ADD, Depression & Chronic Pain, Etc, Etc Pt6 3/3 User Manual 4 Humans

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forty percent of those admitted to a hospital or nursing home will never

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return to independent living and twenty five percent of them will die within a

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year so the 18,000 those are the ones that died as an immediate result of the

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fall but there's another couple of hundred thousand the died within a year

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has result of that fall this is pretty big stuff this is pretty devastating and

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when is the best time to to develop your skills to avoid falling right now or

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when you're 65 right it's an ongoing process that strength of the brain is

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something that we develop and maintain and build over a lifetime and this is

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where we get to the real topic of today and this is equally huge inhibition of

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secondary stimuli this is the ability to focus because in order for you to listen

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to me rather than the thunder outside you have to actively spend brain energy

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brain calories to block those signals those signals are hitting your nervous

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system but you choose hopefully to turn those off and listen to me and that is

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the ability to focus the brain has to turn off secondary stimuli in order for

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you to do that because otherwise you could never choose what to focus on

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everything would get you equally and that's what happens to people with

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really bad a DD they try to listen and then something happens and their

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attention is over here and then it's here and then it's over here and then

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it's with their thoughts and it's out the window and what am I going to do

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next and oh I'm supposed to be here the brain does not have that strength to

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maintain an inhibition of secondary stimuli and this holds true for

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everything else that we weave in a cover will will do this pretty quick here

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depression is nothing more than a tendency to think depressing thoughts

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that sounds real simple I mean it's not easy once you're in that mode because

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it's a self-serving loop but that is really all it is it is about it's a

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tendency to thank depressing thoughts and your cortex does not have the

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ability to go in and interrupt that pattern so depression and literally

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means depressed brain function that's what it is and therefore you get

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depressed emotions and you feel really bad and you want to kill yourself and so

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forth same thing with anxiety anxiety attacks it's a tendency to pick up an

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inability to block anxious thoughts and things that you don't want to pay

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attention to focus on at one level it's it's purely the ability of the brain

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function the ability of the brain and the second level it's a practice just

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like everything else that we have to practice do you practice depressing

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thoughts or do you practice happy thoughts because most people don't

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realize they have a choice and you do most people think that they are

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obligated to focus on what's in front of them and read the news and listen to

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people playing but that's that short term you

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have a choice and that's what determines the balance same thing with chronic pain

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and if you remember the summation diagram pain is not an absolute thing

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paint we think that oh well the pain it hurts in my foot and my brain is

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perceiving the pain we think intuitively that's an absolute thing because the

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pain is so real to us but if we have enough inhibitory signals inhibitory

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synapses on the brain cell perceiving the pain the brain can choose to feel

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the pain or not and therefore pain is not a real thing and that's why

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depressed people get have more pain to have more chronic pain and people who

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fibromyalgia same thing anger similar principle it's an inability to inhibit

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impulses of anger social norms this is good one if you think about how we

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behave in in the social environments we we have we think that oh well it's it's

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obvious we we all know what appropriate behavior is but babies they cry in

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public they scream they have tantrums they make a scene why because they do

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not have that they don't have developed the brain capacity to inhibit those

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impulses as we get older we develop the ability to inhibit it and now we know

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what's inappropriate or not but at the brain level that is exactly what what's

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happening the brain is what inhibits that and sometimes people with strokes

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they strike out that portion that inhibits that and they completely lose

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their social manners they are intelligent they can function

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in many ways and all of a sudden they start cursing and yelling in public or

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at their loved ones often this happens with with Alzheimer's as well and it's

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not an absolute thing it's the brain's ability to inhibit that behavior we all

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have those impulses but the brain keeps them in check when things are working

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why do teens act so stupid why are they so reckless why do they kill themselves

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on the road because the brain is not fully developed the frontal lobe which

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inhibits this stuff is not fully developed until age 25 so the 16 year

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old it gets the driver's license they do not have a mature brain so when someone

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says oh drive through that red light he thinks that's a good idea occasionally

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some some of the more more stupid ones but it's it's an inability to inhibit

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that type of behavior and it's an it's an undeveloped sometimes you will have I

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mentioned that with with Alzheimer's or strokes that older people all of a

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sudden start losing their social manners they start cursing they start yelling

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they start having outburst and it's the brain is too weak to them on those

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impulses starting to get the picture and a lot of what we call aging is nothing

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more than a gradually degenerating brain that doesn't have the ability to to

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manage and monitor this anymore so let's just round this off and again I

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appreciate you coming in here as you see we haven't talked about back pain we

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haven't talked about bone out of place putting pressure on a nerve most people

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who go to a chiropractor they look up chiropractor in the phone book or on the

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internet they look for those things but that's not what chiropractic is about

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once you start seeing the bigger picture the last slide I label it back pain

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Shmack pain it's like in the bigger context yes of course if you suffer back

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pain that's important but that's such a tiny little piece of what this is about

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it's about function is about life quality and it's about joy at all ages

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so when someone comes in with pain yes we want to help them feel better but the

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pain is always an indicator of something else that isn't working and what is it

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that's not working if we understand the body properly we know that brain

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regulates everything in the body so if there's a problem in the body if there's

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an imbalance in the body there's always an imbalance in the brain first unless

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it's a an acute trauma that we can identify everything else starts in the

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brain first so when we fix the pain we make something work better in the brain

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but that brain also regulates everything else

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talked about so if we make the pain go away and we make that work better that

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means that we increase their likelihood of not falling we increase the

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likelihood of not getting high blood pressure we reduce their tendency for

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MDD and anti-social behavior we increase their ability for for a joyous life but

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it doesn't happen in a couple of visits and I know I'm preaching to the choir

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here but that that's the bigger picture so again I thank you very much for

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coming and we'll hope to see you back next time and please bring someone that

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you care about that needs to know this stuff thank you

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