5 INTERMITTENT FASTING Tips For Your Ravenous Hunger

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Hello Health Champions.

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Intermittent Fasting is taking the world by storm because there's so many benefits to

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it the only drawback is that you might get hungry so today when it talk about five tips

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to control hunger during intermittent fasting coming right up hey I'm dr.

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Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor in a former Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly

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Master Health by understanding how the volume really works make sure you subscribe and hit

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that notification Bell so you don't miss anything I want to go over five ways that you can control

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your appetite when fasting and then at the end I'm going to throw in a little bonus to

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tie it all together so make sure that you stay tuned intermittent fasting is simply

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time-restricted eating so for example if you had one meal at noon and then one or two meals

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until 4 then you would have a 4-Hour feeding window and a 20 hour fasting window other

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ways of fasting would be a 16-8 which would be 16 hour fasting and 8 hours of feeding

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doesn't really matter how you do it it's just that you allow a longer fasting period

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to reduce insulin and some people would also go on fasting for several days if they have really

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stubborn insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes or if they just want to make it happen faster

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so however long you go fasting chances are you might get hungry so we're going to talk

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about how to control that some of the benefits are weight loss insulin production and insulin

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resistance and type 2 diabetes it can boost immunity it can boost autophagy. It can boost

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mental Clarity and benefits go on and on you can even build a better brain you make more

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human growth hormone and more brain derived neurotrophic Factor when your fasting and

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those both those hormones are essential for making new brain tissue and new connections

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and the only thing that could really sabotage all these benefits is that for some people

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if they don't eat they get hungry first of all we want to understand hunger so most people

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who have never missed a meal mind you they think that it's simply a linear function of

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time that the longer you go without eating the hungry or you get and that is just not

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how it works hunger is not linear it's not constant it varies and it varies according

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to a hormone called ghrelin and the body produces ghrelin at certain times of the day that usually

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are habitual so whenever your body has learned that it's time to eat such as breakfast lunch

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and dinner is when it has learned to release some ghrelin to make you hungry at those times

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but what most people don't realize is that if you release ghrelin and you don't eat it

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will still go down and then if you increase it again and you don't eat it will go.

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Again so what actually happens for most people over time is that ghrelin actually reduces

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and they get less and less hungry when they don't eat but even knowing that about ghrelin

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you still want to expect to get hungry it will happen and when it happens it's usually

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because you're not fat adapted if you are fat adapted your body has access to Fat to

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Fat stores for fuel and it doesn't sense any lack it just goes on with business if you get mood

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swings and if you get low energy and you lose focus you get irritable when you miss a meal

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that simply means you're not fat adapted that means your body does not have metabolic flexibility

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it doesn't know where to get energy if you don't eat for a few hours that's not a normal

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But if you stick with it you will become fat adapted and these things will go away hunger will

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come and go it's not a constant it doesn't increase linearly so if you ignore it or if

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you have something to drink then it will go away next thing to know about Hunger is that

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it's just hunger right it doesn't mean that you're going to die it doesn't mean that you

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have something to worry about there is a little bit of anxiety there's a little bit of fear

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involved because there's a certain Survival tied to hunger that if we didn't know where

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the next meal would come from then it would make sense for the body to create that urgency for the

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body to go out and look for food but fasting is very different from starvation because

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with starvation you don't know where the next meal is going to come from that's very fearful

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but if you have the freezer full of food you know that there's plenty of food and now that

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hunger it's just hunger it's just a body sensation you can choose to ignore it it's kind of like

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muscle aches if you're working out if you're sitting in the sofa you don't expect to have

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muscle aches if you working out with dumbbells until your muscles start burning now you expect

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that pain and then that pain is normal that body sensation is normal but you don't worry

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about it cuz you know why it's there same thing with Hunger it's just the body sensation

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if you know that there is nothing to worry about your life's not in danger it's just

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there because you're pursuing a goal then there's nothing to worry about and you'll

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be okay and finally hunger it will get easier as your body becomes more fat adapted as your

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body learns to use fuel then it gets easier and easier and easier now that you know that hunger is

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nothing to worry about though there's still some things that you can do to make

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the ride a little smoother and next thing is to add minerals because when you fast your

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insulin goes down fasting is the most powerful way there is to reduce insulin levels and

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Insulin holds on to sodium so when insulin goes down you're gonna lose sodium and the body

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might even increase insulin in order to be able to hold onto sodium these minerals and

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glucose and things like that are precious resources in the short-term and the body will do what

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it needs to do to maintain a stable level so by increasing minerals by making sure that

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you get enough sodium and potassium and magnesium and calcium then you can actually control

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hunger you can be less hungry simply by making sure that your body has enough minerals fluids

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go together with minerals because fasting reduces insulin insulin makes you lose some

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sodium and with that sodium you also lose water so drinking plenty of fluids has two

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purposes one is to make sure that you restore you rehydrate the fluids that you've lost

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the second is that fluids often make you less hungry that very often your body just wants

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something and if you just give it something then 10 minutes later you're not hungry anymore

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and the best drink obviously is water next best would be herb tea next green tea and then

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black tea and coffee and why are they in that order because more caffeine in some people

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and depending on how much you have it's not typically a huge problem but it can be that

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more caffeine can trigger stress which can trigger cortisol which will raise blood sugar

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and Trigger insulin so it's not something most people have to worry too much about but

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you also don't want to go ahead and just drink 10 12 cups of coffee because that probably will

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backfire fasting tool number four is called Bulletproof Coffee and that's simply coffee

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with butter and what it does it provides you some calories it provides you a little bit

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of satiety but it does it with negligible insulin right so your insulin is dropping

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because you're fasting and then along when you have your Bulletproof Coffee which is

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pure fat then you get a tiny little blip and then it keeps dropping so it's negligible

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however if you can you're better off not having the Bulletproof Coffee because fasting straight

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through is always going to reduce insulin more but you use the Bulletproof Coffee as

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a tool if it's the difference between making it through the fast or not right so use it

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if you have to but if you don't feel you need to then just skip it and tip number five

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is to combine intermittent fasting with a low-carb diet because carbs act as drugs

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the brain has opioid receptors that can get stimulated by things like sugar and wheat primarily but also carbs in general that's

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why they give a lot of that pleasurable effect but realize that it's a drug and it makes

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you eat more carbs are also less satiating you can have a huge meal and pasta or rice

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and still be hungry two or three hours later that's not going to happen if you eat protein

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and fat and of course this results in carbs making you hungrier next good reason to have

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a low-carb diet when your fasting is that carb increase insulin and that's the whole

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point of doing the fastest to reduce insulin and when you increase insulin you prevent

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fat burning so that negates the goal but worse than that it makes you hungry because if you

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can't get to the fact if you can't burn the fat now you not as flexible don't have the

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same metabolic flexibility because you just locked away some of the fuel another very

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powerful way that insulin makes you hungry is it blocks leptin so anytime you eat your

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body makes leptin which is the satiety hormone the leptin signals to the hypothalamus that

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you've had enough to eat we've got enough fuel we got enough nutrients with full we're

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done let's hold off for a while while carbs and Insulin will block that message the brain

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doesn't sense that you've had enough to eat and you keep eating and of course you get

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hungrier and one more way that low carb makes it easier is that the lower carbs to eat the

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more ketones you make and ketones are another source of energy for the body especially the

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brain and when the body and the brain has enough energy from those ketones then the ketones

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act to reduce hunger now think of Keto and fasting as being related even though you're

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eating some food when you're doing keto you're still eating in a way that you're allowing

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the body to do fat burning to get fat adapted and when your're fasting obviously fat is the

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primary fuel because that's your long-term storage and they both allow for you to become

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fat adapted very quickly and that makes for a much easier transition so if you were to

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allow yourself to go low carb or maybe keto for a week or two or three however long it

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gets you to get comfortable with fat adaptation you will find that you almost want to start

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skipping meals because your body is just found that metabolic flexibility so the transition

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would be much much easier to do intermittent fasting on a low-carb diet than on a high

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carb diet. It's different for different people some people can eat pizza and then go fast but

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for other people it becomes a nightmare and here's the bonus I talked about meditation

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why do I keep harping on meditation because we live in a culture where we like tangible

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things we understand a pill we understand food they're their tangible we can touch them

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but stress and meditation it's sort of abstract we have a hard time grasping how powerful

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it can be but I'm here to tell you that sometimes the intangible can be more powerful than the

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other stuff as far as controlling hunger and mood on so forth the thing that meditation

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does it creates a relaxation response and when you're relaxed you're less anxious and

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jittery and less prone to go looking for food and that's just one thing itself but it does so

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much more that relaxation response activate your parasympathetic nervous system and with

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that you reduce the stress you reduce the cortisol you reduce the insulin and you

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reduce hunger and you do all of this at a physiological at a neurological level it's

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like it's built into your body is like you flip a switch that's how powerful it is I'm

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sure everyone watching can relate to how anytime that you're stressed you kind of get some

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Cravings you feel an urge to eat something well during a fight flight response your body

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is looking for resources to deal with some danger it wants to top off your fuel stores

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so it says give me some sugar give me some fast fuel just in case and that's where we get these cravings

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But if you can create more relaxation, more parasympathetic activity then stress goes down cortisol insulin and hunger it can

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be very very powerfu. So put these ideas to the test and let me know how it works if you

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enjoyed this video make sure you also check out that one thanks so much for watching I'll

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see you in the next video

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