#1 Absolute SUPER FOOD For Your HEART Is...

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hello world champions today we're going to talk  about the number one absolute best food for your  

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heart so I came across this list that has things  on it like leafy greens and berries whole grain  

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fish nuts and seeds fruit garlic olive oil  legumes and tea so we're going to talk about  

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these different things and we're going to try to  iron out what to think about and if one of these  

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would be the number one absolute best food for  your heart now the problem with trying to pick  

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one thing out of a group of good things where  some may be good and some may be bad is that  

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all of a sudden we think that this one thing has  some magic ingredient that it has some incredible  

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medicinal properties that it can magically heal  and this whole thing comes from a medical mindset  

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where we think that we can take this thing whether  it's a Medicaid Nation or an herb or a food or a  

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supplement and we take that for that condition  for this symptom and it just doesn't work like  

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that that's still symptom treatment and we're  still stuck in that medical mindset which is so  

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hard to break out of because we've been trained in  that thinking and it's the most common problem in  

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my comments in the clinic it's the hardest thing  for people to break out of and stop thinking in  

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terms of take this for that and instead start  asking what helps the body what does the body  

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need to have and what interferes with the body  so we want to think about there is an upside to  

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things the body needs but more than that it's  about avoiding the downside of the things that  

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interfere and screw things up so when we go to  a doctor typically we expect to get a pill and  

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that's all part of this mindset and the problem  with this thinking is also that whenever we just  

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want a list we want a top 10 list we need we want  a bullet point list and everyone in the comments  

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sections they always there's always someone who  writes a list but what happens then is we never  

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get the full picture we stop thinking and people  are looking for quick fixes they're looking for  

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shortcuts and what we have to understand is  about health that the body is self-healing  

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and we shouldn't have to worry about hardly  anything the problem is that we have changed  

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our environment we've changed the food so it's  not the same anymore and that's why we need to  

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have a little bit broader understanding of how  the body works and what the foods do to us so  

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the real question is when figuring out this list  is first of all Do no harm because you can't take  

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a pill you can't take a supplement of some sort to  make up for the damage that something else does so  

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it's more about avoiding the bad stuff and then  if we're talking about a food does this provide  

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substantial calories because some of these herbs  and things that people think are oh these are  

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great foods like tea well it's not really a food  because you can't live off of it and some other  

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items it's not just is it good or bad because a  little bit might be good and a lot of it might  

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be really bad and when we pick number one best  then we automatically fall into the idea that  

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more is better and I'm saying this because I see  the comments that I get on my video so I'm really  

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trying to clarify this and another thing would  be is it possible to overeat this food because  

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a little bit might be okay but if a lot tends to  make us overeat then it's not so good so if food  

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should be pretty much self-limiting it's should  be so filling that we are not tempted to overeat  

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and another really important question when we ask  about food being good or bad is good for whom and  

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what we need to understand is people fall on  a spectrum it's not that one food is good for  

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everybody or that food is Black or White it's  that depending on where we are on a metabolic  

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Spectrum there's a gradient here so here we might  be insulin sensitive here we might have a type  

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2 diabetic over here we might have a 25 year old  and here might be a 70 year old here we might have  

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someone who is super sedentary and here's someone  who runs a 10K every day these people the food  

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that is good for them is completely different  so we can't just simplify and ask what is the  

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best food food so we want to weigh all of these  factors in as we talk about this so let's start  

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out with whole grains and they're different types  of grains but one would be the modern wheat which  

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is the vast majority of what's being consumed in  terms of grains and I would put a big red X that's  

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not something that anybody should really eat it  causes insulin resistance it causes cardiovascular  

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disease so if you talk about a food that would be  the best food for your heart well I don't think we  

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can make any sort of case for modern wheat being  on that list now there's a different story with  

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Ancient Grains before we started messing with them  then now we could have a whole range of responses  

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where it might be okay for some and not so great  for others so these would be things like iron corn  

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Ember spelled kamut Rye oats and barley these are  all Ancient Grains that we haven't messed with  

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so if it's good or bad now depends on where you  are on that metabolic Spectrum if you're a type  

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2 diabetic if you're very metabolically unhealthy  then it would be a big red X this food will make  

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you sicker there's nothing good about it for you  whereas if you are very insulin sensitive you have  

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a good digestion you're active then then you could  probably have moderate amounts of these grains not  

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60 of your calories but you could have a certain  amount several times a week and still be fine  

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so on the good side we need to understand that  grains are very inexpensive they're easy to  

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produce it's one of the greatest Staples without  grains we would not have been able to develop the  

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world and Society into what it is today so that's  on the upside on the downside we can say that it  

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may be okay for some but if we're going to talk  about the necessity then there is no real need  

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we cannot make a case that this would be good for  the heart or that you should eat this if you want  

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be healthy Etc so when we try to make a case if  it's best food for the heart and if it belongs on  

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a list then the answer would be absolutely no next  we have legumes and this is a huge range of foods  

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also so legumes could be something like a green  bean that I think would be totally fine for almost  

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everybody then we have things like a huge staple  which is lentils and again just like we talked  

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about with the grains if you're type 2 diabetic  then it's probably not so great if you are insulin  

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sensitive metabolically healthy then we know that  it's a staple that helps feed a lot of people and  

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they don't really get in trouble then black beans  would be the exact same situation now when we get  

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into soybeans I think it's a different story and I  would put a big red x on it maybe a question mark  

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If you make tofu out of it but soybeans is one of  the most common allergies it's very difficult to  

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digest for most people especially the way they  process it and include it as filler protein in  

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almost every product and difficult to digest  unless you turn it into tofu now it's much much  

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better and all the traditional cultures in Asia  that eat a lot of soy they typically eat it as  

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tofu Foo or some other prepared or fermented form  of soybeans and if you do eat the tofu which is  

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very popular as a protein source for vegetarians  then I would strongly suggest that you get the  

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organic version because if it's not organic then  you're pretty much guaranteed that it's a GMO  

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food nuts and seeds I think are a great food I  eat nuts and seeds on a regular basis however  

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they are very high in omega-6s so we're going to  give them a question mark there so here it's all  

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about quantity if you have a little bit of seeds  or a little bit of nuts here and there maybe 10  

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percent of your calories then I think that should  be fine and I just picked that number out of thin  

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air I don't really know what that number would be  but just to give you an idea as long as you don't  

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turn it into a staple if you think oh nuts and  seeds they get a green check I can should eat as  

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much as possible no now you're kind of unbalancing  things again so I don't believe it's a staple I  

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think it's a great food to have as a snack here  and there and next we have fruits so fruits tend  

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to be some sort of Holy Grail we're always told  to eat more fruits and vegetables more fruits and  

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vegetables so every time I talk about it I get  attacked but it's one of these things where it's  

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good for some and not so great for others and  it has everything to do with where you are on  

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the metabolic spectrum and how much you eat so if  you have type 2 diabetes I would suggest that you  

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eat no fruit or an extremely small amounts very  rarely if you are insulin sensitive then I think  

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that you could have some fruit I think you could  have one or two fruits most days I don't think  

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necessarily the fruit is something you eat the  same stuff 365 days a year because that's not  

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how our ancestors ever had it it's only because  of modern Agriculture and production that we  

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have that luxury and I don't think that's how it  was intended and we also have to understand that  

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berries even though they're typically in the same  categoric lump together I think berries are quite  

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different and it's much much more difficult  to overeat berries so I think even as a type  

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2 diabetic I think you can have some berries  and I think that you're all okay to eat almost  

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unlimited berries if you're insulin sensitive it's  very difficult to overeat compared to most sweet  

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fleshy fruit it has much less sugar and more fiber  so it I would say you could probably eat three  

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to four times more berries in most cases than  you can fruit and get the same amount of blood  

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sugar impact next on the list was garlic which I  think is totally fine I think it's an awesome herb  

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I love garlic I put it in tons of foods and the  problem here is again when people put it on a list  

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they think in medicinal terms they think it has  some magical properties that are going to undo all  

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the damage that they've done over the years and  continue to do and again that's not how it works  

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plus garlic is an herb or a spice it's something  that you eat in relatively small quantities so  

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it's not a food in that sense because it's not a  staple and then I know someone's going to tell me  

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that well you don't know how much garlic I eat in  my case it probably is a staple so that might be  

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the exception same thing with tea it's great it  has some flavonoids it has some phenolics it has  

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some plant properties some phytonutrients in it  that are probably good I can probably help fight  

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off something which is great so we put a check  mark on it but you don't want to Expect Miracles  

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it's still not a food you can't drink a bunch of  tea and start undoing it's part of good things  

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that you can consume but again don't think of it  as having any miraculous properties with fish we  

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also put a big green check mark I think fish  is great if you eat the fatty fish especially  

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now you get some of these essential fatty acids  that are fantastic for your heart and your brain  

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especially if you're deficient so what we again  what we want to understand is these are not going  

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to undo a bunch of bad habits what they will  undo is if you're deficient and you have health  

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problems then taking more of these will make you  sufficient and some of those problems will go away  

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and it also helps normalize inflammation it's not  anti-inflammatory per se but what happens is when  

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you eat more Omega-3s then the ratio to omega-6  improves and most people eat way way too much  

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omega-6s and that's why they're pushing their  bodies toward inflammation increasing Omega-3s  

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will help improve that ratio but you also need  to decrease the omega-6s which we'll come back to  

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a little bit fish also has fantastic protein it  is just as good as meat or most animal products  

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so it's a full value protein and it is very very  difficult to overeat fish it's not like ice cream  

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you have one bite and you just keep going back  for more until the container is gone fish you get  

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full you're satisfied you're done and that's how  it should be with a good whole food now the only  

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thing we want to keep in mind is that a lot of  fish produce today is farmed fish and they don't  

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have good in conditions they don't feed them right  they give them hormones and artificial colors and  

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they get mold and parasite infections and so forth  so do the wild caught as much as you can and let  

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me put that in perspective though so when I say  that it doesn't make farmed fish the worst food  

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in the world so if you're in a restaurant and  you're choosing between french fries and salmon  

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then the the salmon is far superior it's just when  we're trying to nitpick a little bit we want to  

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understand that it can be a problem with the farm  fish but again you need to get the bigger picture  

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it doesn't make it so if I'm in a restaurant and  there's nothing else really that I'd like to have  

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I would certainly eat fish even if it's Farm  but when I can I would seek out the Wild and  

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the other problem with fish is that they live in  the ocean and the ocean has been heavily polluted  

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with Mercury and other heavy metals and pcbs and  so forth so you want to look for the smaller and  

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younger fish so the large predatory fish like  swordfish and tuna are generally much much higher  

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in Mercury whereas the flat fish and the white  fish and salmon and sardines and small mackerel  

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are going to be fairly low in mercury and then  on the list they also had olive oil so what do  

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we need to know about olive oil first of all it's  monounsaturated so it's liquid but it only has one  

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double bond monounsaturated unsaturated one time  which makes it very stable it's shelf stable it's  

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difficult to oxidize it and make it bad make it  Rancid it has about 20 different polyphenols so  

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it has certain phytonutrients that can help  the body in terms of of inflammation it also  

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has some vitamin E and some chlorophyll and these  are are good things for health in general again  

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don't think of it as as a miracle of any sort very  often people say that when you eat a lot of olive  

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oil then it's anti-inflammatory that people on a  Mediterranean diet you consume a lot of olive oil  

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it's more anti-inflammatory and it's not really  anti-inflammatory it's just that the other diet  

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is more inflammatory so this is just normal it's  just neutral in that regard and what it is is it's  

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natural and it's clean and it's stable like we  said it can sit on the counter it doesn't need  

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Refrigeration it can sit for months and it doesn't  really go bad and it also is filling so we when we  

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eat it it doesn't stimulate blood sugar it doesn't  give us Cravings it just makes us very satisfied  

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when we eat it together with with other foods  like vegetables or fish Etc and here's what I  

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find really interesting about olive oil because  every year they vote for the best diet and the  

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Mediterranean diet is always top three it's like  we know Mediterranean olive oil it's great you  

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should eat tons and tons of olive oil it's  the preferred oil so you would think by now  

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that we're eating some olive oil in this country  well in the United States we consume on average  

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under one liter of olive oil per person per year  it is almost nothing in Italy they consume 11  

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liters in Spain 12 liters so obviously these  are all Mediterranean countries in Greece they  

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consume 24 liters and in Crete which has been  called the origin of the Mediterranean diet  

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or the original the real Mediterranean diet they  eat 30 liters of olive oil every year per person  

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so that's about six tablespoons per day it is up  to a third of the calories consumed in the entire  

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country and then by contrast we have the United  States where we consume 42 liters of soybean oil  

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so in a country where we're always told how  great the Mediterranean diet is and how great  

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olive oil is and we basically don't consume any so  is there any wonder where in Crete they have some  

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of the lowest rates of heart disease anywhere  and obviously in the U.S we have some of the  

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highest rates so maybe it's time to understand  where some of those problems are coming from and  

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start eating some more olive oil so I named olive  oil the number one best food for your heart and  

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again I do that reluctantly because there's no  such thing as the best food it's all a good food  

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among many other foods but if we had to pick  one I'd I would be okay making that olive oil  

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now again it doesn't have any Miracle properties  it's simply good because fat is good food fat is  

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good for you as long as it's good fat as long as  humans haven't put it in a lab haven't screwed it  

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up with high heat and chemicals and high pressure  and cleaning and de-gumming and deodorizing and  

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hydrogenation Etc olive oil comes from olives  they're very very easy to get the oil out of it  

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when you do what's called extra virgin olive oil  that's the first cold pressing then just apply a  

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little pressure and out comes the oil in that  sense it's basically a whole food I know that  

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the whole food is olives and olive oil is somewhat  processed but because they do it so gently and  

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because the olive oil doesn't have any other  properties of processed foods such as increasing  

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blood sugar or creating Cravings or anything  like that in that sense olive oil is still a  

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whole food and I believe that olive oil should  be considered a staple I sometimes cringe or  

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sometimes laugh when people say oh I can't afford  to eat healthy and they keep eating fast foods and  

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the processed and the packaged food well let me  just put some numbers on this olive oil where I  

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get it I know there's different prices different  places but it is extremely inexpensive you can  

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buy two liters of olive oil under twenty dollars  that means it's about a dollar twenty one dollar  

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twenty cents for 1 000 calories so if you eat 2  000 calories and a third of it comes from olive  

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oil you can get a third of your calories under  a dollar all right it doesn't get much cheaper  

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than that so it's more about educating ourselves  and being willing to learn about food and willing  

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to experiment and learn how to cook a little bit  then actually that food is so expensive and what  

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I'm really trying to get across in this video is  we have to stop thinking about food as medicine as  

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some sort of Miracle that's going to do something  good food just gives us what we need to have and  

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bad food doesn't so it's not about the upside  of what it does as much as what the downside is  

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taking away from us and the biggest advantage of  good food like olive oil is that it replaces junk  

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the more of it that you eat of the good stuff the  less you're going to eat of something else so if  

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you eat more olive oil you're going to eat less  soybean oil you're going to eat less sugar less  

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white bread because you're going to be full from  something else already you're going to eat less  

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processed foods if you enjoyed this video you're  going to love that one and if you truly want to  

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master Health by understanding how the body  really works make sure you subscribe hit that  

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