36+ Compelling Intermittent Fasting Benefits You Must Know

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is intermittent fasting good for you a lot of people have heard about some

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intermittent fasting benefits they've heard about some drawback they wonder is this natural is

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it doable well there's a lot of different aspects to it but today we're

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going to give you 36 benefits of why intermittent fasting may be good for you

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coming right up hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I am a holistic doctor and a former Olympic

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decathlete and if you want to truly master health by understanding how the

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body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell

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so that you don't miss anything so first of all what is intermittent fasting well

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fasting is when you don't eat so eating is when you put something in your mouth

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and swallow and fasting is when you take a break from doing that intermittent

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fasting is just talking about different periods of fasting how do you structure

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it how long do you go without fasting etc so when we're talking about this

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today we're not making any distinction between different kinds of fasting so

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there's things like 16/8 patterns there is ohm at one meal a day there's five to

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eat normal five days change it up two days alternating days eating normal one

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day and and fast or almost fast one day or you could also do extended fast which

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means you're going 36 hours or longer with nothing but water so we're not

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going to talk about the different types today but just know that the principle

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of fasting of not eating allows some physiological changes and we're going to

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talk about the benefits of those changes if you have any or several of these

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issues then chances are it's a really good idea for you but if you are

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underweight if you're undernourished if you're malnourished if you are growing

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such as a child or if you're pregnant then those are times when it's not a

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good idea to do a fast because you have different

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nutrient requirements so please keep that in mind and also if you are on any

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form of medication such as a type 2 or a type 1 diabetic then make sure that you

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talk to your doctor about what's going to happen so that they can monitor and

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help you regulate your medication better because if you start fasting and you

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don't introduce any new sugar into your body then you are over medicated and you

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run the risk of hypoglycemia so the first benefit is that when you don't eat

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you reduce blood glucose anytime you eat something

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it has to be digested and at some point enter the bloodstream and raise blood

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sugar so if you're having high blood sugar then fasting allows that blood

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sugar to drop when the blood sugar drops there is less or no need for insulin to

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be released so along with draw blood sugar goes less insulin and if you have

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high insulin a lot if you eat a lot of sugar over a long period of time and you

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trigger a lot of insulin over a long period of time you get insulin

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resistance so fasting helps reverse insulin resistance and as a result of

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reversing insulin resistance we also reverse some of the things that are

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directly associated with insulin resistance

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number four fasting allows you to lose weight and that's sort of

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self-explanatory if you don't eat you lose weight but more importantly it

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allows you to lose weight and keep it off because 99% of diets fail because

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they don't address insulin resistance if you restrict calories and you manage to

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lose some weight but you're still insulin resistant the weight will come

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back because you haven't changed your setpoint

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so what fasting allows you to do is to lose the weight and reduce insulin

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resistance and then your basic metabolic rate stays up number five it allows you

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not just to lose weight but to lose fat and to lose the fat in

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the place where it matters most because the fat that's gained around the

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midsection that's the dangerous one that's the one associated with insulin

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resistance it's called abdominal fat and it is

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associated with all the problems associated with insulin resistance so by

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fasting you drop insulin and you allow yourself to lose the bad fat the

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dangerous fat it helps reverse syndrome X metabolic syndrome and in doing that

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metabolic syndrome is associated with insulin resistance and associated with

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metabolic syndrome are things like cholesterol so you can help lower

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cholesterol you can help lower triglycerides you can help lower blood

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pressure you can help lower inflammation and in doing those things you also

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reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease heart attacks myocardial

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infarctions and you reduce the risk of stroke so I think so far we've covered a

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good amount of good reasons because these are all the top killers of mankind

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especially in the Western world but pretty much in the entire world these

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days and of course part of all of this metabolic syndrome and insulin

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resistance the end stage or the the severe stage of insulin resistance is

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type 2 diabetes so fasting is one of the most powerful ways to reduce type 2

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diabetes and in doing that we also reduce the risk of getting blind because

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type 2 diabetes is the number one cause of blindness it is the number one cause

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of kidney failure it is the number one cause of amputations so people who are

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on dialysis for kidney failure that's usually a result of type 2 diabetes

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people who start getting their toes and their feet and their legs and their

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fingers amputated that's a side effect that the consequence primarily of

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type 2 diabetes so we're reducing the risk of all of those seventeen etaf adji

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self eating fasting induces self eating or a toff adji and what that means is

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the body gets really good at recycling all the stuff that you don't want in

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your body their body gets much much better at recycling it starts eating the

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stuff that you don't want in the body when you eat all the time the body

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doesn't have to be so specific it doesn't have to be so meticulous in

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paying attention to every little scrap and morsel that you eat but when you

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don't eat the body has to get much much better at preserving the resources so

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now it gets much better at recycling the debris so cells that break down and die

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it gets really good at using all those materials and it goes much better at

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going after those cells that need cleaning up such as cancer cells and

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things that create problems in the body so number eighteen reduced cancer is a

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result of that otology and some of the things that also helps clean up our

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pathogens so it's not on the list but another benefit is actually improved

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immune function 19800 G is associated with longevity just like they've done

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Studies on calorie restriction and found that animals and people live longer at

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otha G is a very powerful way to create the same effect it extends lifespan at

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otha G and fasting also produces it's one of the most powerful ways to produce

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two hormones called human growth hormone and BDNF brain-derived neurotrophic

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factor and both of these are also associated with the longevity but the

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really cool part about these two hormones is that they are necessary to

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make synapses and what does that mean your brain has a hundred billion brain

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cells each one of those brain cells makes an

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average five to ten thousand connections or synapses with other cells so those

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complicated connections are called neural networks and it is how your body

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sends signals it's how your body learns things it's how your body remembers

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things and the more BDNF and the more growth hormone that you have the easier

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it is for the body to make synapses and new connections so in other words you

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get better at learning and they found that fasting and high-intensity interval

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training and thinks that improve growth hormone and brain derived neurotrophic

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factor can even build new brain cells even 15-20 years ago they didn't think

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that was possible but now they know that you can make new

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brain cells but it depends on these two hormones so more hormonal benefits are

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number 22 and 23 you improve your leptin sensitivity and you improve your ability

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to use gralen and respond to grayling appropriately what does that mean leptin

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has to do with fat storage and fat utilization so your body gets more

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sensitive and better able to tell when is it time to eat what what resources do

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we have in the body and gralen also is related to hunger so both of these help

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you regulate hunger and you know your body knows better when you are actually

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hungry and when you just have a craving so one of the aspects of long-term

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weight loss is to teach the body what appropriate energy levels an appropriate

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hunger is number 24 fasting just like a ketogenic diet improves ketones it

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creates ketones in the keto diet we talk about reducing carbohydrates so low that

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the body has to burn fat and a side effect that a byproduct of that is

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ketone production well when you fast you're eating a zero carbs that's even

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less than the ketogenic diet so the production of ketones is even more

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powerful part of that means that there are some brain benefits and when the

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brain gets happier when the brain starts running more on ketones than glucose

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they have noticed benefits such as improved energy improved mental clarity

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improved concentration and part brain benefit and part reduction in insulin

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and inflammation is that number 28 fasting also reduces the risk of

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Alzheimer's disease and dementia and associated neurodegenerative diseases

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number 29 now we're getting into something a lot of people don't talk

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much about because so much is on the focus of of blood sugar and so forth but

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think about gut healing every time that you put something in your mouth and

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swallow that means your digestive system has to go to work and if you do that six

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times a day then that's six times a day that your digestive tract has to go to

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work that doesn't give it much chance to recover and heal and regenerate so

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fasting is a powerful way to allow some gut healing the gut the intestines the

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membranes the intestinal mucosa all those sensitive tissues that have a

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really high turnover finally they get a break and they have a chance to just

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regenerate and take care of themselves as a result you can reduce leaky gut

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which means you can reduce allergies and food sensitivities you can reduce

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autoimmunity because a lot of immune reactions is because of leaky gut when

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when you have leaky gut particles that are too large to normally get through

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into the bloodstream all of a sudden the gut is leaky and

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these large particles get through and now they become enemies they be

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come foreign invaders and your immune system sets out to attack and eliminate

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them autoimmunity can be a result of that number 32 pancreas regeneration

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there's some exciting research that shows that the pancreas can regenerate

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as well so part of that is because we're giving the digestive tract a break and

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the pancreas is a digestive organ it makes both insulin and it makes

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digestive enzymes to break down the food so because we're not eating it gets a

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break from both of those activities and it has been there's some exciting new

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research that shows that there's some hope to regenerate pancreas tissue both

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in type 2 and type 1 diabetics number 33 now we're getting into a few more

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practical benefits that fasting is simple it saves time if you eat six

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times a day that takes a lot of time both food preparation and the time to

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chew and swallow but when you're fasting now all that time is freed up whether

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you eat once a day or twice a day or if you're doing and extended fast it means

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you're eating a whole lot fewer meals you spend less time preparing less time

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eating so very very convenient number 34 it can finally get rid of that sugar

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craving so sugar is an addiction it controls many people's lives and

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something as simple as fasting can take care of that once and for all another

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aspect of sugar cravings is this fasting gives you more flexibility so imagine

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that you can go out shopping you can go out and do errands you can go out in the

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yard and do some work without having to worry about planning in your meals okay

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if you miss miss a meal if you have to go six or eight hours without eating

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it's not a big deal your body knows what to do you stay

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level-headed and you still function and feel good number 35

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it can save you so if you don't need to lose weight then

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it's probably not going to save you that much money because you you eat a little

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bit less during one period you're probably going to eat a little more

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during another period but if you are trying to lose weight then think about

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the weight that you have on your body that you want to lose whether it's fifty

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or a hundred or 150 or 200 pounds that represents probably thousands of dollars

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of food that if you fast and you start using that stored that bank account

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sitting on your body then you could save thousands of dollars in the process of

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getting rid of the weight and number 36 is that fasting can be very very

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powerful it can be that last resort for the person who have tried everything

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else and that just not getting the results whether what they're trying to

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improve is brain fog or whether it's mental clarity or whether it is an

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autoimmune disease or whether it's an ache or a pain who knows that a lot of

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times they're stuck because their body has not been able to go through all

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these benefits of auto Fujii and insulin resistance reduction and so forth

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and a lot of people as as many people as I've had success on the low carb high

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fat or keto diet some people do that and it still doesn't work they still don't

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lose weight they still don't get any any health benefits because their bodies are

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so insulin resistant that cutting the carbs is not enough you have to cut the

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carbs by taking them to zero and fast for an extended period of time and for

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some people a 16-8 is not long enough a 16-hour fasting window is not long

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enough for the body to open up the the fat vault they might have to go to Oh

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mad or even 36 or longer faster than that so it can

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be very very powerful it can be the thing that finally crosses the threshold

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that finally unlocks the body into moving toward toward a healing solution

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and remember that fasting can be very very powerful but it can also be a

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little bit dangerous for the wrong person at the wrong time so before you

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get into any extended fasting make sure that you learn enough that you can do it

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safely do it under the supervision of a doctor who knows what they're talking

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about if you're gonna do any extended fast and especially if you are on some

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kind of medication especially like a type 1 diabetic because if you start

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fasting then you are over medicating your insulin or if you're on metformin

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or something else and you start fasting then you are over medicating because

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you're not putting any more sugar into the system so now there's a chance of

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hypoglycemia and some stuff like that but a 16-8 should be perfectly safe for

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everybody so start playing around with it watch lots of videos read up on this

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and get really smart talk to your doctor and then you can do this safely and reap

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some of these benefits if you're new to the channel and you enjoy this sort of

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information make sure that you subscribe so that you don't miss anything and also

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share this with as many people as you can because there's a lot of people

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suffering there's a lot of people with insulin resistance there's a lot of

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people with any and all of these conditions that we've talked about and

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fasting and more good health information could be just the thing that they need

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so if you care about them share this they can get better too thanks for

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