Anemia Explained Simply

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Anemia can be a big problem and it's more common than most people realize so today

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we're gonna talk about the basics and explain them so you know what to look for

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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Everyone's heard of anemia, but it's not so clear. I remember even back in school

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it took me a while before I really understood the wide implications it can

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have and here's why because anemia has to do with blood and blood has to do

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with oxygen delivery and why do we have oxygen delivery well we breathe so that

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we can make energy and supply oxygen for all the cells in the body and if you

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have anemia that means you're breathing you're taking in the oxygen but you

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don't have a proper delivery system your delivery system is broken or weak we're

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exhausted so anemia is enormously important if you have anemia if your

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oxygen delivery capacity goes down by 30% then every cell in your body gets

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30% less fuel than it should so you can see how far-reaching that could be so

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the signs and symptoms are things like fatigue pallor which means you pale skin

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you look pale or whitish decreased concentration because you don't have the

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energy to think properly weakness because you don't have the energy for

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muscle contraction dizziness because you don't have the energy for the brain to

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proper signals properly so and the list could be endless pretty much because it

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can affect everything. How do we measure this? we're just going to talk about the

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very very basics so when you get the test you know what to look for and if

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your test doesn't include these then you know to ask for them red blood cells

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this is simply a count of how many red blood cells you have per milliliter of

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blood and the number of bloods red blood cells

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your body is enormous as a matter of fact 70% of all the cells in your body

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are red blood cells somewhere between 20 to 30 trillion cells out of about 40

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trillion all red blood cells and if you look at it from the top it looks like a

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circle but if you look at it from the side it's what's called a biconcave disk

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it's thinner in the middle so it folds easy because these things are because

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when these things get out into the very finest of blood vessels called

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capillaries then sometimes it's so tight to get through that they have to fold

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themselves in order to make it through so the shape is enormous ly important

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and we're going to talk about later how if that shape is abnormal then they

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don't function and they get eliminated the MCV stands the V stands for volume

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that's all you need to know it's the size of the cell because a large cell

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can hold more hemoglobin it can have a larger oxygen carrying capacity than a

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smaller cell and oftentimes if your body can't make the right size if they're too

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small then it compensates by making more of them a larger numbers you have to

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compare these things a little bit hematocrit is the number multiplied by

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the volume so the hematocrit is the total percentage of your blood volume

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that is red blood cells if we packed them all together then there should be

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about 40 to 45 percent of the blood should be cells by volume and hemoglobin

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is the oxygen carrying compound it's a protein that is part our and it has a

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component of iron that can bind to oxygen and carry it out into the tissues

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so obviously if you have more hemoglobin you have more oxygen carrying capacity

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if you don't have enough hemoglobin you can't carry that oxygen properly so your

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oxygen carrying capacity what determines if you have anemia or not depends on the

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total number their size and how much hemoglobin they

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have in them so any one of these that is decreased could mean that you have

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anemia so if we look at some of these numbers then for a male men have a

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little bit more of all these than than women so the normal range for men should

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be four point one to five point six and if you notice that's a pretty large

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range it's like almost a 30% difference from the upper to the lower number so we

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really want to understand that there's a sweet spot here and typically you want

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as a man you want to be somewhere around four point seven give or take a couple

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of tenths but by the time you're down to four point one you're already borderline

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anemic same thing for women this range is three point eight to five point one a

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little bit less but the sweet spot is about four point three the size is

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important also and here normally we have a huge range from eighty to ninety eight

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but in functional medicine where they look at optimum value then they have

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narrowed it down pretty pretty precisely that the ideal size is pretty close to

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ninety give or take a couple of points so by the time it's down to eighty five

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it's already too small indicating that the body doesn't have enough iron to

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build these things properly hematocrit again is the total volume of cells and

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the range is 36 to 50 in men the sweet spot somewhere around 45 give or take a

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couple for women a sweet spot is 40 give or take a couple hemoglobin for men it's

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12 points 5 to 17 again that's a pretty large range we want to be close to the

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middle of that range and the sweet spot for men is about 14 and a half and for

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women is 14 so there's a lot of women out there who are in the eleven point

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eight or 12 something range that have already lost about 20% of their

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hemoglobin so they're borderline anemic and yet on the

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blood tests they're in the range so nobody really gives them any information

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on that nobody raises any flags on that when people think anemia the classic

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standard solution is iron and it's not quite that simple because even though an

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iron deficiency anemia means that all of these will be decreased that in the

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absence of iron the body can't keep up with any of these four values there are

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other values that we need to look at when we look at iron in the blood work

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then the first value we get and the only value we get in most blood work is the

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serum iron that's how much free iron is floating around in the bloodstream ready

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for the body to use for manufacture of red blood cells but it's a pretty poor

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indicator of total iron stores because 60% of all the iron is bound up in the

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red blood cells that's where the iron is doing its work about 4% is sitting in

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muscles and the rest serum and ferritin is available for the body to make new

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red blood cells to utilize as raw material but only 1% of that is in the

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serum and 30% is in the ferritin so if you really want to look for if you need

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iron you don't want to look just at the serum you want to look at the ferritin

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and then we want to understand that even though iron is important there are many

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other factors that are maybe even more common in today's society because very

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few people are deficient in iron actually they might be losing iron for

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various different reasons or not being able to utilize it but a lot of people

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get enough iron and more importantly too much iron is extremely toxic and we're

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seeing more and more people today with iron toxicities so let's look at some of

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the other factors now if if it's not just iron then what else do

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we have to look at well just look at the steps that have to work in order for the

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body to produce red blood cells and to utilize iron so the first is bone marrow

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the bone marrow is the origin for the blood cells so the bone marrow has to be

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healthy and there are a small number of genetic defects that where the bone

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marrow doesn't produce enough or the right kind of blood cells number two is

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the kidney very often in kidney disease when the kidney stops functioning

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properly it also stops producing the hormones that the body needs to make red

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blood cells so there's a hormone called EPO or erythropoietin which is the only

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place that the body makes this hormone that tells the rest of the body how much

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red blood cells to make so when we don't have enough arethe repeat and sometimes

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because of a poor kidney function now the body isn't making enough because

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it's not getting the message to make enough red blood cells third a diet

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obviously if we want to make red blood cells we need certain components and the

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first one we talked about iron but the next three are b12 b6 and folic acid and

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these most often are deficient in vegetarian and vegan diets so if you're

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a vegetarian or vegan make sure that you supplement with enough of these vitamins

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so that you don't become anemic then once we eat the right stuff we also need

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to be able to absorb it and here is where there's an epidemic of digestive

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problems and absorption problems in our society stress interferes with the

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production of hydrochloric acid and enough quantity of hydrochloric acid is

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maybe the most common factor for absorption of iron and b12 then there's

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something called intrinsic factor if we don't have intrinsic factor if

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it's not being produced enough or if we have an autoimmune disease if we have an

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antibody blocking the intrinsic factor we also can't use the b12 and if we have

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damaged villi meaning the intestinal membrane in your small intestine

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primarily this is where we absorb most of the nutrients if we have a poor

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environment if we have dysbiosis or something more severe where the villi

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are being destroyed such as in in Crohn's or celiac disease then the villi

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can't produce the proper enzymes and they can't perform the proper absorption

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and again we become deficient in these things even if they're in the diet and

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then we have to ask so all of this the first four is about making red blood

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cells but what if we're losing them faster than we can make them and so we

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have to ask if there is a bleeding problem and of course this is why women

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are much more commonly anemic because they bleed once a month through their

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menstrual period some people lose a little bit some people lose a lot and if

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they're already marginal in their production that loss every month can be

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very significant also people with ulcers can lose significant amounts of blood

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continuously and one factor in blood loss can also be aspirin because aspirin

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makes all of the digestive tract more leaky and permeable so you lose an

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amount of blood through your digestive tract it's like a small bleed every time

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that you take an aspirin there is something called hemolytic process that

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means breaking down of red blood cells so if in order for them to do their job

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they have to be made properly they have to be healthy they have to have all the

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components and the nutrients in them in order to live for three to four months

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and do their job anything that keeps them from getting healthy

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means they're not going to live out their full three to four months and

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they're gonna be breaking or being destroyed too soon so drugs can coat the

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red blood cells and make them look like they're defective and then the spleens

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job is to filter out so the spleen is like an oil filter it takes out the crud

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and the the defective red blood cells and the cell debris from the bloodstream

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and if something doesn't look like it's supposed to it's the spleens job to get

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rid of it so drugs can make the red blood cells look abnormal toxins can do

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it toxins can also break the red blood cells or keep them from forming properly

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and then there's the genetic component where there are people with sickle cell

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anemia or spherocytosis meaning the red blood cell doesn't have this perfect

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round or by concave shape and now the spleen recognizes it as abnormal and it

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gets filtered out and destroyed all of these things have to work in order for

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us to make blood properly to make red blood cells the way they're supposed to

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be and iron like we said can be a common problem but there's way more to this

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than simply starting to throw in some iron in the body if you're eating a

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normal average diet with a fair amount of meat and you are anemic then there's

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more likely that there's something else here that's not working that we have to

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address first and then we have to find you the right form of iron that is

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highly absorbable and that your body can utilize in the proper way just like

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everything else that we talked about on this channel and in our office we never

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look at one little thing by itself we always look at the big picture we have

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to ask what is the root cause why is this happening and then we handle that

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root cause and then once we got that under way then we do everything else

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that we know to get healthy because every one of these steps that

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don't work means that there's some lack of health and the best thing that we can

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do to make sure that this works in the long run is to do everything we can to

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take care of ourselves so in our office we talk about the chemical structural

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and emotional stress that we need to address the whole person holistically

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and we have to do it in a way that we support it in the long run not the quick

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fixes not the little pinpoint actions to treatments we look at the big

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picture we handle the cause and then we work on a long-term lifestyle so hope

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you enjoyed this information let me know if there's any more questions that you

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have or if you have any experience with any of what I've been talking about

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please share this information because the more people that know about this the

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more we can build a healthy population and we can have all bunch of healthy

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people and happy people around us as always thanks so much for watching

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