#1 Absolute Best Way To Reverse & Slow Dementia

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Hello Health Champions. Imagine that you wake up  in a place that is totally unfamiliar. It's full  

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of furniture and things that you don't recognize  it seems like you've never been there before and  

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yet you have that disturbing feeling that you  should know where you are. And while you're  

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sitting there all these strange people come  in and start talking and interacting with you  

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as if they've known you all your life  sometimes these strangers watch you go  

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to the bathroom or take a shower of course it's  only natural now that you feel violated when they  

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invade your personal space and it's not so strange  that you feel irritable and hostile towards these  

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people but they all comfort you and reassure  you and say that everything will be just fine  

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and then when all these people finally leave you  alone now you left yourself to try to figure out  

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where you are who these people were and  what it all means the sad reality of course  

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is that these people are your family and loved  ones in this little story I was just paraphrasing  

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an actual dementia patient and dementia is one  of the most dreaded conditions of our time in  

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the uk they found it was the most feared health  condition and people fear it so much they put off  

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getting a diagnosis they put off finding out  more about it because they feel that if they  

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get a diagnosis then their life is pretty  much over but we can't wait we need to do  

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something right away before it's too late and what  you need is not a diagnosis that's just someone's  

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label and it doesn't change anything about how you  work or your cells work what we do need to know  

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is we need to understand some brain basics we need  to understand the mechanisms behind the condition  

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like what's the cause of the damage what is it  that breaks down the brain as well as what does  

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it take to build a healthy brain because those  are the two factors that we need to understand  

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and what about genetics most people think that  genetics is the dominant factor but it turns out  

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that there are a few rare forms especially the  early onset dementia that have a strong inherited  

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component but the vast majority of dementia cases  the vast majority are multifactorial and that  

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means that even if they have a genetic component  that predisposes that factor itself is not  

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enough so even if your relatives had it if it's  multifactorial which most of them are there are  

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many more factors that you can control and it does  not predict whether you're going to get it or not  

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and if you can change these risk factors and  understand not just what they are but the  

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mechanism behind them which we'll talk about now  you have a chance to slow stop or even reverse  

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dementia if it hasn't gone too far the very  first thing we have to know is what is the cause  

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and it's pretty straightforward dementia is caused  by damage to or loss of nerve cells and their  

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connections in the brain and that was mayo clinic  but this is pretty straightforward this little  

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argument that either your brain cells die or they  get weak or they lose their connections that they  

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speak with but when we look further it gets really  confusing this is the Stanford healthcare website  

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and they agree what causes dementia it is damage  to the brain but then when we want to read further  

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and understand well what causes this damage  now they say that common causes of dementia  

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are Alzheimer's vascular dementia  Parkinson's disease and Lewy bodies  

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and now we're getting kind of backwards here  because dementia is a label it's a condition it's  

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describing a condition but so does alzheimer's  and vascular and lewy bodies and parkinson's so  

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we have a label that we're trying to explain by  a label and labels don't cause other labels they  

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have nothing to do with the underlying disease  process but when we get it presented like this  

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we don't see the way out we think that this is  just something that happens to people when we're  

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unlucky and the best we can do is hope it doesn't  happen to me now this article in the Lancet  

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talked about 12 factors that are risk factors and  now we're taking a huge step forward in figuring  

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out the cause they found less education hearing  loss traumatic brain injury or TBI hypertension  

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or high blood pressure more than 21 drinks  of alcohol in a week that's quite a bit  

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obesity BMI over 30 smoking depression social  isolation sedentary lifestyle diabetes and it's  

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not just diabetes it's the insulin resistance part  of diabetes so a well-managed type one for example  

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does not have that issue and also air pollution  so what they found is that when these are present  

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one or more then that increases the prevalence the  risk of dementia so if we can undo these then we  

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reduce dementia but more importantly we want to  understand what is it about these what mechanism  

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are they driving or not driving that is causing  dementia and that's what we're going to talk  

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about first of all depression and obesity are not  risk factors they are not causal factors that's an  

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association so if we have depression it's because  there's something not working quite right there's  

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something that's weak in the brain to balance  things out and that same weakness over time can  

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lead to dementia so it's one physiological  problem leading to two conditions it's not  

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that the conditions are causing each other and the  same thing with insulin resistance which obesity  

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is typically the result of insulin resistance and  then in insulin resistance has a couple of things  

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that causes dementia it's not the obesity they  are unrelated but now let's group them together  

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so traumatic brain injury too much drinking  insulin resistance air pollution smoking and  

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stress what do they have in common and there are  actually only two mechanisms really and the first  

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mechanism is what all of these have in common  and that is neuroinflammation inflammation is  

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an immune system response the body does it  on purpose whenever we have tissue damage or  

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infection or there's something else the body needs  to clean up in most of the body that's done with  

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white blood cells called macrophages that  just means big eater and we have those in  

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the central nervous system as well except they  have a different name called microglia because  

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everything is different it's like this whole  different world it's a separate system inside  

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the brain and central nervous system there's a  blood brain barrier that keeps things separate  

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one of the most common things that people don't  think much about is a tbi traumatic brain injury  

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and this could be a severe fall you hit your head  you lose consciousness but it could be a lot less  

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also it could be one of the most common ones  are in football when people have helmets but  

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they hit their head a lot they think they're safe  because they don't crack their skull but the brain  

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is sloshing around inside the skull and we're  getting small concussions repeatedly another thing  

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is alcohol can create neural inflammation stress  can create neural inflammation and pretty much any  

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gut issue can create neural inflammation because  we have one barrier in the gut and we have one  

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barrier in the brain and for the most part when  one is compromised like a leaky gut we also get a  

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leaky brain so whatever is creating inflammation  in the digestive tract is also going to create  

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inflammation in the brain but now is where it gets  even worse unfortunately is these microglia can be  

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subject to something called priming and priming  is another word for persistent activation so it's  

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like any other immune response that your body  remembers so if you have one concussion and you  

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increase inflammation and microglial activity then  over time that activity and that inflammation will  

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come back to a baseline but if you have another  concussion if you have another trauma before it  

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is resettled now it's going to redouble its effort  it's going to increase its activity it's going to  

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go to a higher level before and it's going to be  very trigger happy and if you do that a third time  

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or a fourth time now we get pretty much persistent  activation but it doesn't even stop there because  

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all these factors can activate these microglia so  let's say that you had two or three concussions  

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and then you go have a drink or you end up  with a leaky gut or you have a food allergy  

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now you could actually have bread with gluten and  you could essentially re-concuss your brain it's  

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like you had another concussion even though you  didn't hit your head you just triggered another  

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way to activate microglia and  inflammation now a problem is that while  

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most of the body is really good at balancing  out inflammation and healing trauma the brain  

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is not good at all that's because the brain  is protected it's not supposed to get hurt  

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so when it does the brain basically just have  this weak little reserve cleanup crew and one  

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way though that we can help this process along is  something called autophagy that means self-eating  

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and it's been talked about a lot in relation  to fasting because when you fast you don't  

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put in so much fuel and resources in the body and  then resources become precious and the body up  

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regulates this autophagy this self-eating so it's  like a recycling process if you don't eat protein  

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then the body goes out into the tissues to look  for it and this is one of the most powerful ways  

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to clean up your brain to speed up this cleanup  process and resolve that inflammation so what  

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that means then is that if you hit your head one  of the best things that you can do is to do some  

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fasting or at least to avoid sugar if you're in  a football game and you hit your head the worst  

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thing you can do is to go have a soda afterwards  because sugar and carbohydrates trigger insulin  

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which is one of the most powerful ways to turn off  autophagy completely now let's look at the second  

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factor so the first one was neuroinflammation  what's the second one and that relates  

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to less education hearing loss hypertension social  isolation sedentary lifestyle insulin resistance  

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decreased nutrients deficiencies smoking and  stress what do these have in common and what  

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is the mechanism whereby they promote dementia  well all of them deprive the brain of something  

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it needs to have so if we have less education or  we have any of these then we basically get a weak  

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brain we don't develop the brain the strength of  the brain the endurance of the brain to the point  

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where it's supposed to be we get a poorly wired  brain and then it's also underdeveloped and with  

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all of this that brain has a lower threshold for  trauma for endurance for activity and it's much  

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more prone to degeneration and if all these things  deprive the brain of something then next we have  

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to understand what is it the brain needs number  one is fuel the brain is two percent of your body  

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weight it uses 20 to 25 of all the calories of all  the energy all the fuel in your body and even more  

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important than high or low fuel is stable fuel  because the brain uses so much energy it can't  

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be on sometimes and off sometimes it has to have  a steady energy supply and that supply is glucose  

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and ketones traditionally we're being told  that glucose is the only fuel for the brain  

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but that's not true because when we're fasting  then as much as 75 of the fuel can come from  

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ketones and in our modern lifestyle with way too  much sugar and carbs then we're probably relying  

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almost a hundred percent on glucose for brain fuel  but historically it's probably been more like 50  

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50 between ketones and glucose and if you've ever  tried to make a fire you know that there is no  

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fire there's no heat or energy without oxygen the  second thing your brain needs is activation and  

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this is the most misunderstood people get it they  need fuel they need all these different things but  

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activation is the key because you have all these  cells in your body but they all serve a purpose  

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and if you don't use them for anything then  your body doesn't need the fuel it doesn't need  

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that cell at all so the only reason we need  fuel is to perform work and that's where the  

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activation come in use it or lose it to build  a strong brain we also need some catalysts to  

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wire the brain properly that's brain derived  neurotrophic factor and human growth hormone  

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so don't worry about the name just think of  them as miracle grow for the roots and the  

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pathways and the networks in your brain and then  of course over time we're going to need to replace  

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some of the parts of the brain that wears out all  the tissues where out all the molecules were out  

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so we need to replace the building blocks and  those are primarily the things that we're missing  

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most often are DHA docosahexaenoic acid which is  just the long complex fish oil and amino acids  

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which come from protein and cholesterol which  the body makes but we're taking all these drugs  

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to keep it down and we're trying to limit it in  the diet which may not be a great idea and if  

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all these factors are present now we can start  to build a better brain and how do we do that  

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you have about a hundred billion brain cells  each brain cell makes on average five to ten  

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thousand connections to other cells and these  connections called synapses that's how the cells  

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talk to each other then there's the concept of  neuroplasticity which means the brain is never the  

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same it's not like a statue it's not solid it's  more like a river it's constantly changing and  

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modifying itself to fit your environment as you  have new experiences the brain rewires itself it's  

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going to disconnect some of these synapses and  make new ones and Hebb's law says that cells that  

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fire together wire together so as you have these  different impulses as you think something as you  

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have an emotional reaction as you're practicing  a physical skill all of these experiences trigger  

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brain cells at the same time and if they trigger  at the same time then they wire together you get  

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these experiences hardwired into your nervous  system into your brain and that is the only way  

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that we can learn things and over time we develop  a lot of complex automated skills we have physical  

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skills like balance and coordination we have  cognitive skills like speaking different languages  

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or having an analytical capacity but how does all  of that relate to dementia well the better we can  

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build these networks the more complex networks we  have the more complex skill the more we use them  

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then the more interconnected they become the more  different brain cells get hooked up with more  

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of the other brain cells and then we increase  the neuronal stability we increase the endurance  

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and the health of each brain cell because a  brain cell that sits by itself in a corner  

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somewhere and doesn't talk doesn't connect  it to anybody else it's not going to fire off  

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very often it's going to be a rare occasion  and that brain cell is going to degenerate  

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but if a brain cell is well connected if it's  got thousands or tens of thousands of connections  

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there's always going to be some message coming  or going there's always going to be some activity  

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so that's going to increase the baseline activity  of the whole network they reinforce each other  

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and when that happens we decrease the chances  of degeneration and dementia we're maintaining  

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the health and the metabolic thresholds  and capacity and endurance of that brain  

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here are the main limitations of working with  dementia a brain cell is like any other cell  

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it can grow it can shrink it can get stronger  or weaker however once it's dead it's dead  

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and that's the problem with the later stages  with the more progressed stages of dementia that  

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once it gets really bad there's a lot of cells  that are dead and gone and they're not coming back  

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so we need to catch it early we need to do  something while the cells are not dead but  

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simply weak and when they're weak but still there  now we can work with them through these principles  

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we talked about and we can resuscitate them  basically not only that but we can also rewire  

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and compensate for some of the cells that are dead  if there's too much of a percentage we're sort of  

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past the threshold but people with strokes for  example they can have large portions of the brain  

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die completely and they can rewire and teach  other parts of the brain to do the same thing  

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so we can do that also with dementia to a  point but we have to reverse the process  

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so if you are extremely motivated then there's  tremendous potential you could do a lot to  

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reverse all these different processes but therein  lies the problem this is the biggest limitation  

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of working with dementia people is that  they have no motivation the processes  

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that cause dementia are the same processes  that break down the brain areas that control  

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motivation these people they're very difficult  to motivate them to do anything or to understand  

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help them understand why they need to do something  that's why we want to change early this is why  

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we don't wait for symptoms we work from day  one to be as healthy as we can to build the  

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best brain we can from the beginning so start  before there is a problem before there's a symptom  

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why not start today so let's pull all  of this together and make sense of it  

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when we want to reverse and or prevent dementia  it all comes down to just a few principles all the  

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different risk factors they talked about comes  down to use it or lose it comes down to neural  

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inflammation and a little bit to nutrition  let's say that you were unfortunate and you  

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had less education what did that do why is that  use it or lose it well you never developed that  

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complex network to the degree that you could have  it's basically a slightly less developed brain it  

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doesn't have that endurance so what do we do about  it well it's never too late to learn and with the  

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internet with YouTube with free courses with  free language apps there's no excuse anymore to  

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blame it that you don't have the education  because you can learn every day so increase  

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your mental activity play cards do memorization  games play bridge do crossword puzzles and learn  

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new things every day what about hearing loss well  when you have hearing loss that means that the  

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signal is not going from the hearing mechanism  into that area of the brain that's supposed to  

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receive it either the signals missing or the area  in the brain is is weak or damaged but either way  

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use it or lose it that area of the brain is  degenerating because it's not being activated  

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it's not being stimulated so what do you have to  do you do something physical you do some exercise  

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to compensate for it it doesn't mean that  your hearing necessarily is going to come back  

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but you can send so many signals from other places  that they make up for what's missing if you have a  

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sedentary lifestyle if you sit still physical  inactivity then realize that 90 of all the  

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signals that stimulate that activate the brain  that becomes the juice for the brain come from  

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movement and when you're sitting still you're  just not stimulating that brain so up and move  

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what about social isolation again less  stimulation we need all kinds of different  

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stimulation we need emotional we need physical  we need chemical we need mental activity of  

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all different kinds so social isolation is  not a great thing what can you do about it  

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join a club volunteer go for a walk talk to people  do something hypertension is actually a cause  

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in itself it's not just this thing that can cause  strokes and related to cardiovascular disease  

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when we have hypertension that high blood pressure  is something that the body tries to protect itself  

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from so the body can change the perfusion that the  blood vessels are supposed to let through oxygen  

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but if the blood pressure is too high then less  oxygen ends up going through so we could actually  

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starve the brain for oxygen even though there  is higher pressure of the blood the number one  

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solution for use it or lose it is called exercise  that's why i talk about it all the time it does  

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two things first of all it provides 90 of the  signals to activate the brain but more than that  

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the more intense that exercise is the more of  these hormones the brain derived neurotrophic  

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factor the human growth hormone remember the  miracle growth for the brain it's only going  

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to sprout synapses with these two hormones  present and once you exercise you activate  

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the brain but you also provide these hormones  to make new connections in one study they took  

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kids from being c average students to a average  students doing nothing more than having them  

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run one mile in the morning before school stress  is another one of those things that can cause  

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anything because it affects so much it can cause  neural inflammation but also stress puts us in  

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a survival place and when we're in survival we're  not very creative normally there's a good balance  

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between the blood and the brain between the brain  stem and the cortex but when you have stress now  

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the blood goes from the cortex to the brain stem  because when you're stressed when you're trying  

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to survive you don't need to be creative you're  just trying to get out of there but it robs the  

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cortex it robs the thinking part of the brain  of oxygen and therefore we rob it of blood flow  

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and energy the solution i talk about all the time  is to meditate because you activate your brain  

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you lower your stress responses and you help your  body get back to balance if you're drinking more  

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than 21 drinks per week i would suggest cut back  and if you're smoking then stop it all together so  

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those are pretty simple solutions if you have  trouble with it there's support organizations  

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there's books there are 12 step programs just  do what you need to to to deal with that and if  

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you've had some concussions or traumatic brain  injury if you are obese or if you have insulin  

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resistance then the solution is pretty simple  you can start with an elimination diet to reduce  

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inflammation but the biggest thing for those three  is going to be low carb and high fat and fasting  

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to reduce insulin to increase autophagy and then  to make sure that you get some good nutrition  

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the best thing you can do is to make sure that  you eat real food and for the brain you might  

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want to supplement with a little bit of fish  oil as well and one more thing that people get  

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totally backwards is the mental activity versus  the physical activity because most people put  

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the mental activity first they think i don't  want to get dementia i want to read things i  

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want to do cross board puzzles i want to be  active and those are all good things that  

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helps increase the complexity of those networks  of that wiring but you have to do the exercise  

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first you have to start with exercise because  exercise drives 90 percent of the signals  

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that makes the brain grow and they produce  all of the hormones all of the miracle grow  

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that help you learn you can't make new  connections just by doing the mental activity  

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it's going to go so much slower than if you  exercise first this is like the 90 that pushes  

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the fluid through the pipelines that  fills the system that makes the soil  

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fertile and then you add the learning and  the mental activity and that's going to  

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work so much better if you enjoyed this video  you're going to love that one and if you truly  

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want to master health by understanding how the  body really works make sure you subscribe hit  

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