21 Reasons For Unexplained Weight Gain - Dr Ekberg

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twenty-one reasons for unexplained weight gain so often people say that

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well I didn't change anything why am i gaining weight today we're going to talk

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about all the mechanisms and all the reasons behind these seemingly

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unexplained weight gains coming right up

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hey I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you'd like to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't

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miss anything now we'll be in real trouble if we are gaining some weight

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and we buy in to the general consensus to the mainstream misconception that

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it's all about calories they tell you that oh you're you're just gaining

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weight because you're eating more and you're not exercising enough you're

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gaining weight because there's more calories in than calories out you're not

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burning enough calories and while there is some fundamental truth to that we'll

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be in real trouble if we just look at that if we don't ask the question why

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why might I be eating more why might my body slow down and burn less what is

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changing and the answer is that we're gonna go over 21 different reasons here

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but in the end they're all gonna be hormonal it's gonna depend on hormones

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in one shape or form because hormones determine everything about your behavior

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and everything about your physiologies behavior and I want to mention one thing

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before we get into the numbers and the reasons it's what we think of as aging

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that a lot of people blame things on aging Oh what I'm just getting older oh

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this is just happening cuz I'm getting older my doctor said it's just because

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I'm getting older and while aging is a mostly inevitable process most of what

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we call aging is a function of dis use deficiency or toxicity dis use is

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use it or lose it your body grows at a certain rate that has its pre-programmed

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for growth as long as you're growing when you're a teenager but once you're

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fully grown if you don't use it the body says it's going to look around and say

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oh well this muscles not being used that muscles not being used I'm not gonna

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maintain body parts that are not being used use-it-or-lose-it so most of muscle

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loss due to aging is disuse deficiency means your body has to have something to

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perform a function or to maintain tissues if it's not getting it its

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deficient it can't maintain tissues it can't maintain function if you don't

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provide it and we are highly deficient because of all the processed foods that

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we are eating toxicity means that the body is trying to do something but

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there's stuff in the way there's junk there's toxins there's debris the

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signals and the metabolic pathways are interfered with because of toxicity so

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keep those in mind and understand that health everything that we call function

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is sort of like a battery that a fully charged battery at a hundred percent is

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going to make that Energizer Bunny go but if the battery gradually drops over

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time we're not going to notice that change right away it's not like the

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Energizer Bunny slows down to 70% just because the battery's at 70% it just

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means it has less reserves and that's how the body works as well that it has

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less reserves to cope and adapt which means we may not get any symptoms until

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we have a significant reduction in reserves a lot of symptoms a lot of

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changes that we're going to talk about may not happen until your battery is

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down to 50% and again some of that is inevitable more or less with aging but a

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lot of it we can affect by exercise and proper nutrition and activation and

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detox and just understanding these issues properly in the category of

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sudden changes so now we're talking about something that's happening really

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fast it's like really out of the blue it seems in a matter of weeks or a couple

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of months there was a dramatic change and number one reason I would say is

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steroids that if someone gets corticosteroids if they get oral

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corticosteroids that is a version of cortisol and cortisol drives insulin

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insulin resistance and weight gain so you could gain a dramatic amount of

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weight in just a few weeks with with that number two obviously applying to

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women only is pregnancy that might be something that if you don't really pay

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attention or didn't expect it that could cause some quick weight gain and again

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because in pregnancy there's some dramatic hormonal changes number three

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if you start an exercise regimen that's not appropriate if you do what you think

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is cardio or aerobics but it's actually in the intensity level of an aerobics

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now you're forcing your body to make cortisol which is going to increase

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hunger it's gonna drive insulin it's gonna drive the storage hormone insulin

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and you could gain weight rather quickly even though you're burning calories and

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it seems counterintuitive it seems like you would exercise and lose weight you

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would compensate for it because you're shifting your metabolism you're becoming

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more insulin resistant and that type of training could make you ravenously

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hungry I had a lot of viewers confirm to me that that's exactly what happened to

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them watch out for your exercise so that you do it correctly

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number four is not really an unexplained reason but I just want to put it up

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there because if you go on a cruise and you get the unlimited soda drink package

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and the unlimited beer package and you take advantage of the 24-hour buffets

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just because it's there yes you

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gained probably 20 pounds in a week it's been done I've even gone on some cruises

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not with the soda package but I just ate like a madman and gained 12 14 pounds in

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a week number five the holiday season again most people probably expect this

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it's not so unexplained starting in November through December we're gonna

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eat a lot more cookies and candy and treats as a culture so that could

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certainly be a reason for some people it might be the first time they they could

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get away with it on previous seasons but something else has changed and now that

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holiday season just really kicks them over the edge

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number 6 pathology we could have some sort of disease or tumor like we could

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have a pituitary tumor or an adrenal tumor that is producing hormones at a

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very very exaggerated and unbalanced level so again it's all about hormones

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and if we have a tumor that produces cortisol that would create insulin

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resistance and weight gain very very quickly that'd be sort of like taking

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steroids number seven and this is going to sound strange to you coming from a

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low carb keto channel but you could gain weight suddenly by starting keto and

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this would be if you start it and don't understand what it is if you hear that

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oh it's all about meat and bacon and high fat and you start eating those but

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you don't reduce your carbohydrates enough so you're still insulin resistant

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and you're not reducing insulin by reducing carbs enough and you're not

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getting fat adapted now you're going to still have that exaggerated appetite

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that sugar addiction now you're just adding fat to it and you could gain

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weight very very quickly so remember you're not supposed to eat more fat and

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maintain carbohydrates if you increase the fat you have to drop

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carbohydrates dramatically to let that insulin drop and to become fat adapted

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Kito's not going to work until that metabolic shift takes place so all of

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these things are things that could happen pretty quickly the underlying

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metabolic change could be very very quick in a matter of weeks and the

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manifestation the weight gain could also happen very suddenly in a matter of

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weeks maybe a couple of months now we're going to move on to some things that

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happen a little bit slower that it probably won't happen in weeks if my it

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probably is going to take a few to several months and the underlying

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mechanism would also be happening over a period of several months this would be

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something like a life change maybe you had to move somewhere maybe you had a

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divorce maybe there was a death of the family maybe you got a new job so all of

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these large dramatic life changes can start shifting hormones can start

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changing the way the body works maybe that life change was because of

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number nine you became more sedentary maybe your previous life situation

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allowed you to move more maybe your job involve more movement and when you

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stopped moving then you become more insulin resistant you use less energy

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burn fewer calories but you don't change your eating habits that life change

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could also be causing more stress obviously the examples I mentioned are

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very very stressful and for some people if it's like severe grief that could

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cause the opposite effect where you just stop eating and you lose

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weight but for most people stress typically means that their body is going

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to look for more fast fuel it's going to be looking for sugar especially if

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you're not fat adapted and now as you have that stress you start eating more

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you're making more cortisol from the stress and you're gaining weight

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becoming more insulin resistant and the weight comes on number 11 you

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could also gain weight from a lack of sleep if you don't sleep enough that's a

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form of stress in itself you're wearing you're burning your candles at both ends

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but there's also certain hormones that are secreted that are released as part

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of your circadian rhythm as part of your sleep and wake cycle so if you don't

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sleep enough you're probably not getting enough growth hormone and growth hormone

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again is a metabolic and it's a fat burning hormone so if your growth

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hormone is dropping from a lack of sleep then that could be causing some weight

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gain number 12 working the night shift maybe

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you're working at different hours of the day so you have to sleep at different

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hours of the day so even if you get enough hours even if you get your 8

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hours that your body typically depends on you're gonna shift your hormones

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you're going to disturb your hormones by sleeping during a different time of the

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day you're supposed to sleep when it's dark and be up when it's light that's

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what your brain has learned that's when your nervous system has learned in order

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to secrete the right hormones so growth hormone for example works best if you

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get a couple of hours of sleep before midnight number 13 maybe you just

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started a low-fat diet and - a lot of people that sounds very strange if you

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listen to the government guidelines they tell you to eat low-fat low-calorie and

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you're thinking well you know fat has the most calories I eat less fat so I

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should have less calories but what happens when people eat low fat is they

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typically eat more carbs and when you eat more carbs you're going to be

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stimulating insulin insulin is a fat storing hormone as you become more

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insulin resistant your body lowers its metabolic rate and you get hungrier so

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there's many different ways that you could go wrong with a low fat diet

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sometimes people just start eating more junk food they think as long as it's

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low-fat then I can eat the cookies and I can eat the ice cream and I can eat the

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super sweetened yogurt because it's low-fat and in doing that maybe you're

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eating fewer calories and just becoming more insulin resistant but it's also

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possible that because you're getting super super hungry from all that sugar

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stimulation that you end up eating more calories and more food in addition to

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becoming insulin resistant number 14 maybe you decided to become a vegetarian

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so before everyone yells at me I'm not in favor of being a vegetarian typically

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but I'm not saying that you can't be healthy and maintain weight being a

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vegetarian also the problem is that it takes some skill it takes some knowledge

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to be a healthy vegetarian and what happens to a lot of people who just

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don't want to eat meat because they feel sorry they have some spiritual reason

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for it what happens then is when they don't learn enough about food now they

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start depending on anything that is not an animal so they eat french fries and

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they eat Doritos and they eat all kinds of other fast food bean burritos potato

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chips candy cookies anything that is from a plant origin but they're eating

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junk food ok so again you can't be a healthy vegetarian if you really really

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know what you're doing at least most people can not everyone can but most

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people can be a healthy vegetarian but the problem happens when you don't

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understand health and you start eating junk you start eating any plant food

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because you think it's just a better way to do and now let's talk about some of

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the things that sort of creep up on us over the years and it might seem

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unexplained but if we understand the underlying reasons and especially if we

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start understanding how our reserves decline over time then these would make

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a lot of sense so number 15 older is not a reason in itself but what

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happens as we have disuse and deficiency and toxicity the metabolic rate slows

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down the growth hormone slows down etc so one of the things that might be

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happening is that insulin resistance is catching up with us what does that mean

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well your blood sugar is regulated by insulin so when you eat something your

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blood sugar Rises your insulin goes up to control blood sugar and all is well

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but as we eat more sugar and we eat more carbs and we eat them more frequently it

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takes more and more and more and more insulin over time and this could be

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building up over 10 15 20 years and insulin is a fat storing hormone in

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storing fat it in store it delivers sugar into the cell that gets converted

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to fat so in that sense it's a fat storing hormone and because it's

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tendency is to store things it means we have less access to the fuel once it's

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stored it's sort of like your deep freezer that you put in the basement

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you're not going to go there for a snack so you don't have quick access to that

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food that's how severe insulin resistance works so as that insulin

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resistance builds up over time you could get to a breaking point where you start

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gaining weight you think you're eating that roughly the same thing but you

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don't have access to the food you're storing more and more fat and you're

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gaining weight number 17 your fat muscle ratio so maybe you're maintaining your

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weight for 20 years but during that time you've done a bunch of yo-yo dieting

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you've been mostly inactive you haven't used your body so the normal aging is

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happening at a faster rate because of this use deficiency toxicity so your

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muscle mass decreases and muscles are more active muscles is like the

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machine fat tissue is the long-term storage so muscles are much more

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metabolically active fat tissue isn't very active at all it's like we said the

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deep freezer so over time the ratio can change you start with this much muscle

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in this much fat and then over a 20-year period your muscle goes away your fat

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increases but your weight stays the same so you think hey I'm doing the same I'm

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doing good but then you get to a certain point a breaking point and now all of a

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sudden the weight starts piling on because you've reached that threshold

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number 18 growth hormone growth hormone declines with age that is inevitable but

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we have a lot of influence over how quickly we can make a decline if we are

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sedentary if we're toxic if we're deficient it's going to decline faster

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we can have a decline at a quick rate or we can have a decline at a much slower

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rate depending on our lifestyle but it is gonna go down and growth hormone is a

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fat burning hormone growth hormone keeps up your basal metabolic rate it

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increases the overall activity of the body so as it decreases then that can

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also cause weight gain number 19 endocrine disrupters so this is part of

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the toxicity bit that endocrine disrupters endocrine is your hormone

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system and hormones like we said manages all about this the cortisol the insulin

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the growth hormone and endocrine disrupters are toxins they're things

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like plastics and foreign hormones and metals and chemicals and pesticides that

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mimic the look they look almost like your own hormones so they fit into the

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same receptors and when they fit they block the receptor and they can either

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stimulate a function and exaggerate something the body is

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or it can fit in and block it because the hormone can block something or

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stimulate something so the endocrine disruptor can increase or decrease

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something that the body normally does so the body has less ability less influence

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to regulate these things all by itself number twenty inflammation so

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inflammation is a natural part of healing but low-grade chronic

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inflammation is not a good thing that's when inflammation has gone wrong that's

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when there's stuff present on in the in the body

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year after year that's creating a little bit of irritation so these are things

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like toxins again they're things like foods that we don't break down

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completely we don't may not have a full-blown allergy but we have an

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intolerance to those foods we don't do well with them and the primary ones are

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going to be processed dairy pasteurized milk and refined grains or grains in

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general especially refined grains they create a low-grade inflammation in the

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body and what that does is it changes the sensitivity of a lot of your

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hormones your hypothalamus is an organ it sits right under the brain between

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the brain and the brain stem and it's like a relay of all the traffic and it

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senses your hunger and your thirst and your ph and temperature and all these

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different things that cause you to eat more or eat less or want to do things

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and if they change if the inflammation changes the sensitivity then you just

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don't have the same function there anymore so the hypothalamus might lose

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its ability to regulate leptin or gralen your hunger hormones your thyroid

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hormones your metabolic hormones your your insulin it can affect the

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resistance and the sensitivity of every one of those hormones and on that note a

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very important thing to keep in mind is the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6

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in your diet because they need to be about ideally about a one-to-one ratio

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meaning we have equal amount of omega-3 to omega-6 in the diet somewhere up to

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about four parts omega-6 to one part omega-3 is still okay it's still optimal

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but the average person in Western society is more like a 20 part omega-6

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to a one part omega-3 and what that does it promotes inflammation these

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substances are precursors to things that control inflammation in the body so all

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the things that raises omega-6 are in the sense pro-inflammatory when it gets

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out of control and what are those things well they're primarily sugar grain and

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seed oils seeds and nuts and that's why a small amount of a quality seed or nut

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oil is not a problem but once we start eating large amounts of refined oils

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especially then that creates huge problems and those are the only oil used

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in commercial cooking so anytime you eat fast food anytime you eat out anytime

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anything is fried you're getting all oh may go sixes and for most people they're

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doing pretty well but you don't want to eat too many nuts because nuts and seeds

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are high in omega 6's so even though they're healthy you can get it a little

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bit out of control by eating too much nuts and number twenty one reason you

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might be gaining weight is hypothyroid and this is a huge one I've done

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separate videos on that to explain it but hypothyroid means that your thyroid

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your metabolic regulator the thyroid is your thermostat and hypothyroid means

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that it is slowing down it's like you're just not cranking out as much heat and

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one thing that you can notice if your thyroid is slowing down is that you tend

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to feel cold even in a normal temperature room where

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other people are doing fine if you're just always a little chilly a little

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cold to the core then chances are you have hypothyroid so if you've been

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having some unexplained weight gain then start exploring these reasons because

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it's critical that you start understanding every one of these

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different nuances of metabolic function and changes in the body if you just go

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chasing calories and you try to work out chances are it's gonna backfire a lot of

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these things people do because they think they're gonna lose weight but

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because they don't understand the underlying mechanism or how to do it

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properly it ends up backfiring and it makes

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things worse if you follow this channel for a while you know that we have videos

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on most of these topics or that we've included these in other videos but if

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there's one that you'd like more detail and more information please let me know

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and we'll try to do one specifically for that if you enjoyed this video then I

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bet you're gonna love this one thank you so much for watching and I'll

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see you next time

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