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Hello Health Champions. Today I want to talk about why intermittent fasting

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burns fat faster. Coming right up.

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Hey, I'm Dr. Ekberg. I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything. Now anything that's successful and gets popular but that's a little bit

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off the beaten path is gonna get a lot of controversy around it so we're going to

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talk about five reasons why fat is burned faster when you fast the first

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way that fasting helps burn fat is that it's very effective at depleting hepatic

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glycogen hepatic just means liver and glycogen is a storage form of excess

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carbohydrate the body can't store a whole lot of carbohydrate but it can

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store some and it stores it in the muscles which is fuel for the muscles

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but the the glycogen can't get from the muscles to the rest of the body

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however the liver is a reserve of carbohydrate for the rest of the body

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now I want to clear something up about fuel the body has three types of fuels

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available carbohydrates fat and protein and it does burn them preferentially in

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this order but it's not like a lot of people have said or been told that you

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will only burn carbs first that you will not burn any fat until one hundred

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percent of the carbs are gone that's just not how it works there's

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always a mix of fuels that are being burned protein is being spared as much

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as possible you really just burn protein if none of these are available or if you

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have eaten excess protein if there's more protein by far available then some

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of that's going to be used for fuel but carbs and fat are used in a different

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proportion depending on how much is available if a

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lot of carbs are available it'll burn mostly carbs and then there's a very low

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incentive to burn fat so as you burn through the carbs as your glycogen

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stores go down now the incentive to burn fat increases and it generally takes 12

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to 24 hours to deplete the hepatic glycogen or to reduce it significantly

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to where fat burning kicks in a lot of people only get about eight hours of

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fasting the people who eat a late meal and then breakfast the first thing in

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the morning they might only get eight hours of fasting or even less if they

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sleep five or six hours and during that time you probably get into a little bit

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of fat burning but very very little fat is being burned however if you can

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increase that fasting period if you skip the breakfast and you have your first

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meal at lunch let's say and then you have your last meal at 8 now you have a

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16 hour fasting window and now you're giving your body a much much better

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opportunity to burn fat and if you can stretch that even a couple of more hours

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now that's two more hours where your body gets better and better where you're

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shifting more and more toward fat burning and obviously they're longer you

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can stretch that the more fat you burn the second way that fasting burns fat is

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by reducing insulin whenever we eat something insulin is released and

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insulin is a storage hormone so when insulin is high we really can't burn

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much fat at all therefore lowering insulin increases fat burning and

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fasting is the most powerful way to reduce insulin so by lowering insulin

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fasting allows us to become fat burning and even more important long term is fat

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adapted we can teach the body through longer periods of fasting longer than

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eight hours at least we teach the body to use

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fat as the primary fuel and as you probably know if you watched a few

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videos sugar and carbs will increase insulin the most so we can start

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reducing insulin by eating low carbs that'll keep insulin and glycogen

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lower but if you think about it fasting is zero carbs during the time that

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you're fasting you're introducing zero carbs to the body so that's the fastest

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most powerful way to reduce insulin the third mechanism by which fasting

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increases fat burning is that it up regulates fat burning hormones when you

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fast you increase human growth hormone and while there's a lot of things such

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as high-intensity interval training that can raise human growth hormone

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tremendously fasting is the most powerful and the longer fast like three

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to five days can increase it up to twelve hundred and fifty percent however

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you don't have to go quite that long to get significant benefits even with a 16

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18 20 hour fast you're still getting dramatically higher level of growth

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hormone than if you're eating six meals a day a tremendous additional benefit is

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that it's muscle sparing and that's another myth that you hear a lot is that

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fasting would waste muscles and no it does not

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unless you're just completely starving if your body has no resources then of

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course eventually you're going to waste some muscle as well but fasting produces

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growth hormone for the purpose of sparing the muscle and burning the fat

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so that's another mechanism that allows that selective using of fat another

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hormone is nor-epinephrine or nor-adrenaline and even though that is a

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stress hormone we have to keep in mind that some stress is beneficial that when

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we do things like exercise and cold showers and fasting those are

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physiologically beneficial by stressing the body just a

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little bit we give it a reason to do something better

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the fourth mechanism is that fasting allows a longer period of fat burning so

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once we are fat burning the more time we stay in that state then it's obvious

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we're gonna burn more fat okay, you knew that but think of it this way also that

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even if you eat low carb I mean if you eat high carb it's more so but even low

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carb a meal is an interruption in fat burning when you don't put any fuel in

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the only fuel available is on the body but as soon as you put fuel in now the

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body has a choice it can burn the fuel on the body or the stuff that you just

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put in and obviously it's going to reduce the burning of the fat on the

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body so think about it this way if you have a calorie restriction diet you're

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eating 3 meals a day plus snacks but you're eating really really low calorie

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foods like hundred calorie snacks and 200 calorie meals low fat rice cakes and

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things like that the blue line represents blood sugar insulin and

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glycogen because all three of those go together and they interfere with fat

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burning so let's say that you had a meal the night before and then you go to bed

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and now you're in fat storing mode because your body has to store away it

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has to process through the meal that you had but then sometime during the night

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you cross over and you're done with the storing and you get into fat burning but

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then you wake up and you have breakfast so now you get into fat storing again

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and if you're eating really low calories then the food isn't gonna last that long

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so you probably dip into just a little bit of fat burning but you're eating

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high carb low fat so you have to eat frequently and you're hungry and you're

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just eating is tiny tiny bites of things so you're burning a little bit of fat

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but you're interrupting that fat burning throughout the day so here's

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a meal and a snack and a meal and a snack and a meal and a snack and maybe

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between you get a little bit of fat burning but most of the time you spend

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in storing and because you're reducing calories but you're not really burning a

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whole lot of fat that is what reduces your metabolism you're constantly

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pushing your insulin which is storing so now your body doesn't have the fuel and

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it has to slow the metabolism to compensate for that low calorie input

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and then you have your evening snack and then you go to bed and you repeat the

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whole process now let's say that you try intermittent fasting but you're eating

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the same types of food lots of bread and pasta and oatmeal and so forth so you're

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starting off at the same point and you're crossing it at the about the same

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place during the night you get into fat burning but when you wake up you don't

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have breakfast first thing you go four more hours before lunch and that gives

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you four more hours of fat burning so you get a longer period and you get a

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little bit deeper into fat burning then you have one meal and then you get into

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a little bit of fat-burning before you have your evening meal and then you

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start over again so this is better than this because you're allowing longer

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periods of reducing insulin so your body is going to have more access to the fat

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store so you're not gonna get as hungry and the incentive to lower your

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metabolism is not as strong as with the frequent meals but there's always a

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better way so let's combine intermittent fasting with low carb so it's the same

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two meals but because it's low carbs we're starting at a lower level of

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glucose we're starting with lower glycogen and lower insulin so it's not

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going to take us as long we're going to hit that fat burning zone much earlier

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during the night and even if we eat at the same time at lunch or in the

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afternoon we have spent more time in fat

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burning and we get to a much deeper more profound level of fat burning on

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low-carb then we eat but we're not raising the glucose and insulin and

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glycogen as much so again we get quicker back to the fat burning we're always

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closer to fat burning on a low-carb diet and then of course we have our meal and

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we repeat it but all in all with low carb and intermittent fasting you spend

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much more time in fat burning than either of these other examples the fifth

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way it helps burn fat is that it helps you eat less alright how does it do that

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it helps with improving insulin sensitivity when you're fasting insulin

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goes down you become more insulin sensitive and that makes more fat

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available for burning the calorie counting mafia is right you have to eat

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fewer calories than you burn if you want to lose weight but they're wrong in that

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calories are the thing to focus on you can't just eat fewer calories you have

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to eat fewer calories in a way that doesn't make you hungry and that's what

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fasting allows you to do when insulin is high it's a storage hormone it packs

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away the fat and when insulin goes down that fat becomes available now we have

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an additional fuel source we don't have to rely just on the calories we eat we

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can add the calories that were just liberated by lowering insulin so now we

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have more fuel available from the body our energy reserves just the available

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energy reserves just increased and therefore we get less hungry another way

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is that insulin is tied to leptin and leptin is a satiety hormone when you eat

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you're supposed to get full and when you put food in your body

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leptin is produced and leptin tells the brain that hey I had something to eat

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I'm full but insulin blunts it blocks the message

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of leptin so you eat and the leptin goes to tell the brain hey I'm full but now

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that message doesn't reach the brain so you keep eating you're still hungry

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so by improving insulin sensitivity we also improve leptin sensitivity we have

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improved we restore the fullness signaling and you get less hungry is

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intermittent fasting a good diet well I don't like to call anything a diet I

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just want to look at how does it work for health and how does it work for

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results and does it get results absolutely can it fit into your

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lifestyle and is it sustainable absolutely what's the point of doing

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something if it's not sustainable if you do something that creates a certain

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results but you don't maintain it then it's just a matter of time before you're

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back where you started or worse so it's absolutely sustainable is it easy yes

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it's the easiest thing you can do because all you do is you do less of

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something you're already doing so instead of eating six meals you go down

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to three and then you go down to two and maybe go down to one it's about not

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doing something you're already doing how much easier could it get then there are

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different patterns so which one do you pick well I would suggest that you start

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with something like a 16-8 and then you go to whatever length of fasting gets

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you the results that you are looking for so if you get the results with 16 hours

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of fasting an 8 hour feeding window great if you need to go a little further

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then that's what you do and then once you've reached the goals then depending

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on your schedule and your lifestyle based on your metabolism and your

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genetics then you might go to OMAD and then you might backtrack or you might

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stay on one meal a day a lot of people once they've lost the weight they

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probably will go back to a 16-8 or 18-6 personally I do a combination of

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these three occasionally I'll do a two day fast and I plan to start doing a

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three day fast about once a quarter but for the most part I just stick to these

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because it's super convenient I eat one large meal a day and sometimes a smaller

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one and for me that lifestyle fits perfectly I love the fact that I'm not

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organizing my life around food if I get one or two meals somewhere in the day

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then I'm good I don't have to wake up first thing in the morning and get some

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food I don't have to worry about when I'm out where am I gonna get lunch if I

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get to it great if not I'll just eat later once your body gets used to it you

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will wonder why you didn't do it sooner but wait there's some bonuses also and I

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know you're saying that I just wanted to lose the weight that's all I care about

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but if you do this through fasting then feeling good and getting healthy is just

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the terrible price that you're gonna have to pay you will reduce diabetes you

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will reduce the risk of dementia you will have a lesser tendency for high

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blood pressure you will reduce osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

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you will improve mental clarity and mood fasting can help normalize your

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microbiome so your gut flora the bacteria living in your gut there is a

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balance there and the better that balance the healthier you are it can

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have a lot of influence on your immune system and your metabolism your cravings

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and so forth so fasting can help improve can normalize and balance that flora and

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help move you toward insulin sensitivity fasting has tremendous benefits on your

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immune system and it can slow or interfere or even reverse cancer fasting

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is one of the easiest way to slow aging and most of all like we've said it is so

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easy and sustainable which is a great thing

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that you're going to live a lot longer if you enjoyed this video and you'd like

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to learn more about how the body really works I think that you'd really like that

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video too thank you so much for watching I'll see

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you in the next video

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