Anti-Aging Pt 3 - Free Radicals - User Manual For Humans S1 E19 - Dr Ekberg

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all right thank you for coming good to see you all here this is in our series

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of anti-aging and we have come to the third part about anti-aging and we will

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talk about free radicals and antioxidants today so there's a quote

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from a book by Dr. Perlmutter he's a neurologist something he says the

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same forces that age your body are aging your brain only they hit your brain

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earlier and harder and then number two the

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these culprits are at the core of virtually all brain degeneration from

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mild memory issues to Alzheimer's so virtually all long-term all chronic

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diseases - related to some form of degeneration and some form of

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inflammation and these low-grade things and these are due to two things the

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proliferation of destructive chemicals called free radicals so that's what

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we'll talk about today what what they are and what do we do about them and the

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second is the decline in the ability of the brain to make energy we've talked

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about that a little bit before we take a lot of stuff for granted in the body but

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everything takes energy there's not a molecule that passes across a membrane

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without without being shoveled it takes energy to do all those things

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something like digestion we take it for granted it takes as much as a third of

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all the energy that you make goes to digesting the food in your body and when

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you have it when you get an infection when you get sick your body shuts down

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because it needs all that energy to make little cells so that you can fight off

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the disease to make white blood cells so all these cellular processes require

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a lot of energy and when the body's ability to make and

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she goes down than our ability to maintain balance and fend things off

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also goes down and today we'll talk about the the first of those two though

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we'll talk about free radicals so what is a free radical we're not talking

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politically here we're talking biochemistry they're also called

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reactive oxygen species so you'll see these two terms interchangeably and what

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it is it is something that has been oxidized when you burn a log on the fire

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you're oxidizing that log and it's happening at a very high temperature but

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in the body it's the exact same thing is happening you're you're taking carbon

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which is what what wood is made from and we take carbohydrates and fats and

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proteins that have carbon in them and we oxidize them and that's because we can't

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maintain that those temperatures of a fire inside our body we have enzymes

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instead to make those reactions happen but anytime that you exciting you will

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have a free radical because that's what oxygen does so it's sort of a necessary

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evil it always has to happen and there's always a detrimental by-product but the

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key is to maintain the balance so with normal metabolism there is sort of a

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normal amount of free radicals what we're mostly concerned with is the

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excess amount of free radicals that are created by

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a detrimental lifestyle and my toxins and by stress so free radicals are

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inevitable we just want to try to control the excess and we want to see

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what we can do about balance II have the whole thing uh antioxidants why is there

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so much talk about them because they neutralize free radicals and we will

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talk specifically about something called glutathione which is the king of all

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free radicals is it does the majority of all the antioxidant work in the body so

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what is a free radical so here's a molecule here's an atom here's a nucleus

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and then we have one electron shell and another electron shell and in the outer

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electron shell depending on the the size of it but typical electrons such as

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oxygen and most carbon they want to maintain eight electrons in the outer

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shell but when oxygen comes along and you burn something when you extract

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energy from it you are pulling off one of these electrons and now this molecule

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is a free radical because it is very reactive it's like it's like the

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Tasmanian devil it's this this twirling jagged thing

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that just sort of embraces everything in its way because it's so reactive it will

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do whatever it can to react with something else and pull another electron

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off of something else to fill that shell again the problem is whatever it does

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that it's going to pull an electron from something else and that thing

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a free-radical so that's the problem with free radicals is that they cost

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chain reactions whenever something is a free radical he'll try to get that

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electron back and in doing so it creates another the key to antioxidants is that

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they can donate an electron without becoming a free radical there's

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something about their configuration that they can do that and not become so

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unstable and the best one of them all is called glutathione and it's not just a

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molecule it's the hue it's not just an animator it's a large molecule each day

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try it peptide meaning you consists of three amino acids and what we'll get to

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that also and I think that was all yes so what are some antioxidants the most

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common ones are things that we get from the food and the acronym the people want

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you to memorize is called aces it is vitamin A C & E like that aces so that's

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vitamin A C E and selenium those are the primary antioxidants that we get from

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food and they're all very important but they may not be enough and vitamin A we

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get from things like carrots carotenoids they're yellow and orange and leafy

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greens also contain those vitamin C comes from citrus green peppers leafy

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greens fruits and berries vitamin E from nuts and seeds whole grains and leafy

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greens you notice no leafy greens keeps showing up

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maybe that's a good thing and selenium comes from fish red meat grains eggs

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chicken and garlic then there's a bunch of these new ones that they have started

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talking about a lot flavonoids poly phenols lycopene lutein lignans so don't

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memorize it just kind of read up on it you don't really have to worry so much

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you just have to eat good food that means whole food the more that we

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processed food the more that we change it the more we destroy the antioxidants

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because they're part of lot of foods so the most important antioxidant of all is

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called glutathione and what is that besides being the king of antioxidants

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it's the body's number-one intracellular defense so inside your body you have all

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these different cells and they have nuclei with DNA in them but then you

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have interstitial fluid between the cells and this is where waste products

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and things drain into the lymph and then you have blood vessels that carry the

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blood cells but there's an intracellular environment and an extracellular

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environment and DNA and most were all actually on the metabolic processes

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occur inside cells so there's not much action all what we're talking about

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about health is really happening inside the cells the other stuff is just a

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transport system so glutathione is produced inside the cells so we'll make

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a little triangle to call that glutathione axis it's a tripeptide this

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one is we we can eat this one but it is too large to pass across the cell

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right it will not we can't eat it and get it absorb it has to be manufactured

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inside the cell and it is the number one thing that your body uses for all sorts

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of defense and all sorts of detox there are books written about glutathione

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because it is so important so if we can't eat it then how do we get it well

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we need to make it inside the cells and we need to have the raw materials to

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make it and the raw materials are called cysteine glutamine and glycine there was

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no there in your notes there are three amino acids and if you eat these three

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amino acids that will be broken down then there will be absorbed and now

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they're small enough to get into the cells and now your body can use those

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amino acids to rebuild the glutathione there's only really one that you have to

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be concerned with and that's cysteine cysteine is basically always the one

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that's in short supply so if you just make sure that you have enough cysteine

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then you always have enough building materials to make the glutathione that

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you need it does occur I mean it is in food all

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all amino acids or most amino acids are in most foods it's just a matter of how

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do you get enough and in the case of cysteine I would suggest getting a

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supplement because it's very inexpensive and it's very powerful if you want to

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try to get it from foods then the main group to get it is from sulfur rich

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vegetables and we'll we'll get to that also

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so what does glutathione do it protects the cells and the DNA it protects the

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mitochondria the energy factory it protects the liver the that your

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detoxification plant your your chemical factory it protects the brain that

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regulates everything it protects them from free oxidative damage meaning free

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radicals but it also helps in in elimination of free of heavy metals such

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as mercury and lead so one of the first things you want to do for for heavy

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metal elimination is is glutathione and the precursors and your immune system

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also benefits from glutathione first because it is made inside of all the

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immune cells so if you have an infection and you need to make lots of immune

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cells you need lots of glutathione to be inside of those too to protect them but

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more than that natural killer T cells those are cells that go around and

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protect against cancer cells and foreign invaders of all sorts and they are

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activated only by glutathione so people with HIV and AIDS are typically

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extremely low in glutathione and by bringing that up you can actually help

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there in your system as well so we have genes inside the DNA inside the cell

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there are genes that code for the manufacture of luta Thyle just like we

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have it's just one of the hundred thousand proteins that that we can make

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the genes code for all of that and typically in especially in cases of

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are important like glutathione we have several genes that code for that and

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they're not identical in all human beings just like some people have blue

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eyes and brown eyes and we have one or more genes that code for different

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things the genes that we have the code for glutathione are different also and

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people who have a full set like to have a complete set of all the genes they

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have a fantastic defense against all sorts of things they're generally

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extremely healthy and most of us though don't have that complete set we don't

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have all of them we have some of them and there's one that's fairly crucial

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that as many as 50% of the population are missing and the interesting thing is

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that if that from from self selection during evolution as as our DNA adapts to

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the environment we tend to favor the traits that that help survival but

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apparently if so many of us have that gene missing then that must not have

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been a big deal throughout the thousands of years because otherwise we would have

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died off and and only the people with a strong gene would have survived so the

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difference is we are our environment is so much more toxic today than it was

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during the last forty thousand years if the environment is clean and we don't

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have so much stress and not so much toxins then you can get by on not making

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so much and it's not even a disadvantage but the more toxic the environment get

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and the more stressed we get the more crucial it becomes to have that full set

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and if we don't then we need to do something extra to to supplement

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and reduce stress so the last 20 to 50 years they have added 80,000 chemicals

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to our environment we eat dead food we have heavy metals and all the fish and

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now those partial genes can't quite keep up so again I I hate every time this

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sounds like a doomsday lecture but we just have to realize that with what

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we've done where we are is not ideal and we just have to do the best with it we

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have to do something about it so glutathione your most important

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molecule for health it is depleted by poor diets processed foods preservatives

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etc pollutions toxins medications stress trauma aging infections and nutritional

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deficiencies and that's that's all in your notes and conditions associated

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with lack of luta theone is virtually everything under the sun chronic fatigue

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heart disease cancer chronic infections autoimmune diseases diabetes autism

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Alzheimer's Parkinson's arthritis asthma kidney problems liver disease etc

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glutathione is so powerful that in the emergency room if you come in with liver

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failure from overdosing on Tylenol which by the way is fairly common it doesn't

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take much there's tens of thousands of cases every year it's so common that

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it's it's there's a protocol for it in the emergency room the first thing they

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give you is is cysteine so you can make more glutathione that's how powerful it

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is and the name for what you get is NAC stands for and

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acetylcysteine and that's the supplement form that that you can buy also it's

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very inexpensive and very powerful they they give it to people before they do

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kidney or contrast x-ray imaging when they know they're going to expose people

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to a lot of radiation they give them some in acetylcysteine ahead of time to

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help protect the tissues so it's it's a common and it's a powerful thing so

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eight ways to boost your glutathione one is sulfur rich foods and there's been a

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lot of talk there's people saying that they have cured ms and they cured

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autoimmune diseases and cancer and different things from from eating sulfur

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rich foods sulfur rich vegetables and the main reason is that the sulfur

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they're talking about is a sulfur molecule in the cysteine when you have

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more cysteine you can make more glutathione and you balance your body

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out and help protect it and those are things like garlic onions and

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cruciferous vegetables broccoli kale collards cabbage it's all the cabbages

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and all the green stuff basically or most of the greens second thing is to

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take bioactive whey protein whey protein has been found to have virtually none of

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if it's done right to have none of the bad properties of dairy most people in

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the holistic field who who study health they are not very they're not very

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favorable of milk and dairy products but the exception is whey protein

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cuz when you process it right it is very very low in in allergens very few people

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are allergic to it and it has tremendous benefits it helps the body make

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glutathione it participates a great protein it's a great food and it's a

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little bit on the pricey side when you get it the right stuff but think of it

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as food because it's really like a meal replacement so if you spend a couple of

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bucks on it it's what you don't spend on food and it has to be on denatured that

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means you want to take an organic grass-fed holistically raised cow take

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the pear milk and you process out the way without using heat or chemicals

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because now you maintain all the properties and that way is called um

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denature and bioactive virtually all the way protein sold on the market is whey

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protein isolate and they tell you oh this is great because we've isolated all

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the good stuff no it's not because they use acid and chemicals and

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heat to process it and they denature it and it's not what it's supposed to be

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anymore it's more of a burden to your body than

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a benefit exercise will increase raise glutathione in will help your immune

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system and it will help detoxification for n-acetylcysteine we said that

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already used to the emergency room to treat liver failure and also for lung

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and kidney damage during x-ray studies so even they know about it

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five alpha lipoic acid this is a second antioxidants but second only to gluten

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in importance that's something that you can eat that that your body does utilize

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and it helps with various antioxidative functions but it also helps replenish

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glutathione because you're always sort of recycling glutathione in your body

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meth sex methylation nutrients so methyl a methyl group is a little appendix

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thing on a molecule that the liver uses to make things less toxic so if you have

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something that's really really toxic then the liver takes methyl groups and

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slaps them on this really toxic thing and now it's not so toxic anymore and it

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becomes typically water-soluble and you can flush it out with with a pile of the

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natural way so methylation is very very important and there's two in particular

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b6 and b12 so whenever you take b6 and b12 those vitamins are important by

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themselves but if you take them when they're made to have a methyl group on

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them now they're just many times more beneficial because now they do so much

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more so as you're taking those vitamins you

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might as well take the best form which is the methyl form so b12 comes as

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methyl cobalamin which is the one you want the cheap one is cyano cobalamin

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that they throw in 99% of all multivitamins yeah so cyan

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coal pile up and can you read that and

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methyl cobalamin and there's nothing wrong with this one it's just cheaper

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and this one is just so much better because it won't in addition to giving

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you b12 it helps you in detoxification

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and then you had the ACS that we talked about vitamin A C E and selenium they

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help the body recycle and produce more glutathione and then there is an herb

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called milks milk thistle or silymarin I guess that sounds pronounced and for

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thousands of years that's been used to help in liver disease and to help boost

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glutathione levels and on the sheet that we have printed out for supplements that

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you want to take all of these things are already in there and the multis super

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multi that we recommend from life-extension has all of these and more

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it has all of the lignans and lycopene and all of those antioxidants that

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they've found that's that's really a lot of what you're paying for in that

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supplements that long long list most of those are antioxidants of

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different kinds that they have found to be beneficial so

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that concludes it for tonight for it for this afternoon do we have any questions

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