15 Nuts On Keto. You Can Go Nuts For Keto With These Awesome Keto Snacks! 🌰 🥜 🥥

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nuts on keto what are some of the best nuts for a ketogenic diet and what are

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some of the worst ones that you want to avoid today we're going to cover 15 of

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the most popular nuts in the world and of course we're going to talk about some

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important aspects that you don't usually hear about coming right up

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hey I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you like to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss

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anything on a ketogenic diet of course you are looking to reduce carbs and nuts

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are generally pretty low in carbs but there are some exceptions I'm gonna

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recommend these nuts based on how many net carbs they have how much fat they

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have what's their level of omega sixes and what is the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio

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and we'll talk about what that is and why it matters number 15 on the list is

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betel nuts and even though a lot of people probably haven't heard of them

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they're very common they are number seven on the most produced nuts in the

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world over a million tons and they're chewed as a psychoactive drug in many

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cultures so the reason I have them at the bottom of the list is because we're

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talking about Kido and they have 61% net carbs so all of

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these numbers are in grams per hundred so it's percent net carbs they only have

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nine percent fat and they also have I could not find any of the numbers for

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Omega 6s so besides not being a huge fan of psychoactive drugs it is basically as

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starchy as bread so we definitely want to avoid that one number 14 on the list

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is chestnuts and I don't think I've ever had a chestnut I only know of them in

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Christmas songs but they are the sixth most produced nut in the world I don't

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think it's a great idea because it has 48 percent net carbs and it's extremely

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low in fat so again in keto we're looking for low carbs and high fat

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number 13 : Utz used to be an ingredient in coca-cola it is on the top 10 list of

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the most produced nuts but I don't think I've ever had one and it has 21% net

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carbs and very very low in fat so I included these on the list because they

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are on the top 10 most produced nuts in the world but again for a ketogenic diet

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we I don't recommend them so let's just leave those for now and I also like to

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make a short disclaimer because I know that I'll get about 50 comments or so

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explaining that some of these mentions are not actually nuts that some are

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droops or legumes and so forth so yes I'm well very well aware that as a

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matter of fact out of these 50 nuts there will only be three true nuts which

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in a botanical sense means that they're dry hard shelled uncommented fruit that

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do not split on maturity to release seeds and I won't bore you with all

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these definitions but actually eight out of these 15 will be droops many of them

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you think of as nuts and one will be a gymnosperm a not like gymnosperm seed

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and three of them will be not like angiosperms seeds so that's the

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botanical disclaimer we're just gonna talk about them as nuts because that's

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how people refer to them in general language number 12 on the list is a

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disappointment for a lot of people it is a favorite for many its cashew nuts I

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mean how can you not like cashews but they are very high they're almost 30

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percent twenty-nine percent net carbohydrate they do have a good amount

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of fat 44 percent fat and they have 8 grams of Omega 6s and I'll come back and

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talk more about but the cashews we can't really

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recommend because it is quite high in carbohydrate almost a third of it is is

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starch number 11 pistachios 17% carbs again quite high for a ketogenic diet

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and again a big disappointment because two of my absolute favorite nuts I mean

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they're so sweet and so nice in your mouth our cashews and pistachios but

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have very very few if you're trying to stay in ketosis number 10 hickory nuts I

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don't know that I've ever had one of those but they are quite common and it

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has 12 grams 12% carbohydrate 64% fat and 20% omega sixes its Omega 63 ratio

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is 20 and again I'll come back to that now we're starting to get up into what

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we think of as nuts with a low carbohydrate and a high fat ratio number

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9 pine nuts 9 grams of net carbs 68 percent fat number 8 almonds have 9

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percent net carbs 50 percent fat so again not as good as some of the best

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ones a lot of people have been asking me about almonds a lot of people love

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almonds and it's pretty good not one of the absolute best number 7 hazelnuts

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also known as filbert's in some countries 7% net carbs and 61 percent

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fat number 6 Brazil nuts 5% net carbs and 66 percent fat number 5 peanuts

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which of course a lot of people refer to as a legume but it has the name nut in

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its name and we eat it in such a way has 6 grams of net carbs and 50% fat number

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4 one of my absolute favorites is coconut and where these numbers are for

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dried coconut so the one you buy and that's dried and

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shredded usually because the fresh coconut meat has a lot of moisture in it

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so by the time you dry it then we get these numbers seven grams of net carbs

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and 65% fat number three pecans has only four grams

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of net carbs and 72% fat that's why it's so yummy it's very very high fat and

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it's so delicious number two walnuts three grams of net

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carbs 59 grams of fat and my number one favorite nut for a ketogenic diet is the

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macadamia nut six grams of net carbs and 76 grams of fat let's talk about the

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important stuff why does the list look like this why have I chosen these

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particular properties to recommend the nuts because as you can see net carbs is

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hugely important but it's not in direct order of lowest to highest we do want

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low net carbs and we do want high fat but we also are concerned with the

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quality of the fat the type of fat because we have a huge problem in this

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country one of the main benefits of the ketogenic diet is that it reduces

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inflammation and inflammation that's caused by sugar and grains but part of

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that inflammation is also caused by excess omega-6 fatty acids so even

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though omega-6s and omega-3s are both essential when we get them out of

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proportion then it becomes very inflammatory and very damaging and

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that's one of the biggest problems that we have in our diet today when we look

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at an omega-6 to an omega-3 ratio we want it to be as close as possible to

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one to one an equal amount of Omega 6s to an equal amount of omega-3s now it's

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still okay they have estimated that our ancestors

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and paleo diets and so forth that you can still have optimum health up to

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about a four to one so we want to keep the omega sixes no

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more than four times higher than the Omega threes and it doesn't mean that we

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need to avoid omega sixes completely it just means that we need to be aware of

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them and we need to counteract them with some Omega threes because basically

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Omega 6s participate in pro-inflammatory pathways and Omega threes participate in

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anti inflammatory pathways that's one of the reasons fish oil is so beneficial it

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has anti-inflammatory properties and it counteracts the inflammatory effects of

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the modern diet so when we look at these numbers the reason macadamia is my

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absolute favorite even though it doesn't have the lowest carbs is that it does

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have a very high fat content but out of that 76 grams of fat only 1.3 grams is

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an omega-6 so even if you ate a whole hundred grams of macadamia nuts which is

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quite a bit that's like 800 calories almost you would only get about one gram

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of omega sixes so it's very very easy to compensate to counteract that and if we

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look at the omega-6 to 3 ratio this doesn't mean all that much we we can

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look at and say ok 6 to 1 is pretty close to 4 to 1 so we're not we're

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staying pretty neutral to that ratio eating macadamia nuts but the other way

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looking at it is we're only getting a tiny bit of Omega 6s and therefore it's

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very easy to eat some fish or some fish oil and make up for that

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so walnuts is number two on the list because it's very low in carbs it is

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quite high in fat not as high and even though it has a higher omega-6 it is the

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nut with the best omega-6 to 3 ratio because it's the only nut that really

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has any substantial amount of omega-3s walnuts have about a 9% Omega

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three content and most of the nuts have zero points something so you could eat a

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lot of walnuts you can eat a large amount of walnuts and stay with that

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four to one ratio and not really violate that ratio too much pecans

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number three has very low net carbs four grams very high fat but it does have a

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large amount of Omega 6s and it doesn't have any Omega threes to offset it so

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the modern diet has about 20 times more omega-6 than Omega one and that's one of

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the big problems that we have like I mentioned that the omega sixes from

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grain fed beef and from seed oils often called vegetable oils like soybean and

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canola and sunflower and safflower they're extremely high in omega 6's and

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those are all the oils that they used for commercial cooking so anytime that

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you go out to a restaurant and eat food just cooked food but especially fried

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food you're getting very very high omega-6 ratios and like I said that

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ratio is often as high as a 20 to one and if we eat a lot of pecans we're kind

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of ending up around that 20 to 1 ratio again it doesn't mean we can't eat

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pecans but we need to be a little bit aware of how much omega-6 is are we

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adding up so that we can compensate for them with Omega threes number four

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coconut seven grams of net carbs it's a little bit higher fat is 65 but here's

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the beauty of the coconut that there is no way that you can eat enough coconut

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to get a large amount of omega sixes it is mostly saturated fats which are

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very healthy very stable the Lord the majority of the fat in coconut are

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medium chain triglycerides MCT oil is made from coconut and therefore there's

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a very low very all amount of omega sixes and that's why

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it's such a good anti-inflammatory food I love to use it in cookies and baking

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you can make the coconut macaroons I use it in smoothies one of my absolute

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favorites number five peanuts six grams of net carbs 50 grams of fat 16 grams of

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Omega 6s so it's pretty high there and when you look at the ratio of 6 to 3 you

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see that it's way way way over that 20 that we're trying to avoid it's 5,000

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185 and all that means is that it has no Omega threes to speak of so we just have

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to count up we have to be aware that for a hundred grams of peanuts then we're

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getting 16 grams of Omega 6s so again not really worse than walnuts or pecans

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number six Brazil nuts 5 grams of net carbs 66 grams of fat and 21 grams of

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Omega 6s so again a little bit higher than we want number 7 hazelnuts

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filbert's 7 grams of net carbs 61% fat 33 grams of Omega 6s and not quite so

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bad Omega 6 to 3 ratio but again for every

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hundred grams we eat we get a lot of Omega 6s so better not eat too much

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almonds is a favorite with a lot of people 9 grams of carbs 50% fat but only

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12 grams of Omega 6s so it is one of the better ones pine nuts 9 grams of carbs

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68 percent fat 33% omega sixes so when we look at it from this standpoint then

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we see that yes we want to avoid carbs we want to have a lot of good fats but

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when too much of those fats are omega sixes again we need some Omega 6s but

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we've really got to watch the quantity so we don't disrupt that ratio too much

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when we eat grass-fed butter and grass-fed milk

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we're staying close to that one-to-one ratio it's a stable it's a neutral food

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and we just when we eat fish of course we're getting tons and tons of omega-3s

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so fish and fish oil is really about the only thing that can offset that omega-6

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dominance we eat as much neutral one-to-one food as we can and then we

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want to eat some fish some fish oil to offset the fact that a lot of other food

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has a lot of omega sixes so a lot of times I see people talk about numbers of

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macronutrients and they're talking about cups or half a cup or or a serving but

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the a cup means different things because a cup weighs different amounts so you're

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not comparing apples to apples when you're talking about a cup or when

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you're talking about a serving that's why I give you all the numbers in terms

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of a hundred grams that way all the numbers are percentages another

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prominent Channel was talking about nuts and they were comparing almond butter to

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peanut butter and they said that almond butter was much much better than peanut

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butter because almond butter had less carbs well that's not correct because if

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you do a quality nut butter then there is nothing in there except the nuts you

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grind up the peanuts and you have peanut butter you grind up the almond and you

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have almond butter there is nothing added you could flavor

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it with some salt but a quality product a natural product is not gonna have

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anything in it so therefore the nut butter has exactly the same numbers as

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the nut wood and when we compare almonds at 9 grams and peanuts at 6 grams

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peanut butter actually comes out ahead in terms of carbohydrate content the

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reason a lot of peanut butter is high in carbs is because they add sugar and they

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add hydrogenated fat's to make the make it not separate

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so everything we're talking about here of course means that you get a good

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quality product so we're gonna elaborate one step further on who's the winner

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here so in the margin here I have three X's these are the ones that are that you

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really want to avoid because they're very very starchy they're very low fat

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there's nothing there that's congruent with a ketogenic diet then I have a

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couple of question marks on cashews and pistachios because they are super yummy

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but they are high in carbs so again if you're on a ketogenic diet and you're

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allowing yourself 30 grams of carbs you could still have a few nuts you just

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can't have handfuls of them right you just got to figure out where that fits

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in your budget next we have four orange checkmarks and these are for hickory

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nuts pine nuts almonds and hazelnuts so these are basically really good keto

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foods if you eat just a little bit so you could have a handful but you can't

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just go to town on it because then these carbs are gonna add up then I have a

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couple of check marks with a question mark and why is that because Brazil nuts

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and peanuts even though the numbers look really really good and a lot of people

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love them what I have found in my clinic is that these are the two most common

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allergens those are the the most commonly nuts that the people are

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intolerant to so a lot of people don't realize it with Brazil nuts a lot of

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people know it with peanuts they know that allergies can be anaphylactic they

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can be very serious but when you get down to the really really fine nuances

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of how well the body tolerates something Brazil nuts show up as one of the most

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common in tolerances so be very careful with that the top four check marks those

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are my superstars these are nuts that you can eat a large amount

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pecans is the only one that I would be a little bit more careful with and of

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course macadamias because of the omega-6 is the high fat the low carbs you could

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eat virtually unlimited macadamias you could eat virtually unlimited coconuts

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and again they're so rich that you're not going to eat a half a pound of those

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nuts but even if you did you'd still be within your ketogenic limits if you

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liked this video and you'd like to learn more about the ketogenic lifestyle I bet

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you loved that video thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the

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next video

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