6 Ultimate BENEFITS OF EXERCISE For Diabetes, Insulin, Weight Loss, Your Brain & More

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best exercise for diabetes insulin resistance and weight loss

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everywhere you turn someone tells you to exercise but why what are the benefits

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and if they tell you its calories or no pain no gain or to lose weight they are

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telling you the wrong thing so we're going to go over different principles of

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exercise that you get the big picture and you can start exercising the way

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that's going to make you healthy coming right up so how do you exercise the

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right way or even more importantly how do you avoid exercising the wrong way as

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we're going to talk about there are ways to exercise that will actually worsen

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your diabetes your insulin resistance and your ability to lose weight so we

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absolutely don't want to go there but we need to understand some basic things

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first the first thing is that what are these three things diabetes insulin

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resistance and weight loss what do they have in common and the answer is

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hormones they have hormone imbalances the system has been pushed out of

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balance over a period of time until it doesn't have the ability to regulate

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itself under those conditions and those hormones are primarily insulin cortisol

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and human growth hormone insulin is a storage hormone it responds to blood

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sugar and whenever blood sugar rises insulin rises so that the insulin can

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guide the blood sugar out of the bloodstream and into the cells all of

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these diabetes insulin resistance and weight loss - and we should emphasize

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we're talking about type 2 diabetes here all of them have too high an insulin the

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second hormone is cortisol cortisol is a stress hormone in response to stress

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your body wants to increase the ability to produce energy and the fastest source

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of energy in an emergency is glucose so cortisol response to stress cortisol

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increases glucose and glucose in turn stimulates insulin so insulin of course

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is the main problem here but cortisol contributes it adds to the production of

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insulin under stress and exercise is stressed so we need to understand how to

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maximize the hormonal benefits and reduce the negatives

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the third hormone is human growth hormone and human growth hormone is a

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rejuvenating hormone it's a muscle sparing muscle building hormone and it's

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a hormone that increases metabolism so if you can workout and increase your

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human growth hormone then your metabolism stays higher between workouts

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so it has nothing to do with the calories that you burn during the

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workout it has to do with are you moving closer to balance and are you improving

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or worsening your metabolism so these three hormones are what we're going to

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talk about and that's what we have to understand that all of these issues are

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about hormones and insulin is primary and diabetes insulin resistance and

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weight loss cortisol and human growth hormone are critical in response to

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exercise how do we exercise to get these two principle number two is about

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insulin resistance so traditional we hear that if you exercise you become

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more insulin sensitive you reduce your insulin resistance and that's only a

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little bit true because you can be insulin resistant at the level of the

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muscles or you can be insulin resistance at the level of the liver and exercise

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is going to help the muscles become more insulin sensitive during exercise while

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the muscles are active they become hungrier for fuel they want more fuel so

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they sort of bypass this rule that says we need insulin to bring the glucose in

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the muscles say during exercise I'm gonna let the glucose in anyway because

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I really want that fuel right now so the muscles become much more insulin sense

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so in terms of blood glucose it will help lower blood glucose with a low

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level exercise because it will pull the sugar straight out of the bloodstream

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long term for insulin resistance it does nothing because the main part of the

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insulin resistance is the liver the liver is clogged up the liver is packed

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up its said no I don't want any more fuel I can't handle any more fuel that's

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where the insulin that's the basis of the insulin resistance and exercise

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that's really nothing to reduce that long term insulin resistance so yes

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exercise is good but just walking unless you do something else to address the

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liver insulin resistance it not going to have a major impact on your overall

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insulin resistance so the regular guidelines the American Diabetes

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Association this is principle number three that we need to understand what

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not to do and just because they're official guidelines doesn't mean they're

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right they recommend moderate to vigorous exercise five times a week at

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least thirty minutes or they say if your busy schedule doesn't allow that then

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you can do a ten-minute brisk walk after each meal so first of all there's a huge

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difference in hormone responses between moderate and vigorous exercise we'll

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come to that in a second moderate to low and low to moderate intensity is okay

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that will help you vigorous will come back to bite you and if you do a

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ten-minute brisk walk after each meal what happens after a meal what does your

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body want to do after a meal it wants to sit around and digest that food so you

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put food in your body and your body says okay I get I get it this food is here we

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need to allocate resources to digest that so it starts making

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stomach acid it starts allocating the blood it redirects the blood to the

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intestinal tract it sends more blood to the all the

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internal organs so that they can make enzymes and they can start preparing and

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digesting and absorbing this food but if you go for a brisk walk right after each

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meal because you're so busy now the resources are being required elsewhere

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now you don't have the blood you don't have the resources you're not going to make

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the stomach acid you're not going to make the digestive enzymes and what do you

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get now now you get GERD reflux heartburn you get digestive upset you

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get irritable bowel syndrome you get leaky gut and the list goes on and on

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and on if you don't already have a bad digestive system this would be a recipe

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to create one so we have to understand the wisdom of the body that it always

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knows what to do in different situations and we can't force it to do different

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things than what it's designed to do even in so-called informed camps like

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even among chiropractors they still talk about calories I saw this on a video

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that oh yeah walking is good for you it'll

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burn 170 calories in 30 minutes and if you run then you get the results better

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that's faster and stair-climbing burns two to three times the calories of just

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walking so they're stuck in this mindset that it's about calories it's about

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punishing the body it's about more is better no pain no gain etc so we're

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gonna debunk this and understand how this stuff really works

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so the main thing to understand is that there's three basic broad divisions of

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exercise of how it affects so the first one is aerobic aerobic means with air

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and when you do aerobic exercise that's something that you can keep up for a

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very very long time you can do it for an hour 90 minutes to 3 hours even if you

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enjoy it because you have fuel in the body and

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providing oxygen you're providing air as an aerobic at the rate where your body

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can keep up for the level of intensity of exercise you need a certain amount of

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oxygen as long as you can provide that amount of oxygen you're not falling

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behind you're keeping up you're not getting lactic acid you can breathe at a

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comfortable rate you can maintain a conversation you can speak a full

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sentence or at least a part big part of a sentence while you're doing it and

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that means your body is in balance there is no crisis there is no significant

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stress you are exercising but you're not punishing your body that's aerobic

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exercise and aerobic exercise means without air it means you can't breathe

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fast enough to at a normal pace to keep up and even if you start breathing

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faster then you're not producing enough energy with that oxygen to provide for

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the activity you're doing the activity is too intense so you're falling behind

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now the body has to start breaking down glucose instead of fat and you're

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producing lactic acid as a byproduct of of that activity so the way you know is

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if you start panting and your muscles start burning you are in the end

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aerobic mode in the aerobic mode the body's preferred fuel is fat in the

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anaerobic mode the fat isn't enough because the fat is burned by oxygen and

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when that's not enough anymore you got to start breaking down glycogen and

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glucose through the glycolytic the sugar breakdown pathways now a byproduct is

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lactic acid you start panting and the muscles are burning this one if you

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really want to punish yourself then you can keep that up for maybe thirty

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minutes some people are just really good at suffering so they might keep it up

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for sixty minutes or even maybe longer like a marathon

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if your life depends on it but that's a very stressful state and a lot of

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exercise that's being recommended is an aerobic because we have this idea that

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of no pain no gain that the benefits of exercise are only proportional to how

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much I suffer and that's simply not true you can get some fitness benefit from it

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but you're stressing your body at a very high level and one example of this is

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all the people who are overweight middle-aged they have skinny legs they

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have the big belly called the adrenal body type or the apple body type these

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people are already too high in cortisol the producing cortisol cortisol is

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triggering insulin insulin is packing the fat back onto the liver and the the

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middle of the body these people do not want to do anaerobic exercise and

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yet when they go to the gym and they seek the help of a professional they're

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told you need to do boot camp and they new aerobics and do the spin class and

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they do circuit training and they keep their heart rate at much too high a

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level and they're producing too much cortisol they are actually making things

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worse so what happens when you're making a lot of cortisol is your body is

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burning through the sugar you're making glucose you are packing the excess back

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on the body and then as a result you get way way hungrier than you were before

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you get out of control hungry so the cortisol packed the fat back on the body

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and now you overcompensate by eating to make up for the fat that was packed on

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so you're perpetuating a vicious cycle and you're actually getting fatter and

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fatter and fatter and your midsection is growing the harder you work because you

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are exhausting your adrenals and you're making too much cortisol and then

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there's a third type of exercise which is high intensity

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interval training and this is an aerobic exercise but it's at such an intense

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level that you can't keep it up more than a few minutes even if your life

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depended on it you just crash that's how intense it is so why would you want to

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do one or the other of these and how do you recognize what they are

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well aerobic we talked about you breathe slowly and you can keep it up for hours

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that means your heart rate is at about 60% of your maximum heart rate so let's

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take a 20 30 year-old or for most people 20 to 40 let's say their aerobic limit

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is going to be about a hundred and twenty maybe a hundred and thirty beats

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per minute of heart rate at that level you can still speak comfortably you can

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keep it up for a very long time the anaerobic now you're falling behind

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you're craving air and your heart tries to compensate by increasing the heart

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rate it's pumping faster and faster and faster and now you're somewhere between

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sixty to eighty so now these are people that if you measure the heart rate it

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would be like a hundred and thirty to one hundred and fifty hundred and sixty

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and you can maintain that for for a good bit hit however high-intensity interval

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training is when you get close to a hundred percent you go in all-out you're

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maxing it out you're pushing it and normally you would do that in like

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30-second increments you do it thirty seconds you rest thirty seconds or a

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minute you do another thirty seconds and each time you're pushing the heart rate

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higher and higher until at the last one or two of those intervals you hit more

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than ninety five percent of your maximum heart rate so your maximum heart rate is

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somewhere around 220 minus your age so you should be able to get within a few

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points of that so I'm for example I'm 55 and my maximum heart rate theoretically

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would be about one sixty-five now I've done this for a

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while so I've sort of maintained a higher heart rate higher maximum heart

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rate and I can still get my heart rate to a hundred and seventy five but if you

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get within the ballpark you're doing pretty good and the total duration of

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that should not be more than a couple of three minutes if you add up all the time

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that you are above 80 percent heart rate eighty to a hundred percent it shouldn't

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be more than just a few minutes what are the benefits well we said that the

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benefits are hormonal the benefit you're looking for is growth hormone growth

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hormone is rejuvenating its fat burning it increases metabolism so aerobic

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exercise any activity will increase it just a little bit and aerobic because

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you can keep it up so long still has a significant or at least modest impact on

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growth hormone not a huge impact but it does something

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anaerobic has a greater impact because it's higher intensity it's pushing the

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body and you still you get more benefit because you can keep it up for a longer

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period of time but high-intensity interval training produces a tremendous

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and enormous a fantastic amount of human growth hormone in a few seconds duration

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if you can get up to that maximum level for even a few seconds you can increase

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your growth hormone by three to four hundred percent and that's the beauty of

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this that it doesn't have to go on very long and also hormone decreases very

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very slowly once the body produces growth hormone it wants it to stick

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around for a while and it only decreases at a level that it's still detectable it

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still increased 48 to 72 hours later insulin on the other hand goes away in

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seconds because its purpose is to manage the blood sugar

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the present moment as soon as that blood sugar is gone insulin is gone unless you

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become very insulin resistant and now it stays up because it's just not working

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so that's human growth hormone let's look at cortisol and cortisol is a

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stress hormone it increases blood sugar and indirectly it drives insulin so

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aerobic exercise when you are comfortable when you can speak a

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sentence when you can't breathe normally you are not stressing your body you're

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not putting your body in a place where it's urgently looking for more resources

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it's keeping up it's doing fine so the cortisol is virtually zero it is

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essentially baseline cortisol the body sees no reason to change anything

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because it's keeping up when you do an aerobic now it's proportional the

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cortisol is proportional to how much you increase it but as soon as you start

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huffing and puffing your body is not burning fat for fuel it is switching

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more so over to carbohydrates and now you are creating cortisol you are

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changing from a fat-burning to a carbohydrate burning metabolism and the

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cortisol goes through the roof so anytime that you're having to pant

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you're going to increase it but here the idea is no pain no gain so you're

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supposed to keep it up as long as you can spin class might last 45 minutes or

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an hour so you're making cortisol for a very long time and I've seen some

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information that oh don't worry cortisol it's only for an hour that is not

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correct okay cortisol for a second or a minute

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that's fine but if it goes on for hours you're really really stressing your body

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now here's the beauty about high intensity interval training even though

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it is the highest level of stress even though it is the highest level of

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cortisol need it goes on for such a short period of time that the total

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stress on the body is not significant not on the hormone

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system and because growth hormone stays up so long you only need to do this for

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a few minutes two to three times a week and with a total duration of only a few

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minutes per week your cortisol production is very very slight what you

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want to do here is you want to focus obviously on aerobic and hit and we'll

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talk next about what are some different examples of of these exercises so the

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aerobic that you can kind of figure this out for yourself but just a simple

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example walking biking swimming rowing gardening stair climbing depending on

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the intensity if you have a shallow set of stairs and you're walking up slowly

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then you can still stay in aerobic if it's steeper stairs and you're hurrying

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then obviously you're moving into an aerobic jogging or running big question

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mark ninety-five percent of people cannot jog and stay in the aerobic mode

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if you can run and speak a complete sentence then you're okay that these are

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people who are elite runners they can run really fast really long but if they

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run super slow then they're still in aerobic mode most people cannot jog or

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run and be in aerobic mode and because it's gentle you want to keep this up for

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30 to 90 minutes at a time if you have you can do as much as you have time for

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because it doesn't where the body significantly and I wouldn't recommend

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ever doing anything every day I think it's good to give the body a break even

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from the gentle stuff so I'd say five to six three to five to six times a week an

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anaerobic are things like aerobics class spin class tennis soccer anything where

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you're gonna sweat profusely you're going to pant more of the time than not

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and it's gonna be something that you keep up for more than if

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minutes that's anaerobic and my advice is unless you're a tennis player

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who really enjoy that and you do it for a reason other than exercise I mean

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obviously if you love it and it's your thing do it but don't do these things to

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try to get healthy if you have diabetes insulin resistance or weight loss or if

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you have adrenal fatigue then you want to avoid this category as much as

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possible you could do a minute or two here and there then it sort of starts

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moving a little bit toward the high-intensity but don't try to do this

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as a sustained activity it will not improve your health it can improve your

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fitness but there's not there's a difference between fitness and health

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and we have to understand that high-intensity exercise so this depends

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on your health this depends on your fitness this depends on if you have

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aches and pains so you have to be cautious you have to start gradually if

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you're hurting then you can't go out and do sprints

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but figure this play with it and figure out what you can do the one of the

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safest things is a stationary bike that it's it's a little bit limiting because

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it's hard to get way up to your maximum heart rate but it's a safe way to start

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so you sit down you pedal for 30 seconds as fast as you can you take a short

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break and you get right back at it again if you're outdoors biking then I would

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suggest going uphill find yourself a steep hill and you go as fast as you can

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up that hill like the life depended on it

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then you could roll back down and then you go right back up as fast as you can

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I do this mostly with Sprint's because I enjoy running I'll go to a course and on

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a trail and I'll jog very gently to keep it under a hundred and 20 and then when

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I find a nice big hill I start sprinting and I just keep sprinting for a minute

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or two until I hit a very high heart rate and I'm done that's my

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workout that's my hit workout if I hit my maximum heart rate 165 170 175 I made

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my growth hormone I'm done then I walk or jog keeping my heart rate below 120

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for the rest of that workout other things you can do our burpees like you

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do get down to a push-up stand up jump up get down to a push-up and so forth

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involving most of the muscles in the body the more muscles you can involve

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the easier it is for your body to reach this this high heart rate you can also

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do it with weights if you do something it's not necessarily for heart rate but

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if you do weights then you want to do heavy weights until you fail basically

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and that's to get the hit weight training in general is a good thing

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because you're stressing the body you're imposing a demand that produces growth

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hormone anytime that you stress the body to where it has to change something

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you're making more growth hormone so resistance training is a good thing also

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just don't turn it into a circuit training where your heart rate is up for

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30-40 minutes because now you fall right back in here when you do the weights

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your time of fatigue your time of exertion should still be very short the

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time where you're close to failing should be very short so this I would

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recommend less than three minutes about two to three times a week so with this

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understanding that it's about hormones it's about insulin resistance and

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obviously you want to combine this with a low carb diet because carbohydrates

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will trigger insulin which is the the source of this problem in the first

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place but it's about hormones it's about knowing that exercise triggers different

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hormones it's about knowing how the different intensity exercises

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triggers desirable and undesirable hormones now we can balance it we do a

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lot of aerobic we do very little anaerobic and we do a tiny tiny little

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bit of extreme intensity and now we've gotten the best of the best and not so

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much of the worst so finally number seven we want to talk about the actual

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benefits of exercise and these are in reverse order and this is probably not

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something that you have ever heard because everyone tells you that you

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exercise to burn calories if you go on a thousand websites 990 of them are gonna

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mention calories first but even though it does burn some calories first of all

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it's not the goal the goal is to get the body in balance and the calories that

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you burn only are a benefit if you are reducing insulin resistance at the same

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time if you are doing a low carb diet if you're doing intermittent fasting then

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you're reducing insulin resistance if you're not then you're doing what the

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Biggest Loser people are doing you are doing all anaerobic that one are saying

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you are but they did all an aerobic exercise they did calorie restriction

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they did not reduce their insulin resistance at the level of the liver

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they only did it at the level of the muscles so they reduced their blood

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sugar they became non-diabetic while they were punishing their bodies six

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hours a day but as soon as they stopped they have really had and changed their

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insulin resistance significantly and because of that their basal metabolic

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rate crashed they totally crashed their metabolism their bodies were desperate

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to get back to that original weight and that's what happened for most of them so

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it does not help to burn calories if you're not low lowering your insulin

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because all that's going to happen then is you lower your basal metabolic rate

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and then you're going to fight forever to

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your body's gonna fight to gain the weight back and you're gonna fight to

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keep it down and you're gonna lose it does help if you are addressing insulin

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resistance it does help burn calories in the sense

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that you have a certain stored amount of fuel in your liver and on your body and

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as long as you're getting rid as long as you're lowering the insulin you are

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helping the balance between feeding and burning so the problem with most people

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is they feed more than they burn and they become insulin resistant so it will

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help you burn more in that sense but only if you address the insulin at the

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same time that's the least important benefit of exercise number two benefit

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is circulation it increases circulation when you have if you go out for a walk

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if your basic heart rate is about 60 to 70 your your resting heart rate and then

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you go for a walk it doesn't feel like you're doing anything but your heart

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rate is about 120 you basically doubled your heart rate but not only that the

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heart now also squeezes harder it has a higher stroke volume so between 50 to

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100 percent increased stroke volume depending on your fitness level so that

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means even walking you're increasing your circulation by 3 to 4 times 3 to

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400 percent and that's a tremendous increase what the circulation do it the

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blood is your transportation system it delivers stuff and it picks up stuff and

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to the degree that the blood is circulating you can clean up so you get

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a tremendous benefit in terms of detox cleaning up waste products debris

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metabolites fourth benefit fourth and fifth are hormones and like I said these

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are an increasing order of benefit as far as the profound effect they have on

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your health growth hormone we talked about it is muscle building

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it increases metabolism and what these growth hormone and BDNF brain-derived

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neurotrophic factor what they do together is they allow the brain to make

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new synapses it allows repair and even growth of your brain every time you

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learn something your body reconfigures your neural pathways these little

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threads that carry messages and help you learn things every time you learn

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something you got to reconfigure you have to make new synapses but that can

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only happen if you have growth hormone and BDNF present so exercise helps

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increase these hormones so exercise makes you smarter exercise helps you

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fight dementia exercise helps you fight memory loss it makes you better at

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learning better at focusing number six is brain benefits and what does that

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mean it means that your brain is tissue your brain consists of cells just like

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every other part of your body so we think of muscles when we think of growth

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we we know that if we if we work out a muscle that muscle will tend to stay

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strong or grow stronger if we don't if we hurt our arm if we break an arm we

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put it in a cast then four weeks later when the cast comes off the muscles are

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gone use it or lose it so we understand that with muscles but it's equally or

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more true with the brain the difference is muscles do mechanical work the brain

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does signal work the brain is two percent of your body weight it uses 20%

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of your calories 20% of your oxygen etc so working out

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moving the body provides 90% of the signals that keep the brain alive the

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signals that's the juice that's the stimulation that's the use-it-or-lose-it

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for the brain so if you want a strong if you want pumped brain cells you gotta

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activate it and motion and exercise is what does that 90% of the signals that

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the brain is provided 90 percent of the signals that reach the brain that keep

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the brain alive are from movement that's why you exercise I can't emphasize that

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enough forget everything else you've ever heard about the benefits and just

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remember that movement stimulates your brain and when your brain grows stronger

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especially the frontal lobe which is your cognitive center which is your

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motivation which is your management your abstract thought it's what makes you

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human when that brain gets stronger by this

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activation it helps balance your stress responses it helps balance your

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sympathetic and your parasympathetic nervous system and because of that

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improved balance now is why you feel better

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now is why your mood improves your focus improves you are strengthening cells

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you're improving neural networks you're less prone to get dementia you're

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managing stress better your healing better because of the balance between

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the sympathetic and the parasympathetic I have separate videos on that that will

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go into more detail and it will also help your digestion because that's all

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about sympathetic parasympathetic that's how you exercise whether you want to do

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it for weight loss diabetes insulin resistance or just overall health

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there's really not that much difference and yes you should exercise for all

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those reasons but the primary benefit is to keep your brain alive and to get all

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the benefits of a healthier brain if you enjoyed this content make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell if you know people who want to get

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healthier please share this information so that we can help them get better as

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well thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next video

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