off we

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release energy

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and that

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doesn't sound like a big deal but that's

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all the energy that we ever get

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is from that reaction

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and that's the same for autobiology it's

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that that is the mechanism for getting

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stuff done what is this is a molecule

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yes okay yes so

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ATP is a molecule exactly and it doesn't

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look like the squares but my PowerPoint

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skills are limited

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that's when it comes to drawing

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and then the body recycles this all the

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time so we'll get to that

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so what is this energy used for

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there's three categories membrane

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transport motility or muscle contraction

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and biosynthesis none of these happen by

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themselves so signaling

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is what the brain does and it's

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basically a signal happens when ions

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Rush across a membrane and then we need

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ATP to pump them back Upstream so that

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they can do it again and we keep pumping

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keep pumping that alone accounts for 20

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percent of all the energy that you use

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twenty percent of all the calories and

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all the oxygen that you ever in take in

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goes to that alone just pumping those

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ions back across the membrane to make

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signaling possible

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and then we need it for absorption for

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digestion and digestion is involved with

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all three of these because digestion

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uses membrane transport to bring

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foodstuffs across the membrane in the

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uh it uses muscle contraction to move

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the stuff along and for digestion the

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and digestion uses biosynthesis to put

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the stuff back together

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into forms that that are usable for the

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and digestion uses as much as 35 percent

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of all of your energy so so far we've

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used 55 of your energy and you haven't

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done anything yet

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that's kind of funny

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we think that we oh I'm so tired I used

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up all my energy well the energy that we

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use for moving around isn't even half of

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the energy needed in the body to just

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keep things behind the scenes going

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and muscle contraction that's any kind

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of movement big or small so that's the

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big voluntary movements it's exercise

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but it's also again digestion and things

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like vasoconstriction which means

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regulating blood flow and and blood

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your immune system

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has whenever you get an infection your

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immune system has to manufacture

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white blood cells and immune cells of

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the specific kind that you need to fight

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off that infection so when you're sick

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you usually get extremely tired and it's

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because now all that energy goes into

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making those immune cells and that's a

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very very expensive process you're

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making a whole lot of them

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DNA RNA proteins growth repair healings

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all of those molecules that you use for

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for processes in the body and for the

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tissue itself they have to be

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manufactured that doesn't happen by

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itself either and then of course you

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have to make molecules like

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neurotransmitters and hormones and

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digestive enzymes and digestive enzymes

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are also very expensive that's a very

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very energy intense process and that's

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also why we get tired after after a big

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so how much ATP do we need these things

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are really really small

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they're they're molecules

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so you use 25 million units of ATP per

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cell per second

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that's a pretty enormous number

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every cell every second so that makes

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about 2.2 trillion units of ATP per cell

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every day

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and then you have about a hundred

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trillion cells

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so that makes about

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10 to the 28th molecules worth

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but another interesting fact is that at

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any given moment you only have about

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three to four seconds worth of ATP

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so if you do an all-out Sprint

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then you're going to run out of ATP in

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about three to four seconds and whatever

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you rely on after that is lactic acid

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plus ATP that your body makes from that

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point on

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so this supply of ATP is that

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short-lived that whatever you're using

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this minute you didn't have last minute

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every 24 hours this this ATP ADP is

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recycled anywhere from a thousand to

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fifteen hundred times probably more if

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you if you exercise

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so when you add all this up you recycle

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some 10 to the 28th to the power 28th

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molecules of ATP and the sun if you were

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to it's not like that it leaves or

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comes into the body but the total weight

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of that is about 200 400 pounds 200

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kilos worth of ATP every day

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and who does all this

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this is where it gets kind of funny

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it's the mitochondrion

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mitochondrion is singular mitochondria

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is plural

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and every cell in your body has anywhere

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from just a few to several thousand

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mitochondria per cell

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so the tissues that need more energy

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they're going to obviously have more

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mitochondria and those are primarily the

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brain the heart and the liver

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because the heart keeps pumping blood

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all day long it never rests your brain

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is is always always processing and your

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liver is always trying to clean out and

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and process all the foods that you eat

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here's where it gets interesting I think

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this is really funny it's one of these

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quirks of nature

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see if you think it's equally funny I'm

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easily amused I guess

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that mitochondria they're in our cells

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but they're not really part of our

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they they have for for a long long time

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they they have become part of our

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biology but

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they have their own DNA

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so when you get your DNA from your mom

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and your dad that does not include DNA

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for mitochondria

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you get 23 chromosomes from your mom and

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23 from your dad and that makes 46 total

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or 23 pairs but mitochondria is not in

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so the mitochondria is a little

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inclusion in the mother's egg

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because every cell of your body has them

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then but they don't participate in in

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the conception part of combining DNA

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so therefore you get all of your

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mitochondria from your mother

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and the interesting part is because of

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this you can use this to trace lineage

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because there's only a every time that

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that the cell combines

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from from the mother or father you have

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a new completely unique human that never

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existed before

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but with mitochondria that doesn't

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there is no renewal of that DNA it's the

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exact same except for occasional

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mutations and that's only happened a few

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times in the history of mankind

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so there's only a handful it's like we

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all belong to a mitochondrial Clan or

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and if you trace this back we can

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actually Trace every single human back

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to one person

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which they call mitochondrial eve

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who lived in Africa somewhere around 190

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000 to 200 000 years ago and she is the

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ancestor of all humans on Earth today

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they thank you thank you

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so we don't all have the same father and

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she was not the only female living at

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the time but she was the only female

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that have Offspring living today

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and the only mitochondrial variations

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since then have been from mutations so

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that's how they can trace people back

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and and sort of see where where people

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come from and belong

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so this mitochondria

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it has its own circular DNA we have we

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have cattle cross forms form dnas

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23 of them the mitochondrial DNA is a

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circular single chromosome

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somewhere along probably hundreds of

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millions of years ago there was a

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that migrated into a cell and somehow

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helped that cell make energy so that the

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two liked each other and stuck together

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from that point on

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and that's where where mitochondria live

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and they make 95 of our energy so Life

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as we know it could not exist if that

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inclusion hadn't happened

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so this becomes interesting also from a

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health standpoint and aging standpoint

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because it turns out this mitochondrial

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DNA is not quite as sophisticated as as

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our nuclear DNA

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so humans live a really long time

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because we have efficient repair

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mechanisms for our DNA when something

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goes wrong we can repair it and with and

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because of that there's relatively few

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flaws along the way and we age slowly

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because of that

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but in a manner of speaking our DNA our

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mitochondria age faster than we do so

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it's a function of of our aging and it's

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a function of accelerated aging

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it is much more susceptible to damage

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first of all it only has rudimentary

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capability of repair compared to our

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nuclear DNA

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but then the other factor is if you

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remember we said that last time every

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time that you make energy

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with oxygen you also make a free radical

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remember that it is an inevitables

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byproduct of energy production

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so inside the mitochondria is where all

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the energy is made so the concentration

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of free radicals in and around the

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mitochondria is way way higher than

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anywhere else

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so not only are they poor at repairing

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but they're exposed to a much much

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higher level of free radicals than other

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so because of this the mutation rate for

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mitochondrial DNA is about 15 times

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higher than nuclear DNA

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and then on top of that it repairs worse

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when these mitochondria get old and

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don't function as well it's kind of like

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a rusty engine

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the ATP output goes down the energy

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production goes down

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but the

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free radical output goes up so it's less

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efficient so we get less out of it we

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get less energy and more smoke if you

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and Ros is reactive oxygen species

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that's the other word for free radical

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these two factors are associated with

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accelerated aging and cancer

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so we want to take care of our

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mitochondria and provide them resources

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so that they can sustain their energy

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production better we have talked about

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these some of these before but I'll

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review them

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CoQ10 is an enzyme it's used within the

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membrane folds of the mitochondria to

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make energy it's just part of that chain

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that that creates it there are two forms

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of CoQ10 one is called ubiquinone which

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is inactive one is called ubiquinol

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which is the activated

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so after age 35 we lose two things we

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lose the ability to make CoQ10

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it starts actually declining from age 20

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but after age 35 we also lose the

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ability to convert the inactive to the

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active so when we supplement it we

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really want to make sure we get the

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active form because that can be absorbed

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and utilized as much as eight to ten

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times better than the other form

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another one we haven't talked about but

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I think you guys are all using it is

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acetyl L-Carnitine

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this is something that occurs naturally

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in the membranes of mitochondria and it

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helps transport fatty fatty acids across

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the membrane for burning so we have two

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energy two primary energy sources it's

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carbohydrates and fats but they have to

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get across the membranes in order to be

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and as the mitochondria gets damaged and

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older then we can help them by providing

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acetyl-l-carnitine so that they can get

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the the

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fuel into the cell better into the

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and the acetyl group

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that they add to the to the supplement

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it helps the molecule cross the

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blood-brain barrier and this is really

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important because a lot of the

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mitochondria were trying to help are in

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the brain so we want to get this

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substance across quickly and intact

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so because of this

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acetylcholine may have unique

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neuromodulary and neurotrophic

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properties meaning neurotrophic is the

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ability to grow new nerve cells new new

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brain cells

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and acetyl carnitine may also help with

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memory function mitochondrial structure

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and function inhibits age-related

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oxidative damage and restore some key

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enzymes as well

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so it is most people who study aging put

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it very close to the top of the list

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and so do we

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so the cartoon our bodies replace

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millions of skin cells every day so how

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come the new ones don't look any younger

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than the old ones

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and you guys are getting so

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knowledgeable that you're it's not it's

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just barely a joke anymore

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you're gonna start start explaining that

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pretty soon

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so in summary

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the mitochondria or

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bacteria-like inclusions inside cells

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that don't really belong to us they've

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been there for a long long long time but

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they're not part of our DNA they make

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about 95 energy

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and their DNA is less protected

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and much more sensitive than our nuclear

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whenever we make energy we create free

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radicals and therefore these

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mitochondria as they get damaged they

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produce less energy and more free

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radicals the engine starts smoking

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this decline is associated with diseases

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accelerated aging and and cancer

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so what can we do we want to protect

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ourselves and our mitochondria by number

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one reducing stress that's what the sum

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total of all these talks that we're

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doing is about eat better move better

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feel better and then we can take some

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as follows

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and one we want to add back what's

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running low that's the CoQ10 or the

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we want to improve membrane transport

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and that's acetyl L-Carnitine and we

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want to help defend those mitochondria

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against the free radical against

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oxidative damage and the two top things

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to take in addition to all other

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antioxidants is an acetylcysteine NAC

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which is a glutathione precursor and

Time: 1441.76

undenatured way to also help boost

Time: 1445.46

glutathione production

Time: 1447.5

so that's the reason except for being

Time: 1449.84

good food that's the reason you're

Time: 1451.4

taking those the whey protein is for

Time: 1454.94

glutathione and of course glutathione

Time: 1458.24

helps protect every cell in the body but

Time: 1460.88

along that the way they they predict the

Time: 1464.02

mitochondria as well

Time: 1467

so that is all we have thank you very

Time: 1469.46

much for coming and now you know all

Time: 1471.74

about mitochondria

Time: 1475.94

isn't it though

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