Aerobic Exercise vs Anaerobic Exercise

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aerobic exercise versus anaerobic exercise

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I'll explain hey I'm dr. Ekberg with wellness for life and if you'd like to

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get as healthy as possible by understanding how health works then

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people go to the gym to do aerobics thinking that they're doing aerobics

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when in fact they're doing anaerobic what do these words mean and

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how does that impact us aerobic means with air and anaerobic means without air

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so when you exercise at a low intensity then you can breathe enough air to

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provide the oxygen to support your metabolism once you start exercising

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more intensely then you can't breathe in enough air to keep up so you're

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exercising sort of without air or anaerobic and what that means is aerobic

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as long as you can keep up your body uses primarily fat for fuel it burns fat

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and it can keep up but once you start breathing harder once you start

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exercising harder then you're trying to suck more air in because you can't keep

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up and now the body switches from fat-burning to primarily sugar burning

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and now as you're breaking down sugar you can get a little bit of fast energy

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but at the cost of lactic acid so as long as you're burning fat you can keep

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up you can keep doing it for a long long time when you start using lactic acid

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now your muscles start burning and you can only keep it up for so long so the

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fat burning you can keep up very long the sugar burning you can't keep up very

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long so that's the main difference between aerobic and anaerobic so another

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way to approach this is in terms of stress and cholesterol so aerobic

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exercise burning fat is a low stress exercise and anaerobic burning sugar is

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a high stress exercise and in terms of cortisol the purpose of cortisol is to

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provide more blood sugar so when you're falling behind on oxygen so you can't

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rely on fat now your body has to rely more on sugar so it releases cortisol

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the stress hormone so that you can raise your blood sugar and produce more blood

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sugar for that emergency fuel to break down sugar and produce lactic acid so

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from that perspective aerobic is a low stress and anaerobic is a high stress so

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how can you tell if you're doing aerobic or anaerobic exercise the simplest way

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is to notice how you're breathing if you're breathing relaxed if you can

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breathe primarily through your nose if you can exercise and maintain a

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conversation you are doing aerobic exercise you can breathe normally and

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that breathing provides enough oxygen to keep up with your metabolism once you

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start panting once you start huffing and puffing once you can't speak a complete

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sentence when you're just kind of stuttering simple single words then

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you're sucking in you're trying to suck more air in and that's because you're

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falling behind so that's a sure sign that you're moving into anaerobic you're

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moving into higher stress and you're switching more into burning sugar for

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fuel another simple way is to get a heart rate monitor and if you keep your

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heart rate below 120 beats per minute in most cases you will be burning aerobic

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and if you can get up into the 130 140 range

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now you're probably anaerobic and if you go to the gym to do aerobics then most

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of those people their heart rates can in the 140 to

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160 range so they're doing an aerobic exercise and why does this matter

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because you want to do aerobic exercise for a long duration because it's low

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stress you can sustain it for a long time without stress in your body or your

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nervous system or your adrenal glands or without creating sugar cravings aerobic

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you could do for thirty to ninety minutes or even longer if you like those

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are things like walking or rollerblading or a leisurely bike ride something you

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can do for a long time an aerobic exercise is not a bad thing but don't do

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it for a long time anaerobic is for fitness it's for

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creating some good stress on the body short-term so those you want to do as

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intense as possible so look for future videos on high-intensity interval

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training and you want to do them less than 10 minutes as little as five

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minutes and you do them only in twenty thirty second intervals so realize when

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you go into the gym and you're doing aerobics for 30 40 minutes and your

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heart rate is in the anaaerobic range you're actually creating a lot of

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stress on your body so that may not be the healthiest thing to do if you want

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to get fit then it's not a terrible thing to do if you're young and your

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body can take some wear and tear it's not gonna kill you but if you're having

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some other stress in your life and you're looking to get healthy then you

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do not want to do prolonged anaerobic exercise so if you enjoy this sort of

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information of having things thoroughly explained please share it with people

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that you care about people who need to know this for their health and if you're

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new to the channel hit the subscribe button and the notification so we can

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keep this content coming your way and you don't miss anything thank you for

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