20+ No Carb Foods With No Sugar (80+ Low Carb Foods) Your Ultimate Keto Food Guide

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no carb foods foods with zero sugar and zero carbs is there such a thing or

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should we simply aim for foods that have low carbs well it all depends on what

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your goal is with all of the successes with low carb and keto people want to

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learn more about this but there's so much misinformation so today we're gonna

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give you the bigger picture when it clear up all those questions for you

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stay tuned I'm doctor Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former

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Olympian and if you'd like to truly master health by understanding how the

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body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell

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so that you don't miss anything most of the questions I get are whether you

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could eat this or eat that depending on what you're doing

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and then I looked up a few videos and one of the main videos that I found was

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a video called no sugar no carb foods and it had over a million views but then

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when I looked through it it was just riddled with misinformation it didn't

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mention some good foods like butter and salmon and so forth but then he went on

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to say that kale pecans watermelon cauliflower and blackberries had zero

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sugar and zero carbs then he went through the whole video and it finished

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up saying that as you can see there are a great range of foods that contain no

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sugar and no carbs and obviously that's just plain wrong so today we're gonna

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talk about all those things all the numbers that I'm gonna give you are

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gonna be net carbs meaning that you take the total amount of carbohydrate you

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subtract the fiber so you have the digestible portion of the carbohydrate

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how much carbohydrate can the body absorb that can affect blood sugar I'm

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going to give you all those numbers as a percentage meanings grams of carbs per

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hundred grams of the food and a lot of times it's difficult to find reliable

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data I've done my best and if you find some numbers that are off by a few

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points or that you think that it should something different just let me know and

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we'll try to straighten that out so I'm going to talk about four different

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categories of food so first we have the true foods that have zero sugar zero

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carbs they are zero calorie foods then we're going to talk about foods that

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have zero carbs or just trace amounts and then when I continue talking about

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low carb and then we're going to talk about a category where it sort of

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depends on the quantity all right so we're gonna straighten that out for you

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so the foods with zero calories zero carbs these you could do basically

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unlimited no matter if you are trying too fast or you are trying to reduce

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calories or you're doing intermittent fasting or you're reducing insulin or

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whatever it is these will basically not affect any of those factors if you're

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strictly fasting of course that means that you don't put anything in a water

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fast means that you can only drink water but if you're just fasting for insulin

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purposes then these would be okay so these items are water apple cider

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vinegar in the water herb tea so these are sort of an order

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of how safe they are an herb tea should be perfectly safe but some of the

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fruitier ones they might have fruit extract so they could give you just a

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few milligrams of something but you you're basically safe green tea and

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black tea and coffee they are listed in order of increasing amounts of caffeine

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and while caffeine doesn't have any calories depending on the person if

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you're very sensitive that caffeine could trigger a little bit of a stress

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response a little bit of an adrenaline effect make some cortisol increased

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blood sugar and it could affect insulin but every one is different so if you are

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worried then you basically have to start measuring and seeing how you're doing

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you measure your glucose you see if there's any change then you might have

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an issue with those and then last on the list here is stevia and with that we

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could put in things like monk fruit extract as well there basically

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zero calorie but because they have a sweet taste again depending on the

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person you could trigger a cephalic effect meaning that the brain senses

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sweetness and it assumes that there's some food coming so it starts driving up

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some insulin to deal with the food it's anticipating again everyone's different

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some people are not gonna have an issue with that but if you're worried measure

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and see what's happening next we're into the category with zero carbohydrates and

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what I mean by that isn't necessarily that there isn't a single molecule of

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carbohydrate in there I mean that you would have to consume an awful lot of

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the thing to get even one gram of sugar so for insulin purposes for fasting

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purposes it's negligible so lemon water if you squeeze a teaspoon of lemon juice

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into your water that goes a pretty long way you could probably make that

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teaspoon stretch over a quart or maybe even two and still have that freshness

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to the water so if you squeeze a teaspoon of lemon juice

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that's 0.4 grams of carbs okay it's not gonna affect anything then you can also

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infuse your water you could slice up some cucumber you don't want to squeeze

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it you could slice up some lemon you could slice up some oranges or some

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other fruit and as long as you just leave it sitting in the water to be

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infused and then you don't actually eat the fruit or you don't squeeze the fruit

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now you're also just gonna get fractions of a gram and it can make that water

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much more appetizing next on the list are the proteins the big proteins meat

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fish and chicken and we're talking about lamb or any sort of meat fish or chicken

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that you can find they're all going to be roughly the same they're gonna have

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some around 20% protein and they're gonna have zero carbs now if your

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purpose if your goal is to reduce insulin resistance then remember though

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that proteins can trigger a amount of insulin so on a ketogenic diet

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we recommend very low carb moderate protein and high fat then after the

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proteins we have the fats these are the things that you can eat a lot of

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calories without getting any carbohydrate so we have extra-virgin

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olive oil we have coconut oil MCT oil that's very popular then you can put in

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your bulletproof coffee if you do it like that and then some cooking fats

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tallow lard butter and ghee and ghee is clarified butter that means they've

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heated it so that they have gotten rid of the water and some of the protein is

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called clarified butter so some people who are extremely sensitive to dairy

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could actually tolerate ghee but not the butter because the butter has trace

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amounts of protein in it and then last on the list I put mayo because it's very

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popular people are asking about that and mayo is good if the oil in the mayo is

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good so if you make it yourself you could put avocado oil or walnut oil or

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something like that in there if you buy it in the store they're always going to

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be various forms the commercial ones are going to be various forms of soybean oil

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or canola or something like that there are smaller brands with higher quality

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that you can look for but look for the quality of the oil to determine whether

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the mayo is good so if you're fasting then you're gonna have the majority of

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your intake of your consumption of the zero-calorie if you are keto you're

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gonna have the majority of your calories in the zero carb category here you can

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eat a lot of these different foods they're probably going to be 90 95 % of

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your calories so now we're done with the foods that have zero carbs or for all

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practical purposes zero carbs now we're moving on to the food that have low carb

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and this is where again even though you eat most

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your calories here this is where you still get a lot of bulk and we're

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starting off with some protein foods like eggs and cheese that some people

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consider them to have zero carbs and they sort of do but eggs have about 1%

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carbohydrate so if you eat 3 eggs you're probably going to get 3 to 4 eggs you're

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gonna get a couple of grams of carbohydrate not a big deal but we still

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want to know about it so that we understand these principles if you have

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a really really tight budget for carbohydrates like if you're trying to

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keep them under 10 grams then every gram matters next on the list is avocado and

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that's one of those nature's miracles it's like one of a kind it is

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technically a fruit but it's considered a vegetable because it's not sweet it is

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the only plant that is not a seed that is extremely high in fat so it has about

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15% fat and about 2% carbohydrates you could eat a lot of avocado and not rack

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up a substantial amount so there this is for for vegan keto people that's the

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go-to food and of course for for omnivores who eat a little bit of

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everything there's a chance to get some plant food in that is very low in carbs

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and very high in fat plus it's delicious and it goes with everything

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then we have three of my favorite nuts macadamia nut pecan nuts and walnuts and

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these are the ones that I like the most because they are the lowest in

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carbohydrate macadamias have 5 grams pecans have 4 grams walnuts has about 3

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grams but the fat is also the highest in the macadamia and the pecan and not

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quite so much in the walnut these are nuts that taste really good raw

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there's not many nuts that most nuts are quite bitter until you roast them but

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then you you change you oxidize you destroy the fatty acids in the nuts so

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if you can eat nuts raw that's where you have the most nutrition and that's what

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the fats in the nuts are the most beneficial so macadamia pecan and

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walnuts those taste very good by themselves they're very low in carb and

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very high in fat they also have very good fiber and protein in them something

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to keep in mind about nuts though is that they have not such a great ratio

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between omega-3s and omega-6s the fat in grass-fed meat is about a one to one on

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omega-6 to omega-3 fish is famous for its very very high omega-3 it's a

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beneficial ratio omega-6 and omega-3 most of the other fats vegetable fats

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are gonna have a little bit more omega 6's than omega-3s in general but the

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saturated fats the and especially the animal fats the tallow the lard and the

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butter if the animal was healthy if it was grass-fed then you're gonna have

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about a 1 to 1 ratio there which is considered quite beneficial because our

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diets in general are way too high in omega sixes and the average americans

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sometimes has as much as a 20 to 1 ratio 20 times more omega sixes and that's

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mostly because they consume so much of the commercial oils made from seeds and

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nuts but that also means that nuts have a lot more omega 6's than omega 3 so

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that's a reason that while we can't have some of these nuts you don't want to

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overdo it because you'll start shifting that ratio and that's another reason why

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it is healthier in the long run you're gonna get a better ratio by focusing

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more on the saturated animal fats after the nuts we have the seeds flax Chia

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hemp and pumpkin these are the ones with the highest fat to carbohydrate ratio so

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flax only has 2 grams of carbs chia has 4 hemp has 3 and pumpkin has 5 so these

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are good foods the pumpkin typically is snacking food flax chia and hemp you

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wouldn't necessarily snack on it but they're good for things like smoothies

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and you can grind it and put on cereal and so forth again because it's a plant

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food you don't want to overdo it because it tends to have more omega sixes than

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omega-3 so you don't want to skew that ratio too much and a lot of people have

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also asked about the estrogenic effects that there are phytoestrogens in

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these seeds especially flax but again don't look at a food and say oh look

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that has the lowest carbs I'm gonna eat nothing but that food that's why I'm

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giving you a whole lot of different options here because we want to vary our

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food intake we want to choose from a wide variety of foods so does it have

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some phytoestrogens sure should you eat a cup a day probably not but if you

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grind up and you have a couple of tablespoons then it is very unlikely

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that's going to upset any sort of balance next in the low-carb group we

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have the leafy greens and now there are things like Swiss chard with 2 grams of

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carbs kale with 5 grams of carbs lettuce 2 grams of carbs spinach 2 grams of

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carbs so these you can eat pretty freely because even though they have a few

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grams of carb in them you're not going to consume hundreds of grams one of

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these big tubs of lettuce that you get might have 400 like a pound 450 grams so

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that might be 9 grams the carbs in the entire tub and you're probably not going

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to finish that tub in less than five or six salads and when I say lettuce we're

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including a bunch of different lettuce all sorts of leafy greens called lettuce

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like Boston lettuce arugula romaine lettuce green leaf red leaf etc they're

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gonna differ it a little tiny little bit some are going to be one and a half some

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are going to be two and a half but they're very low carb so feel free to

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eat plenty of those there are so many low carb good foods that we continue

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with the second column here so olives is also a plant

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food so I guess I have to say that there's two foods avocado and olives and

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I'm sure there's some more exceptions but they're both very high in fat and

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very low in carbohydrates so olives have 3 grams of carbs and it's very high in

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fat that's why they make olive oil from it and then we'll finish up the low carb

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category with a whole group a whole bunch of non starchy vegetables so non

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starchy also means that they're very watery they're very high in water

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content most of these are about 90 percent water

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so you Matan you notice if you cook them that there's a lot of water left over

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typically so we have spaghetti squash with 5 grams of carbs a lot of pasta

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lovers are noticing that you can actually if you drown that thing in

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spaghetti sauce and you prep it with some butter and some good spices then it

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can be an incredible meal broccoli Brussels sprouts

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bell pepper all very low carb Rockley about 4 grams Swiss Brussels sprouts

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about 5 grams and bell pepper about 3 for the green and about 4 grams for the

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yellow and the red cabbage a great food and if you turn it into sauerkraut then

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it becomes even less plus when you ferment it you create a probiotic so

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that's one of the easiest things to ferment and I highly recommend that you

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give that a try I do that here at home so when you ferment something you are

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taking natural bacteria and you're letting the bacteria consume some of the

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carbohydrate in the food and then they proliferate so now you have more

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bacteria and less carbohydrates so that's one of the wonders of nature of

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how it can work a double benefit and it's the same thing with yogurt of

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course cauliflower celery cucumber eggplant they're all about 2 to 3 grams

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of carbs mushroom okra zucchini tomato all great foods very very low carbs and

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in the meat category in the red category here you're gonna eat to get

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your calories and then in the low carb category you're gonna eat to get

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some bulk to get some fiber to get some phytonutrients to get some minerals you

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combine these two but you're not going to be able to live off of this typically

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because you're gonna have to eat like 10 pounds worth of food so you need to get

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some bulk here and to get some calories over here next we're getting into a

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category where I want to talk about and and try to use some common sense about

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these things so in this category there's gonna be foods with varying amounts of

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carbohydrates so it's going to depend on how much of it you eat that's its

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quantity dependent some wise person said long ago that quantity makes the poison

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that some things are poisonous like arsenic and plutonium in in any

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microscopic amount but when it comes to food there's nothing really poisonous

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it's it's all dependent on the dose and it depends on what your goals are I'm

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going to answer a question where there's been a lot of confusion like if you're

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fasting what can you add to your coffee and I've heard so many different

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versions of this that oh you can't put milk as it has sugar you should put

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cream it has no sugar and coconut cream has sugar don't use that and so forth so

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here's the truth of the matter coconut cream heavy cream half-and-half

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and milk they all have sugar but the more fat they have the less sugar

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because the sugar is basically floating around in the water the sugar is

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water-soluble so as you turn milk into cream as you remove the water and you

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concentrate the fat then you're also reducing the sugar percentage so that's

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the one thing so coconut cream has about 2.7 grams of carbohydrate per hundred

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2.7% cream has 2.8

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half-and-half has 4.3 and milk has 5.3 so they all have sugar but if you're

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looking at the dairy portion if you're looking at the cream half-and-half and

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milk why would you want to use cream other than the fact that it has about

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half as much sugar as the milk because it's so much richer and the fat is not

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going to trigger any insulin so if you have a big pot of coffee which is going

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to make it creamier a tablespoon of milk or a tablespoon of cream ok the cream is

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going to smooth it out so much more so that you can get away with a tablespoon

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or maybe two of cream whereas you'd be tempted maybe to use half a cup of milk

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and now that the carbs really really add up so all of them have carbohydrates but

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the best - to go for is coconut cream and heavy cream so I would go for heavy

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cream every time unless you're trying to avoid dairy and then I would strongly

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suggest the coconut cream as an alternative that's what I use for the

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most part in my coffee I put I do a few shots of decaf espresso I put some

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coconut cream in it I put a stevia sweetener or a chicory root sweetener I

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put little butter and I put some MCT oil in there and then I'm set all morning

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tastes delicious too. what about condiments can you have condiments can you put

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stuff on your burger besides a little mayo

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well mustard has 2% sugar and ketchup has 25 and I didn't put relish on here

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but it's also way way way up there I didn't put this on the list but you

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could use dill pickle unsweetened dill pickles would be great too so mustard

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you could use a couple of tablespoons and you're not going to get even a gram

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can you use ketchup well it sort of depends on your car budget what are you

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trying to stay under and how much ketchup are you going to use

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if you're just gonna use the tablespoon now you're talking about maybe 2 3 grams

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of sugar but if you're one of those people who eat ketchup by the cup or by

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the half a cup now that's not such a good idea because 6 7 tablespoons of

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ketchup which I've seen people do that and more now you're talking 20-25 grams

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of sugar just in that ketchup mustard I probably say go for it

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ketchup I would be very very careful because the ketchup has a lot of sugar

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but not only that it is mostly high fructose corn syrup in there so when I

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talk about my favorite nuts the macadamia pecan a walnut and people

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always throw in that oh yeah I love those nuts and then I eat a lot of

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peanuts and cashews also because they sort of think that all nuts are created

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the same well peanuts first of all is not a nut

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it's a legume it's like a pea more and it has 14% carbohydrate so that may not

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be too bad because they're pretty filling so if you can just eat one of

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those little bags or you can have just a tiny little handful you might only get

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let's say 2 ounces about 50 grams and then you'll have 7 grams of carbs so

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maybe that's ok depending on your on your carb budget what are you trying to

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stay below cashews though they are almost that they're over 1/4

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carbohydrate that's why they're so yummy they're very very sugary so I would

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probably stay away from cashews because you can't have very many at all before

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that starts adding up so with all my recommendations here I'm assuming that

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someone watching a low-carb video is trying to eat low carb or keto so I'm

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assuming with my recommendations that most people are trying to stay like 50

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between 20 and 50 grams or maybe even lower so if you are not so insulin

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resistant and you are allowing yourself maybe 70 or 80

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if you're not trying to stay in ketosis but just sort of find balance then you

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might be a little more generous to yourself next we have coconut milk but

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not the kind that comes for cooking but for drinking so now we're sort of

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talking about all the rice milk and the almond milk and the coconut milk and the

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macadamia milk and so forth and these are typically they're there they make

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them with these nuts but they add a lot of water and then they add a little bit

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of sugar and salt and thickener to make them more palatable to make them more

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desirable so this is an example of Silk coconut milk it has three percent sugar

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3 percent carbs just like the coconut cream did but this has very little fat

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it has like 2/3 percent fat so this is intended for drinking which means that

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you're probably going to gobble it down by the cup so if you have two cups worth

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of this now all of a sudden you've had five times that much you've had 15 grams

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of carbohydrates so it adds up very quickly and if you add saying this is

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more like a milk if you add this to your coffee then you're probably not going to

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be satisfied with just a teaspoon or a tablespoon you're gonna be tempted to

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put in maybe half a cup so realize that the high-fat products will go a lot

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further in in satisfying you and therefore you're gonna keep the carbs

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down worse the sheer sauce is one of my favorite condiments and if you're just

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putting a teaspoon or something on on something you're eating then you could

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probably get away with that no big deal but this Worcestershire sauce has 20%

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sugar in it pure sugar so a teaspoon is going to give you one gram but if you're

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doing like a heavy barbecue cookout and you like to make your own barbecue sauce

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and have a lot of Worcestershire I have a recipe

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that I do that calls for almost a cup of Worcestershire sauce that would mean 50

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grams of sugar so I don't use that anymore I've looked up various ways of

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just creating that flavor from the raw ingredients so that's pretty easy I

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might make a video on that but you could use some anchovy paste and some spices

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and and you could get the same end results without all that sugar so keep

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that in mind it's about the quantity if it's just a teaspoon on top of something

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fine but if you're going to start using large quantities then that's probably

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not such a good idea then we've got all these little packages

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with sweeteners and I'm not even going to get into the artificial ones I'll do

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a separate video on those but the stevia wants that stevia is a natural product

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it is processed so sure it's not like eating the plant anymore but it is still

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not harmful it's nothing to worry about but when you do those little portion

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packets then they mix them up with something because stevia is so

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concentrated you wouldn't if you open up one of this little packages and it was

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only stevia they would just be like dust in there you wouldn't even see it that

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wouldn't be much so they mix it up with a filler product and that filler product

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could be something like inulin or Maltodextrin or sugar or glucose or dextrose

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all these different names and if they use sugar or glucose or dextrose which

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is the same thing then they're usually going to put in about a half to one gram

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in that bag so depending on how many of those you use if you just use one like I

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think it's convenient if I have yogurt sometimes I'll put some berries on I'll

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I'll pour one of those on there and I got myself a half a gram of sugar not a

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big deal but if you use them a lot like if you figure that hey you know it's not

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affecting my my glucose my insulin but so I use them in my coffee but you have

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five coffees a day and you put three bags in each coffee now it

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adds up now you might have somewhere between ten and fifteen grams of sugar

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from that stevia so we got to understand that even though they call it zero it's

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not zero because they put a little bit in there so one kind of these packages

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typically put a natural or semi natural sugar like glucose dextrose etc and then

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there's the other kind that puts a sugar alcohol they put erythritol or xylitol

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or something maltitol in there and now it technically doesn't have any sugar

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and it has none or less carbohydrate but you could be upsetting your digestive

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flora so depending on the person if you have a concrete stomach then you're

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probably fine with that but if you have any kind of bacteria

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imbalance if you notice at all that you tend to get gassy with certain foods

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then that sugar alcohol is not a good idea because it's gonna start feeding

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the wrong kind of bacteria the ones that make gas so one very popular product is

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swerve for baking which has stevia plus erythritol primarily and using large

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amounts of that can get people some serious gas so pay attention to that and

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understand how that works and I love to have some berries once in a while I love

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some fruit for a treat but I try to stay away from from fruit for the most part

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but berries are great raspberries strawberries blackberries and my

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favorite is raspberries because they're so flavorful in proportion to how much

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you eat that a handful of raspberries go a long way and they only have 5% sugar

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so you could essentially eat 50 grams and have yourself a nice treat and only

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get two and a half grams of sugar out of that same thing with strawberries and

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blackberries but you might be tempted to eat a little bit more because they're

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not quite as intense in the flavor and the number one popular question that I

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have gotten on my videos is well what about

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watermelon because it's so watery right can't be much sugar in there and this

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other video that I found it said that oh you can eat lots of watermelon because

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it is moderate in sugar and has so much fiber which is not true so I can see

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where people get misled watermelon has about seven grams of sugar per hundred

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grams 7% sugar and it has 0.4% fiber so it's almost non-existent that's why it

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all turns to water when you squeeze it it's all liquid 7 doesn't sound like a

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whole lot compared to the raspberries but can you sort of imagine a handful of

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raspberries that's 50 grams and then you have this dense watermelon and a cube of

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50 grams of watermelon would give you 3 and 1/2 grams of sugar but it's like a

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50 grams of watermelon would be a cube about that size not even so you probably

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more likely to eat a pound worth of watermelon and now you're talking about

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30 grams of sugar and here in the American South where the watermelons are

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enormous and they weigh about 20 pounds sometimes even more we want to realize

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that one watermelon would have 600 grams of sugar are you just gonna eat that one

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little cube at a time one little cube per day and then wait till next day

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before you have your next little scoop probably not so this is one of those

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things that we have to understand that the dose makes the poison that even

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though it doesn't sound like it has a whole lot it's one of those foods that

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you will probably never eat just a little bit of it next an absolutely

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fantastic food nutritional yeast this is the most abundant form of real natural

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vitamin B so it's kind of cheesy and the flavor you can spread it on just about

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anything and it has 6 grams of carbs but it's very light and

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flaky so your even if you use two three tablespoons you're not gonna put on more

Time: 2009.929

than maybe 10 grams so you're not even going to get up to one gram of carb from

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this and realize that the B vitamins that you get from nutritional yeast are

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far superior they're completely different than the stuff that you buy in

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a vitamin pill so much much better skip the vitamin pill skip the the B complex

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pill and just start using nutritional yeast as part of your daily regimen

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what about garlic well garlic turns out

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to be one of the starchiest foods we have it is starchier than potato

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it is starchier than sweet potato but again how much are you gonna eat so if

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you just use a clove or two you're gonna get a couple of grams of carbohydrate

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with it but if you're one of those people who are gonna use one pound of

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broccoli and half a pound of garlic when you make your your dish then maybe think

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again so one bulb not one clove but one bulb

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would probably be in the neighborhood of 50 grams so that would give you about 15

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grams of carbohydrate that might take a pretty big chunk out of your

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carbohydrate budget so check out your garlic see & weigh it and see how much

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you're actually using and and figure that one into your budget

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herbs and spices feel free to use them fresh herbs like basil cilantro tarragon

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and dill very very low they're sort of like the the leafy greens over here

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basil cilantro only has 1 gram of carbs so tarragon and dill has a little bit

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more but you couldn't possibly eat like a half a pound of dill or or tarragon

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they're they're spices so you can use those very very freely it's not going to

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add up to anything so fresh herbs are fine what about when you dry them

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because if you look at the numbers then the numbers go up dramatically so some

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of the popular ones would be parsley sage

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rosemary and thyme and now the numbers go up dramatically from one or two five

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all the way up in the 20s so 21 22 27 grams of carbs does that mean you can't

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have them because they're so so much carbs of course not because you are only

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going to use a few grams even if you use a couple of tablespoons worth of

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something it's still only gonna measure up to maybe 5 grams total and maybe one

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gram of carbs so herbs and spices whether they're fresh or whether they're

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dried then you can use them freely then there's some more popular spices that

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are not herbs but things like mustard seed peppercorns cinnamon and curry can

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you have those they look like they're awfully high in carbs again it's the

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dose it's how much it's the amount that makes the difference so even though they

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have 38 and 28 25 cardamom has a full 40% carbs you're not going to use very

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much a teaspoon here a teaspoon there gives you a fraction of a gram so we

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have to realize that when people say that you you can eat this because it's

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low you can't eat that because it's high it all depends on how much of it you're

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planning to eat and for my last item number 81

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I have glucomannan so what is that it's also known as konjac root and it is a

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highly absorbent gelatinous fiber it's mostly being sold as a weight-loss

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product and again if you follow this channel you know that we never want to

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try to take something for something you want to address the root cause if you

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want some fiber fine go get it make sure you drink lots of water but the reason

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I'm interested in this one is that if you're into cooking and spices and

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things then chances are you're going to want to make a sauce at some point

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you're going to want to thicken something and typically people thicken

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sauces and ragus and stews they thicken them

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with cornstarch or potato starch or arrowroot or something like that and

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even though you don't use a whole lot it adds up pretty quickly because

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cornstarch is almost a hundred percent starch if you use even a tablespoon

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you're adding a lot of starch to your dish glucomannan on the other hand is

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all fiber it is not the starch that's absorbable it's the fiber so you could

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add you're gonna need to add a little bit more than you would corn starch but

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it has zero carbs it's all fiber so you can use this one freely it will give you

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a little extra bulk if you drink some water if you take it

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as a supplement and you drink some water with it then it'll help fill up the

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stomach and help keep you fuller but again that's not the long-term solution

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you're not looking to deprive yourself of food long term you want to eat low

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carb high fat so that your body learns to regulate your appetite you don't want

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to try to trick it into feeling fuller because that's not gonna last in the

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long run please leave your questions and comments below and if you enjoyed this

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video and related topics we have dozens and dozens of videos so you can learn

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more and more about these different things about insulin resistance and

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fasting and give you all the tools to achieve your goals if you're new to the

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channel make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell and make sure

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that you share this content with the people that you care about see you next

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