5 Whole Food Supplements To Stop Acid Reflux Naturally

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Hello Health Champions today we're going to  talk about five supplements to stop acid reflux  

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naturally and also we want to talk about why the  standard solution to acid reflux is the exact  

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opposite of what you want to do so acid reflux  is exactly what it sounds like it's a backflow  

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of acid and where it happens is in the stomach so  we have the esophagus come down and then we have  

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the stomach and then we have the lower esophageal  sphincter so the inside of the stomach is supposed  

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to be very very acidic so a pH of about one to  three it's an acid vat it's by far the most acidic  

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place in the body and it can tolerate that because  it secretes a thick layer of mucus on the inside  

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of the stomach to protect the cells from the acid  acid however this lower esophageal sphincter it's  

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supposed to open up it's a muscle that opens up  and lets food through down into the stomach when  

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you swallow but then once you're done swallowing  once you're done eating it's supposed to tighten  

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up and keep the food down in the stomach and keep  it from flowing back up with the acid that's now  

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produced and the pH helps stimulate the tone the  acid stimulates the muscle tone of that lower  

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esophageal sphincter so as long as we're very  very acidic then we keep a good muscle tone and  

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we don't have any backflow so it's the opposite of  most people think they think that acid reflux is  

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too much acid when in fact it's the opposite it's  when you don't have enough when your pH goes up  

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when it starts creeping up to about four or five  now we lose some of the tone of that sphincter and  

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now the food doesn't get digested properly so it  sits around longer and now it starts backflowing  

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and pushing on that lower esophageal sphincter and  now we get some irritation we get some burning and  

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pain up in the esophageal sphincter because the  cells up there don't have that mu mucous secretion  

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they don't have that protection so the stomach  can handle the acid the esophagus can't and if  

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this goes on for a long long time like months or  years then the irritation can be so severe that we  

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develop something called Barrett's esophagus and  now these cells start to change under the assault  

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they undergo what's called dysplasia they become  pre-cancerous they change from the nice regular  

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shapes that they're supposed to have but under  this assault they change and become pre-cancerous  

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so the most important thing to understand about  acid reflux is that it has everything to do with  

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this lower esophageal sphincter and then we  want to understand what are the factors that  

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influence the function of that sphincter well we  talked about one which is pH so it needs to be  

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very acidic that's the purpose of the stomach the  acid stimulates the production of pepsin which is  

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the digestive enzyme that we use to break down  protein so without that acid we don't stimulate  

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pepsin and we can't break down protein but the  other factor is what people miss the most and  

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that is your autonomic nervous system and we're  going to talk more about that so a lot of the  

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remedies are going to have to do with the pH but  you need to stick to the end where we're going  

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to go over the function of the autonomic nervous  system and the stress and how that influences this  

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and how it ties it all together otherwise you're  going to miss the biggest piece about how this  

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works the first thing that you can do because it's  the simplest and the cheapest and it's so easy is  

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apple cider vinegar there's a lot of talk about it  it's very popular because it has various different  

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benefits people know that it improves digestion  it improves insulin resistance but the way that  

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it helps acid reflux is that it brings the PH down  it helps the body get the PH down into the one  

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to three range where it needs to be and in doing  that it starts stimulating the digestive process  

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so everything depends on a previous step so first  we chew properly and then we swallow and now the  

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stomach does step one of digestion and then as  it gets further down into your digestive tract  

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every step down there depends on what happened  on the earlier steps so everything is a chain of  

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events and we have to make sure that these early  steps are working the second thing you can do is  

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to Simply take some hydrochloric acid in a pill  form when the body is supposed to make it but  

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doesn't make enough in the stomach then you can  take it in a supplement form it's usually called  

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betaine hide hydrochloride which is just a pill  form of hydrochloric acid and what this does is  

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just like the apple cider vinegar it lowers  the ph and it activates the pepsin the good  

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thing about hydrochloric acid is that the pH is  even lower so it's even more potent in bringing  

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the PH down in that very low range and a good  product I use come from standard process that  

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we use in the clinic they have two products one  is called zypan which is part hydrochloric acid  

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and part pepsin and pancreatic enzymes so you  get a few different things that contribute to  

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the digestive process the second thing they have  is simply betaine hydrochloride which has the  

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hydrochloric acid with some pepsin but none of the  pancreatic enzymes now here's the thing to keep in  

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mind though if you have an active irritation like  an ulcer or gastritis and every time you take a  

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little bit of acid it burns then you don't want to  start off with apple cider vinegar or hydrochloric  

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acid because you're not ready for it it's too  intense because you already have sort of an open  

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wound there so what you want to do now is you want  to support your digestion a little more gently and  

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a product that works great also from standard  process is called okra pepsin E3 so it has some  

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digestive enzymes but it also has some soothing  components that help coat the stomach and reduce  

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the distress while still helping the digestive  process number three is to Simply eat some salt  

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salt is also known as sodium chloride it has 40  sodium and 60 percent chloride and the chloride  

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like the name says is the raw material for this  hydrochloric acid that's what the body needs to  

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make the hydrogen chloric acid if we don't have  enough and I see that on quite a few blood tests  

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that when your chloride's low then that could mean  that your production of hydrochloric acid suffers  

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now there's many many reasons we're going to talk  about as well and regular table salt is sodium  

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chloride but if you use sea salt or pink Himalayan  salt now you're getting the sodium chloride but  

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also a bunch of different trace minerals that can  come in handy an interesting tidbit for you I knew  

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that chloride and salt was very abundant on the  planet because that's what sea water has in it I  

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had no idea how much there is so in all the oceans  combined there's about 50 quintillion kilograms of  

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chlorine which is about half the mass of the Moon  so there is no shortage of chloride on the planet  

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but you got to make sure that you get some into  your body so you can make Hydro boric acid number  

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four is probiotics we talked about how important  it is to cover every step of the digestive tract  

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from start to finish so that all the steps are  there well here's another example of how important  

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that is when we're talking about the microbiome  that we have these we have our digestive tract  

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with a small intestine and then we get into the  large intestine and we have all these bacteria  

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down here now they have a combined genetic Mass  the number of genes of all the bacteria in your  

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gut outnumbers your body your own body's DNA  about a hundred fold so the neurotransmitters  

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and the chemical Messengers down there that are  produced have a huge impact on your health and  

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your physiology and your mood and your insulin  resistance and all those different things and we  

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know for example that the brain and the mood is  hugely influenced by the microbiome and then of  

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course the frontal lobe the brain the cortex has a  huge impact which we'll talk about in a second on  

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the autonomic nervous system and the function of  your gut and the production of acid and so forth  

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so this is just one more example of how incredibly  important it is to look at the body holistically  

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and not just go in with spot treatment so what  most people do is they take an antacid they feel  

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a burning and they have a burning in the esophagus  and they think that it's too much acid so now they  

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take an antacid and they relieve the symptom  for the time being because whatever they take  

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is alkaline and it neutralizes the acid but now  they just shut down their digestive process so now  

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they don't have the nutrient they don't get it the  absorption and it backfires in the long term the  

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they can't utilize the food and the food gets  down into the small intestine undigested now  

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we get inflammation we promote leaky gut and the  leaky gut signals back to the brain and now we get  

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mood disorders and so on and so forth so we have  to realize that the acid is there for a reason the  

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body is not stupid it does not make stomach acid  by mistake and when we neutralize that acid now  

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we are shooting ourselves in the foot we are doing  ourselves a disservice we're interfering with what  

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the body is trying to do I've done a lot of work  on probiotics and microbiome in the clinic lately  

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and one company that stands out to me is called  systemic formulas I believe that we're leading  

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in probiotics and they have a wider variety of  strains and more heavy duty products than anywhere  

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else I have found they even develop some of their  own strain lanes that are not available anywhere  

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else and what most people seem to be deficient  in is soil based bacteria so they have a product  

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called Terra biome that works really well for a  lot of people and then if that doesn't work then  

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there's another one called immunobiome and between  these two we've been able to handle pretty much  

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anything now the thing to keep in mind is we don't  want to do the same thing over and over for a long  

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period of time the body wants change the body is  always adapting so if you don't know which one you  

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most likely need then start with one and go for  a month and then alternate and go back and forth  

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and then take a break and then maybe start over  again because we don't want to just do one thing  

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forever we want to challenge the body we want to  bring in some variety number five has to do with  

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brain support because it's very well established  that there's a strong connection between brain  

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health and gerd between reflux so whenever people  have anxiety when they don't feel so good when  

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they don't sleep enough when they have a lot of  stress then they have more episodes of reflux it  

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always gets worse when people are stressed so if  we can support the brain to make the brain fire  

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up a little better give it a little burn a little  brighter if you will then it can modulate it can  

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balance the gut and your stress levels much better  the first product we try is called mintran from  

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standard process it's a mineral Min trans stands  for mineral tranquilizer it's all natural stuff  

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but it can be very calming for people with anxiety  and if that frontal lobe is a little weak then  

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we can support it and strengthen it a little  bit the other one is fish oil but we need to  

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understand that fish oil is anti-inflammatory  it helps the body modulate inflammation in  

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general but if we're looking for brain support  specifically now we want something that's very  

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high in DHA and usually most fish oil have about  a three to two ratio between EPA and DHA but tuna  

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Omega has a five to one the other way so it  has five times more DHA so if we're looking to  

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support brain and frontal lobe and have a calming  effect then it's the DHA that we're looking for  

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so we said that in order to control the tone the  muscle tone of this lower esophageal sphincter  

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we have pH as one of the factors and most of the  remedies that we talked about have to do with ph  

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the last one had to do with brain support and this  is where we get into the autonomic nervous system  

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the ANS because the ANS has two branches called  the sympathetic and the parasympathetic and those  

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sounds like big complicated words but just know  that sympathetic is fight flight anytime you're  

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stressed you're going to fire off more sympathetic  function at the expense of the parasympathetic  

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which is your feed breed your digestion your  reproduction Etc so if we just understand that  

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sympathetic and parasympathetic are like a seesaw  that whenever you have stress you fire off the  

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sympathetic at the expense of the parasympathetic  then you can explain almost everything that goes  

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on in the body so let me make it really simple  for you when you have a stress response that  

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you're sympathetic that's your fight flight and  whenever you're sympathetic kicks in it's going  

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to decrease the parasympathetic because you only  have so much blood in the body there's only so  

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many resources and when you are threatened when  there's something chasing you you need to send all  

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the blood or most of the blood to the muscles  that can do the work and get you out of there  

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that's more important than digesting food at that  time so as long as that sympathetic nervous system  

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stays engaged or is has more priority than your  parasympathetic your digestion is going to suffer  

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and the parasympathetic drives everything about  your digestion your immunity your reproduction  

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and your healing so like we talked about before  here with the l-e-s the lower esophageal sphincter  

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well it is controlled by the parasympathetic so  whenever you have more sympathetic Drive whenever  

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you have more stress you're going to lessen the  control of that sphincter and you're going to  

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reduce the muscle tone of that sphincter you're  going to allow more backflow of that acid but  

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not only that when you have more stress you're  also going to decrease the production of your  

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hydrochloric acid and your digestive enzymes so  sure you could take a supplement and improve the  

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pH situation but long term you want to balance out  your stress response so you can make acid yourself  

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without the supplement that's the way it's  supposed to happen we also know that when people  

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are stressed when they have a high sympathetic  drive then they have less micro diversity they  

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have fewer strains they have lesser numbers and  fewer Variety in their microbiome so they have a  

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less healthy gut we also know that they have more  increased permeability they have a higher tendency  

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toward food allergies and autoimmunity and like we  said you're also going to see a decrease in immune  

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function you're going to see a decrease in healing  and repair and you're going to see a decrease in  

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reproductive function that means that you're going  to have less of a sex drive and you've been less  

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able to have and maintain erections so if you  understand how much stress we have is there any  

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wonder why we have so many digestive disorders and  why there's an infertility clinic on every corner  

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these days so the thing to understand about stress  and sympathetic tone is that most of the time you  

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can't feel it sometimes people know that they're  really stressed but other times they'll say oh I  

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was stressed 20 years ago when I had a stressful  job but today my life is so peace useful but what  

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they don't realize is that during all those years  they conditioned a pattern of responses and the  

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Baseline of nervous system Behavior into their  body and these responses get patterned in from  

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childhood we look at our parents we mirror their  behavior we have mirror neurons that mimic what we  

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see with before we're even aware of what we're  doing and then these patterns stay with us for  

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a lifetime so for most people who try to do the  right thing they eat right and they exercise and  

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they try to take care of themselves but they still  have some health issue 99 of the time it's going  

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to be based on stress and sympathetic dominance  and drive but if we understand that these are  

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conditioned patterns now we can also start undoing  them but it's going to take some time it's like a  

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trickle effect if we're consistent and what  you want to do is you want to relax you want  

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to practice mindfulness and relaxation but on top  of that you want to do some breathing exercises  

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and some meditation on a regular basis so you can  start programming a new pattern but there's a lot  

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of research in this area and they're starting  to understand it better and there's even a lot  

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of really cool devices because we know that  meditation works but who has the time and the  

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patience to sit down for 30 minutes 45 minutes an  hour every day and just focus and concentrate and  

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it might take a year here to really get good at  it and some people still don't really get there  

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so there are some shortcuts and one of them is  called brain tap that we use a lot in my office  

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now and we'll put a link down below for all of  the products and things that I talked about if you  

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want to check them out and if you want to dig a  little bit deeper and start understanding how all  

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these issues are influenced by the things you can  read on your blood work I've published a course  

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where you can learn more about that so right now  there's over 15 hours of video explaining that  

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and guiding you through taking you by the hand so  you can take your blood work and follow along and  

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understand what it means and take charge of your  health that way and I'm going to keep building it  

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out based on feedback and questions then I'll post  the videos on the course as well and right now  

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it's still the lowest price we're going to offer  it's the introductory price once it's fully built  

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then the price will go up but if you get on it now  then you will have lifetime access and you will  

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still get all of the improvements that will happen  down the road if you look down below there's some  

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more information about that too if you enjoyed  this video you're going to love that one and if  

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you truly want to master Health by understanding  how the body really works make sure you subscribe  

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