6 Best Secrets To Reverse Insulin Resistance Naturally & Change Your Life

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How to reverse insulin resistance. Is that even something that can be done? A

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lot of conditions traditionally are viewed as irreversible oftentimes when

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people get a diagnosis of diabetes then they hear that oh you're gonna take this

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medication and you're gonna take it for the rest of your life and it's probably

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gonna get worse and the same thing with blood pressure and and many other things

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that are considered chronic but I think the problem is that most doctors don't

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understand the mechanism properly and they also assume that people are

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incapable or unwilling to do the necessary changes to reverse the

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condition what they are forgetting is that the body is not stupid it is not

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random the body is very very intelligent and if something gets out of balance

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it's because we are pushing the body out of balance we have introduced something

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we have done something to create that imbalance and the body is just doing

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what it's supposed to so if we change some things to undo what we did to

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create the imbalance the body will follow suit and the body will establish

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balance and the body will heal but that is almost an unknown concept because

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once you go and you get your medication that you're often told that you'll be on

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it forever but by the time you finish watching this

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video you will understand enough that you know more than most doctors about

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insulin resistance and you will know that it can be helped and you know how

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to do it coming right up

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I'm doctor Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't

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miss anything it can be a little discouraging to try to research how to

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get healthy on the internet because 99% of the information is about disease it's

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about how to treat disease how to treat symptoms what conditions are called

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there's very little information on how to actually get healthy to understand

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the mechanisms and to understand how to improve them so when I typed in insulin

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resistance the first thing that pops up is that it says resistance to the

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hormone insulin resulting in increasing blood sugar and on the surface that

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statement looks reasonable but it's backwards because it's assuming it says

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resistance to the hormone insulin who is resisting well it's the cells of the

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body and now we're assuming that those cells are stupid and they're just not

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doing what they're supposed to and because they're being resistant that's

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why the blood sugar increases that's backwards it's the constant high blood

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sugar that results in the cells becoming resistant but if we don't realize that

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then we're always going to treat the end result as the problem next statement is

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that treatment can help but insulin resistance can't be cured then they say

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it's a chronic condition it's a lifelong condition in other words take your pill

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and don't ever stop and finally they throw in their clever two cents at the

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end weight loss and exercise can help reduce insulin resistance so let's talk

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about this but we're going to come back to this but first we're going to give

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you a different picture a different analogy of how this really works.

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when we eat something it is absorbed in the bloodstream that's the purpose we

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eat something it is broken down absorbed in the blood and then the fat the

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protein and the carbohydrates are absorbed into the bloodstream for fuel

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and building blocks carbohydrates create the strongest insulin response because

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they've raised blood sugar the most when blood sugar goes up insulin comes in

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insulin is released to assist to guide the blood sugar in out of the

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bloodstream and into the cell that's the purpose of insulin when we eat protein

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it creates a mild to moderate insulin response and when we eat fat then it

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creates almost zero insulin response in itself so even though all food creates

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an insulin response we're gonna focus on carbs because they create a many times

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stronger insulin response we eat some carbohydrates and they create blood

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sugar so we're gonna represent the whole vascular system the whole volume of

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blood with this container think of it as a jug and it can only hold so much and

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in the case of blood sugar even though the blood volume is relatively high it

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can only hold about one teaspoon at a time the excess needs to get into the

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cells as quickly as possible and that's where insulin comes in then the cells

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receive the blood sugar and if the cell uses what it needs to out of that

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glucose out of that sugar it converts the rest into glycogen and then fat so

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again think of these as containers and the cells can hold a whole lot more than

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the blood the blood can only hold like I said a teaspoon which is 20 calories the

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cells can hold about 1,500 calories of glycogen and they can hold hundreds of

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thousands of calories of but that's the sequence of things

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if we eat a lot of carbs and we fill up the blood sugar and then the blood sugar

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spills over and think of these as hoses so here's a little pipeline coming from

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the blood sugar and it's dumping the sugar into the cell by the time this

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container is full then it has to start converting the sugar to glycogen and the

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sugar into fat and then the fat eventually starts spilling over and gets

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stored so this starts often in the liver and then by the time those cells are

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full and it's called fatty liver then they start spilling outwards and that's

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where they spill into the surrounding tissue and you get this belly fat you

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get a large belly you get most of your weight on the midsection that's a result

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of this process now yeah not everyone who has insulin resistance gains weight

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but for the most part people do so when they say that the cell is resistant to

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the hormone insulin that's like blaming the container for being full we we have

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this mountain of carbs and we're creating these pipelines and we're

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filling up the cells and the the jug can only hold a gallon but we're trying to

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get two gallons in there and we're blaming the container because it becomes

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resistant it starts saying hey I'm full I don't want anymore I can't hold

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anymore and that's why the blood sugar increases because it has no place to

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go but when we look at this it sounds like the problem is the cell resisting

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insulin and that results in the increasing blood sugar when it's the

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other way around it's the excess of carbs that were

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dumping into the blood sugar that is filling up the container the container

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can only do so much when it's full its full

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all right so let's look at the next statement treatment can help what does

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that mean what is treatment so first of all they

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got the picture backwards they think the blood sugar is the problem rather than

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the cells or the carbs so treatment consists only exclusively of trying to

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lower the blood sugar so now they can do that with metformin they can do it with

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different drugs to make the cell more insulin sensitive to tell the cell hey

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stop resisting so we're tricking the cell into

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accepting more but it doesn't solve the problem because the cell is still full

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so all we're doing is with treatment that's like adding more hoses adding

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more pipelines adding some some pressurized hoses so we can force more

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stuff into that cell it's already bloating it's already bursting at the

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seams but we got if we think the blood sugar is the problem then we're just

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going to keep trying to empty the blood sugar container into the cells whatever

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it takes just force it more and more and more and eventually when we've asked the

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body to make so much insulin that we reach a point where the pancreas can't

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keep up now we start injecting insulin which again is just making adding more

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hoses more pipeline pushing more and more stuff into that poor cell that's

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already full the jug is full it's been overflowing for years and all we can

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think to do is to push more stuff into that cell and that's what treatment

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consists of so treatment when they say treatment can help what they mean is

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that we can do things to lower the blood sugar we can pump enough insulin or

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enough medication to lower that blood sugar paying no attention to what's

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going on over here paying no attention to the fact that now as a result we

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raise the blood we increase the abdominal obesity we

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create cardiovascular disease we raise triglycerides we create metabolic

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syndrome as a result of forcing the blood sugar into the cell never for once

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thinking that maybe we shouldn't put so many carbs into the blood sugar and if

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we understand them what the treatment is and what they consider help is then of

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course insulin resistance can't be cured because we're ignoring the source of the

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problem and the end result of the problem we're just looking at the

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intermediary and defining that as the problem and of course if we ignore the

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cause then it's going to be a chronic and lifelong condition and I don't know

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if I'm gonna laugh or cry every time I see this last statement

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weight loss and exercise can help reduce insulin resistance that yes exercise is

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a good thing do it do it a lot the exercising muscle is less insulin

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resistant so it is one small component but exercise in itself has virtually no

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effect unless you start reversing the abuse of the system the chronic loading

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overloading of the system but when they say things like weight loss can help

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reduce insulin resistance they're falling into the trap of thinking that

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weight causes the problems weight is the result of the problem so it's like it's

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not very helpful it's like telling someone if you want a long life then

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don't die if you want to live a really really long time

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you should consider avoiding death if you avoid dying then you live longer see

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it's it's a circular reasoning that's so obvious it's ridiculous

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but so often we hear that oh if you just lose some weight what they're telling

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you there is that if you would only have some character if you would only eat

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less calories you would lose weight and they're forgetting the bigger picture

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they don't understand that there's a reason the body is holding on to the

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weight called insulin resistance there is a reason that you get hungry called

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insulin resistance there's a reason that your body prefers to store away the fat

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in the cells rather than using them for fuel called insulin resistance so again

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they get it totally totally backwards and we need to start understanding that

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this is an overloading problem it is not a blood sugar problem and what are we

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overloading we're overloading the things that stimulate insulin so if you

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understand this model then you can see how every one of these statements is

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backwards and ignorant and ignorant not meaning stupid just uninformed they've

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got the wrong paradigm they've got the wrong picture and I never really

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understood how horrendous the official guidelines are I've always quoted these

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numbers I've read through a glance that the USDA the recommended guidelines for

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food and I've quoted these numbers that all on a 2,000 calorie diet you should

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eat they claim that you should eat 300 grams of carbs which is 60 percent of

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your caloric intake from carbs and if you look at any food label if you look

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at the very bottom when they recommend this much fat and this much carbs etc it

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says 300 grams of carbs on a 2,000 calorie diet and that's an unbelievably

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high number but it doesn't even tell the truth about how bad that is so number

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one they recommend 60% carbs but then I studied the official guidelines a

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little closer and in there it also speaks about two cups of fruit per day

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because everyone knows how good have to eat fruits and vegetables fruits and

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vegetables fruits and vegetables yes plant food is good to a point but they

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say two cups of fruit and it should be fresh frozen canned or juiced or dried

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so if you take a combination of all those and you have two cups of fruit

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that's about 75 grams of sugar per day just from the fruit and yes it's a

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little more natural than the table sugar but it's still sugar and half of that is

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still fructose and half of that is still going to jam those cells in the liver

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and create a fatty liver if you're not insulin resistant if you never had

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processed foods then yes you could probably eat some fruit I think you

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should eat fresh fruit I don't think you should eat 2 cups every day but you

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could definitely have some fruit but by the time you have insulin resistance and

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you eat fruit with a total of 75 grams of sugar per day that's the death

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sentence to that liver it is not going to recover on that load then they tell

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you to eat 3 cups of dairy per day and of course nonfat dairy and not the fat

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is the only thing that would slow down the insulin response a little bit but

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now that we have nonfat fat-free dairy now there's only protein and sugar which

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stimulate insulin if we had the whole fat dairy or if we had cream or

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half-and-half or sour cream then the fat would slow down the sugar absorption a

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bit and it would actually be a better food so 3 cups of dairy it's about 40

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grams of milk sugar so we don't get the fructose in there but it's still gonna

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have sugar to spike the blood sugar and then they say that old table sugar

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sugar that's not a good thing so you want to eat less than 10% of your total

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caloric intake from sugar added sugar so 10% is 200 calories or 50 grams of sugar

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so if you add that up that's a hundred and sixty-five grams of sugar per day

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and you have not eaten any candy bars or any ice cream or any soda astonishing

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numbers it completely blew my mind when I looked closer at those numbers and no

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wonder we're in the shape that we're in so if you understand this model that

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it's not a blood sugar problem it's an overloading problem it's

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pressurizing it's just pushing more and more stuff into the cells and that when

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we push with primarily carbs then we trigger insulin and insulin is the

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storage it's the pushing hormone then it becomes pretty obvious that all we have

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to do is do the opposite of this those cells would start burning off all that

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stored fuel if they got a chance if we stopped doing the things that trigger

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insulin we would give that cell a chance to stop overflowing so the first thing

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you want to do is to cut out sugar and why because sugar is 50% glucose 50%

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fructose the glucose increases blood sugar stimulates insulin the fructose

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jams up the liver and remember this represents all the body cells but

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primarily the liver because it's the metabolic factory and it's the first

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place that gets all the food and it's the only place that can process the

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fructose which is 50% of all that sugar so cut sugar then you want to reduce

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your carbs and so often we hear oh don't eat sugar but eat complex carbs eat

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bread and pasta and rice well they don't understand

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when they say that that there is no difference in the blood sugar response

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there's like that much difference (very tiny) because the complex carbs the starches

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they're just like long strings of sugar molecules and it takes the body minutes

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not hours it takes minutes for the body to start breaking up those chains and

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turning that complex carb turning that complex chain into individual sugars so

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complex carbs are on average about 10-15 minutes away from becoming sugar and

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that's why the rice and the bread and the potatoes have about the same impact

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on blood sugar as pure table sugar so complex carbs they're a fallacy if you

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think that they're gonna help reduce this problem

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the next thing you want to do is to eat fewer meals so if you do this six times

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a day if you're eating food and trigger insulin you raise your blood sugar

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you're filling up the pipeline you're pushing stuff into the cell if you do

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that six times a day every couple of hours while you're awake you're not

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giving that cell a chance to undo the overloading insulin is pushing it in and

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it needs time to start burning through some of those reserves some of those

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stores they're there the fuel is packed everywhere but they never get a chance

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to burn anything off because there's always more coming in and that's what

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happens when you eat three meals a day with snacks and and you have little

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bites of things along your day so you want to eat fewer meals and another word

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for that is intermittent fasting so I'd suggests if you eat three meals with

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snacks then start cutting the sugar start cutting the carbs and then as you

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increase your protein and fat you won't be so

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hungry and you can eliminate those snacks then as you go this take this a

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little bit further you'll find that you probably won't be so hungry even for

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three meals three meals will seem like a lot and whichever meal you don't feel

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like eating just skip it for most people that is breakfast but whatever works

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for you just give it a try and then you eat probably twice a day and then you

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start putting those two meals closer together so first you might eat at noon

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and at 8:00 in the evening so then you have eight hours between the meals and

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that means you're fasting for sixteen hours between dinner and lunch then you

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can push that a few hours and if you now have the dinner you push

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it back to six o'clock you have a six hour feeding window and an 18 hour

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fasting window so the longer you go between meals the more you give those

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cells a chance to start using up some of that stored fuel number four exercise

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exercise is a good thing it increases the cell's opportunity to burn through

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some of the fuel but it also increases the insulin sensitivity of the muscles

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the working muscle does not require any or nearly as much insulin to get the

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glucose into the cell because the working muscle is kind of sucking the

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glucose out of the bloodstream so exercise is a good thing I've done some

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videos on that so you can look into more detail number five you want to de-stress

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so many people today are stressed and what happens with stress is you're in a

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fight flight situation and the body is going to do everything it can to raise

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blood sugar to give you enough fuel to handle the fight and when blood sugar

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goes up so does insulin so stress and cortisol actually increases insulin

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resistance directly do some meditation do some breathing

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exercises whatever it takes get some exercise chill out whatever it takes

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this might seem a bit harsh but do the opposite of the recommended guidelines

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whatever the USDA and the Mayo Clinic and all those people say pretty much do

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the opposite because in their guidelines they tell you to eat 165 grams of sugar

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every day and that is not gonna get you healthy that is not going to reduce your

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insulin resistance there is no amount of exercise that is going to create a

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permanent solution this is kind of what they tried with The Biggest Loser and

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the vast majority of those people any any one of those people who can't keep

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working out six seven hours a day gained all the weight back because they crash

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their metabolism they didn't reduce their insulin resistance they lowered

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their basal metabolic rate and they lost the weight as long as they could put the

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system put their body into an emergency of just exercising all day long and

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starving it everything works for a while but if you can't maintain it and if you

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can't help that cell become less insulin resistant then the intervention is

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temporary so insulin resistance is reversible once you've been severely

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insulin resistant you'll probably have a tendency to go in that direction for the

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rest of your life but it doesn't mean that you have to be insulin resistant

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it just means you can probably never pig out completely like some people can but

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then that doesn't mean those people are healthy either because thin people get

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lupus and arthritis and diabetes and heart disease too so we have to not look

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at the weight or any of the symptoms we have to look at what is health what does

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the body require to be healthy if you're new to the channel and you enjoy this

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sort of content make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell

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and please share this information because so many people out there need

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this the vast majority of the Western world is insulin resistant and they

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still think it's a blood sugar problem they think they still the solution is to

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jam more stuff into the cells instead of less and helping the body burn through

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some of that thanks for watching

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