Acid Reflux & Back Pain Treatment - Instant Relief

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hi I'm Dr. Ekberg and I'm sitting here with Scott Henderson we just like to

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chat for a few minutes and share some things that you might find some benefit

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in So Scott you want to tell us why you came in in the first place sure about

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nine months ago I had some severe pain in the middle of my back on the left

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side and probably lasting a couple weeks and just wasn't getting any relief from

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it and so I actually found you on the Internet mmm but really was really

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impressed with what I saw so I decided to give you a try in then I came in and

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things have gone really well as a result of that my back pain isn't there at all

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anymore I'm able to do the things that I feel like I I want to do work in the

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yard lift heavy things in the yard all sorts of things that I have always done

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and I'm back, back to being able to do that wonderful so did you did you try

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anything else oh yeah well you know I tried putting ice on my back I tried

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just taking it easy and I was getting concerned because it didn't seem like it

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was getting any better no matter what I tried ok so all right all right well I'm

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glad that we could be of help with that and i wanted to mention something else

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also that we worked with a little bit later because then that you you said

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that you also had heartburn or reflux yes and so we we got you some

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supplements and how has that been working out really well better than I

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imagined it would that was one of the things i mentioned

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to you just sort of off the cuff when i was in here and unexpectantly have had

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good deal of favorable results from the course that you recommended both the

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dealing with it from an adjustment point of view as well as the recommendation

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you made of particular supplements I struggle with this for 15 years and had

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been taking numerous types of the prescription and I start off with

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prescription medications you know the proton pump inhibitors and I decided I

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thought I was getting better and so I decided them to lay off of that and it

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would come back and so I took the over the counter stuff like Zantac and Pepsid

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and those sorts of things I was having to take those every day and I

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thought this can't be good you know so when I mentioned that to you you ran

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through a number of tests know the strength tests that you do and yeah so

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on and you recommended particular course you know the supplements I'll tell you

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what was surprising to me was how quickly those supplements worked

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with the very day I started taking them that night I went to bed wondering what

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was going to happen because I if I didn't take the zantac before I go to

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bed I wake up the next day and it felt like someone ran a wire brush up and

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down my esophagus some not all the time but sometimes that's how it would be and

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so the next day I got him I couldn't believe how good I felt and so I've been

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taking them ever since and been extremely pleased with that wonderful a

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little side note for those who aren't familiar with the mechanisms here that

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most people and most of the traditional belief in our health care system is that

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heartburn and reflux comes from too much stomach acid when in fact it comes it

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develops because of not enough stomach acid and first we have to understand

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that the body doesn't do anything by mistake that if the body makes

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hydrochloricAcid there's a reason for it so your body makes hydrochloricAcid

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in the stomach to digest proteins and if you don't digest proteins properly you

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missed one of the most important steps of digestion and now first of all the

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food sits around too long and it starts wreaking havoc and secondary stomachAcids are

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forming which actually creates the reflux but furthermore undigested

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materials go down through your digestive system and now you get inflammation and

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irritation further down and the traditional way then with proton

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inhibitors and tums and all those things they're trying to neutralize the StomachAcid

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that the body is making on purpose so now you're digesting food even to an

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even lesser degree and now you have malabsorption and nutritional

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deficiencies because the food you're eating is getting

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digested so what's exciting about this is that not only are the symptoms going

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away but you're actually getting more nutrition out of your food yes and

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that's just just a bonus and I feel better overall this isn't TMI I have

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more regular bowel movements and I I know exactly when they're going to

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happen every day yeah so good and that's important stuff yeah we don't talk about

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it but that's some of the most important basic functions of the law yes yeah well

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wonderful thank you so much for for sharing my pleasure and to help

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continued success Thanks thank you

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