7 Reasons Normal Blood Sugar Could Rob You Of Your Health

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Normal blood sugar levels what does that mean? and is it the best thing to measure

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if you're trying to figure out if your insulin resistant or if you're moving

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closer to diabetes or not? traditionally in the medical field they have been

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looking at blood glucose as the only or the primary determinant to see if you've

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meet the criteria for diabetes or not in this video we're going to look at seven

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reasons on why it can be very misleading why it can be basically totally missing

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the point of what you're trying to achieve if you only look at it glucose

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coming right up blood sugar and insulin resistance is very very important it may

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be the single most important factor in trying to avoid disease but we're often

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looking at the wrong thing insulin resistance is affecting the majority of

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the Western population if you look around you at any given day and anyone

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that you see with some love handles or a belly or being overweight in general it

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is probably insulin resistance at work there but does sugar really measure

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insulin resistance that's what we're going to talk about so first of all

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though let's look at the traditional criteria for if you have insulin

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resistance and diabetes normal blood sugar fasting blood glucose that means

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that you don't eat anything after dinner and then you go you sleep through the

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night and in the morning typically you go and have your lab work done so they

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draw the blood when you haven't eaten for at least 12 hours wouldn't have to

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be in the morning but that typically works the best and normal means that

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your blood glucose your fasting blood glucose is less than a hundred

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milligrams per deciliter and I'm of the opinion that that's still getting a

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little bit too high I think optimal is somewhere between 70

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to 90 and if you're fasting or if you're in ketosis then it could go a whole lot

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lower that it could get probably into the low

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60s or even upper 50s without being a problem because you have ketones as an

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alternative fuel but typically we want to think of it 70 to 90 pre-diabetic

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would be anything over a hundred but below 125 and then diabetic would be

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anything over 125 so then we're looking all set the corresponding these days

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they are looking at A1c and we've done videos on that to explain exactly what

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A1c is A1c is a better measurement than simply fasting glucose because it

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measures an average glucose over a few months so if you are in the optimal

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range that means that your a1c is going to be somewhere around 5 again it could

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be four point five five point three somewhere in there

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normal official criteria is anything below five point seven but in my opinion

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your bit you've been slipping for quite a while if you're at five point seven

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pre-diabetic would be anything over five point seven but below six point five and

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anything diabetic would be over six point five then the a1c indicates what

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the average glucose is so if you have a fasting glucose of 70 to 90 the a1c

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indicates that your average glucose is probably around a hundred that means

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when you eat your Blue Coast goes up and then in between meals it goes down so

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your average ends up around a hundred even though your fasting is about

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seventy to ninety so the average glucose for a normal person would be about 120

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and for pre-diabetic it would be 120 to 140 and a diabetic it would be over 140

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and once the dams break so to speak once the system crashes then this 140 could

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go way way way high it could get two three four five hundred even this person

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who was pre-diabetic all the way up until a hundred and twenty five so they

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were going from a hundred they were ideally inching their way up and at 1:24

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and a half they were still pre-diabetic they were almost healthy but then all of

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a sudden it's over 125 and now they're sick why is there a dividing line is

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there just like ok healthy healthy healthy healthy and then all of a sudden

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sick or is this a process that takes a long long long long time so this is what

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we have to understand that functional disease takes a long time to develop

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it's different if you have a trauma if you have a symptom if you have pain

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because you fell down the stairs then you're hurting because you fell down the

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stairs but if your knees start hurting overtime from arthritis that's a

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functional problem it's a degeneration the body took awhile to get there so we

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want to think of this sort of like a battery that perfect health would be

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when you have like a hundred percent health a hundred percent function the

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battery is is fully charged and then as the battery starts to wear out as it

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starts discharging as it starts doing work then it has less and less reserve

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capacity and eventually it reaches a point where we start having symptoms so

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in terms of a battery that would be if you have like a leaf blower or something

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that is quite demanding that it's battery driven all of a sudden the

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battery isn't strong enough to power it at full speed it starts slowing down it

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starts fading and the body it's the same thing that once the body starts fading

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all of a sudden we start having symptoms and disease but this didn't happen

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overnight it takes a while to get there so one example would be heart disease so

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you're happily moving along through life and your function is decreasing it might

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take 10 20 30 years and then all of a sudden you have a heart attack that's

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the first so is the question then is were you

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healthy the day before the heart attack or did the disease start the moment you

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had a heart attack well the answer is obvious that it was a

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process it didn't start overnight it didn't happen instantly

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diabetes and insulin resistance and glucose works the same way so let's take

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a look at at a hypothetical example so these are numbers that could illustrate

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what could happen I'm not saying that it would take this long or that these would

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be the exact numbers but this is something that could happen everyone's

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different so just bear that in mind so let's say that we have a healthy normal

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person in year one and they go and they have some lab work done and their blood

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glucose their fasting blood glucose is 90 and their a1c is 5.3 and then they

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measure their insulin their fasting insulin and the fasting insulin is three

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units so that's a healthy level I've drawn them the same size because this

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indicates that this person is very insulin sensitive there's a balance

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between the glucose and the insulin so insulin is a storage hormone and if we

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have balance between glucose and insulin that means that there is time balance

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between feeding and burning that we're allowing the body enough time to store

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something but then to allow enough time to burn that fuel so that we're in

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balance and we're ready for the next meal but when we eat a whole lot of

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carbs and we eat too often then the body doesn't have time to burn things between

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meals and we start storing too much and now the cells start to become insulin

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resistant the cells don't want so much fuel they start resisting so now the

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body has to try harder to get the glucose out of the bloodstream and into

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the cell we fast forward a few years and this could

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two three four five years and we measure again so now this person measures

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fasting glucose and it's at ninety so it looks great perfect no problem

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healthy lifestyle right a1c has come up one point but hey what's what's a point

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what's a tenth of a point and we don't pay much attention to it unless we also

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measure insulin because now we're seeing that it takes twice as much insulin that

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is insulin now is six so even though the blood glucose the fasting blood glucose

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is the same and it appears that nothing changed we have become quite insulin

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resistance because it takes twice as much insulin to get the job done the

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body is still coping the body is still adapting managing to control the blood

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sugar but it takes twice as much insulin to do it and we are well on our way

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toward insulin resistance but if we only measure glucose we would never know fast

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forward another five years now we the blood glucose has come up to 93 so hey

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three points no big deal it looks about the same it's within the margin of error

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A1c has come up another tenth of a point no big deal it's starting to creep

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along but it's such a small change that we don't really think about it

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but if we measure insulin the fasting insulin now is nine so it takes three

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times as much work to keep the glucose where it is another five years forward

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now blood glucose is 95 A1c is five point eight so it's starting to creep up

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but nothing significant we're still well in our way the glucose indicates that we

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are normal the a1c indicates that we might be just barely pre-diabetic and

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they they'll tell you all just exercise a little bit more loose some weight

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whatever but no one's really worried however your

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insulin now is 15 and it takes five times as much insulin to get the job

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done so your body is working harder and harder and harder it's adapting it's

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changing its inner-workings to get the job done the pancreas has to work a

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whole lot harder but it doesn't show up on the glucose yet five more years

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twenty years down the road now we're starting to see now this person is

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officially pre-diabetic blood glucose is 120 is in the pre-diabetic range the a1c

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is on the border of diabetes rather than just pre-diabetes so now they're

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starting to get concerned now they're saying hey you might want to get more

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serious about this but of course the official guidelines tell you to eat more

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carbs and more sugar and less fat eat more low-fat dairy and they tell you

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that sugar is not so bad just don't eat the white refined stuff but you can have

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plenty of sugar from your your bread and your fruit and your dairy products then

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five more years and now the glucose has really shot through the roof now the

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fasting glucose is a hundred and eighty the a1c is twelve so it's like the dam

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breaks the it there's nothing holding it back and the insulin might be even

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higher or it might be the same if the body has sort of reached a plateau where

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it can't make any more insulin or where the cells are just so insulin resistant

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that the body is pushing out insulin but the cells are not accepting it so now

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the glucose shoots through the roof so let's talk about why this is such a bad

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idea well first of all measuring glucose does not measure insulin resistance as

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we can see the glucose stays pretty much the same but the thing that we're

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concerned with the the factor the variable that drives

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metabolic syndrome that drives cardiovascular disease is the insulin

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the blood sugar can be a problem but what drives the disease is the insulin

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and we're missing that when we're just measuring the glucose so the second

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problem with only measuring glucose is that the change in glucose is not linear

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it's not a little bit after one year and a little more after two years it is

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delayed because the body works very very hard at controlling at dampening the

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effect so the change of glucose has a flat curve to start with and then it

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accelerates very quickly as the system is failing insulin on the other hand is

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developing pretty much at a in a linear fashion so as the cells become insulin

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resistant very very slowly year after year the insulin increases gradually so

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we have a good idea by the degree of insulin how much insulin resistance

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there is glucose does not give us that feedback reason number three is related

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to that but it's that glucose does not measure the progression if we monitor

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something if we get regular blood tests if we get health checks

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we'd like for that health checks to give us feedback on how we're doing but

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because this line is flat then we're not getting any sort of idea on if this is

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better or worse than five years ago it doesn't measure any of the progression

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and as functional disease and degeneration progresses we need to start

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measuring functional markers not disease markers reason number four is that by

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the time we have a significant change in glucose it is too late I mean in a way

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it's never too late because the body can always recover but we've already we

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missed preventing it we're way way way into the disease

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process and we have this strange idea of what prevention is to me prevention

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means to keep something from happening but a lot of the prevention that is

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being done is simply finding it early prevention is when you make the body

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work so well that you never get the disease but finding it early is not

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prevention that finding it early just is finding it early this means that you

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already have it and it's better to find it early than finding it late but you

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already got it so we can't do prevention by measuring this reason number five is

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that measuring glucose only can give us a false sense of security we go get our

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health checks and we want to see how we're doing but measuring glucose makes

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us think that were healthy when we could be 10 15 years into the disease process

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reason number six we could waste decades of precious life and precious health so

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if we start understanding this model where would you rather be would you

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rather be at a hundred percent or would you rather be at 51 percent okay even if

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you don't have a symptom at 51 percent you'd much rather be at a hundred

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because it means you have more health reserves same thing with this scale if

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you had a way of figuring something out in year one why would you wait why would

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you want to wait to year 20 you could lose decades and you could make it

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impossible or that much harder to recover from it in reason number seven

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that glucose can be a poor measurement poor indicator of what's actually

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happening is something called a dawn phenomenon so I did a separate video

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with more detail but just real brief don't phenomenon is the fact that you

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have certain hormones in your body that peak right before you get up in the

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morning so they boost your blood sugar to get you ready for your day they wake

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you up basic and if your insulin-resistant like if

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you have been a pre-diabetic or diabetic if you're very insulin resistant then

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the blood sugar rises but the cells are resistant so the increase in blood sugar

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tends to be larger okay that's what the dawn effect dawn phenomenon is but now

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let's say that you start doing the right thing that you start doing keto you

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start doing low carb you start fasting you're doing all the right things and if

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you're fasting you basically stop putting carbohydrates into your body

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there is no need there's no urgency for the body to get it out of the

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bloodstream because the body senses hey in the morning because of the dawn

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phenomenon my blood sugar went up a little bit but there's only a gram or

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two so there is no alarm there is no crisis so the body doesn't work very

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hard at lowering it because it knows that it's not a big deal so now while

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you're doing the exact right thing while you're reversing this your blood sugar

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could stay a little bit high in the morning and give the false impression

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that you're very insulin resistant even though you are working to reverse it so

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these seven reasons are why it can be very misleading very confusing not give

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you the the true picture of what's happening in your body if you just

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measure glucose does that mean yet you shouldn't measure glucose oh absolutely

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you can measure it but do it on a regular basis I have a blood measuring

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kit and I think it's fun to see what it is in the morning and to see how much it

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rises or doesn't rise after you eat a healthy meal high in protein and fat so

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you can use it on a regular basis to monitor to learn but if that all you're

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doing if you're only measuring glucose as your health check once a year or

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every six months then it's pretty much a waste of time

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so it's not a bad thing but don't rely on it as your sole measurement of what's

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going on if you truly want to understand your insulin resistance if it's

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progressing or reversing then you want to measure insulin and I've done some

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videos called Homa-IR where I explain in detail how that works and how you can

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figure out your insulin resistance score if you're new to the channel and you

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enjoy this kind of information make sure that you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell so that we can keep this information coming your way I'll

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see you in the next video thanks for watching

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