5+ Million People PAY To Be Poisoned With This...

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Hey I'm dr. Sten Ekberg I have a question for you if you do a google

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search for the most toxic substance in the world would you like to have that

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substance injected into yourself and pay money for it I didn't think so

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I'm Dr. Sten Ekberg I'm going to talk to you today about botulism so if you do

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that Google search then you will find botulinum toxin is these single most

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toxic substance in the world it is a million times more toxic than nerve gas

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and a dose in measured in nano grams will kill an adult and in a few hours so

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why is it that we use that well people are vain and they don't understand

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what's safe is so if you do if you ask all these people who do the injections

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they're going to say oh it's safe it's safe it's just as safe as any other drug

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it's just as safe as aspirin it's just the safest tylenol what they fail to

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inform you is that tylenol kills about 20,000 people a year from acute liver

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failure it's the single most common reason for emergency room admittance for

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acute liver failure these other safe drugs kill hundreds of thousands of

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people every year so yes botulinum toxin is probably as

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safe as most of those but we want to start asking ourselves why do we want to

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take something that interferes with the body the mechanism of the drug is to

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stop something in your body to interfere to make it function less that is how

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drugs work so another thing we want to understand is that once they inject that

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substance into your skin it has to go someplace and the reason they have to do

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it over again after a few months is that it is slowly broken down by your body

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it's incorporated into the tissues it is ends

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up in the bloodstream and then finally the liver slowly slowly and meticulously

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eliminates it at great expense so there's something called bony burden and

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that means that every little talks and every little chemical every little

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pollution pesticides heavy metals drugs alcohol everything has to be transformed

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and detoxified by the liver so every little piece that you add increases the

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total body burden and makes it harder for the body to have a to do what it's

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supposed to do to work with a clean slate so again if people want to do that

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fine but think about what it is why would you inject yourself with the most

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deadly substance in the world just for a few wrinkles I think if that's your

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biggest problem then just get over it and have a good laugh smile and like

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yourself and remember that the only way to get healthy is to work with the body

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not against it so the most common use for Botox is to have wrinkle release so

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they inject it to paralyze the muscles in the forehead and then supposedly you

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look younger if you think that character looking like you have character is a

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problem the other ways that they use it is for anytime that they want to kill

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off a nerve or a muscle function so anytime there's a spasm there could be a

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torticollis or a lazy eye or migraines or anytime that they think that there is

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a untreatable form of muscle spasm then they'll inject it and basically kill off

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the nerve or block the nerve or paralyze that the nerve and that muscle so again

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whatever the body is doing if there is a spasm there's a reason for it and if we

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address the reason if we find out for example through

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nutritional response testing what is interfering or what is missing the body

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knows how to handle that muscle spasm this is what we do on a daily basis in

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chiropractic and in nutrition response testing and we work with the body not

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against it if you have any other questions that you like us to address

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we'll be more than happy the conclusion in this case is I would avoid there were

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no reason under any circumstance would I ever have them inject me with the most

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toxic substance in the world there are natural solutions to 99% of everything

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out there so look for those solutions ask us questions if you like us to

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explore other other topics and give us a like on the video or ask us a question

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in the comment section thank you

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