#1 Absolute Best Way To Extend A Fast & Boost Autophagy

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Hello Health Champions today we're going to talk  about the secret to extended fasting and extended  

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of course means longer so this is anything  beyond 16 to 24 hours a lot of people who do  

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intermittent fasting they'll go anywhere from  12 to 24 hours I probably go on average about  

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16 hours a day without food but extended is when  you go longer than that so if you have dinner at  

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six o'clock and then you skip the whole next day  when you wake up the next morning you have about  

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36 hours without food if you wait to lunch to eat  now you have about 42 hours so I think that would  

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be a pretty good place to start and then you can  work up to it from there so if you do 42 hours  

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your first time your first extended fast then next  week or a couple of weeks later you could go a  

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little bit longer and then as you learn how your  body responds you can work up to maybe three four  

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five days and some people want to go longer than  that more than five days up to a week or even two  

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but if you do that I would strongly recommend that  you have some medical supervision so that you can  

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check what's going on with your body to make sure  that all your markers are okay but there's also a  

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reason I don't think that you need to do that and  it is that I believe you get most of the benefits  

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of fasting anywhere from two days up to about five  days and those benefits are quite numerous they  

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include a course weight loss because you drop  insulin and when you're not eating your body  

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has to burn fat off the body but also there's  something called autophagy so even people who  

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don't need to lose weight they do some fasting  for the purpose for the benefit of autophagy  

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and this is where your body changes a lot of its  biochemistry resources become scarce and your body  

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gets better at recycling and using resources that  are already in the body so it will tend to reduce  

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inflammation it will tend to give you an immune  boost and it will also help you with brain repairs  

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if you have some brain inflammation some brain  fog or if you've had a concussion recently or  

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sometime in the past then autophagy and fasting is  the most powerful way to help the brain to clean  

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some of that stuff up another reason why a lot of  people do longer fasting is for longevity so when  

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you go a little bit longer without food now you  start to up regulate your survival genes they're  

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called sirtuins and with anywhere from two to five  days you're going to dramatically increase those  

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sirtuins and contribute to better longevity and  higher quality of life and the greatest benefit  

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that would affect the most people is that it's  the fastest way of reversing insulin resistance  

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and type 2 diabetes and if you can do that now  you're going to start affecting things like  

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high blood pressure it's going to start coming  down your risk of stroke your risk of cancer  

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your risk of cardiovascular disease are going to  come dramatically down and also not to mention  

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that type 2 diabetes is the number one risk of  kidney failure and blindness so you're going  

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to dramatically reduce all of those but with all  those benefits why isn't everybody doing longer  

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fasting on a regular basis because there are some  obstacles and the first one is ignorance we're  

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told that we have to eat all the time you must eat  breakfast you must eat three Square meals you must  

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have frequent snacks and top off your blood sugar  every couple hours so we've been indoctrinated  

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and if we're used to that if we've never missed  a meal or never missed a day of meals then it's  

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kind of scary with the idea of not eating for a  couple of days so we need to to understand that  

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it's perfectly safe that your body is built to go  without food it's called feast and famine it's a  

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Natural Balance that actually benefits the body  another reason would be fear people don't like  

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discomfort they're afraid of hunger they they're  afraid of the unknown so they think that they're  

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going to get super hungry they don't know that  you get a little bit hungry and then it passes so  

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it's not really a big deal but it is a fear that  people have to come over and find out that it's  

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not so bad and then there's this thing called keto  flu which happens when you either go really low  

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carb like keto or you start fasting now you can  get certain unpleasant symptoms like fatigue and  

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weakness maybe brain fog maybe irritability and  then some physical symptoms like headaches nausea  

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and poor sleep so even though there's growing  evidence of the benefits of fasting these are  

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the things that keep people from trying but here's  what we need to understand that you can make it so  

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much easier if you understand what we're going to  talk about and the key to successful comfortable  

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long-term fasting is electrolytes another word  for electrolytes is minerals and it's minerals  

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that we use in large quantities we need to consume  them hundreds of milligrams or even several grams  

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per day whereas trace minerals we use in tiny tiny  amounts like single milligrams or even micrograms  

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and think of minerals as charged particles and  because of this they conduct electricity this is  

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primarily what the body uses them for and they  participate in all the nerve signaling in the  

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body they're also involved with regulating fluid  balance through the kidneys and also pH balance  

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also through the kidneys primarily and this is  basically why you feel bad when your fasting is if  

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you're losing some of these electrolytes so that  you can't regulate your nerve signals and your  

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fluid balance and your pH properly and here's why  these factors can change when you start fasting  

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and Keto so when you eat less and especially when  you eat less carbohydrates now you start using up  

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a little bit of the stored carbohydrate that  you have and that's called glycogen glycogen  

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also binds with water it's like a sponge so  one gram of glycogen is going to hold on to  

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about three to four grams of water and then when  you burn up the glycogen there's nothing to hold  

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the water so it becomes extra and you start losing  that water you go to the bathroom and get rid of  

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it so the first three to four pounds of any diet  is going to be water loss from using up glycogen  

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and here's why some of these factors can start  changing there's two big reasons and here's the  

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first one when you start fasting in keto you're  going to start using up some glycogen and glycogen  

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is stored carbohydrate you can store it in your  muscles you can store it in your liver and what  

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most people don't realize is that glycogen binds  water it's like a sponge it just holds water to  

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it so as you start using up the glycogen you also  start losing the water because there's nothing to  

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hold it the sponge is gone so the water just  kind of leaks out and you can hold about one  

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pound of glycogen in your body so that glycogen is  going to hold on to about three to four pounds so  

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as you burn up your glycogen the first three to  four pounds of weight loss of any diet is going  

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to be just plain water because big glycogen  is gone but then we need to understand that  

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sodium always follows water sodium is the primary  electrolyte in the extracellular fluid which we'll  

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talk about in a second so as you're losing some  water your laws are losing sodium with it they  

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always go together and this is the first big  reason that you can start getting electrolyte  

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imbalances and start feeling bad when you do  keto and fasting so sodium potassium magnesium  

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and calcium are the four big electrolytes that  we need to be concerned with so glycogen is the  

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first reason that we can get loss and imbalance of  electrolyte when we do fasting in keto and why we  

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feel bad like keto flu the second reason has to  do with insulin and think about it this way why  

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do so many diabetics have high blood pressure  why do they go hand in hand almost always and  

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that is because when insulin is high which it is  in diabetics now the kidneys are going to be have  

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a greater tendency to reabsorb sodium it's going  to reabsorb it to a higher degree and therefore  

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we keep more sodium sodium pulls the water with it  and now we get that hypertension that high blood  

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pressure and now when we start fasting or keto  what happens is that insulin is going to start  

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dropping and fasting is one of the most powerful  ways to reduce insulin quickly so naturally if  

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High insulin keeps more sodium in then less  insulin it's going to start letting go of some  

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sodium so there's less sodium reabsorption in the  kidneys and now we lose further electrolytes and  

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further water so let's go through these four major  electrolytes the first one being sodium and sodium  

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is the most plentiful electron light it's the  one we have by far the most in the extracellular  

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fluid so what that means is we have this organ and  here's a blood vessel running through this organ  

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and then we have cells in this organ so  obviously inside the cells that is intracellular  

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and everything else is extracellular so a lot of  times we talk about blood glucose going from the  

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bloodstream and into the cell well when we talk  about electrolytes everything that's not inside  

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the cell is extracellular so the bloodstream and  the cell all of this is extracellular and here is  

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where the sodium is the dominant by far dominant  electrolyte so it's going to determine the blood  

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pressure and the amount of fluids and the fluid  regulation in that extracellular fluid so sodium  

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is the primary factor in fluid regulation but it  also is a key to nerve signaling and to muscle  

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contractions so some of the symptoms that we  get yet if sodium gets too low are things like  

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headaches a lot of that has to do with loss  of water but we can also get dizzy and we can  

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get severe fatigue so the next step to understand  when it comes to sodium and potassium is something  

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called the sodium potassium ATP Ace pump and what  does that mean it means it's pumping sodium and  

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potassium in and out of cells and it uses energy  it uses ATP to do it this is a costly process  

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and I'm mentioning this because I think it's  important to understand that we have such a pump  

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but also that about one-third of your calories  of all the calories that you eat if you eat 3  

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000 calories then about 1 000 of those calories go  directly and only to fueling this sodium potassium  

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pump that's how important it is to regulate these  ions and these minerals so looking at this pick  

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picture now this would be the outside of the cell  this would be the inside of the cell and this is  

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called a lipid bilayer so these little round  heads here they're phospholipids they kind of  

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makes a little bit both with water and with fat so  they're kind of bipolar but these inside here they  

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are the fatty acids and they are hydrophobic  water and oil don't mix so the fat it turns  

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inward against each other and this is how all  cell membranes in the body are designed it's a  

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lipid bilayer that determines to keep the inside  and the outside separate and determine what is  

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allowed to pass and every time this pump cranks  one turn we're going to move three sodiums out  

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and we're going to move two potassiums in and this  is just the way this works and this is involved  

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with all nerve conduction it's involved with the  kidneys regulating sodium potassium and fluid this  

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is one of the primary pumps in body physiology so  obviously the next one then would be potassium and  

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now potassium is the most plentiful intracellular  so most of the sodium is floating extracellular  

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but because of this pump that cranks the potassium  back in inside the cells now potassium is mostly  

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inside cells so on every little surface here  we would have these little potassium pumps and  

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there's thousands of them and they crank hundreds  of times per second so what the sodium potassium  

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pump also does is it moves electrical charge  because every time it churns you're moving  

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three sodiums and two potassiums each one has  a positive charge but the net difference is  

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every time it cranks it is pumping a positive  net charge outside of the cell and this is the  

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foundation for all of the nerve signaling in the  body when your nervous system sends signals this  

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is exactly how that happens and it is also key  to muscle contraction because first of all the  

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nerve signal has to send a signal to the muscle  to contract and that uses this sodium potassium  

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pump for this propagation but also inside the  muscle we have electrolytes that make the muscle  

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actually contract on the inside now potassium  more than any of the other electrolytes it's  

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important to understand that you can get severe  symptoms it can be life-threatening if it is too  

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high or too low so either way you can get symptoms  like muscle cramping muscle weakness and irregular  

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heartbeats as you probably know the heart is  a muscle but it's very different from other  

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muscles in the body because other muscles while  they have a basic muscle tone they don't really  

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do do anything they don't move until the brain  sends a signal to tell them to do something but  

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the heart it generates its own signals it needs  to beat at a steady Baseline Rhythm so it has its  

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own Pacemaker and it has its own base rate now the  nervous system the fight flight sympathetic or the  

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feed breed parasympathetic it can speed up or slow  down the heart with nervous system activity but  

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the heart doesn't stop it always has that base  rate so this makes it a little more sensitive  

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and more the influence of potassium so normal  potassium would be 3.5 to 5.2 milli equivalents  

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per liter but if it starts falling a lot below  that now we get what's called tachycardia the  

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heart actually speeds up because there's less of a  breaking influence and it's stream cases this can  

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lead to what's called ventricular fibrillation so  the heart starts beating so fast that it doesn't  

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have time to fill so it's just kind of flapping  in the wind the blood doesn't have time to get  

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through and now we're losing the efficiency  we're not really pumping blood the heart is  

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just beating without getting any liquid through  and this obviously can lead to a heart attack so  

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anything less than 2.5 of potassium is considered  life-threatening but then the opposite of that  

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is high potassium which actually slows down the  hearts that's called bradycardia and in extreme  

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cases if you have enormously high potassium  the heart can actually stop all together so  

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once your levels start getting up over six and  a half seven seven and a half now that is also  

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considered life-threatening because your heart  could actually stop now both of these scenarios  

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sound pretty scary but realize that it takes a  lot to get the potassium that far out of range and  

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if you have functioning kidneys that can regulate  minerals and fluids then you're not probably ever  

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going to have a problem that extreme but this is  something definitely to watch for if you have some  

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serious kidney problems magnesium is an incredibly  important electrolyte and we test it routinely on  

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all the blood work that we do and I'm sad to say  that the majority of people we test probably are  

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deficient or they have less than an optimal  level and magnesium is super super important  

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it is involved with hundreds of different enzyme  reactions it's a cofactor so if your body makes  

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protein or hormones or different tissues and it  puts things together then it's an enzyme that fits  

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these different amino acids together and magnesium  is the cofactor that makes the enzyme work  

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so therefore it's part of nerve signaling it's  part of muscle function and even part of blood  

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glucose regulation if our levels get really  low then we can experience things like nausea  

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weakness and muscle cramping and this is one of  the most important ones for muscle cramping and  

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magnesium is also known as a calming mineral  because the presence of enough magnesium helps  

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stabilize the charge of that electrical charge  of that membrane when the sodium potassium pump  

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cranks then magnesium reinforces the stability of  that membrane the fourth big electrolyte is called  

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calcium and everybody knows of course that it's  involved with bone health because it mineralizes  

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bone if we don't have enough calcium long term  we get osteoporosis but what most people don't  

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realize is that the body prioritizes calc calcium  in the blood short term so long term we've got to  

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have it in the bone short term we have to have  it in the blood and that's even more important  

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because of nerve signals and because of muscle  function muscle contractions so there's a tiny  

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gland called a parathyroid that makes a hormone  to pull calcium from the bone and that is more  

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important minute to minute second to second to  regulate the blood levels of calcium so that the  

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nerve signals and the muscles work so if we see  low calcium on a blood test that probably has  

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more to do with parathyroid function than it  does with your dietary intake of calcium but  

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still calcium can be low and some of the symptoms  that could happen are things like muscle spasms  

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or numbness in handsome feet and it can even  influence things like depression and anxiety  

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so remember that the keto flu and the symptoms and  the problems with the fast thing turn up because  

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we lose water and we lose or we get an imbalance  of electrolytes so the solution then is we need  

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to add both if you only drink water and you've  already lost electrolytes chances are you could  

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make the problem worse so it's super important  to understand the balance here and then once we  

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add them now we need to maintain the balance we  don't want to just gulp up tons of one mineral  

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and ignore the others now where do we get these  minerals these electrolytes well first of all we  

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need to know that most people are deficient most  people don't get enough and the single biggest  

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reason for that is that we eat junk we eat so much  processed foods 70 percent of calories come from  

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White Trash which is white sugar white flour and  these processed dead vegetable oils that have no  

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nutrients no minerals whatsoever and just a little  reminder for you that friends don't let friends  

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bring home white trash just don't do it learn what  real food is and that's what you bring home now if  

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you're only doing like standard intermittent  fasting like 16 to 24 hours now the food is  

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going to provide the vast majority of minerals  if you eat enough fish and meat and chicken and  

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vegetables such as non-starchy vegetables there's  tons of minerals in that food so you're going to  

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be okay however like we said you're losing you're  lowering some insulin you're changing some things  

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around so it's a good idea to supplement because  again most people are a little bit deficient to  

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start with so some supplementation can come in  handy especially if you're exercising especially  

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if you have hot weather if you work outside  you're going to be losing lots of water and  

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you want to replenish both water and electrolytes  but the most important time to really supplement  

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is if you're doing extended fasting if you're  going longer like 36 hours up to five days now  

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you're not putting any electrolytes back in So  short-term fasting you're getting some of it from  

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the food you're eating when you're not eating  any food you're losing minerals but you're not  

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putting any back in so it's super important and  this is the biggest reason why people sometimes  

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feel bad when they're doing longer fasting it  has much more to do with the electrolytes than  

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the fact that you're not getting calories which  brings me to a little announcement so I'm super  

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super excited to announce that I have developed  my own nutrition brand my own supplement brand it  

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is called Euvexia and I thought long and hard but  that name I worked on it for a few days and what  

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it is it's Greek It's a combination of two Greek  words where e and u is like the prefix in Euphoria  

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it means good and true and Euvexia means Wellness  in Greek so basically what this word means is true  

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wellness and when I figure that out and what I  stand for I just felt it was the perfect name  

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and then we came up with this gorgeous logo which  is an e which is obviously e for Euvexia but also  

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e for Ekberg and the first product we will launch  in a few days is called euLyte and so it's a true  

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electrolyte basically so why did I develop Euvexia  well first of all realize that I made videos for  

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13 years and during that time I built the channel  to about 3 million subscribers I get dozens of  

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requests to promote products every single day and  I've turned them all down because I want to keep  

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the message pure and honest I want to stand behind  something if I recommend something it should be  

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something that I use personally or in the clinic  and that I found really works on people now here's  

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the problem almost every day people bring in  products supplements that they found online  

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they heard that they were good for something they  saw an ad someplace and they asked me what do you  

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think of this and my answer is always the same I  don't think anything I just test it I use muscle  

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testing and I check it to see if this product is  any good for that person and it really bothers  

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me how many bad products are out there the basic  idea in medicine and in healthcare is first of all  

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"Do no harm" so if you have something useless  that's all right but you shouldn't have things  

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that are harmful and some of these electrolyte  products some of the worst they even have sugar  

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in them some big big brands now most people doing  fasting or trying to lower their blood sugar to  

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stabilize their blood sugar and then they take  an electrolyte with sugar in it breaks my heart  

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another problem is that some of these powders have  wimpy doses they hardly contain anything useful  

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and oftentimes if they do then there's mostly one  they have maybe either potassium or sodium because  

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they're the cheapest to put in there another big  problem that goes back to this thing about first  

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Do no harm is that almost everything has natural  flavors and natural colors in them and this could  

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be okay or it could be really bad and most of  them are really bad there's many many thousands  

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of chemicals that have been approved under the  heading of natural flavor natural color that are  

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actually harmful and of course the cheap ones are  the ones that they use and they're typically the  

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harmful ones so when I muscle test I find that  9 out of 10 products whether they're capsules  

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or powders or whatever they don't test well at  all they test as harmful and when it comes to  

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electrolytes I have yet to test a single one that  people bring in that doesn't test as harmful and  

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most of the time it's because they have some cheap  version of a natural flavor or natural color in  

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there so quite frankly I developed this product  because I needed something that works that I  

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could recommend to you and to my patients I wanted  something with substantial amounts of the stuff  

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you need I wanted something that was balanced and  comprehensive and most importantly it must pass  

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muscle testing I'm super excited about bringing  this product to the market and if you'd like to  

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know more about it then I'd love for you to join  me on a live stream that we're doing on Wednesday  

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June 7th if you like this video you're going  to love that one and if you truly want to  

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master Health by understanding how the body  really works make sure you subscribe hit that  

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bell and turn on all the notifications  so you never miss a life-saving video

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