#1 Absolute Best Way To FIX Your METABOLISM

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Hello Health Champions today I'm going to talk  about the number one absolute best way to fix your  

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metabolism and that is to start understanding that  your body is guided by an intelligence there's an  

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intelligence reciting in your body that is driving  everything that is taking care of business and our  

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best hope to fixing things like metabolism which  is pretty complex is to try to start thinking like  

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the body and that is my goal today is to get us  going in that direction and the first thing to  

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understand is that food is about survival every  living thing on the planet is trying to get some  

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resources to trying to ingest some resources to  help that species that bacterium that plant that  

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animal survive and they're always going to be  times when there is more and there's going to  

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be times when there is less and if we have the  ability to adapt and when there is a little bit  

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more we can store some things we can store some  resources then we have a certain buffer there's  

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a certain safety that we can rely on when there  are times when there is not so much and that the  

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body is guided by a principle called a set point  that there's a certain range of weight there's  

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a pretty narrow band of weight where the body  feels comfortable where it feels safe it feels  

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that at this level it has enough resources and  if we start dropping below that level then the  

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body will do whatever it can to get back there  and if we overeat then the body will spend more  

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energy to try to get back to that set point and  if there's a longer period of time where we have  

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less food then we will tend to lose weight  we will tend to lose the buffer of stored  

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resources that we have and then we will have  a threatened survival our body will feel like  

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it's not safe it has to start changing something  in order to secure survival and we're not just  

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talking about losing weight but expending more  energy because you could do that by forcing your  

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body to exercise a whole lot we're talking  about the basal metabolic rate which is how  

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much energy is your body using at rest before  it's doing anything else this is also called  

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RMR resting metabolic rate and sometimes they  try to estimate that by giving you a very very  

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rough idea you multiply your weight in pounds by  10 and then you get your basal metabolic rate and  

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if you measure your weight in kilos then you would  multiply by 22 approximately but again that's an  

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average and it's probably if your basal metabolic  rate is working reasonably well realize that there  

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are huge huge variations in this and if you're  watching this video chances are that your basal  

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metabolic rate is not all that normal and it could  be plus minus 50 fluctuations in this depending on  

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what's happened to you but just to get an idea  if you weigh 180 pounds we multiply that by 10  

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that would put your basal metabolic rate at 1800  and then we add to that the activity that you do  

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during the day and that could be everything not  just exercise it's walking around and and moving  

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and fidgeting and shivering and all of that other  stuff if you do another 700 calories that would  

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put you at about 2500 but then we really need  to start understanding what happens when we  

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try to change those numbers and how is feast and  famine different than starvation how does the body  

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think differently about this how does it perceive  that differently so what we need to know is any  

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time that you reduce the intake more than the  time between two normal meals for you then  

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your body will reduce the expenditure anytime  the body is out of food then it will cut back  

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on the metabolism on the metabolic rate just a  little bit but when does this reduction become a  

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problem when does it become permanent if you eat  and it comes right back up that's not a problem  

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but it's a problem if it goes so long that it  starts shutting down permanently long term and  

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here's where we need to understand that the body  is super intelligent there's a reason why it's  

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doing this and there needs to be an interpretation  there needs to be a perception and usually when  

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we talk about perception we're talking about our  conscious Minds perceiving something but we need  

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to understand that your cells every individual  cell has a perception of its own at the cellular  

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level and that perception is all about survival  so when is survival threatened so for example  

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if you eat 24 of 2500 calories that's about a  hundred calories per hour that your body would  

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be using does that mean we have to eat every hour  no obviously not so there's a time factor in here  

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it doesn't feel threatened immediately it feels  threatened when it starts seeing a trend when it  

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senses that this is heading someplace unsafe  and it also has to be about satisfaction once  

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you get to eat again does the body feel it got  enough to feel safe or did it still feel like  

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it's missing something so starvation is when  there's a sustained lack or a reduced amount  

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of resources to the point where it goes on so  long that the body feels threatened it feels  

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this is heading someplace bad especially if we  are consistently below the basal metabolic rate  

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on the other hand intermittent fasting which  is when you on purpose wait a little bit longer  

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between meals you compress your meals into a  shorter time period and usually you eat fewer  

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meals but especially it's a shorter time period  where you might go 16 to 18 hours without eating  

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then you might think that the body would feel  hey this is going to someplace bad but here's  

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the thing as long as you get to eat to satiety  as long as you get to replenish those resources  

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and the body is satisfied and full now it doesn't  feel threatened now that becomes part of a normal  

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pattern which the body does it's part of feast and  famine which is very very normal for every species  

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even if we go a little bit longer like several  days maybe two days all the way up to seven then  

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as long as we get to eat to satiety then there is  no permanent damage we're not permanently shutting  

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down that basal metabolic rate and I don't know  that anyone knows exactly what the time frame  

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is when it starts shutting down permanently and  there's probably a big amount of variation there  

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as well but there is some evidence that if you go  longer than two or three weeks with total fasting  

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then the body will start to lower that basal  rate permanently another indication that we can  

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get is that people who diet people who do calorie  restrictions they'll usually lose weight pretty  

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well in the beginning but then after two to three  weeks the either it starts plateauing and tapering  

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off or they might even start gaining weight back  even at a calorie restriction so two to three  

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weeks I think is probably a pretty good measure  of when things start changing permanently whereas  

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if we are talking hours or just a few days then  we're safe as long as we get to eat until we're  

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full and the body feels happy again the thing to  understand about feast and famine is that it is  

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very very normal there's always been variations  in food supply sometimes it rains more sometimes  

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there's more food growing sometimes times you find  an animal to kill if you're a lion and sometimes  

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you don't there's also seasonal variation and if  we miss one or two days here and there but then we  

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get to eat again then the body feels perfectly  safe as long as we replenish the resources  

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completely and some critics say that well if you  practice intermittent fasting or if you miss a day  

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or two then you're gonna overeat you're gonna over  compensate and undo all the benefits and then some  

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I don't believe that's true in my experience it's  not true and most of the people who practice this  

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are not having that problem I think what's going  on is that it happens when you eat processed foods  

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because processed foods have sometimes drug-like  effects they will stimulate receptors opiate  

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receptors they'll stimulate pleasure receptors  and they're designed to do that they put chemicals  

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in there to do that on purpose and by doing that  you bypass this normal regulation but if you eat  

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whole food that has plenty of resources plenty  of nutrients that's nutrient dense then I don't  

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believe that you will overeat you miss a day  or two and then you reset and you're back on  

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track but now let's try to keep thinking like the  body would and try to understand what happens when  

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we diet and what happens relative to this thing  called the set point this narrow range of weight  

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where the body feels safe and comfortable so we  cut back on food we reduce calories on purpose and  

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hopefully first thing that happens is we start off  at this weight and now we start losing some weight  

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and we're happy it's working but then  eventually we've gone long enough that the  

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body is uncomfortable it starts feeling threatened  and what does it do it does what all living things  

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do it compensates and it adapts and the way that  it does that is by reducing energy expenditure and  

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increasing hunger because it's trying to get back  to this line this is where it thought it believes  

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it needs to be so first of all it starts to reduce  expenditure and the weight loss plateaus but then  

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it's also trying to get back up there so it turns  back the thermostat it turns down the heat even  

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more and now it starts to go back up so we start  gaining back a little bit even though we're still  

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eating less food we're still eating fewer calories  so the body is trying to get back to that set  

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point we're burning less energy we're getting  hungrier and hungrier and despite all that we  

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start to gain the weight back what do most people  do at that point well they kind of lose hope they  

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say hey this didn't seem to be working it worked  for a while but now it's not so I give up and you  

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go back to eating like you used to do and this  is pretty much always what happens when we don't  

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have a long-term plan when we think that we can do  something for a period of time and then stop doing  

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it we're automatically going to go back to eating  like we did before except now we have a lower  

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expenditure we're using less so what that means  is not only are we probably gonna gain it back  

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to the set point but we have a lower expenditure  and we're gonna probably gain a little bit extra  

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and now what happens is that we have raised the  set point and we don't know if this is exactly  

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how it works I'm just trying to get you to think  of possibilities of how the body is reacting how  

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the body is adapting because it is super super  intelligent and if it do it if it does something  

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there has to be a reason and we know that this  is pretty much what happens with all dieting  

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and oftentimes this is called yo-yo dieting as  in you lose the weight and you gain it back but  

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unfortunately it's really it really should be  called yo-yo dieting plus because every time  

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it seems like you add on a few more pounds and a  really sad example of this is called The Biggest  

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Loser which was a TV show that ran for over 10  seasons and Not only was it a Monumental failure  

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but they kept doing it year after year after  year and a lot of people thought at first that  

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hey you know the Biggest Loser meant the person  who lost the most weight but would turn out was  

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that these people really were the biggest losers  because they completely destroyed their metabolism  

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so let's say for example they would eat 1500  calories I don't know what the exact number was  

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it probably varied with body size but just pick  a number and let's say that they had a resting  

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metabolic Rays a basal metabolic rate of 3 000  calories because they started out at 300 pounds  

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now they would exercise a lot and this is why  they lost weight if you exercise three four  

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five six thousand calories and you're already  in a deficit the body even if the body turns the  

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basal metabolic rate close to zero then you're  still gonna lose weight because you're working  

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out all the time you're going to lose one or two  pounds a day because of how much you're forcing  

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the body to expend energy but you can only get  healthy you could only find long-term balance if  

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the body perceives that as moving towards some  form of equilibrium some form of Harmony and  

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balance and how do you think the body reacts to  working out all day long and not getting any food  

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the body's perception is that this is an extreme  threat hey I'm spending all this energy there's  

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nothing coming back in and not only that but it's  an extreme fight flight mode you're pushing the  

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body you're pushing pushing hours and hours every  day and as a result you get an extreme reduction  

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in basal metabolic rate and most of these people  they gain the weight back very very quickly and  

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not only that but they couldn't even maintain  weight unless they exercised several hours a  

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day because their basal metabolic rate had  cut way way down sometimes in half so let's  

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go through some factors let's try to understand  the different things that will lower your basal  

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metabolic rate and we talked about the first thing  which is dieting that it creates the perception  

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of a threat that it thinks it's going to die if it  doesn't change if it doesn't lower the expenditure  

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relative to where it thinks it needs to be and as  a result over and over doing that over and over  

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you will raise that set point the second thing  would be aging and there are some things that  

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are inevitable with aging things do slow down we  have a cycle of life where we kind of peak around  

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25 and then it's downhill but how quickly it goes  downhill has to do with a lot of different factors  

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so a lot of people will be less active they will  start getting hormonal changes over the years and  

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the decades and to some degree they'll have a loss  of muscle but we need to realize that a lot of the  

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things that we call aging some are inevitable  but a lot of things we call aging is actually  

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disuse or premature aging from abusing the body  from using chemicals and too much sugar and too  

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much alcohol and too much oxidative factors so  aging is inevitable so far but we can do a lot  

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to slow with down and if we maintain an active  lifestyle and eat good food then a lot of these  

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things won't be nearly as pronounced and a third  huge factor is insulin resistance now we need to  

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understand insulin because that it's at the root  of most disease processes and most health problems  

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today and it is a necessary it's life-saving  it's a good hormone but we need to keep things  

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in Balance so first of all insulin is a storage  hormone and the first thing and the best known  

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thing it does is it assists glucose so we eat  food we bring up our blood sugar and Insulin  

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acts as the key to get that blood sugar into the  cell where it can be used and turned into energy  

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but if we eat excess glucose if we had too much  sugar too much bread too much pasta too frequently  

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too much processed foods too frequently now we get  excess glucose and as a response from the body we  

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get excess insulin because it has to constantly  respond to those high levels of glucose and if  

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we have this problem chronically if we have the  situation chronically it becomes a problem called  

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insulin resistance because we keep pushing so  much stuff into the cells that they say hey we've  

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had enough let's back off a little bit the cells  start resisting the action of insulin and now the  

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body has to make even more insulin to try to take  care of the problem but the cells are resisting so  

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there's no amount of insulin that will get the job  done and now what happens is we have chronically  

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High insulin levels and remember that insulin is  a storage hormone so now we end up storing energy  

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rather than using it which of course now will  lower that basal metabolic rate because all  

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that energy is locked away and Insulin promotes  lipogenesis meaning it promotes the Turning of  

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glucose into fat high levels of insulin makes  more fat but it works the other way around  

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too that it prevents lipolysis it prevents the  breakdown so it makes more fat and it keeps us  

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from using it and in doing that we're gonna store  more and spend less and this is one of the main  

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principles that gets that set point stuck that  the body gets stuck at a certain weight and it  

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can't move away from there it can't lower it back  down as long as insulin is high now there are many  

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other hormones that are super important and the  number one hormone would be thyroid because the  

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thyroid hormone is your actual metabolic hormone  it is the actual thermostat it's the thing that  

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cranks things up but it can't do that by itself  it's depending on all these other variables that  

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we're talking about and very often people will  mention that the thyroid hormone depends on  

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iodine and therefore they say if your thyroid is  slow if your metabolism is slow just take more  

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iodine but there's a huge problem with that  thinking because ninety percent of people in  

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the modern in the western world does not have  a problem with iodine they might be a little  

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deficient but that's not the reason that the  thyroid is slow it's an autoimmune process it's  

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an inflammation process it's a toxicity process  and if you just load up on the iodine you could  

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actually make the autoimmune part worse so in  my clinic we find thyroid issues with probably  

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30 to 50 percent of people and virtually none of  them need iodine there are other things that the  

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thyroid need for support So if you think you have  a thyroid problem I would suggest that you find  

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someone that can help you work with it someone  qualified because there's way more to it than  

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just taking iodine and the thyroid doesn't act  alone it responds to the pituitary which sends  

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out a hormone called thyroid stimulating hormone  TSH so if the thyroid is underperforming it could  

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be just that the pituitary isn't sending out  enough TSH but the pituitary also doesn't act  

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alone it's responding to the hypothalamus which  sends out thytrophin releasing hormones so the  

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hypothalamus is kind of the overseer of this whole  picture and the hypothalamus is really the big  

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player in this it's our homeostatic regulator  it's the one that oversees all these variables  

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and tries to bring them back into balance it's the  decision maker and because it overlooks everything  

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the hypothalamus is really the one that has this  perception of the set point that if we get the  

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body out of balance too much then this set point  can get out of whack over time but even though the  

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hypothalamus is the supervisor and regulator  of all this it still doesn't quite act alone  

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because everything else that we're talking about  feeds back and gives that hypothalamus information  

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on which hypothalamus makes that perception so if  other things are out of balance the hypothalamus  

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is going to get the wrong picture and if we  truly have a dysfunctional thyroid then it  

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doesn't matter what the hypothalamus is saying we  still can't produce the right hormones Etc so the  

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hypothalamus is the supervisor but all the other  parts have to work too both in performing their  

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jobs and in giving the hypothalamus the right  information and the correct picture and in my  

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clinic when we have fixed a lot of the other stuff  when we have brought down the insulin resistance  

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and we brought the thyroid hormones up to a good  level and we've fixed a lot of other things then  

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if there still have stubborn weight and their  metabolic rate is still low there's a couple of  

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supplements that I found that tends to work really  well but again don't try these in isolation don't  

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try these without doing all the other things  at the same time or doing them for a period of  

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time first and the first one is hypothalamopath  and the second one is called metabopath and the  

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first one here is probably the one that's shown  up most often from me in the clinic so I'll put  

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some links down below if you want to check those  out but there are other factors as well such as  

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fructose and alcohol and these two things are  not poisonous in themselves they're very natural  

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substances but the way we consume them today  they're pure poison because they can only be  

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processed by the liver so if you had a few grains  or a teaspoon here and there it would be perfectly  

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fine but in excess they overwhelm the liver and  they turn into fat they create a fatty liver and a  

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fatty liver is an insulin resistant liver and the  liver being the metabolic Hub of your body kind of  

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sets the tone for the rest of the body in terms of  insulin resistance so now that those are the two  

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factors that primarily Drive insulin resistance  and another one is seed oils this is something  

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that has been voted as very very healthy we've had  this phobia for saturated fat so then they tell us  

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eat this stuff instead which are the vegetable  oils and it turns out the saturated fats are  

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perfectly fine and this is some people say worse  than fructose or alcohol and some people say it  

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would be almost as bad either way it is pure  poison and you want to stay away from it by any  

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means you can also there are pesticides and other  chemicals that get into your body and interact  

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with your hormones they fit into receptors that  are made for your body's own hormones and now  

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your endocrine system your hormones don't function  properly because of these chemicals and pesticides  

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another Factor would be dysbiosis so if you have  an imbalance or an insufficient amount of bacteria  

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in your gut they're finding more and more and more  and I think this is kind of the next Frontier in  

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health is to start understanding more about your  gut flora and how to enhance it how to get a  

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greater variety and more amount of bacteria there  and also stress affects everything and it affects  

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your gut Flora it affects your insulin resistance  it affects blood sugar just about everything  

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and we're going to also talk a little bit about  exercise so in order to restore your metabolism  

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to fix it to bring it back to burn more brightly  on its own there are some things we need to do so  

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first of all we do need to reduce calories safely  okay if you're overweight you need to reduce some  

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calories if you're at your ideal weight you just  need to address all these factors but how do we  

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reduce calories safely we do it without creating  the perception of a threat so we can't just cut  

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back on calories and keep going because the body  doesn't like that also we have to do it without  

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hunger if we have hungry first of all we can't  sustain it but hunger is also a signal of a threat  

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so a couple of ways to do that low carb high fat  allows us to eat less without getting so hungry  

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because the processed foods trigger insulin and  that insulin like we talked about makes you more  

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hungry also when you're fasting if you're doing  intermittent fasting you're eating fewer meals  

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in a shorter time period then you need to eat to  satiety you can't feel deprived at the end of it  

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because then you're just doing another form of  of dieting of starvation of calorie restriction  

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where you never feel satisfied and the body  doesn't feel safe to start expending more energy  

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therefore we also want to process reduce  processed foods because they make you more hungry  

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and artificial flavorings all the chemicals all  the food additives that they put in there to make  

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you eat more they bypass they make you more hungry  they bypass your normal satiety mechanisms the  

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second thing would be to restore normal insulin  function get back to being insulin sensitive where  

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the glucose the blood sugar can get into your  cells with a tiny amount of insulin the way it's  

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supposed to work and therefore you want to cut  back or eliminate high glycemic foods and those  

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are things that get raise your blood sugar very  quickly and if you look at tables they usually  

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call a high glycemic food anything over 70 and  they call anything under 55 a low glycemic food  

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don't believe that okay a high glycemic food is  anything over 20 or 30 because those are going  

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to be high in carbohydrate even if it's a slow  carbohydrate it's still too much if you're trying  

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to get back to normal insulin responses also you  want to cut back or eliminate sugar and alcohol  

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you want to cut back on seed oils obviously and  you want to avoid pesticides and chemicals and  

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you also want to start understanding stress  responses and how to control how to practice  

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stress management techniques long term so that  you can permanently change your stress responses  

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because stress will raise blood glucose it will  raise cortisol raise blood glucose raise insulin  

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and it will undermine your efforts to get back  to insulin balance next you want to learn more  

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about how to restoring your microbiome because  it's involved with just about everything it  

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is involved with your Cravings it's involved  with inflammation it's involved with insulin  

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resistance and the list could go on and on  and on I did a video on that I'll probably  

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make more as we learn more but this is huge and  it's much too big to cover in any detail here  

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you also want to control your stress responses  not just for blood sugar but because your stress  

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also creates Cravings more cortisol higher glucose  insulin more inflammation and the list goes on and  

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on there as well and then there's exercise so a  lot of people say that well you need to exercise  

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as much as possible because that burns calories  and helps you lose weight well that's not really  

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what we're talking about like The Biggest Loser  people they exercised hours and hours and hours  

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and it backfired tremendously so exercise uses up  calories but that has nothing to do with the basal  

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metabolic rate it has no effect on that because  that's what the body does before you start moving  

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or doing anything so that's completely irrelevant  as far as using up calories or losing weight now  

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if you do it correctly exercise does use up some  glucose and you want to do low intensity exercise  

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or extremely short bursts of high intensity and  I've done several videos on that so I'm not going  

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to go back into this and when you use up some  glucose you are assisting in restoring insulin  

Time: 1891.74

sensitivity and reversing insulin resistance  however it is not the primary mechanism okay  

Time: 1898.82

it's not going to do a whole lot but if you do  it right it might be somewhere like five or ten  

Time: 1904.28

percent of resolving insulin resistance so I  definitely think people need to exercise but  

Time: 1912.02

we need to try to understand how is it relating  to these topics to restoring metabolism and some  

Time: 1919.4

people will really emphasize that you want to  lift weights that's the type of exercise you do  

Time: 1925.46

for your metabolism because when you build muscle  then muscles are more metabolically active and  

Time: 1932.12

you automatically increase your metabolic rate and  there are some numbers floating around where they  

Time: 1939.2

think you can increase by 30 or 40 percent and I'm  not opposed to working out and building muscles I  

Time: 1946.76

think that's great and it does help but we need  to put it in perspective so muscles make up if  

Time: 1953.54

you're healthy if you're fairly muscular and not  obese they probably make up somewhere around 40  

Time: 1958.94

percent of your body weight and they use up about  20 percent of your energy at rest so you're out  

Time: 1969.98

of your basal metabolic rate they make up about 20  percent now we compare that to Fat where fat is 20  

Time: 1978.98

unless you're obese where it could be up to 50 or  even more but for a reasonably normal person it's  

Time: 1987.02

fat is about 20 percent of your body weight and it  only uses five percent so we see here that if we  

Time: 1995.18

divide these out that muscles are about twice as  metabolically active as fat at rest so yes it does  

Time: 2004.36

make a difference but here is the big deal and  here is this is kind of mind-blowing then when we  

Time: 2010.78

look at the brain and the Heart liver kidney and  lung your vital organs the things that are running  

Time: 2017.44

and processing all day behind the scenes they  are less than five percent of your body weight  

Time: 2024.28

and they account for eighty percent of your basal  metabolic rate so they're like 30 to 50 up to a  

Time: 2033.28

hundred uh when it comes to Fat up to 100 times  more metabolically active than that tissue so  

Time: 2040.72

the moral of the story is that muscle is much  better than fat it's twice as good at Burning  

Time: 2049.54

energy at rest as fat is but this is still not a  big deal it's pretty much negligible in the big  

Time: 2057.88

scheme of things however it is still better  than nothing so go for it not just to burn a  

Time: 2065.68

few calories but because muscles are good for a  hundred different reasons exercise is great for  

Time: 2071.98

a hundred different reasons and if you were to  add five pounds of muscle then you would burn  

Time: 2079.3

an extra 50 calories and that's not a whole lot  but it's still kind of moving the momentum in the  

Time: 2086.74

right direction so the key factors to restoring  your metabolic rate in order of importance in my  

Time: 2094.84

opinion is to reduce insulin resistance to become  insulin sensitive the second would be to help the  

Time: 2103.18

hypothalamus restore your set point to restore  your overall metabolic State third would probably  

Time: 2110.5

be the microbiome and as we learn more maybe the  the order of this will change and the microbiome  

Time: 2116.98

will turn out to be everything who knows number  four would be stress and number five would be to  

Time: 2124.78

take care of your thyroid now thyroid's not going  to be the primary thing for most people but for  

Time: 2130.12

some people it is a key factor if you enjoyed this  video you're going to love that one and if you  

Time: 2135.94

truly want to master Health by understanding how  the body really works make sure you subscribe hit  

Time: 2141.46

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