#1 Absolute First Sign Of KIDNEY DISEASE Is...

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Hello Health Champions today I'm going to talk  about the number one absolute first sign of kidney  

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disease and it's probably not what you think  because every time I hear someone talk about  

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the first sign or the early signs then they're  usually talking about signs and symptoms related  

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to severe kidney disease or even end-stage kidney  disease the kidney is so much more than just a  

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filter it eliminates waste product in the body it  gets rid of excess fluids but it also regulates a  

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lot of important things like pH which has to do  with acid-base balance it's super important that  

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the blood is a very very specific pH it regulates  our electrolytes like sodium potassium magnesium  

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calcium and so forth it regulates the production  of red blood cells so if there's not enough oxygen  

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in the blood the kidneys tell the bone marrow to  make more red blood cells and carry more or oxygen  

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and by regulating electrolytes and getting  rid of excess fluid the kidneys also is the  

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primary regulator of blood pressure so the heart  pumps about five liters of blood every minute at  

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rest and out of that five liters about 20 to 25  percent is flowing through the kidney so all in  

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all we have about 1400 to 1800 liters per day  of blood flowing through the kidneys and then  

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that blood is pushing fluid through the kidney  so we're filtering out 180 liters of water even  

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if you just drink two three four liters of fluid a  day the kidney filters out many many times that so  

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that's equivalent of about 760 cups or glasses of  water every day and it does that so it can clean  

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the blood and get rid of all the waste products  but that all also means that it has to reabsorb  

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things so it reabsorbs more than 99 percent of  all that water that is pushed out it reabsorbs  

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99 plus percent of sodium and absorbs most of the  electrolytes back in and that's really hard work  

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it absorbs reabsorbs 100 of the glucose so when  all this fluid is pushed through the kidney out  

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through these filters it also takes with it  anything that's dissolved that's small enough  

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to be filtered out along with it so proteins are  too big they stay behind in the bloodstream but  

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everything else dissolved basically is pushed out  through these filters and then because there are  

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precious resources the kidney has to reabsorb it  and get it back into the body so water sodium and  

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glucose are very precious 100 of glucose gets  reabsorbed absorbed unless we're diabetic and  

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the glucose is so high that we exceed the kidneys  capacity to reabsorb it and then that's where we  

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have the diabetes which means sugar in the urine  in chronic kidney disease is so much more common  

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than people realize because about 15 percent  of adults have chronic kidney disease that's  

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35 to 40 million adults in the U.S alone but  the problem is at 90 percent of those people  

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don't know they have it because they don't  know how to read the blood work and there are  

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basically no signs and symptoms associated with  this and as we age 38 percent of people over 65  

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have chronic kidney disease but the worst part is  that there's so few symptoms with kidney disease  

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until they ultimately fail that even the people  who have severe kidney disease don't know about  

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it 40 percent of people with severe disease don't  know they have it so even though there are signs  

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and symptoms associated with it you don't want to  wait for those because they usually indicate very  

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severe Disease by the time that you notice the  symptoms so most of the things in the list here  

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are usually called early signs but they're  actually very very late signs so let's talk  

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about these early versus late signs so the first  three on this list here are fatigue poor sleep  

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and poor appetite and all of those can happen if  there is such a degree of toxic buildup that your  

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body doesn't function optimally and in order for  toxins to build up to that level you would have  

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to have severe kidney disease number four is  increased urination and there was a channel a  

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very large Channel with a name similar to my own  that made a video and said this was the the very  

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first sign and it is not because by the time that  you have increased urination especially at night  

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called nocturnia then you have to spill glucose  into the kidney if the kidneys are at fault for  

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it it's because glucose is spilling out into the  kidneys to the degree that they pull water with  

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them and that is a severely mismanaged diabetes  on some degree of kidney failure but chances are  

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if you're watching this you're going hey I'm in  trouble I have that but almost all the time that  

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you have nocturnia meaning you pee at night it's  because you drank too much water before going to  

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bed or too close to going to bed so don't freak  out about that learn what the real kidney signs  

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are and evaluate that number five is blood in the  urine and in order for red blood cells to leak out  

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into the urine in from a kidney problem you have  to have severe leakage because red blood cells are  

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even larger than proteins they're not supposed to  be in the urine at all number six is foamy urine  

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and that could be a sign if protein leaks out into  the urine but again the vast majority of protein  

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in the urine unless it's chronic it's going to be  because you have an infection of some sort it's  

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going to be temporary and that also can produce  some degree of foamy or even smelly urine if you  

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have a bacterial infection or something so again  don't freak out about that it's very common unless  

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it's chronic now it's a problem number seven is  puffy eyes or edema and this is also severe kidney  

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damage because you have to be leaking protein  to the degree that you're deficient in protein  

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you have to lose a lot of proteins through the  urine especially albumin which is a very large  

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protein it's designed to be a sponge and keep the  fluid the water inside the bloodstream so if you  

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lose a lot of this albumin now you're gonna have  water leakage and it's going to be things like  

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puffy eyes and puffy hands and puffy feet and  legs number eight is itching and number nine  

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is muscle cramps and these could happen because  of loss of minerals or an imbalance of minerals  

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where the kidney wasn't able to get rid of some or  it's losing too much of another but if the kidney  

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is responsible for this directly the kidney would  have to be severely damaged most of the time it's  

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the adrenals that produce the hormones to tell  the kidney how to balance the minerals so most of  

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the time that you have some muscle cramps or you  have an imbalance and minerals it's not going to  

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be super severe it's going to be more slight kind  of in a functional range and then it's going to be  

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more adrenal than kidney so in fact everything on  this list is pretty late stage rather than early  

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but if that's so then what is the early signs  so let's see what the experts have to say the  

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physiologists so this is from the American Journal  of physiology and this is a paper on kidney or  

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renal physiology so this paper is called insulin  resistance in chronic kidney disease and what they  

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have to say about it is that insulin resistant  is an early metabolic alteration in those with  

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chronic kidney disease and not only that but  the insulin resistant is apparent even while  

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the kidney filtration is normal so in other  words the insulin resistance is there first  

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but also that the insulin resistant is almost  Universal almost 100 percent in the people who  

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reach end-stage kidney failure now that's not  very surprising because the causes for chronic  

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kidney disease are very well established and the  number one cause bar none is diabetes especially  

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type 2 diabetes with insulin resistance and  number two on the list is chronic high blood  

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pressure and of course diabetes is the number one  cause for chronic high blood pressure so that's  

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again basically a single cause number three is  chronic NSAIDs non-steroidal anti-inflammatory  

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drugs so those are the pain medications sold over  the counter to a large extent and also there if  

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you have diabetes you have a low-grade systemic  inflammation that's also going to cause a lot of  

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pain and joint pain so you're going to be popping  pills to cover up that pain but also on this list  

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are autoimmunity and chronic inflammatory systemic  conditions like lupus for example that very often  

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attack tissues like kidneys now what I want you  to know is most of this live list is preventable  

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and reversible so diabetes and chronic high  blood pressure they're in the high 90s 95 98  

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percent reversible if we just know how it works  and do something about it chronic pain could have  

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many causes but a lot of that would go away if  you handle your metabolic conditions autoimmune  

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diseases are a little trickier but they also have  a lot to do with inflammation and GI health and  

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food choices so even though you can't eliminate  all of that you can make tremendous progress by  

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learning how it works and living better but what  if you already have some kidney damage what if  

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you've run some blood tests and your numbers don't  look so great well it depends on how far gone it  

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is but in many many cases there's still time to do  something about it and improve it and in my clinic  

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there are some supplements from standard process  us that are very very powerful they're the best on  

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the market that we have found and those are called  Rena food arginex and renatrophin PMG so we'll put  

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some links down below where you can learn more  about those so if the signs and symptoms on that  

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long list were all late stage then obviously we  want to catch it before it gets to that point and  

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if insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes are  the primary causes then we want to figure out  

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how to catch that early and the best and simplest  test for that is the home IR there are other tests  

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where you can spend a half a day and hundreds  or even thousands of dollars and you might get  

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a little bit more precision and reliability but if  you just want a basic screening for 20 bucks as an  

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add-on to a test then home IR is a fantastic  and simple way so all you do is you take the  

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glucose times the insulin and most blood tests  are already going to include glucose so you just  

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need to add on insulin and we can typically do  that for about 20 bucks then if you're measuring  

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in milligrams per deciliter then your glucose is  going to be in the 180 to 100 or 100 plus range  

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then you divide by a constant of 405 and that's  to get a very healthy very insulin sensitive  

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person to a value around one so a good range  is anywhere from 0.5 to 1.5 then you are very  

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insulin sensitive to quite insulin sensitive and  then if you measure in millimoles per liter then  

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all you do is you take the same multiplication  but you take your glucose in millimoles and you  

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divide by 22 and a half instead and the number  is still going to come out same the ratio is  

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going to be the same and why is this so much more  powerful than measuring glucose alone I've done  

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this illustration a few times but if you've seen  it then watch it again so that you can really get  

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it well enough to explain it to other people so if  we start off with with a certain amount of glucose  

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and we are insulin sensitive then it's just going  to take a small amount of insulin to handle that  

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glucose but then if we eat a standard American  diet with some processed foods and high carbs then  

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a few years later we might be looking like this  so what's happened here is that glucose stays the  

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same glucose is a controlled variable it is very  very important for the body to keep the glucose  

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the same that's the whole purpose of blood sugar  regulation the body has a built-in defense against  

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high blood sugar and that defense is called  insulin so if insulin Rises to keep that glucose  

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under control it means the cells are starting to  resist the glucose so it takes more or insulin to  

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push the glucose in so now we are already starting  to become moderately or slightly insulin resistant  

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but the glucose hasn't changed and then another  five years later we check it again and the glucose  

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is still in a normal range plus minus a couple  of points but instead now the insulin has gotten  

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even higher and we are now becoming severely or  significantly insulin resistant and we are just  

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matter of time before we're in pre-diabetes or  diabetes and then finally when the body fails when  

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the body cannot produce enough insulin when the  cells are so resistant that basically no matter  

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how much insulin we put out there they don't want  the sugar now is the first time that that glucose  

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starts going up and by now we typically  have an insulin level something like that  

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so what I want you to notice here  is that the glucose Rises like this

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that it might take 15 20 years for the glucose to  respond whereas if we instead measure the insulin  

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we are getting a true measurement of the degree  of insulin resistant and when they have checked  

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the home IR against these gold standard these  expensive lab tests there's a very good agreement  

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in terms of insulin resistance between these gold  standards and the Homa IR so it is a very good  

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test and you can catch things long before you  get into type 2 diabetes so here is your number  

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one absolute first sign of kidney disease and it  is when the insulin starts going up that is true  

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prevention that is how you catch it because if you  don't this will lead to kidney disease so let's  

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take another look at the Journal of physiology and  here they're saying in a study where people had  

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chronic kidney disease to some degree meaning that  their filtration rate had suffered and dropped  

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below 60 milliliters per minute so we don't know  what degree but they had some degree of kidney  

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compromise and these people were not diabetic  meaning they still had normal blood glucose  

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meaning they were somewhere on this flat portion  of the glucose line however these people when  

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they checked the home IR the insulin resistance  against the kidney filtration they found that as  

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the home IR went up as the insulin went up even  with normal glucose the filtration rate suffered  

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they were inversely related so very often we  hear that glucose is responsible for the damage  

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and it is because glucose cause this micro vessel  disease that's where diabetes causes blindness and  

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kidney failure but even before you're diabetic  while your glucose is still normal the rise in  

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insulin is also damaging the kidney and causing  a reduction in the filtration rate so let's cover  

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some must-know health information from the experts  at John Hopkins medicine and they're talking about  

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how to preserve your kidney function when you  have diabetes they're saying that over time  

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diabetes can harm the kidneys it can lead to  kidney failure but here's the good news many  

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people with diabetes do not end up with kidney  problems okay so that's not quite the good news  

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I was hoping for but I didn't get this far in  the reason I picked this article I only got to  

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the headline before I kind of jerked and reacted  and here's a sentence when you have kidney disease  

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what does that mean when you have it then it's  almost like it's your identity from that point  

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on you can put it on your business card this  is who I am I have it but what if instead of  

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saying that you have it what if we said when  you are currently in the state of adaptation we  

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call diabetes that would change things right if we  understand that it's a current situation you could  

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change it and if it's an adaptation then it's just  something that the body did because we exposed  

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it to something now let's have a little fun with  this and let's say that you live in a world where  

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kidney disease is not caused by diabetes but  instead it's caused by dirty floors and I just  

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picked the dumbest thing I could think of just to  illustrate something for you so now kidney disease  

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is caused by dirty floors and now this article  instead reads preserving kidney function when  

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you have dirty floors and then they talk about  how dirty floors can harm the kidneys this can  

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lead to kidney failure but here's the good news  many people with dirty floors do not end up with  

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kidney problems and then the rest of the article  they go on to describe the solutions which they  

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can give you medication where they dull the  pain from looking at the dirty floors and  

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they can give you special glasses that filter out  everything below knee level so you don't see the  

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dirty floors and you can do all these different  things you can have prisms or you can go into  

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therapy where they talk to you about the dirty  floors so that they don't cause kidney disease  

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and you're saying well why don't you just  clean the floors but for that to work you have  

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to understand that you can clean the floors you  have to live in a world where that's part of the  

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Paradigm and we unfortunately live in a paradigm  where diabetes causes kidney problems but nobody  

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understands that diabetes is an adaptation and  hopefully you live on the same planet that I do  

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and then I want to let you know that it is very  possible to reverse adaptations the vast majority  

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of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes not 100  but well over 90 percent is an adaptation that we  

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can undo by simply understanding how it works and  you can choose to do certain things you can choose  

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to stop drinking soda you can choose to stop  eating Donuts you can choose to start eating  

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real food and this does not mean sawdust and  cardboard word you can still eat eggs and meat  

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and cheese and fish and butter and Rich sauces and  lots of salads and avocado very very satisfying  

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Foods we just have to learn what they are and  how to cook them because we may not have done  

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that before and you can also choose to learn how  your body works so that you can take control and  

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get the results that you want and on my channel  alone there are over 500 videos that teach you how  

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the body works and how to make smart changes and  if you want to dig a little bit deeper than the  

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videos I've also created a blood work course and  last module we actually talked about the kidney in  

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a lot more detail than this video and also about  the adrenal which makes the hormones that help the  

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kidney regulate these minerals and next week we're  going to to go into the other side of it which is  

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metabolic syndrome insulin resistance and so forth  and we're going to cover in more detail the things  

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that we talked about the home IR the glucose when  it matters why it's not the best marker because  

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it fluctuates so much you can talk about a better  marker called A1C we're going to talk about how  

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it relates to insulin and to the triglycerides so  I'll put a link down below for those of you who  

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want to take it to the next level if you enjoyed  this video you're going to love that one and if  

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you truly want to master Health by understanding  how the body really works make sure you subscribe  

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