4 Ways To Gain Weight On Keto

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how to gain weight with healthy keto while maintaining muscle mass while the

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vast majority of people go into keto and intermittent fasting because they want

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to lose weight there are also people who are thin and yet have insulin resistance

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or diabetes or there are also those people who would like to gain weight but

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they don't want to eat a bunch of sugar and carbs and grains and junk food so if

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you have trouble gaining weight what do you do that's today's topic and we're

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gonna cover all the angles you know exactly how it works coming right up I'm

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doctor Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if you

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want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss

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anything the vast majority of advice about keto

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and intermittent fasting is aimed at people who are trying to lose weight

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reverse diabetes or insulin resistance so just a quick recap that with those

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people the people who are overweight and insulin resistance whether it's

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full-blown diabetes or not they are trying to reduce insulin they're trying

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to reduce the stress hormone cortisol they're trying to increase growth

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hormone they're trying to reduce calories and they're trying to reduce

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carbs so that's the standard advice and today we're going to talk about a couple

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of other cases where someone is either under weight or they just don't want to

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lose any more but there's still insulin resistant they still have diabetes or

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they need to reverse their insulin levels and we also have people who are

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underweight but insulin sensitive they eat no matter what they eat it seems

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like they just can't gain weight so if they're underweight an insulin resistant

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the only change is that they're gonna try to increase the

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calories okay all the other steps are going to be identical you still want to

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reduce insulin you still want to reduce cortisol you still want to increase

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growth hormone and you still want to cut carbs and when we say increase calories

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and reduce calories the thing is that with keto and intermittent fasting

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you're not trying to count calories or reduce calories it just ends up that you

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eat less because you end up being full as you're burning the fat off the body

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you'll get less hungry or satiated longer you can go longer between meals

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and you eat less so that can be a problem when someone's trying to gain

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weight because the mechanism is still there that they're not as hungry so

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these people are gonna have to try to eat more and we'll talk about that so

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that's really the only difference someone who is underweight and insulin

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sensitive they're not trying to reduce insulin resistance they're just not

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wanting to eat junk so that they develop problems over time and raise insulin

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resistance so their insulin they're trying to keep it about the same they

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don't want to increase it they don't need to decrease it they still don't

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want to have more cortisol cortisol should be kept at a at a minimum or

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normal what is appropriate for a normal healthy balanced life so they don't want

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to start doing things to increase cortisol just to become more insulin

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resistant cortisol is destructive and it is muscle wasting it's protein wasting

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so all of these people we are assuming that obviously they want to maintain

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their muscle they're either trying to lose weight by losing fat or they're

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trying to gain weight by gaining muscle maybe a little fat as well growth

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hormone everybody wants to increase because that's how you build muscle

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growth hormone is the hormone that builds muscle and these people also are

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going to have to want to increase their calories as much as possible so these

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people can increase carbs or maybe stay the same depending on where they are

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they don't want to start loading up on carbs and especially they don't want to

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start eating a bunch of junk carbs like processed carbs sugar grain etc they can

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eat some some beans and some starchy vegetables like sweet potato potato

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various different tubers but they still want to keep their carbs in check

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because even though they're very insulin sensitive they don't want to become

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insulin resistance so they can tolerate a good bit more carbs but you don't want

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to go overboard obviously before we go further though I just want everyone to

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really take some time and reflect on why are they trying to gain weight are you

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really too skinny or are people just telling you that or are you comparing

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yourself to an impossible ideal what is normal okay when I was competing in

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Decathlon I typically was about two hundred to two hundred and five pounds

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my body fat was extremely low today my body fat is probably around 10% when I

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was competing it was around three to four percent and I am 6 foot 3 and today

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my comfortable body weight is 180 to 185 in pounds 4 kilograms you divide that by

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2.2 but that's where I'm comfortable and yet most people would probably tell me

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that I am too skinny or if they compare themselves to me they say oh I wouldn't

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want to be that skinny well that's normal for me that's what my body likes

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to be so don't compare yourself to supermodels or bodybuilders or some

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contrived ideal really be honest and figure out what is that normal place

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your body there are also some circumstances where the body may just

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not be quite healthy enough to gain weight because there's a lot of it's a

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lot of work for the body to build new tissues maybe the body is really busy

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just repairing after a disease so people who have had cancer or chemo they

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shouldn't be in a hurry to gain weight they should still eat healthy but they

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should sort of go very very slow and allow the body to do things at its own

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pace it's sort of like growing grass that grass is going to grow at the rate

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that grass is supposed to grow you can't you can't force it you got to be patient

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let's talk about calories again we don't necessarily typically emphasize calories

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too much everyone else does but calories is usually not where it's at however if

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you want to gain weight and you are following a low-carb diet so that your

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hunger is reduced you want to start counting calories and make sure that you

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get a lot of them because you have to be at a calorie surplus and your body's

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setpoint is going to work against you in this case just like overweight people

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they lose the weight and their body will often try to get them back up to the

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setpoint the same thing holds true for you if

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you're thin and you try to gain weight your body is going to try to get back

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down to that setpoint so again make sure that you really want to change your

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weight or need to change your weight before you start forcing that setpoint

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away because it might be if you're successful it might be harder to get

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back if you change your mind but you need a calorie surplus you need to eat a

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lot of food and your body will compensate by raising its metabolism so

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if you figure that you're burning 2,500 calories and you increase your ingestion

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your consumption to 3,000 your body might just

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raise its basic metabolic rate to 3,000 and you have to go for 3,500 everyone's

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different figure out how it works for you but realize you have to be eating

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more calories than your body burns it's not enough to ingest the calories you

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also have to be able to digest and absorb them and here again you can put

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the stuff into your body but if you don't have the right balance between

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insulin and cortisol and growth hormone then your body is not going to know what

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to do with it you need the growth hormone to make new tissue you need some

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insulin to store the fuel to help the fuel both insulin and growth hormone are

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anabolic hormone they're building hormone cortisol is a catabolic it's a

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breakdown hormone so if you want to gain weight you want to increase growth

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hormone you want to decrease cortisol limit cortisol and it seems like you

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would want some more insulin but if you are insulin resistant then obviously

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we're still in the process of reducing insulin so therefore we have to kind of

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still manage insulin with a low carb diet so if you have digestive issues or

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if you're stressed then your digestion may not work the way it's supposed to

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and you may not be able to utilize all of that fuel so sugar is very very

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easily absorbed that's why people even when they're unhealthy they're still

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gonna absorb all the carbs but that's not going to help us because we want to

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reduce insulin so when you eat fat and protein your digestion has to be in

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tip-top shape it has to be functioning at a high level in order for you to

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absorb these foods otherwise they'll just go straight through you a lot of

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people are eating plenty of protein but they're still protein deficient they're

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deficient in certain amino acids because they don't break them down and absorb

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them properly so what you can do to help you there are digestive enzymes there's

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a lot of them on the market talk to some people who

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or who can counsel you in my office we muscle test and we evaluate each case

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individually depending on on the person but digestive enzymes can be very very

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helpful especially because after age 40 we reduce we lose the ability our

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production of digestive enzymes tend to go down and the older we get the less

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enzymes we make we also need a functioning gall bladder or a good liver

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output to digest fat so if you don't if you have some gall bladder problems or

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if you have trouble digesting fats you want to maybe supplement with some bile

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salts or some lecithin or some choline you want to have some emulsifiers to

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break down that fat and almost all the talk all the advice about how to handle

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these issues in nutrition circles are about how many calories what macros what

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sort of nutrients what sort of foods but hardly anybody ever talks about what is

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it in the body that is able to digest and utilize that food so the nervous

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system your digestion does not function without your nervous system so the

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healthier your brain is the better your digestion works and vice versa because

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the gut also affects the brain but if you have a healthy brain you can digest

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things a whole lot better a lot of stress interferes with the brain's

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ability to digest food stress shuts off the brain stress shuts off digestion so

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stress is the same as the sympathetic or the fight/flight it produces cortisol

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and the parasympathetic is your feed breed it's your relaxation response and

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your digestive system your ability to produce digestive enzymes your ability

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to absorb food your ability to build things out of food your anabolic

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function is entirely 100% dependent on how well is

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that parasympathetic nervous system working how well is that feed breed

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system working and if this one is taking a backseat to this sympathetic to the

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fight flight then you are never going to have a digestive system that fires on

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all cylinders stress reduction is critical and we want to understand again

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everyone's talking about how the food should be how the nutrients should be

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but if you don't absorb it if you don't have a healthy brain if you don't have a

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healthy gut then it doesn't really matter so much what you eat it's still

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important but we can't just look at one side we want to remember that the body

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has chemical components chemical aspects it has structural mechanical aspects and

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it has emotional aspects and holistic health is about finding the balance on

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all of those so the first two have to do with the chemical component these are

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more of the standard advice as far as what to eat the macros etc first of all

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you have to eat more and like we said on keto you're less hungry with

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intermittent fasting you're less hungry so you have to make yourself eat you

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want to count the calories to make sure that you're getting enough and that

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you're getting more than you think you need and you don't want to increase

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carbs you don't want to increase protein so that leaves fat correct fat is the

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type of food that's the macro that you increase if you are insulin resistant

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then you want to keep your carbs very very low your body has if your insulin

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resistance you have a very poor carbohydrate tolerance and you probably

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want to keep them under 30 grams per day under 30 grams of net carbs again if you

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want to be in ketosis you need to measure the ketones so that you know if

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you're actually in if you are very insulin sensitive if you're just skinny

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and you can't put on weight but you've done the test

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your blood Sugar's low your a1c is low your fasting insulin is low then you

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probably want to increase your carb some you can probably get up to 50 to 70

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grams a day maybe even up to a hundred you probably don't need to be in ketosis

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all the time I think there's benefits to being ketosis but I don't think you have

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to force yourself to be there constantly I think you can go one week around 50

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and another week maybe 70 to 80 or even a hundred again this is going to depend

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on your age your fitness level your physical activity and your level of

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insulin sensitivity so monitor these things so that you can see if anything

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changes you don't want to go in the direction that you don't like number two

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intermittent fasting if you are insulin resistant I suggest that you still keep

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about an 18-6 to a 16-8 feeding pattern meaning that

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if you do a 16-8 that you eat all your meals during an eight-hour period which

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leaves you 16 hours of fasting why would we do that

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because the most powerful factor in reversing insulin resistance is the

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fasting period the time where you are eating zero carbohydrates where you're

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not stimulating insulin at all because you have to eat a lot you might want to

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go to an eight hour feeding window because in eight hours you can easily

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put two meals you might even be able to put three meals because if you need to

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eat a lot of calories then you're going to need some time to do it if you're

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shorten that window too much where people try to do oh man it is very very

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difficult to get enough food into that one meal or that one feeding period if

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your insulin sensitive I still suggest that you do a little bit of intermittent

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fasting in that you give your body a rest between meals because it is very

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very healthy it allows for your digestion to

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hover it allows for you to not become insulin-resistant you might even on some

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days do like a 12:12 feeding pattern if you want to try to get a lot of food in

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then go 18 6 16 8 or maybe even 12 12 someone whose insulin sensitive it the

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only reason that you would want to do Oh mad one meal a day or a longer fast is

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to start try to get the benefits of a toffee gee but you can't do that very

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often because if you go long without food then your body is going to lose

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that weight for those who are insulin resistant but trying to increase their

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calories if you have a hard time getting enough calories getting enough fat in

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then feel free to still do a bulletproof coffee in the morning feel free to have

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a few fat bombs or some keto snacks with that bulletproof coffee even if that is

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outside of your feeding window if you wake up in the morning and it's still

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not your feeding window you could still have that bulletproof coffee because it

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has a minimal impact on insulin yes it is breaking the fast but what we're

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talking about is reversing insulin and pure fat has an almost zero impact on

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insulin next way to talk about the structural mechanical aspect of this so

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yes exercise has a metabolic function it still has a hormonal impact and a

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chemical impact but it also has a brain impact and we want to have the exercise

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is going to help the brain get more activated an activated brain is going to

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help inhibit the stress response which is going to make your digestion and your

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sleep and your recovery and your healing work better the specific type of

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exercise that you want to do is your not exercising to burn calories obviously

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because you're trying to get more calories you're trying to burn less

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that's the whole problem you want to gain weight but you also want to give

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the a reason to build some more muscle you

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have to load up the muscle you have to challenge the muscles in order to give

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the body a reason to make more of them so when you do weight and you probably

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want to do that two or three times a week you want to do few reps and high

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weights why because you want to challenge the muscles you want to if you

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load them up if you have heavy heavy weights and you push the muscles to

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where they fail but you don't keep it up very long you do just a few reps now you

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are spiking growth hormone you're challenging the body you're telling it

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hey you know I put a lot of pressure on you

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you'd better build some muscles so you can handle this better next time because

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I'm gonna do this again and you better be prepared so build some more muscles

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and for that reason you also want to avoid any long-term strenuous exercise

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you don't want to do any anaerobic you don't want to do any I heart rate

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activity for an extended period of time because that will trigger cortisol which

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is muscle wasting it is virtually impossible to build muscle while you are

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exercising and doing like long-distance running just look at the bodies of

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long-distance runners how much bulk muscle do they have not much that's a

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clue you do want to do some hit if you're healthy enough to do it high

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intensity animal training will spike growth hormone the duration is so short

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that even though it's a high cortisol activity the duration is so short

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you only secrete a tiny little bit and the secretion of growth hormone far

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outweighs the detriment from the cortisol but you want to keep it to a

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few minutes you do a warm-up you get all of your high-intensity stuff in in a 2

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to 3 to 4 minute period you only do that twice a week so the total hit for a week

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there's only a few minutes altogether you can also do aerobic exercise but

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make sure that it is truly aerobic and not anaerobic it's not wear you out you

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should not be fatigued afterwards so I would basically say keep it to walking

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and don't try to power walk don't try to walk fast just go for a stroll and yes

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you will burn some extra calories so you have to eat even more to compensate for

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that and number four that is the third side of the triangle

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the emotional part emotional stress can be devastating it increases cortisol it

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interferes with digestion it interferes with growth hormone it shuts down your

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parasympathetic nervous system so to reduce stress we want to relax we want

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to do breathing exercises we want to do meditation just try a few find one that

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you like and do it on a regular basis it's like a muscle that you're building

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it's not just for the few minutes that you're listening and relaxing it's a

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skill it's a pattern that you program into your nervous system and the better

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you get at chillin the better you'll be able to resist to handle stress in the

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future another technique is called emotional freedom technique known as

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tapping that's a very powerful way to interrupt a stress pattern it's a very

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very neurologically based mechanism tapping is a pattern interrupt and if

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you combine that with retrieving emotions then you can interrupt those

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you can develop new emotional habits if you enjoyed this video I think you're

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going to love that one thank you so much for watching and I'll

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see you next time

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