5 Secrets To Lose Weight Effortlessly - Doctor Explains

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Hello Health Champions. Today I'm gonna talk about the five secrets to losing

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weight effortlessly and forever. Coming right up.

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg. I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works,

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything. Millions of people try to lose weight

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and only end up gaining it all back why does that happen

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to 98% of people? Do they have not have a strong enough intention? Do they not have

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enough willpower? Are they lazy? No it's because they're doing it wrong and then

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they're being lied to and they're being told that you just need to eat less and

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exercise more and the reason it's not working is because you just don't have

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the willpower you're not good enough you don't have the motivation or the

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character or whatever it is and pretty soon all these people they don't know of

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anything different so they start doubting themselves they start feeling

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guilty and shameful and saying oh there must be something wrong with me but that

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is not how it works okay the obesity epidemic is exponential

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but it's not because Earth has been overwhelmed by a bunch of people with no

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willpower it's because we have changed the way we eat and we've changed the way

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we live there is hope there is nothing wrong with your willpower or your

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character what needs to change is your understanding of what the real problem

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is so let's go through those the number one thing the number one secret you need

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to understand is don't go on a diet don't ever go on a diet again because it

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didn't work last time and it hasn't worked for the millions of people who

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are trying it over and over and over right diets don't work

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when you go on a diet at some point you plan

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to go off a diet so the very idea that you're going to go on something implies

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that you're gonna get off it and then you'll be right back where you started

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and that's why we have all these yo-yo dieters because what happens if you

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think that the problem is eating less and exercising more if that's the

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solution then you're gonna get hungry and you can only keep it up so long and

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then you're on the yo-yo you fail you have guilt shame and you end up stop

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trying and before long you'll have fear of failure and you're afraid of going on

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the diet the next time because you're afraid of being hungry because that's

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what happened last time but you don't know what else to do

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ok so there is hope let's talk about it the number one misconception that we

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have to get over is that its calories in calories out yes we all understand the

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first law of thermodynamics that the energy remains constant in a closed

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system but a calorie is not a calorie they behave differently they change your

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behavior right some calories are going to stimulate hunger some calories are

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going to satiate hunger they're going to trigger different hormones they're going

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to trigger different behavior and you already know this because 500 calories

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of steak is not the same satisfaction it doesn't satiate you the same as 500

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calories of potato chips you know there is a difference okay you your body

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responds differently so all these people who say that calories in calories out is

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the only variable to look at they are guilty of insanity that means doing the

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same thing over and over and over and expecting a different results ok we've

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tried this we tried it for decades and millions and millions and millions

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of people have tried it and somewhere around 1% or so

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succeed and those are the people who have extreme willpower and motivation

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but they're also the kind of people who weren't really that unbalanced in the

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first place so the first thing I want you to promise me is to never go on a

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diet again it's okay to do a cleanse for a week or two or three but that's

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different what we're talking about is a lifestyle change that once you start

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implementing it you only make changes that you plan to

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keep up for the rest of your life because otherwise you're gonna go on and

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you're gonna go off and you're right back where you started

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secret number two we have to address the root cause if your body is behaving a

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certain way there's a reason your body is behaving a certain way there's a

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reason that you're hungry there's a reason the food impacts you differently

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and those reasons that change your behavior are called hormones and a

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hormone imbalance is the root cause and you can never keep your hormone

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imbalance and just override it with willpower it's not going to work never

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has never will that's why we have the track record we do the hormones in

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question are primarily insulin cortisol leptin and growth hormone so insulin

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we've talked a lot about it's a fat storing hormone when you eat food your

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blood sugar goes up insulin is released to take the blood sugar out of the

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bloodstream sugars and carbohydrates trigger the most blood sugar so they

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trigger the most insulin so they have the strongest tendency to store fat

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insulin promotes the conversion of carbohydrate to fat and it prevents it

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inhibits the conversion of fat to energy so in other words it is a fat storing

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hormone and if we want to get into fat burning you can't do it by exercising

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and eating less you have to reduce the insulin dominance the

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insulin resistance in your body cortisol is another hormone it's stress hormones

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so when you have a lot of stress your body does everything it can it burns

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every bridge possible to get your blood sugar up because it perceives that

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there's an emergency when you're stressed and then you need more of the

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short-term fuel called carbohydrate and blood sugar but when your blood sugar

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goes up but you're not moving because you're just sitting in a car being

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stressed or you just stress throughout the day from everything going on there

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is no outlet for that blood sugar so insulin has to put it back in to the

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cell and now that cortisol drives insulin and insulin resistance leptin is

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a satiety hormone so it regulates how full you feel and how safe your body

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feels in using energy so when you're leptin sensitive leptin signals that

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we've had enough and it's safe to burn off some for energy but when you're

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losing when you become leptin resistance when you're not sensitive and your brain

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isn't sensing the message then even though you've eaten lots and lots of

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food you're not satisfied your body isn't full but even worse it doesn't

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even feel that it's safe to burn some of that energy that you ate and that you

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have stored you're still in eating mode and in fat

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storing mode and guess what it's the insulin that primarily turns off the

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sensitivity to leptin the last is growth hormone and growth hormone is a fat

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burning hormone it is also a muscle building hormone it is primarily

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triggered by fasting when you don't eat then the body says oh there's no food

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here we better burn some fat but insulin completely and totally pretty much turns

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off growth hormone so when we eat frequent meals and

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eat foods that trigger a lot of insulin then growth hormone is always going to

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be very low and here's the thing that a lot of people miss that an imbalance in

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these hormones make you hungry all right we speak about calories in calories out

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as if hunger was something that you could just overlook oh I'm hungry I'm

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just gonna ignore that you could do that for a day or two or maybe a week or if

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you're like super will-powered or if you're in imprison somewhere and they

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only give you so much then you don't have a choice

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but hunger is not something that you can fight very long and certainly not the

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rest of your life so if you're hungry your body is screaming and the more that

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you try to deny that need that physiological need the more the body is

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going to scream that's why it is not sustainable when people talk about diets

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not being sustainable the calorie restriction diet is not sustainable

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period and your own common sense and your experience will verify that so if

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we ever want to conquer hunger if we ever want to get to the place where we

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are effortlessly living and losing weight the only way is to get these

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hormones in balance and that with the lifestyle and the type of foods that we

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eat not the amount of foods that we eat number three secrets to effortless

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weight loss is to understand what food is right we've completely lost track

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we've completely lost all concept as a culture of what food is we think that

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it's something you put in your mouth that gives you some sort of

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gratification for a few minutes that's not what food is think about it this way

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is there any other animal on the planet that has a widespread problem with

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obesity and weight control of course not sure el elephants and whales are super

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heavy but they're not obese they're supposed to be heavy they're supposed to

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have the amount of fat they have is appropriate for that species

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right there are no overweight animals in the wild on a regular widespread basis

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okay they regulate that why because they eat real food they eat the food that is

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appropriate for their species and because it's real food because it has

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dense nutrients because it promotes and stimulates appropriate hormones because

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it is satisfying then hunger turns on and off appropriately and that's what

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real food does the only reason that we have lost that ability to determine what

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appropriate hunger and satiety is and that we eat too much and we slow down

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our metabolism is because we've eaten food that destroy our hormonal balance

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we eat processed food we eat man-made food the only other animals on the

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planet that have a weight problem are our pets and any other animal that's

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unfortunate enough to eat man-made food but natural whole food provided by the

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planet promotes health and it does not create health imbalances or weight

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problems or hunger issues and most people today would agree with that most

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dietitians and doctors no matter what camp they reside in they would say that

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no you minimize processed food eat eat whole food but then we disagree a lot on

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what real normal food is and especially about fat because we've got this fat

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phobia we've got somewhere along the line for all the wrong reasons I won't

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get into today we decided that fat was bad and that was a monumental mistake

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because fat is the preferred fuel for the body so a lot of the people who

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criticize and oppose the low-carb high-fat movement and the ketogenic

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movement they think it's because the high fat diet is un-natural

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they say that well it's an extremely high fat diet it's an

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extremely low carb diet and because that it's not sustainable you can't do that

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because it's unnatural and that is a huge misconception because what is it

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extremely high compared to alright if in this room right now it's about 20

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degrees Celsius or about 70 degrees Fahrenheit and if you were to take a

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polar bear or a penguin into this room then they would find it extremely hot ok

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but to us it's normal so the question then is what is normal to humans and it

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certainly isn't the kind of food we've been eating for 60 years

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right so ever since we got this enormous boom in processed foods and the

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processed food era we've had this sort of development for obesity and from 1960

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and on the processed food we did more and more food processing but then around

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1980 we introduced high fructose corn syrup that was kind of the straw that

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broke the camel's back but this is the trend that that we have had - in other

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words this is the track record of what a lot of people think normal food is if

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you think that the 50-60 thousand items in your grocery store is normal food

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then you're wrong that's not normal food that's not normal and this is what has

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happened as a result so we have to understand that what they call extremely

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high fat an extremely low carb is normal human food as long as it is whole food

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as long as it is pretty much the way that it came out of the earth then it is

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good whole food for humans number four now we know some of the basics now we're

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ready to take action and the first action we want to take is to

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reduce sugar because when it comes to health sugar is the root of all evil

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there is no ifs or buts about it it does the two things that are the most

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detrimental to human health glucose raises blood sugar and fructose

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clogs the liver and creates insulin resistance glucose speeds up your blood

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sugar changes your fluctuations you get a rollercoaster it makes you hungry and

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fructose is a liver toxin so sugar table sugar pure sugar is 50% each of the two

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worst things that we have ever come across and what makes sugar toxic is the

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concentration because it's a natural molecule it is the the molecule of plant

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life it is it makes up trees it makes up vegetables and fruits everything is made

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up of carbohydrate and glucose and fructose

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but it's the concentration when we eat vegetable we're getting one to two to

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three percent of sugar and it's packaged with lots and lots of water and fiber

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and minerals and enzymes and things that we need to break that down so it's the

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delivery method that's different and we could never get more than a few

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teaspoons of sugar from anything that the earth produces but when we refine it

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now there's no limit now we're getting 10, 15, 20 times more sugar in a

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concentrated form and the dose makes the poison so sugar is extremely toxic and

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the even the 10% that they tell us to limit sugar to is way way too much I

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would say no more than two three teaspoons a day from all sources of

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refined sugar next we want to reduce processed foods and carbohydrates so now

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it depends on the person how far they have to go if you're not there

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unhealthy if you're not terribly insulin resistant if your hormone system isn't

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so much out of balance then it might be enough that you just cut out most of the

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sugar and most of the processed foods and you can go on and eat some of the

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other carbs like potatoes or rice and if that works for you great that means that

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you weren't too terribly your weight wasn't too stubborn in the first place

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you were just eating too much because you ate the wrong things that promoted

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hunger but for a lot of people the weight is a little more stubborn and now

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it's not enough to just reduce the sugar and the processed foods you would also

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have to get into a low carb high fat diet or even a ketogenic diet where you

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are cutting the carbohydrates so low that you're forcing your body to

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reevaluate to learn how to use fat for fuel again so wherever you are you want

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to think of it as a journey there is no quick fix and whatever actions you

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decide then watch a lot of videos learn what the steps are learn the principles

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then you make a commitment to what you're going to do you make a commitment

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to the steps you're going to take and it doesn't really matter if you do it slow

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or fast that's more of a personality thing some people are better suited to

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do things really really fast it's like all or nothing while other people

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function better if they can do it gradually the faster you do it the more

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likely that you'll have a reaction that your body will find it a little

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unpleasant in the transition period but on the other hand you kind of get it

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over with what I would do is I would do it whether I do it slow or fast I would

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make sure that I introduced it as a lifestyle that along the way I make sure

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that I look at it as a forever for the rest of my life kind of thing so I develop

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new recipes and new habits that I can take with me

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along the way part of your action steps I would say

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would also have to include exercise and it's not for the reasons that you hear

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all the time they say eat less exercise more so that you burn off the calories

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that is not why the reason you want to exercise is your brain needs it your

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brain controls everything about body the signals that are generated from movement

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feed the brain it's the number one signal nutrient it's the

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use-it-or-lose-it of your brain and then it also promotes

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a better hormone balance it promotes a better circulation and detoxification so

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the list is very very long for the benefits of exercise and it will even

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burn some calories but that's not why you're doing it because it won't

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significantly address the root cause the root causes hormone imbalance and even

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though it is going to have a positive impact it's not going to be the main

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thing that's going to fix the problem and then I also recommend that you

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meditate because meditation is a great way to reset your body to de-stress to

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put your body in a healing state so you want to think of the body as chemical

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structural and emotional and with exercise you're addressing some of the

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structural with the better nutrition and food you're addressing the chemical and

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with meditation you're also addressing the emotional so you're kind of giving

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your your body a more well-rounded and complete solution and the number five

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secret to an effortless and permanent weight loss is to not set a weight-loss

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goal don't set a weight-loss goal and now you're thinking I've gone totally

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crazy that we're talking we're doing a video on weight loss and now you're

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saying to not set a weight-loss goal so it's alright for you to know where you

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are and where you want to go you want to have the

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endpoint in mind that's fine but don't force yourself into a timeline because

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that's gonna backfire and the reason you don't want to use the weight as the goal

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is that it's not the root cause it's not the problem the weight is a result of an

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imbalance and it's the imbalance that you want to address so when you set the

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goal you want to set it in terms of health you want to set it in terms of

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the positive things that you want to achieve and you want to talk about the

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quality of your life and it's perfectly fine to write these down talk about how

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you want to feel what do you want to weigh that's fine again don't just put a

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timeline on it talk about the habits that you want to develop talk about how

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you want to feel doing these things and the reason I say that is that if you set

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a weight-loss goal if you say that oh I want to lose such and such amount of

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weight by such and such a date that's not really something that you have a lot

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of control over if you want to happen naturally and effortlessly if you want

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it to happen by itself in a balanced harmonious way you first have to solve

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the root cause if you think the weight is the problem and you start acting on

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that now you're probably going to do some things to set yourself back they're

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going to backfire and slow down the improvement of the real problem so if

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you decide oh I'm going to exercise more I'm gonna burn more calories then you're

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probably going to trigger more cortisol you're gonna slow down the improvement

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or you might decide to eat less and now your body just gets hungrier and you get

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your hormones more out of balance and you slow down your metabolism and so on

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and so forth if you want this to unravel in a natural way then you have to

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understand that it's the root causes it's the insulin resistance and the

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hormone imbalance that you're addressing if you're focusing on chain

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the weight it's more like you're trying to make the grass grow faster all right

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it's gonna grow when it's ready right now the lawn is yellow and it's not

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gonna start growing no matter what we do to it it's not gonna start growing for a

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few months and so it is with your body as well it's gonna start doing the

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things in the proper sequence not necessarily in the order that that your

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priority is so what you can do is you measure and track your blood markers you

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measure and track your weight but that's more like a positive observation if it

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happens it happens you know what it is now you know where you want it to be but

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you let it unfold at its own time don't put a timeline on that part of it just

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know that as your body gets back into balance the weight and the hormones and

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the blood markers will get better as well if you like this video then make

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sure you check out that one as well thank you so much for watching I'll see

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you next time

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