6 Myths About Carbs (Truth About Carbs)

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Six myths about carbohydrates coming right up

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Hey this is Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. So I came

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across an article I just had to comment on it was called Six Reasons Why You

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Should Eat Carbs, so that turned into the title of course Six Myths. We're going to

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look at the arguments that they presented in this article supposedly

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supported by research and see if it has any validity so the first thing that

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they said was that it can boost the mood because they seem to increase serotonin

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levels which is a mood enhancer when you eat carbohydrates and that is absolutely

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correct that the wheat and the carbohydrates many grains they bind to

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the opiate receptors in the brain and they have a pleasure pleasurable effect

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they stimulate pleasure in the brain and do you know what else

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stimulates pleasure in the same way it's called heroin and it's way way better if

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you really want to boost your serotonin levels then heroines the thing for you

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so to claim that something can boost a neurotransmitter is not proof that it's

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a good food it's something that has a drug like effect that's why it's so

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addictive and that's why people get so hooked on it and have such a hard time

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giving it up number two weight loss they said that people who eat carbohydrates

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with more fiber they tend to lose more weight than people who eat carbohydrate

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with less fiber so again they're not making a car an argument for eating

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carbohydrates they're making an argument for fiber and then they're making it

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sound as if grains which are high in carbohydrate is the

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only or the best source of fiber this is not an argument for carbohydrate it's an

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argument for fiber the best sources of fiber are vegetables and seeds many

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leafy greens you can get eat some flaxseed and some chia seed and some

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hemp seed and on and on and there you go number three it improves heart health

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because people who eat more fiber has lower LDL and again LDL being beside the

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point but they're making an argument for fiber not carbohydrate and they're

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basically saying that people who eat a little bit more fiber probably don't eat

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quite as crappy and a processed diet as the people who have no fiber so of

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course they're gonna do a little bit better that's not an argument for

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carbohydrates again number four they said that you can reduce body fat if you

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swap refined grains for whole grains again it's not an argument for

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carbohydrate it's an argument against the worst kind of carbohydrate for

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something that's not quite so bad it's like saying if you eat a half a pack of

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rat poison it's better than if you eat the whole package and I'm exaggerating a

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little bit there because it isn't necessarily rat poison but you can't

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claim that something's good because it's not as bad as something else

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number five improved memory and this one just had me rolling on the floor they

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took a group of people and they put them on what they called a low carb diet what

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does that mean to most people well most people if they

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follow the recommended guidelines or even doing higher carb intakes than that

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they're eating somewhere around 400 grams of carbs a day so if you go

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low-carb from that level that could be maybe half so if you're eating 200 grams

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of carbs after you've been eating 400 that would seem like a low-carb and

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I know a lot of studies they do that and they think oh well this is low-carb

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because it's a lot less than the astronomical amounts that they were

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eating and then they had them eat that for one week so physiologically

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basically they didn't change the diet a whole lot because they just went from

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astronomical carbs to high carbs so the body had no chance to adapt to anything

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except carbohydrate for fuel and then they dropped them to zero carbs and then

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they have them do memory tests so these poor people that have gone from a

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carbohydrate fueled metabolism to zero carbs instantly they have no source of

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fuel they have no source of glucose blood sugar their bodies have absolutely

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no idea what happened they're probably passing out they have headaches they're

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dizzy brain fog they're just happy to stand up and then they have them do

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memory tests who comes up with this research and they call this research and

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they quote this research amazing amazing lastly one more argument this says that

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it blasts fat again so has to do with weight loss and body fat etc and now

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they're saying that it relates to insulin and it's not Wow yeah it does I

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know and they said if you work out after oatmeal three hours after eating oatmeal

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versus eating white toast you burn more fat so again they compare a

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halfway-decent carbohydrate in some cases to the absolute worst form of

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refined grain that we can find so it's the same argument again over and over

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they're saying that you do a little bit better if you don't eat the absolute

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worst kind of carbon that again is not an argument to eat

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more carbohydrates so I wanted to point these things out because this is what

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shows up on a Google search if you look for if you want to eat carbohydrates if

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you should eat carbohydrates if they're good for you this is the garbage that

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shows up it has no coherent argument there has no logic it has no sound

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research has no basis in Physiology so that is why we get so confused by that's

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why I have patients come in every day who have absolutely no idea what to eat

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so this channel is about teaching people enough of the big picture enough

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physiology enough human history enough about what humans are supposed to eat

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and the impact it has on the body so that you can make your decisions for

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yourself so that you can sift through the hype and the lack of proper

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arguments and the confusion so when I see this I I laugh first and then I get

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really really mad because I realize that people actually read this this is what

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shows up the most and then I think about the fact that 95% of people are gonna

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die from a degenerative disease that could be prevented

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that's 19 out of every 20 people that you know are gonna have a long period of

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suffering and they're gonna die and suffer needlessly because someone fed

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them bad information so even if they were willing to do something to change

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they don't know where to get it because this is the stuff that shows up so I

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urge you to share this with as many people as you can because think about

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them every 19 out of 20 people you know you could potentially save them by

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giving them some good information share this channel with them so that they can

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learn and so that we can help people get a little healthier thanks for watching

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