#1 Absolute Best Way to Improve Energy & Brain Fog

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Hello Health Champions. When your brain doesn't  work - you don't work. You feel miserable. You can't  

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get anything done and all the things that you want  out of life go missing. Brain fog affects everybody  

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some of the time but it affects some people almost  all of the time so today we're going to talk about  

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how to clear up brain fog so you can get your  life back now the number one absolute best way  

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to stop brain fog is to understand what the brain  needs and then to provide it so that's what we're  

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going to talk about brain fog is not a precise  term it's just a general description that people  

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use when they have low energy when they have  poor focus when they feel lethargy or fatigue  

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and if you were to go to a medical doctor  and say that you think you have brain fog  

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he may sort of understand what you're talking  about or he may say that no there's no such thing  

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because it's not a specific medical condition but  then when you need to tell him is that you believe  

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you're suffering from diagnostic code r 41.9 which  involves unspecified symptoms and signs involving  

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cognitive function and awareness and then when  you have enlightened him he can write you a  

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prescription and get reimbursed and you can feel  better for a day or two or you can pay attention  

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to what we're going to talk about in this video  and you can solve the problem naturally step one  

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is to know what the brain does and the short  answer is it processes information a lot of  

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information some of that relates to your basic  five senses which is of course sight sound taste  

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touch and smell but your awareness goes a lot  further than that so indirectly you're also  

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aware of things like gravity pressure temperature  and humidity and for some people it goes even a  

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lot further beyond the purely physical where they  can even sense the mood of someone walking into a  

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room even if they're not looking at the person so  our nervous system processes a lot of information  

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thinking conscious thought is part of that but  it's about one millionth of all the information  

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your brain and nervous system processes and in  order to process all this information the brain  

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uses different modalities and the biggest of  those modalities is electrical current so it  

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has electrical signals that follow fixed pathways  known as your peripheral nerves but your nervous  

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system also uses chemicals like molecules  which involve neurotransmitters and hormones  

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neurotransmitters would be a molecule that crosses  from one synapse to another at the nerve ending  

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whereas hormones or other chemical messengers are  released into the blood to affect wider tissues  

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but your body also has an electromagnetic  system and a system of biophotons so  

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electromagnetics that's part of your acupuncture  system where the chi flows in meridians in the  

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skin that are of electromagnetic nature  and we also have biophotons which are  

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light particles of light in your body and one way  we can think of that is the reason laser works as  

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a therapy the cold laser is that light has certain  frequencies and if we didn't have receptors  

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to process that then that laser wouldn't really do  much of anything and in order to process all these  

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modalities what does the brain need what are the  physical needs of the brain and the first one is  

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energy and i put stable energy because if you have  energy that is high sometimes and low other times  

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then your brain is going to function some of the  time and others not and in order to make energy  

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your body needs fuel that's the calories that's  the fat and the carbohydrate and in the case of  

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the brain also ketones but it doesn't stop  there because it doesn't become a calorie  

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until you can oxidize it it doesn't become energy  until you have oxygen to burn that fuel and you  

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also can't burn that fuel without enzymes that are  dependent on nutrients like vitamins and minerals  

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but when all those three are working now you  can take that fuel substrate and turn it into  

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atp adenosine triphosphate and that word's not  important but you need to understand the fuel  

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is not energy until you can turn it into a usable  form an atp is the energy currency and even though  

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we have trillions and trillions of pieces of atp  it's very short-lived if you were to do a all-out  

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sprint and you stopped making atp altogether  you have about three seconds to live before you  

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completely run out of atp so this is something the  body has to keep up and remanufacture and process  

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all the time the next big thing the brain has to  have is stimulation and why is that so important  

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because the body is in constant  state of breakdown and build up and  

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so often we focus on the build up as something  positive and the breakdown is something negative  

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but both are part of the same cycle it's the  breakdown that allows us to replace old cells  

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with new fresh cells and we break things  down all the time but if we don't stimulate  

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the tissue if we don't use the tissue then why  should the body rebuild that particular tissue so  

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the stimulation is the reason for the buildup  and we're all familiar with the phrase use it  

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or lose it and what that basically means is  the body breaks down but without stimulation  

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there's no reason to rebuild it and then we have  the things that cause problems for the brain that  

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interfere with its activity and makes it hard to  get the job done they're going to fall in three  

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major categories one is obviously the lack of  energy the second is inflammation and the third is  

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signal disruption and we're going to give you some  examples of these so you see exactly how they fit  

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together when it comes to energy we could have a  problem with the production portion of energy so  

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first of all obviously we need a substrate we need  to have something to make energy out of and that's  

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the calories the fuel the fat and the carbohydrate  and they can either be ingested or we can take  

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them off the body it could be a lack of nutrients  if we have the substrate but we don't have  

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the matches so to speak we still can't set fire  to it and that would be vitamins and minerals  

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the next one's kind of funny because as i read a  few other lists of what people thought we should  

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take for brain fog they said we should have more  antioxidants now think about what we just said  

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that we need to oxidize the food to get energy  we have the substrate we can't make energy until  

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we oxidize it the word antioxidant should give  you a clue just because we've heard it a million  

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times and it's in every article on what to eat and  how to get healthy that we need more antioxidants  

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just because you heard it a million times  doesn't make it so so an antioxidant prevents  

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the formation of energy now when we eat real food  we get things in a certain balance and the body  

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figures it out we need some we can't have too  much but when we concentrate antioxidants and  

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we put them in a pill or a capsule and we gobble  them up by the bottle now we're getting too much  

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we're preventing the formation of energy and  they've done lots and lots of research on  

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this a lot of the vitamins antioxidant vitamins  that you think are good for you they actually do  

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absolutely nothing in terms of benefit and they  shorten your life so eat the antioxidants the  

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way they occur in natural food eat foods that  support and supply precursors for your body's  

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own endogenous production of antioxidants  like glutathione and don't take them in a  

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pill next is anemia and why does that matter  because anemia means you don't have enough  

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red blood cells or not enough high quality red  blood cells so now you can't transport the oxygen  

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if you don't have the oxygen you can't burn the  fire you can't make energy and same thing with  

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smoking smoking is a form of self-induced anemia  because when you smoke you breathe in carbon  

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monoxide which blocks around 20 percent of your  oxygen carrying capacity so it's like you're 20  

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anemic the moment you start smoking and  dehydration is also a common cause of  

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brain fog because your body is mostly water so  most of the chemical processes that take place  

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in your body take place in an aqueous solution in  water so if you're dehydrated then you don't have  

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the playing field for those chemical processes to  take place and of course if you want to rehydrate  

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don't forget the salt because salt follows water  if you lost a bunch of water you probably lost  

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some salt and electrolytes as well and then it  can be that maybe we have enough substrate maybe  

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we have the ability to convert it to energy  but we might have a problem with the delivery  

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and this is something most people don't think  about in terms of insulin resistance that if  

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you're insulin resistant what does that mean  insulin is the thing that's supposed to take  

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the glucose into the cell but if you're insulin  resistant it doesn't work so now the glucose can't  

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get into the cell the fuel can't get into the cell  the way it's supposed to and this happens to brain  

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cells also when you are insulin resistant and your  brain is insulin resistant now your brain can't  

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get the fuel that's another good reason to go  low carb because ketones can get into the brain  

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without the help of insulin so you can get some  energy some fuel in there to turn into energy  

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without the help of insulin and one indication  of how powerful and destructive that mechanism is  

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is that dementia is sometimes called type  3 diabetes energy delivery could also be  

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related to a lack of metabolic flexibility  so if you're metabolically flexible then  

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you eat some carbs your body burns carbs you stop  the carbs your body burns something else primarily  

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fat but if you're not metabolically flexible  then typically that means you are dependent on  

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carbohydrates you burn carbs your carbs diminish  then you have to fill up new ones because that's  

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how you trained your body but when you're doing  it that way when you fill up some carbs you use  

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up some carbs you fill up some carbs and so  on now you get unstable blood sugar unstable  

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blood glucose and now you have energy delivery  some of the time and other times you don't and  

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then we have stress which is also something that  interferes with the delivery or the distribution  

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of blood and of course blood carries the oxygen  and the glucose and all the nutrients and the  

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resources and stress especially chronic  stress is destructive in about a million  

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different ways so i want to show you just  one way as it relates to focus and brain fog

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so hopefully you can tell this is cross-section  of a person and this here is the brain so  

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normally when we have a balance in flow when  the stress is moderate and under control  

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now we have an even blood flow to the whole  brain and this big thing here is called a  

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cortex this is where we process conscious thought  our focus our creativity all of that is there  

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especially in the frontal lobe which is kind of  the manager of that whole cortex but when we're  

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stressed now we don't have so much need for that  creativity and that focus we just want to get out  

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of there alive so the blood flow in the cortex  gets constricted and it starts pooling so when  

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we constrict it we push it someplace else and we  basically push the blood flow down into the brain  

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stem and this is where our automated responses our  survival instinct so any time that we're stressed  

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the blood leaves partially leaves the cortex to  supply the brain stem for our immediate survival  

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and this is where chronic stress becomes  devastating in acute stress we still have some  

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other stress hormone like adrenaline to get our  attention and focus up but chronic stress now that  

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blood loss is dominant and we lose our  focus we get fatigue we lose creativity  

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etc when we're stressed we could also have a  gradual loss in the ability to make energy so our  

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cellular machinery is downgrading in a sense so 10  years ago maybe the average cell could put out 10  

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units of energy and today it can only put  out seven or eight that's called degeneration  

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that the cells just don't work as well as they  used to and most of this is blamed on aging which  

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is true to a point it is inevitable so far to  age and with aging these processes do continue  

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but the vast majority of the things that we blame  on aging are actually because of disuse so the  

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loss of muscle the loss of flexibility the loss  of energy production those are almost entirely  

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disused and the number one reason for disuse  is lack of exercise it's not lack of crossword  

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puzzles it's exercise movement provides over  90 percent of the signals of the stimulation  

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of the use it or lose it that we need to keep  the brain alive brain fog can also happen  

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because of lack of sleep because sleep is a form  of regeneration the body recuperates it recharges  

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the batteries it heals a lot of things a lot of  healing takes place during sleep so if we don't  

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get the quantity or the quality of sleep that's  another reason for brain fog depression is also  

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associated with brain fog and even though it is  very multi-factorial there's many many different  

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aspects of depression i'm going to simplify  and give you just two factors that depression  

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at the very most basic level means depressed  activity in the frontal lobe so if we can't  

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make enough energy in the frontal lobe for  all those reasons we talked about then the  

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brain can't balance that thing out the executive  portion of the brain the frontal lobe cannot turn  

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off the depressive and the anxious thoughts cannot  inhibit them the way it's supposed to and another  

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problem of course is if we have low energy in the  frontal lobe then we're also lacking motivation  

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and the frontal lobe is the portion that controls  motivation it's our executive function if you will  

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so if we make less energy there then we also have  less motivation so it's difficult to go and do the  

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exercise and do something about it and that's why  it's so important to understand these mechanisms  

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so that you can make a decision and go and do  that exercise even if you don't feel like it  

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because you can't just wait till you feel like it  you have to understand what's at stake what are  

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the consequences what are the benefits and then  go do it anyway inflammation is another reason  

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for brain fog when we have inflammation hardly  anything works normal it's like a battlefield  

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in that area and one of the most potent forms of  inflammation is infection if we have a viral or  

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bacterial infection that's a very strong potent  acute inflammation we can also get inflamed  

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from food allergies when we react to a food then  your body responds with inflammation and another  

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common cause is a leaky gut if we have a leaky gut  then particles get out into the bloodstream that  

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are too large that trigger an immune response  and that's where food allergies get exacerbated  

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but we also want to keep in mind as far as the  brain goes on brain fog that a lot of the factors  

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that affect a leaky gut also affects a leaky  brain so there are some things the proteins  

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that hold together what's called tight junctions  in both the gut and the brain and these factors  

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that kind of dissolve these they affect both  the gut and the brain so it's very common  

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you can pretty much count on the fact that if you  have a leaky gut you have a leaky brain as well  

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and with that comes neuro inflammation now only  in the last few years as more and more people have  

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experienced covid have had the covet infection  and gotten past it not everyone gets past it the  

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same way some people pretty much fully recover  while others have what's called long covet and  

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out of those people as much as seven percent  or even more depending on how much is reported  

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have brain fog and they don't know exactly all  of the parameters and all the causes here but  

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I'm thinking that this is because of some  proteins that get left behind and trigger some  

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immune reactions and in my clinic we found  that people get a lot of improvements from  

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some enzymes not digestive enzymes but systemic  enzymes that can help break up those proteins and  

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to these enzymes are called lumbrokinase  and serrapeptase and the product we use  

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isn't sold over the counter it's only through  health professionals but if you're interested  

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you can just contact the office brain fog can also  be caused by signal disruption what does that mean  

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the brain processes signals all the time billions  of bits of information every second and the more  

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of those signals that get processed appropriately  and get to the right place at the right time  

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the better the brain can maintain balance or  homeostasis but if something interferes with those  

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signals or distorts them so they don't get where  they're supposed to go or not in the right way  

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then the brain can't do its job it can't properly  balance things and orchestrate everything the way  

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it's supposed to and emf is one thing that  can distort those signals electromagnetic  

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fields and now we're talking about your  electronic smart devices your computer  

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and your cell phone and your tablet and so forth  so electromagnetic fields are nothing new the  

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earth itself has an electromagnetic field and it  has to do with lightning strikes in the atmosphere  

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and it bounces around and so forth and the earth  has a frequency that field has a frequency of 7.8  

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hertz it's called schumann's frequency and humans  are tuned to that frequency because we've been  

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on the planet as long as we have been on the  planet the planet has had that frequency we're  

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tuned to it our nervous system is familiar and  kind of synchronized with that but what's new  

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is other forms of electromagnetic  fields and electromagnetic frequencies  

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so recently we have invented cell phones and  transmissions and radio signals and so forth  

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and instead of 7.8 hertz these frequencies have  much much higher frequencies and they keep going  

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up both in frequency and intensity so lately we  have things that are in the five and six gigahertz  

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range so these new frequencies are a billion times  higher frequency than the frequencies that we're  

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used to and it's not that this is going to wipe  out our entire nervous system all at once it's not  

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going to kill us tomorrow but it will distort some  of the communication that we have in our body and  

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our body has to expend more energy to compensate  to override the the soup of electromagnetism that  

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we live in so for most people they'll probably  never get to the point or not in many decades  

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get to the point where they get symptoms of this  or symptoms that they know of but some people who  

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don't have so much margin they don't have so much  reserves they can actually get symptoms from this  

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but whether you get symptoms or not it's a stress  on your body because your body has to expend  

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extra energy to compensate for all of the noise  all the electromagnetic noise that surrounds us  

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so for every piece of emf that we add to the soup  then there's a little piece of stress added to the  

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body and that's why i'm not a huge fan of these  wireless charging devices that are popping up  

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everywhere is just one more piece in that soup  and a lot of people are skeptical they think i  

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can't feel this so what harm can it do well we  have to understand that emf is real there's even  

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a medical treatment there's a therapy called tms  or transcranial magnetic stimulation where they  

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just aim a magnet at the head there's no touching  involved at all and they change the brain function  

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by imposing an electromagnetic field and if they  can do that in a 10-minute session what do you  

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think will happen in this electromagnetic soup  24 hours a day year after year another form of  

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disruption is of our circadian rhythms that's our  sleep cycles so we have little clusters of brain  

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cells that keep track of what time it is and where  we are in relation to the time zones the magnetic  

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field zones of the earth and the night and day  cycle the light and dark cycle so one thing  

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that can cause brain fog is working shifts now  you do what you have to do but if you can avoid  

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it it would probably be better to not work shifts  because if you're awake at night and sleep during  

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the day when it's dark then your circadian rhythms  are affected you can never get the full amount  

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of quality sleep that you would during normal  sleeping hours another kind of disruption is jet  

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lag and this is kind of interesting because even  if we don't miss any sleep we often feel miserable  

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simply because we have shifted time zones and it's  not that it's a different time it's that we're in  

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a different place in the earth's magnetic field  and it takes the body a few days to compensate  

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to align itself with that new position on the  planet another thing that can disrupt signals  

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are toxins if we have metals and chemicals and  pesticides and things like that they can occupy  

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receptor sites that are intended for the body's  own communication and now either the signal is  

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amplified or it doesn't happen at all depending  on the circumstance and interestingly one cause of  

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brain fog is depression another cause of brain fog  is antidepressants because again they're chemicals  

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they can interfere and they take some effort and  energy on the body's part to detoxify so now that  

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you know how it all works now all you have to do  is this now this is a big long list and i'm not  

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even going to read it back to you but the really  good news is that once you start understanding  

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what i talk about on all my videos you understand  that in holistic health from a holistic viewpoint  

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all of these things are more or less  related so you don't have to fix them  

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all you start doing things that the body is  looking for you start supporting and taking  

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care of your body eating right food and  so forth and all of these things connect  

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the other thing that's really good news  is that i have over 500 videos that cover  

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all or virtually all of these topics so if one is  missing or if you think that there is one that we  

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need to do then just let me know if you enjoyed  this video you're going to love that one and if  

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you truly want to master health by understanding  how the body really works make sure you subscribe  

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