#1 Absolute Best Way To Cure Yeast & Candida Overgrowth

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Hello Health Champions today we're going to talk  about the number one absolute best way to cure  

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Candida and most people are going to associate  that with a yeast infection or yeast overgrowth  

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which is correct and the three top places where  that happens is a vaginal infection some kind of  

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skin or nail infection and also it can happen  in the mouth and then it's called oral thrush  

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you get this white coating on the tongue but then  in 1986 the book yeast connection was published by  

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Dr William Crook and I always laugh a little bit  about a last name like that I'm sure he can't help  

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it but it's kind of like a dentist called Dr Payne  it just has to make things a little bit harder but  

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anyway it was a pretty good book I read it many  years ago but it oversimplifies a little bit I  

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think it's a bit outdated it basically said that  yeast causes everything and avoid yeast in all  

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its forms and to this day people are terrified  even of good yeasts like nutritional yeast which  

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is basically a B vitamin supplement so just like  with bacteria and other parts of the biome it's  

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all about balance that there's good and there's  bad and the bad isn't really bad if it's not  

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allowed to overgrow as long as we have the balance  then the bad stuff serves a purpose as well but  

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it's potentially pathogenic if things get out of  hand and overall candida is becoming more common  

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the numbers are increasing and there's more than  one kind there's 31 different species of candida  

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but there's five species that account for 92  percent of all infections and the most common  

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out of those five is called Candida albicans  that's the one that most people have heard of  

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and overall even though the numbers overall are  are increasing candida albicans percentage-wise  

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is decreasing and the reason for that is that we  have anti-fungal medication and candida albicans  

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is pretty susceptible it's easy to kill it off  whereas some of the other five species are more  

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resistant so it's kind of like with antibiotics  that if you kill off the ones that are easy to  

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kill you're going to develop more resistant  strains and create imbalances in other ways  

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but this is where we have to be a little careful  with the standard way of thinking about this that  

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ever since we discovered bacteria and virus the  standard idea has been to kill everybody because  

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we've figured out that these pathogens they  cause disease so just kill everybody but we  

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need to also understand that this is about balance  that anytime we kill off one thing we're going  

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to favor something else we're going to create an  imbalance and we need to start thinking about the  

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body as an ecosystem that candida is part of the  overall microbiome and we need to start thinking  

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about the microbiome as a separate organ it lives  inside your large intestine for the most part  

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but there's some bacteria in other places as well  but the total weight of these bacteria is several  

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pounds if you add it all up it's about the size  of your liver and it probably performs just about  

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as important a function so when things get out of  hand it's kind of like the liver which is an organ  

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can get a pathogenic infection like hepatitis well  when we get an infection in the gut when we get an  

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overgrowth of something it's kind of just like  we have an imbalance that among these beneficial  

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bacteria making up an organ we can get an  overgrowth of some just like we can get an  

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overgrowth in the liver but the solution then is  not to kill off the whole liver or kill off the  

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whole microbiome we have to be very very careful  with it so if we want to understand the bigger  

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picture we have to understand what causes these  imbalances and the number one thing is going to be  

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sugar and starches because they selectively feed  these primitive organisms the most primitive are  

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the virus and the bacteria and if we eat a lot  of sugar then we tend to favor them and create  

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imbalances another risk factor is uncontrolled  diabetes and why would that be because  

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in uncontrolled diabetes you have an abundance  of available sugar for these pathogens that's  

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what diabetes is it's a metabolic disorder where  your filling the body with more fuel then you're  

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burning up another cause is stress and what  does stress do stress is a state where your  

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body focuses on emergencies and if you have a bear  chasing after you then that's a bigger emergency  

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than the food in your stomach so anytime that  you are stressed you're going to decrease the  

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priority for things like digestion and immune  system it's like you're turning off the faucet  

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on the resources that help you digest food and  help you produce immune cells and fight off  

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pathogens so anytime you have stress you're going  to shut off all the factors that make your gut  

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work basically and also some of the most common  causes are medication things like antibiotics  

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and anti-fungals because what they do is they kill  indiscriminately they don't care if it's a good or  

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a bad bacteria the goal is obviously to kill off  the pathogens but in doing that we also kill off a  

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huge percentage or even in some cases most of the  good bacteria and then we kind of have to start  

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from scratch but some of these good bacteria might  have been almost extinct at that point and there's  

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some other medications like steroids and birth  control that are very strongly implicated in yeast  

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overgrowth now let's think about what it means to  cure it for the most part if you go to the Health  

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Care System they're going to try some medication  and I'm not opposed to medication there's a time  

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and a place in emergencies to use medication but  to use it for imbalances May backfire first of  

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all the medication itself can have side effects  and also anytime we go in and try to change an  

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ecosystem we can get complication but the main  thing we want to understand is that the roots  

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cause remains and therefore we will probably  get recurrences or other problems and even  

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though this is so so simple we spend over four  trillion dollars on so-called health care and the  

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vast majority of that money is wasted because we  don't understand that very very simple Basics and  

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principles so the way we want to think about this  is that there are certain conditions in the body  

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and those conditions provide various opportunities  for all these pathogens they are opportunistic  

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that by definition pathogens are opportunistic we  always have billions and billions of pathogens in  

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the body when we're feeling at our best we have  billions of pathogens but they need an opportunity  

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and when they have that opportunity now they can  create over growth and imbalance so we already  

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need an imbalance but then the overgrowth creates  a further imbalance so what are these conditions  

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then well they are the things that we've  talked about so if you have a weak microbiome  

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if you don't have enough bacteria again you think  about your biome as your liver what if you don't  

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have enough of the numbers of bacteria what if  you don't have enough variety of species because  

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you need billions you need trillions of bacteria  but you also need a wide variety of species for  

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that ecosystem to be healthy and another common  condition of course is that we have way too much  

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sugar so with all of these conditions present  and then we take some antibiotics and we kill  

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off some more of this biome and we take some  anti-fungal some we upset the balance between  

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the fungus now we have the conditions that provide  an opportunity for overgrowth so now if we take a  

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medication if we take something to kill off this  overgrowth then we get symptom relief and things  

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look better on the surface for a short while but  we haven't changed the conditions if anything we  

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might have made them worse by further reducing the  biome and the variety so the conditions remain and  

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if we still have the conditions then it's just a  matter of time before the problem happens again  

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or expresses itself in some other way so instead  of the traditional way we think of curing with  

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medication we want to think about restoring and  preventing so the number one thing obviously would  

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be to not feed this overgrowth any further so you  cut back on sugar and starches because sugar feeds  

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them directly and starches feed them because  it very quickly in a matter of minutes breaks  

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down into glucose that is their favorite Fuel and  next we want to increase our food variety we want  

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to eat a lot of different kinds of food and every  time I make a video on a top 10 list of some kind  

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of food everyone wants to know which is the best  food that's what I'm going to eat a lot of and  

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we want to stop thinking about it that way and  that's why I do the videos the way I do so that  

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we can start thinking about Foods differently  what do they have in common but also to look at  

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variety and the number one thing that feeds the  good bacteria and that maintain balance over time  

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is going to be fiber and we want a variety of  different fibers which of course we get if we  

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eat a large variety of foods and because stress is  one of the major causes obviously we want to work  

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on reducing stress and I've done lots of videos  on that so you can truly understand what stress  

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is it's not just about feeling overwhelmed it is  how you condition the body into certain responses  

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number five is exercise and it does not have to  mean blood sweat and tears and endless hours in  

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the gym even though a gym can be beneficial we're  just talking about movement that your body is made  

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to move that's the purpose of the body is to  move around in a three-dimensional environment  

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with gravity and to stimulate your nervous system  and once you do that then everything in your body  

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works better including your digestion and also  exercise is one of the main ways to reduce stress  

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so just take my word for it that if you exercise  and you move on a regular basis then everything in  

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your body is going to work better a good way to  add some bacteria and help improve the biome is  

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through fermented foods because when you ferment  Foods you grow some of these beneficial bacteria  

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that you can eat and help repopulate to grow some  beneficial bacteria and some beneficial yeast to  

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out-compete the pathogenic and the overgrowing  yeast and then of course we also want to talk  

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about pre and probiotics because these are the  supplements that people take to try to repopulate  

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their gut they hear that you took in antibiotic so  now you killed off all the bacteria now you need  

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to take some new ones and that can be very very  beneficial but it can also be a complete waste  

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of time and money if we don't create the right  conditions basically the probiotics are going to  

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be like seeds and if you have seeds and you want  to go sow a plant a vegetable of some sort then  

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you could have the best seeds in the world but if  you throw them on the concrete in the parking lot  

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then they're not going to grow you just wasted  all that seeds because there are no conditions  

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for them to grow there so yes they can be good  and even necessary but we have to think about  

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the bigger picture we first have to cut back on  the sugar we have to reduce the inflammation we  

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have to create a healthy gut and now when we  add some pre and probiotics then we can grow  

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some bacteria and the probiotics are the bacteria  themselves the prebiotics are different substances  

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different nutrients and fiber that will help feed  the bacteria the probiotic so fiber is actually a  

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Prebiotic just like there are other forms that you  can take as a supplement and then there's also a  

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number of different things that you can take such  as apple cider vinegar and oregano oil garlic you  

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can take some cloves tea tree oil the list is  endless of different antibacterial anti-fungal  

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agents so these have additional properties but  you don't want to try them on their own you want  

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to work on the bigger picture so that you can  create the right conditions and we want to maybe  

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specially emphasize the apple cider vinegar or  any other vinegar for that matter because acetic  

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acid is a short chain fatty acid that is very  very important it acts as fuel for a lot of the  

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beneficial bacteria if you enjoyed this video  you're going to love that one and if you truly  

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