5 EPIC FASTING MISTAKES That Make You Gain Weight
Hello Health Champions. Today we're going to talk about five epic fasting mistakes that people often
do and how to avoid them so intermittent fasting is tremendously popular because for so many people
it provides a tool that gets results that they have failed to get before and intermittent fasting
has helped thousands if not millions of people to lose weight where they failed every previous
attempt people have reversed type 2 diabetes a devastating chronic disease that is relatively
simple to reverse if you understand the principles and you get consistent with intermittent fasting
it has also helped a lot of people to lower blood pressure because the mechanism is very similar
it's a metabolic problem both with weight and type 2 diabetes and blood pressure the biggest
underlying mechanism is insulin resistance and we'll talk some more about that people have found
improved mental Clarity their productivity their focus gets better and a lot of people
with none of these issues still do intermittent fasting because it helps them with longevity and
things like immunity and it has even been found to turn on Survival genes but even with all these
benefits a lot of people are still on the fence because they don't quite understand what fasting
or intermittent fasting is they've heard it's dangerous they don't quite understand it so all
it really is is Tim restricted eating most people sleep through the night and most people don't eat
in their sleep there are some that probably wake up and eat but for that period of time when we're
sleeping say 8 hours most people don't eat but for a lot of people that's the longest
time period period that they're restricting their eating so they're basically eating all the other
16 hours so Tim restricted eating on purpose which is what intermittent fasting is simply
means that you increase that 8 Hour window to something longer and it could be as simple as
not having that late snack not eating after 8:00 not eating after 6:00 so if you gradually just
push it an hour at a time time your body adapts very gently and very comfortably then you can
do the same thing with breakfast and instead of having breakfast first thing you make a little
smoothie you take it with you on the road and you don't eat it until you're hungry and you find that
you can go till 8 or 9 or 10 o'l and now all of a sudden your non-eating window your fasting window
might be up to 12 or 14 or even 16 hours with very very small effort and most people who do intimate
fasting they want to lose weight and they want to burn some fat so let's get back to the very
Basics and simplify this a little bit so when we eat the purpose of that is to give us some energy
and some nutrients so we can build tissues and we want some energy for the present moment but
if we can find some extra food then we want want to put some away for the future we want to store
a little bit of energy and the way we store it is primarily as fat we can store a tiny little
bit as carbohydrate but most of it we store as fat and then when a time comes that we don't have food
around now we fast and during that fast during the time when we don't have so much to eat now we can
use use that energy and then once we've used up the energy then it is time to eat again so it's
very very simple we eat we store we fast and then we use what we have stored and then we eat again
the problem is that with modern conveniences and with food available all the time a lot of people
they skip this fasting part they never get to that part so now we get eat store eat store and
we get stuck in this little Loop so it's almost like we're just putting stuff we buy things and
put them in the pantry because we're hoping that maybe we'll use up some things in the pantry but
if we don't then we just keep putting things in the pantry and that's the equivalent here
we keep stuffing the pantry full and we never take anything out so what intermittent fasting does it
allows us to start emptying that pantry to During the non-eating period to use up some of the stuff
that we stored that's the whole point of putting it there in the first place and we're intermittent
fasting can really help and be powerful is when we have too high an insulin level when we're insulin
resistant which the majority of people are today because when insulin is too high now we get stuck
in fat storing it's very difficult for the body to start burning that fat that we just talked about
and here is how that works so every time that we eat something your blood sugar goes up and
if you eat twice your blood sugar is going to go up twice if you eat three meals plus snacks now
your blood sugar is going to go up every time you have something so most people are going to
have six blood sugar spikes or more and then of course every time that you have a blood sugar
spike your body needs to release some insulin to bring that blood sugar down everything you eat
gets absorbed into the bloodstream but it does you no good in the bloodstream that glucose has
to get into the cell in fact a very high level of blood sugar is dangerous for the brain very high
level or very low level can put you into a coma so the body needs to act immediately and issue
some insulin so every time you have an insulin a glucose Spike you get an insulin Spike and if
you do that a lot like six times a day for years and years and years it's not going to screw you
up if you do do it for for a week but if you turn this into a lifestyle like most people have and
we eat this way all day all year now over time we push that insulin Higher and Higher and we become
insulin resistant so where intermittent fasting comes in is where instead of eating six times a
day we eat just a couple of times and hopefully if you watch my videos you know how to eat less
carbs and less processed foods and less sugar so that blood sugar Spike doesn't get nearly as high
so the blood sugar only Rises moderately and then it stabilizes and what happens with the insulin
is that insulin also goes up but then when blood sugar stabilizes there's no new food coming in now
that insulin can continue to drop we allow this insulin has been pushed too high over the years we
allow it time to drop below that raised Baseline and that is how we reverse insulin resistant by
giving it more time so the longer you go without eating the more time you allow for insulin to drop
and of course if you understand that and what you said that when insulin is too high it puts your
body in fat storing mode insulin is a fat storing hormone and it prevents fat breakdown so if once
we can lower insulin we allow the body to start burning fat again so let's talk about some of
the things that trip people up when they start fasting and number five here on the countdown
is people cheat unknowingly sometimes they might say that well I just had a little bit it was so
little and sometimes that can be okay if you have a little fat because very often with fasting we'll
use a little bit of MCT oil a teaspoon or two of MCT oil can give you some quick energy without
stimulating any insulin and and butter same thing you can put a tablespoon of butter in your coffee
that's called Bulletproof Coffee or you could have a little bit of cream in the coffee maybe
just a tablespoon or so then that has so little carbohydrate in that lactose because more than 95%
of the calories come from fat and fat does not trigger insulin it wouldn't be even noticeable
even if you ate a stick of butter you probably couldn't even notice that insulin Spike even if
it was just tiny tiny difference so a few grams of fat is not going to damage your progress whereas a
little bit of sugar even a few grams is going to make all the difference so if you have skim milk
instead of cream first of all one tablespoon of cream will make a big difference it will
make that coffee all creamy and white whereas one tablespoon of skim milk isn't going to do a thing
so you're probably tempted to use two or three or four tablespoons and now you have a lot of sugar
that's not buffered by any fat or some people say well you know at work they bring in these cookies
they bring in these Christmas treats they bring in these desserts and it seemed rude I had to have
just a little bit but it was just a portion it was just a piece of a cookie but see that little
piece even just a few grams of a cookie is going to have a few grams of sugar and that is enough to
stimulate your blood sugar to create a blood sugar Spike and an insulin Spike and sometimes people
say well I fast all day I never ate a thing except my vitamins I had some apple cider vinegar gummies
I had some vitamin D gummies and when people do that and they actually measure their blood sugar
then they will see that Spike and even if they're fasting for 24 48 Hours their blood sugar still
won't come down consistently if they're taking these gummy bears even if they do it for a good
reason next thing that trips people up often is a lack of consistency they're all gung-ho they're
super excited but then they have this mentality of a weekend warrior that's usually referring
to someone who's going to try to do the entire Year's workout in one weekend and some people go
into the idea of fasting the same way but we have to understand that this is a process and when you
have that weekend warrior mentality very often you'll be setting unrealistic goals your hoping
too much in a short time and that's not the way to go about it even though you could start out
with a 7 day fast or a five-day fast that's not the end of it that's just the beginning that's
just to create a new Baseline to kind of get the body into motion another problem is if you don't
plan your meals for some people what happens is they say I'm just not going to eat anything I'll
see what happens and then then they feel good and they're so proud of themselves when they're not
eating and then all of a sudden all hell breaks loose and they feel terrible and now they have
to have something but they didn't plan it so now they eat something they weren't supposed to and
something they didn't intend to eat another thing is I suggest that you ease into it I suggest that
if you've been eating a high carb lots of bread and rice and pasta and sugar I suggest you cut
out the sugar and then you start cutting back on the starches gradually to get your body a little
bit fat adapted because once you stop eating your body needs to burn fat and if it doesn't
know how to do that you're going to feel bad for a while so you ease back on the carbs and then when
you're a little fat adapted now you start taking away an hour at each end of the day so you have
your last meal earlier and your first meal later and you start start squeezing that together and
just doing a few hours at a time that way your body gets used to it and it's great if you do
a 7-Day fast and you lose a bunch of pounds and you feel fantastic that's awesome but it's still a
lifestyle you still need to look at this long-term and make long-term Lifestyle Changes number three
is when you eat too much or you don't eat enough both of those can actually be a problem for some
people they starve themselves and then the only thing that keeps them going is they look forward
to the feast and when they finally get to eat now they overeat they overcompensate other people they
might be so disciplined that they stick to their time restriction window which is good but then
they're still restricting calories they're still restricting the amount of food that they eat in
that time period so the whole idea with this is that first you fast so that you can use up some
stored energy but then you eat so that you fill up those stores again when you're time restricting
and you're restricting calories now you're sending the wrong message now you're saying hey let's fast
let's burn up some fuel but then let's starve some more let's not get full and that gives
the body the message the impression that there's never enough to go around and now what happens
is that your hypothalamus is going to lower the set point it's going to say there's never enough
food so we're probably going to starve to death if we don't turn down the thermostat so it's
going to lower the basil metabolic rate and it's going to use up less energy until it feels safe
again so the way to make it feel safe is to eat until you're full and you want to eat eat rather
slowly so that you get the right signals from the foods you're not in a rush but if you eat
slowly you chew properly then toward the end of the meal you will probably feel full and if you
eat with some mindfulness then you're more likely to feel this and what you want to avoid is to eat
until you're stuffed this is what happens when people look forward to the feast and they overeat
and when they get to that place now they stuff themselves and it's not absolutely necessary
for intermittent fasting to work to eat a low carb diet but it helps tremendously and it helps
more for some people than others some people can eat sort of a medium carb or even high carb diet
when they combine it with intermittent fasting they still get results but for other people it
doesn't work because carbohydrate stimulates their appetite too much and this is especially
true with sugar because sugar is super addictive and if you eat some sugar if you eat some carbs
for a lot of people that is going to drive them to this overeating Behavior whereas if they get
the body into fat burning they eat a low carb diet with mostly fat protein fiber leafy greens
non-starchy vegetables then they can control their appetite much much better and that's really what
this is all about number two is when you ignore your nutritional needs it's so easy when you get
excited about the prospect of weight loss and you don't really care how it's done as long as
you lose that weight but you have to understand that health is a long-term plan sure we can lose
a few pounds we can feel better about ourselves in the next few weeks but it's really about the
years and decades to come so when you eat less food it's more important than ever that you eat
high quality foods that's one of the problems that created this in the first place is that people are
overfed and undernourished when we eat processed foods that are de void of nutrients we tend to
compensate by eating more so we're already most people are already nutritionally deficient so then
when you start eating less food you really want to make that food count so you could lose weight
by eating just about anything for a few days a few weeks no problem if you just do intermittent
fasting and low carb you'll see some results but if you're looking at the process if you're
looking ahead a little bit how do you want to feel what sort of health and body do you want to have
years and decades down the road then the quality is critical and perhaps the biggest problem with
with fasting is when you don't hydrate properly the first thing that happens when you start low
carb or intermittent fasting is that you lose fluids and two ways this happens first you use
up your glycogen and glycogen is like a sponge one gram of glycogen holds four grams of water so when
you use that up the water is released you flush it out the second mechanism is that when you fast you
also lower insulin and Insulin has a tendency to increase the kidney re-absorption of sodium and
sodium binds water so when insulin goes down you lose some sodium and some minerals and with that
you're also flushing out more water and for a lot of people when they don't eat they also forget to
drink so now we got a double whammy going and remember that water and minerals go together
so when you you flush out that water you're also losing minerals and this is why people feel bad
this is the number one reason people feel bad they feel lightheaded they feel lethargic and unfocused
when they cut carbs or when they do intermittent fasting when you do it by cutting carbs they call
it the keto flu but a lot of these symptoms will be the same when you doing intermittent fasting
and the solution is super super simple all you have to do is hydrate and supplement with some
electrolytes you have to replace both the water and the minerals that you're losing now because
this is such a common problem and because there wasn't really any good products on the market
I developed something called euLyte which is specifically for fasting it's great electrolyte
for everyday use but it has a few things in it to support longer fasting to help regulate blood
sugar and to increase your immunity a little bit so I put some manganese and some zinc and
trace minerals in addition to all the other electrolytes so it's like a 4-in one product
and I had so many people tell me that usually whenever they went beyond 24 hours of fasting
they didn't feel right it was tough but they said once they added this then they felt fantastic all
the way through days three and four and normally you would just take one scoop for every day if
you're just doing like intermittent fasting if you have a shorter feeding window but if you do more
than 24 hour fast now you want to increase this because you're not getting any minerals from the
diet so now you can take up to Four Scoops a day depending on the body weight if you're a small
person maybe two scoops if you're a large person probably Four Scoops so I'll put some links down
below if you want to get some if you enjoyed this video you're going to love that one and if you
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