ADD, Depression & Chronic Pain, Etc, Etc Pt6 1/3 User Manual 4 Humans

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excited to launch the sixth part 6 piece of user manual for humans and I'm always

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amused when people what's the topic because then in their mind are going

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over and saying well if it's such a topic that I'm interested but if it's

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such a topic I'm not and then they really miss the point of holism because

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everything that we talked about really is the same thing but we just use

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different words and we're approaching it from different directions but there

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really is just one topic in holism is how does the stuff work and how do we

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make it work better and today we'll talk about AD depression and chronic pain etc

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etc because that's that's just the tip of the iceberg there's so much more that

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that is part of the same mechanism and what is the common denominator we'll get

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to that in a few slides but just some brain basics we're going to talk about

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brain cells and we'll go into a little bit more detail than we have before and

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bear with me because that lays the foundation so that you understand the

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bigger picture as we finish up brain cells were called neurons they make up

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two percent of your body mass but they use twenty percent of your

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energy twenty percent of the blood in the body is sent to the brain so that

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means that the brain cells are doing a whole lot of work because that's the

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purpose of blood is to provide energy for work so that means that the brain is

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actually a very very busy bee that the brain cells are doing a whole lot more

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work than the average cell and what is the work that they do they process

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electrical signals that's what they do and we're going to call that we're going

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to put a unit on it millivolts it's a current of electricity and we'll talk

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about that in a bit so there's a few concept will cover their resting

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membrane potential summation and inhibition and facilitation we'll get to

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that so don't get scared by the fancy words some more brain basics at birth

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the brain weighs about 340 grams that's 12 ounces and the adult brain weighs

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about 1,450 grams or three pounds so from birth to adulthood the brain

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increases in weight four times yet both have about a hundred billion

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neurons they have the same number of brain cells at birth as we do as adults

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so what's the difference well the you're born with all the neurons but then as

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you start learning as you start behaving as you start interacting with your

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environment those neurons are trying out your environment by trial and error

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making synapses they're sending out little connections and as they make more

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and more connections you start making neural networks and the difference in

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weight is the synapses okay each brain cell makes bets on the next slide each

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neuron makes about 4,000 to 10,000 connections and all of those connections

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all those wires is what makes the difference in the weight so when people

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talk about grey matter they're talking about the brain cell itself and when

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they're talking about white matter they're talking about a white insulation

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that covers those threads those wires because we're dealing with electrical

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circuitry so we want to make sure that we have good insulation and that's what

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the white matter is so if you think about this now every skill

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that you have every habit that you have and everything that you will ever learn

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or forget is a network of synapses so as you learn you make new synapses as you

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as a skill falls out of favor as you stop doing something you just simply

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stop reinforcing those synapses and if you don't use them you lose them but as

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you acquire new skills it's through making new synapses and these

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connections are ever changing throughout your life they're always changing you

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can be 90 years old and you can still learn new things that's because you can

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still make new synapses your brain can change regardless of your age and it

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does this at any age next resting membrane potential so here we have to

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understand something about brain cells this is an inherent property in brain

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cells that over on the left side of the scale it says 50 and 60 those are

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millivolts so let's say that the membrane potential the difference in

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charge between inside and outside of the cell is 50 millivolts just like a

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battery and if you get to 55 nothing will have

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but once you get to 60 hypothetically speaking I just take that number then

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everything breaks loose all at once it's an all-or-nothing response so that cell

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has an action potential all the gates flood open and everything happens all at

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once that's the only way you can get a brain cell to react before you reach

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that level of action potential nothing happens so this is really really

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important to understand and when you look at the next diagram number 5 so

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this looks a bit complicated but I'll explain it to you so these are five

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different cells five different brain cells ABCD and E in the middle and they

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all have different synapses the little strand that looks like a why there

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that's a synapse and a synapse can be inhibit inhibitive or facilitative it

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means it can turn something on which means it contributes a plus or it can

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inhibit something which means it's subtract and what is it subtract and add

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to that resting membrane potential ok so the activity of a brain cell the

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perception of a brain cell is determined by other brain cells and remember we

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have a hundred billion of these and they each make about four to ten

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thousand synapses so can you see that that can get pretty complex by the time

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you add a few thousand connections so let's look at this we have cell number E

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its resting membrane potential is 50 millivolts and we know that if something

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makes it reach 60 then it's going to fire off an action potential before it

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gets to see ste nothing happens so we have cell a cell a is an inhibitory sell

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its NT minus 6 charge to that cell so now that cell is that is at 44 so it's

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further away from firing so the responsiveness of cell II has been

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dampened we look at selby it adds five so now we're on a net minus one and

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we're at 49 so we're still a little bit further away and then we have cell C

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which adds and we have Selvi which subtracts and then we have on the left

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side we have an incoming signal and that represents an incoming signals from the

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body so let's say that you stub your toe and

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that represents a signal plus 10 now whether this brain cell receives the

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message determine is determined by the other brain cells if the sum total adds

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up to 60 or not makes sense so this is how the brain creates stability because

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if a brain cell is really really close to firing then just about anything is

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going to send it off and those are people who are hypersensitive to things

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okay if the resting membrane potential is too low then that brain cell is very

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unresponsive so that would be a person who is less responsive than they then

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they need to be in many regards so the functioning nervous system font works to

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automatically find the ideal level but in order for this to happen we need to

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use the brain cells and we need to keep these networks active so that's where

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chiropractic and exercise and activation of the system comes in

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that's why I keep nagging about exercise and about doing things alright any

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questions so far okay everything's making sense very good now we get to the

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really cool stuff as it turns out in order to provide stability in the body

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most of the

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