5+ No Carb Drinks With No Sugar (Your Ultimate Keto Drink Guide)

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Hello health champions today I'm going to talk to you about alcoholic drinks on

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a low-carb ketogenic diet how does alcohol affect ketosis and what kind of

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drinks are most likely to keep you in ketosis versus knock you out of ketosis

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coming right up

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hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything relaxing and socializing is a very

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important aspect of life and for many people that involves having an alcoholic

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drink or two but if you also want to reduce insulin resistance you want to be

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in ketosis then how do you combine the two how does that work well the thing to

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keep in mind is that most alcoholic drinks have two things in them that can

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have some damage one is alcohol and the other is sugar or carbohydrate so

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obviously if you're gonna have an alcoholic beverage it's gonna have some

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alcohol in it so that means we want to minimize the sugar and the carbs so we

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just get one bad thing in there so to speak alcohol is a poison if the dose

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gets high enough so it's kind of like sugar that it's not an unnatural

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substance it's just that it rather quickly becomes toxic because it

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requires the liver to metabolize it it's a burden on the body so when it comes to

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sugar and alcohol the first aspect the first variable we want to look at is

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blood sugar because if something increases blood sugar now it's going to

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trigger insulin and it's going to promote insulin resistance it's going to

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kick us out of ketosis the other aspect is how does it affect the liver because

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insulin is going to have an impact on the liver

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and make it insulin resistant but there's two other things namely fructose

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and alcohol that are going to congest the liver directly in addition to the

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effects of insulin so therefore we want to understand how these variables affect

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the liver and affect ketosis and affect insulin so obviously we want to keep if

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we're gonna have some alcohol we want to keep the sugar as low as possible if

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something has sugar it means it has glucose and fructose and if we add that

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to the alcohol now we kind of have a triple whammy so the kind of drinks you

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absolutely want to avoid are things like mixed drinks and wine coolers because

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for a given amount of alcohol let's call it one serving of alcohol which is

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generally thought of as one beer or one to one and a half ounces of straight

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liquor or a five six ounce glass of wine the mixed coolers and the wine coolers

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are by far the worst because in addition to the alcohol something like a daiquiri

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or a pina colada will have 30 to 35 grams of pure sugar

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and again half of that is going to be fructose which is going to congest the

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liver the glucose is going to jack up your insulin it's going to kick you out

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of ketosis and the fructose and the alcohol is going to stress your liver

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the next thing you want to avoid are things like hard cider they're becoming

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very popular these days when people think that oh well something fruit based

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is so much better but they turn out to be very sweet the very driest of the

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ciders are going to have probably around 15 grams of sugar and the one that you

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consider more normal are gonna have 25 or even more grams of sugar in 1 12

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ounce serving even worse are the so called hard lemonade's so these are

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going to have anywhere from 25 to 3 grams of sugar per bottle in addition to

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the alcohol and for those of you who have tried that you know that the sugar

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is a very addictive in addition to the alcohol so it's very very easy to go

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through several of those drinks and then the sugar adds up very very quickly so

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that would be the category to absolutely avoid and then the next category would

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be liqueurs and cordials and this is straight booze it's strong liquor which

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has added sugar they have essences and orange and fruit flavors and essential

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oils and things like that added to them but they're extremely sweet so something

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like almond liqueur or amaretto has 17 grams of sugar per one ounce I don't

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know how they even managed to get that amount of sugar into a liquid but it's

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basically 50% pure sugar in these sweet liqueurs and Kahlua coffee liqueur is

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about the same it's 15 grams of sugar per 1 ounce the average for these

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liqueurs like a Grand Marnier or a Cointreau they're gonna run 10 to 15

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grams so they're gonna be 30 to 50 percent sugar this is really just liquid

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candy so it's not quite as bad as these guys because you're probably not going

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to drink as much you probably it's so sweet that you're probably just gonna

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have a little bit but you still definitely want to avoid these and you

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also want to avoid the mixed drinks that contain these so any mixed drink that's

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kind of fruity then they're typically include some of these liqueurs and

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cordials in them in addition to the fruit juice and the added sugar so then

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we get two beers this is kind of the default drink it's the foundation for a

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lot of people it's just what you grab to have something in your hand and we're

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going to talk about a 12 ounce serving which is about 350 milliliters for the

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overseas people and a regular beer is going to have

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around 12 to 14 grams of carbohydrate now this carbohydrate isn't as bad as

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this one unless you're allergic or sensitive to gluten or grains because

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this carbohydrate is primarily glucose oh yes it's going to have a significant

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impact on blood sugar but it's not going to congest the liver because it has

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virtually no fructose of course the alcohol is going to still affect the

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liver but if you want to count a 1 to 1 gram on beer versus this I would

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probably say that the beer isn't quite as bad which doesn't make it good in any

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way of course a lot of light beers are going to be in the 3 to 6 gram per

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serving range so they have about half as much or less but there's still some

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light beers out there that are a lot higher than that there might be 7 or 8

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or 9 grams so don't think that just because it says light that it is very

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low in carbohydrates and because of the low carb and the keto movement and

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because of all the micro breweries and the interest in in craft beers there are

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a lot of new low carb beers including IPAs and ales that have a lot more

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flavor than the traditional light beers but still managed to keep the carbs the

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total carbs in the 2 to 4 gram range so if you're a beer lover then that would

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be a positive development and something that might be a huge surprise to some

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people because you think that non-alcoholic beers well they're just

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really kind of watery they don't have a whole lot of flavor they can't be a lot

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of carbs in those rights well wrong they are actually 20 to 30 grams they're

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about twice as much carbs as a regular beer and it's because they start off

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with a regular beer and then they take the alcohol out but then they have to

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add something back in to give it some flavor and that's something they add

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back in is usually sugar and it doesn't taste super sweet

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because the beer is a little bitter to start with so non-alcoholic would be the

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thing to avoid because that really is a slice of bread in a liquid slice of

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bread in a glass so for sure avoid the top avoid them though mixed drinks wine

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coolers liquors and cordials if you're gonna have a beer then you're best off

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with the Lite beers or the low-carb and definitely avoid the regulars or the non

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alcoholics now we're getting to the stuff that is a little bit better if you

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want to call it that so if you're gonna drink and some people will drink

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regardless then limit it to one or two drinks for the most part make sure that

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you have a few days a week where you don't drink so that that liver doesn't

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get that constant burden and now what you want to focus on drinking or things

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like dry wine so it's going to depend on the wine this is just a generalization

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but a dry red or a dry white wine it's going about 3 to 4 grams of sugar or

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carbs per glass and that's for about a 5 to 6 ounce glass and then for festive

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occasions a lot of times people will pull out the bubbly the sparkling wine

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or the champagne so what we refer to as champagne is really all sparkling wines

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except a sparkling wine that's called champagne can only come from a certain

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district in France but they all follow the same rules pretty much and it turns

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out that the naming can be a little bit confusing because there's 7 different

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classifications of how sweet it is so they start with a dry white wine which

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is usually a little more acidic it's not it's a little less sweet than a white

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wine and because of that they add a little bit of sugar to the bottle before

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they cork it and districtís the least sugar is something called Brut nature

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and there they have added zero sugar so this is just the sparkling white

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then there's another category called extra brut then there is brutes there's

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extra dry dry demi-sec and dews and each of these then increase in how much sugar

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they add and most of the champagne most of the sparkling wine that sold about

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90% is in the Brut category which means they have less than 12 grams per liter

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of added sugar so it can be a little confusing because a lot of times you

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look at this and you go we'll Brut and extra dry it sort of seems like extra

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dry would be drier than than almost anything else but that's not how it

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works and the reason is that they went from

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really sweet champagne and then they made it drier and drier and drier till

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they got to extra dry but then over time they made it even drier so now they had

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to come up with new names to go beyond the extra dry so I would suggest that

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you avoid the bottom half of those categories the extra dry the dry the

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demi-sec and the dew because they are basically very very sugary they have

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added sugar so go for Brut or extra Brut and if you can find it then go to the

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Brut nature now they start off with a white wine so that's gonna have some

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carbohydrate in it to start with it's not zero so it's a little confusing when

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they tell you how many grams of sugar is in a glass of sparkling wine because

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they usually only talk about the added sugar so I couldn't really find any good

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numbers on this but I'm gonna assume that the wine that they start with is

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gonna have about two to three grams of sugar of carbs per glass and then in the

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parenthesis it represents how much sugar was added and then what we get as the

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total carbs for that so a Brut nature would be about 3 grams

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an extra Brut would be about 4 and a glass of broop would be about

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five grams of carbs in it so again one glass on a festive occasion is probably

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going to be okay kind of like a glass of white wine just avoid the sugary stuff

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and don't go overboard but if you want to have an occasional drink and avoid

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the sugar as much as possible then you want to look in this last category and

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this is the straight liquor and I use a mixer called Z BIA it is I don't know if

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it's available everywhere but it is a really good soda that is no artificial

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sweeteners no artificial colors it is really nice it's bubbly it has fruit

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flavors it has Cola flavors but it's sweetened with stevia only if you start

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off with either a straight shot of rum vodka gin or whiskey if you like it on

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the rocks or neat then you're gonna have something with zero grams of sugar zero

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grams of carbs because these are distillates so there is nothing even if

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it was made from beer or made from grapes they basically evaporate the

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alcohol they keep some of the flavor with it but there are no carbs in there

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so if you mix something like a dry martini which is gin and vermouth then

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you're going to be very close to zero grams so there are some mixed drinks

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that don't use the sugary sweeteners the sugary mixers and then you might be okay

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there's something also very popular called a skinny B and I can't say the

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rest of the word but this is basically where you start with vodka or gin or

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tequila you add some bubbly just soda water and then you squeeze some lime in

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there and a lot of people really like that it's very fresh very light and it

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has zero carbs so you can play around with that and if you have Devia

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available in your neighborhood then you can just combine the Sevilla with some

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liquor and now you have lemon-lime soda you have Coke soda Dr Pepper

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equivalents and you just mix it up with some rum and gin and vodka and I like to

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put a squeeze a lime in there as well and now you're still at zero grams of

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carbs other than the fraction of a gram that you get from the lime juice and I

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also like an occasional keto margarita and basically what you do there is you

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just take about equal parts of tequila and fresh lime juice you put it in a

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blender with some crushed ice and you sweetened with stevia to taste and then

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you can put some salt on the rim if you like that and it is really pretty close

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to a regular margarita but a regular margarita will have probably in the

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neighborhood of 15 grams of sugar whereas this one is going to have less

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than one gram from that lime juice alcohol is not something I recommend I

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know it is something that a lot of people are going to drink anyways

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stick with the stuff that's going to create the least amount of harm if you

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