15 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes That Make You Gain Weight

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intermittent fasting mistakes that make you gain weight

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most people are usually very successful at losing weight on intermittent fasting

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but there are some that don't do so well they might actually plateau or even gain

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weight so today we're going to talk about 15 intermittent fasting mistakes

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that you want to avoid so that you can reach your goal so you can lose the

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weight lose the fat and keep the muscle coming right up hey I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a

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holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly

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master health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything today

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we're going to cover several different scenarios we're going to assume that

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most people are doing intermittent fasting to lose weight so we want to

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talk about how to avoid gaining weight but also if people plateau we want to

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make sure that they're not losing muscle and gaining fat and we're going to talk

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about how to get back on that weight-loss journey when we do

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intermittent fasting there are five things that we want to have happen and

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we're going to relate the successes and mistakes to those so the first thing is

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you want to burn fat you want to burn fat off the body you want to maintain

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your basal metabolic rate you don't want your basal metabolic rate your

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metabolism to slow down and make it almost impossible for you to lose weight

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in the future that's what happens with calorie restriction and yo-yo diets you

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need to reduce your insulin resistance because insulin is the primary storage

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hormone it's the primary reason people are overweight as well as getting

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pre-diabetic and diabetic we want to keep the muscle most people are afraid

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of fasting they think that they will lose muscle they've been told that oh

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yeah you'll lose some weight but it's mostly muscle that's not true and we'll

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talk about why you also want to increase growth hormone and

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growth hormone is a very beneficial hormone it is muscle sparing it

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increases metabolism and it is also a generally recognized anti-aging hormone

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so it's sort of a byproduct and a component of this whole process the

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number one mistake that people make is they eat too many carbs I get a lot of

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comments on my OMAD my one meal a day videos and people say that Oh

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for me it doesn't matter I can do a high carb OMAD and I still lose weight and

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other people say that oh I can't lose weight if I eat any carbs so realize

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that everyone is different some people can eat moderate or even high carbs and

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if they fast long enough then they would not become insulin resistance they can

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reverse their insulin resistance with some carbs so that's not true for most

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people and if you want to play it safe then you want to limit your carbs so for

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the most part if you're not losing weight you're probably eating too many

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carbs and the carbs are triggering insulin and maintaining your insulin

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resistance keeping you in storage mode making it impossible for your body to

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actually burn the fuel off your body the number two mistake is eating too much

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protein a lot of people again are having success with carnivore diets and a lot

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of people are eating a high-protein diet and that's great for them but if your

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body is really stubborn and you're having some trouble if you're plateauing

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chances are that your protein is too high because protein will also trigger

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insulin and maintain your insulin resistance

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number three mistake eating too much fat so even though the keto and the low carb

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high fat and the low carb movement and intermittent fasting principles they all

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talk about eating less carbs and higher fat it's still possible to eat too much

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fat and how do you know well if you're eating so much fat if you're putting so

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much fat into your system on a regular basis

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that there is no need for your body to burn the fat off the stores on the body

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then you're eating too much fat it is very difficult to eat too much fat

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because your body will say no you get much more satiated you get fuller and

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you get satisfied longer when you cut back on carbs and you eat more fat but

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it's still possible so we need to realize that as a factor that it is

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possible to eat too much fat if you're not losing weight then that could be it

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number four you could be eating too many calories we don't want to focus on

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calories but in the end it's still about calories in calories out the reason we

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don't want to focus on calories is if you try to cut back then you will

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typically lower your basal metabolic rate that's what people have done with

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their yo-yo diets and their calorie restrictions for most of their lives and

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they've been monumentally unsuccessful but we still have to realize that it's

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about calories and it's still possible to eat too many so if you eat really

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really delicious food that invites you to overeat if you eat a lot of keto

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bombs and you eat some some things that just makes it easy to eat a lot and you

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let's say you have a 16-8 intermittent fasting pattern and you eat

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three meals a day and you just eat a lot of food on those three meals then you

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probably had to work about it but it's still very possible to eat too many

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calories number five mistake is eating too few

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calories and that sounds funny it's like well how can the opposite cause the same

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problem well if we eat fewer calories then there's a chance that we will

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reduce our metabolism that we will reduce our basal metabolic rate and to

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really understand why we have to look at number six the difference between a low

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calorie diet and fasting because fasting is a low calorie diet is limiting the

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calories it is limiting the fuel intake but it's not

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doing it by reducing the size of small frequent meals it is doing it by eating

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fewer meals and there's a world of difference in how the body interprets

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that you could make it even worse eating low calorie eating small frequent meals

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if you eat a lot of carbs but even if you don't you're still giving the body

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signals several times a day so let's say you're eating three meals a day you're

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giving your body insulin signals three times a day to store something and if

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you're always eating a little bit less than you really want if you're

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restricting your calories then two things happen first your body perceives

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lack its senses that there's just never quite enough the food keeps coming on a

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regular basis but there's never quite enough I better slow down my metabolism

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and save some for a rainy day however that does not happen with fasting if you

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eat fewer meals but you eat till you're full then the body says oh I don't know

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when the next meal is going to come but when I get it it's always plenty and in

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those cases the body does not lower the metabolism the basal metabolic rate so

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you could eat let's say that you want to have you want to have your body burn

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2,000 calories and then you eat three small meals at five hundred calories

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then it might seem like you'd be at a 500 calorie deficit but because the body

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perceives a deficiency a lack a starvation it's going to lower the basal

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metabolic rate until you plateau the beauty of the intermittent fasting is

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you could eat a lot you could eat 2,000 calories every other day which turns out

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to be a thousand calories per day but with no loss of metabolism you're

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actually going to burn a thousand calories

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the body so it's really critical to understand the difference and this has

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been verified in studies that this is how it works

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even if low-calorie diets can make you lose some weight initially your body

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figures it out and it plateaus relatively quickly

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number seven mistake is you're not drinking enough water everyone always

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wants to know what can I drink when I'm fasting and they're focusing on the

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coffee and the tea and the herb tea and the drinks of various kinds but water is

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still your drink of choice even though you could have some coffee you could

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have some tea you still want to drink mostly water and you want to make sure

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that you get enough minerals because minerals hold water it's osmotic

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pressure the water in the body is held by minerals when you lose minerals you

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lose fluid and vice-versa so you want to keep up the intake of both and one thing

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that can happen is that you think you're hungry when in fact you're just thirsty

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so a lot of times by just drinking some salt water or just water then you find

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the hey I wasn't hungry after all number eight mistake is to get out of control

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if you get too hungry if you go at it too fast if you don't give your body

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time to get fat adapted if you go straight for a fast that's too long

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longer than your body is capable of handling if it's shocked then you might

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get so hungry that you just freak out and you say I'll have to eat something

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and you eat just about anything so the risk here is that you overeat or you eat

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low quality food or high carb or sugar or things like that and now obviously

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that defeats the purpose of the fasting so don't let yourself get too hungry do

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things gradually learn how your body reacts plan your food out and know ahead

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of time what you're gonna do number nine mistake is to not exercise

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so even though it is possible to lose weight without exercise it's really

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irrelevant because exercise has so many benefits for your health that you don't

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even want to consider not exercising optimum health

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is not possible without exercise so just do it now for fasting purposes and for

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insulin and cortisol and growth hormone purposes there are certain ways that you

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want to exercise and I've done several videos on that but the thing to

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understand is weight lifting and high intensity exercise tends to trigger a

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lot of growth hormone so extended fasting I don't know exactly the numbers

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of where this kicks in after how long but if you fast for a solid week or so

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you can increase your growth hormone by twelve hundred percent and it's

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obviously some sort of gradual increase up to that peak point of growth hormone

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now high intensity exercise can increase it by itself by about three to four

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hundred percent so fasting and exercise high intensity exercise work together to

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drive up that growth hormone and if you exercise while fasted then you amplify

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that benefit now the key is that you don't want to spend a lot of time in the

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anaerobic mode because now if you're huffing and puffing your body switches

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from burning mostly fat to burning mostly carbs and because you don't have

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a lot of carbs in your system now your body is going to make cortisol which is

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a stress hormone it's going to break down muscle so that it can use the

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protein to make glucose via gluconeogenesis so there are many many

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reasons why you want to understand how to exercise so walking is great because

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it's low intensity and you don't trigger cortisol cortisol triggers insulin and

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drives insulin resistance whereas short duration high intensity even though it's

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anaerobic it's so short that you don't trigger a lot of cortisol but you still

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get the growth hormone benefits so if you hit a plateau and you haven't been

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exercising that could very well be the reason so don't even question it just do

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it anyway number 10 stress we just talked about

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cortisol from an aerobic exercise long duration and aerobic exercise but stress

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in itself can also do that all forms of stress whether it's physical stress from

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exercise or it's just emotional stress or you're just sort of that's your

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lifestyle you if you're in stress if you feel stressed if you feel tense then you

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will make higher cortisol levels cortisol will increase glucose blood

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sugar and you will increase insulin and you will make yourself more insulin

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resistant not less that's a very powerful factor that we don't want to

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overlook sleep goes together with that as well so poor quality sleep not enough

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sleep irregular sleep sleeping at different hours of the day not getting a

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continuous sleep during the dark period of the day all of those constitute poor

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sleep they will increase cortisol they are a form of stress and you will have a

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much harder time to reverse your insulin resistance if you don't sleep well

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number 12 mistake is that you don't change things up that your body if you

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make it to pattern if you make it too regular if your intermittent fasting

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times and your eating patterns if they're too repetitious they're too much

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the same then your body gets used to it and it says oh I've got this I don't

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need to change anything I'll just sort of settle in right here so you always

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want to change things up you don't want to stay on OMAD forever you don't want

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to 18:6 forever you don't want to do 36-hour fasts you change it up you do

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some 18-6 you do some thirty-six hours you do a couple of

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three-day fasts you change it and you also change the amounts of foods and the

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types of foods because your body will adapt to anything the last three items

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on my list are I have question marks on them because they're very often brought

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up on other channels and I don't know for sure to what extent they're true but

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I'm kind of questioning whether they're a big deal number thirteen here is

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combining carbs and fat when you break a fast and the thinking there is that

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after you've been fasting you haven't been making insulin so your body is very

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insulin sensitive yes it is more insulin sensitive than it was but if you have

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been extremely insulin resistant for many many years you're not going to get

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rid of that in in a single fast whether it's a week or two weeks even so you're

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not going to become extremely insulin sensitive just like that the other

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reason that I'm kind of questioning that a little bit is that your body is pretty

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smart so even though you are more insulin sensitive than you were before

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the fast all that means is that even if you eat some carbs your body is not

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going to make excess insulin because you're more insulin sensitive your body

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will not make so much insulin will make just enough to handle the food you ate

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based on the level of insulin sensitivity that you have now now of

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course that doesn't mean that you go crazy and eat a bunch of junk carbs you

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still want to eat a low-carb diet but it's not that you have to be extremely

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careful just because of that and again this is my opinion I don't have any

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solid facts or results to back that up but I don't think it's such a big deal

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number 14 is sweeteners and of course they're not talking about sugar they're

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talking about stevia and monk fruit and chicory root

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and the non calorie sweeteners I'm assuming that if you've been watching

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this channel that you won't touch the artificial non calorie sweeteners

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because they will they're basically poison and they will not do you any good

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so here's why they talked about them so much there's something called a cephalic

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response that anytime that you put something in your mouth that tastes

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sweet your brain will send a signal to the pancreas to make insulin because

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it's expecting based on the sweet taste that you ate some sugar thinks hey

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there's some sugar there's some carbs coming I better be prepared so it kicks

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out some insulin now my thinking is that this is a very minut response because

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there is so little carbohydrate in your system that there probably won't be much

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of an insulin response and here's how you can check for yourself so you get a

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glucose meter and you monitor before and after having some of that sweetener and

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here's what you want to have happen some people think that oh it's like sugar so

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it's gonna raise my blood sugar and that's probably not what's gonna happen

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again I can't guarantee how your body's going to react it's possible you eat

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something sweet and your liver kicks out some extra glucose from glycogen but for

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most people what's gonna happen is that you taste sweet you increase your

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insulin but there's no sugar actually coming into the system so your blood

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sugar should be lower after having that sweetener because you get an insulin

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response but there's no actual food so here's the thing to watch for if you get

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an enormous drop then that's a problem for you you should stay away from that

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sweetener if you drink this stuff many many times a day and you get yourself

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hypoglycemic that would be really bad but my guess for most people is that

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there probably will be no difference or it will

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maybe a point or two and that's not a big deal because again in your

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bloodstream you have less than a teaspoon of sugar at any given time and

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if your blood sugar drops by a point or two we're talking a difference in

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milligrams you're not going to change your insulin resistance because you're

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not driving any fuel into the cell we're talking milligrams if that if you're

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curious and I think it's a good idea for you to check then see what happens if

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you don't become hypoglycemic then you can probably do that at least in

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moderation number fifteen mistake bulletproof coffee and bone broth

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does it break fast yes it breaks the fast but what are we really after we're

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looking to burn fat keep up the basal metabolic rate reduce insulin resistance

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keep the muscle increased growth hormone if it doesn't mess with that then it's

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okay so the question is how much are you having if you're doing in a fast and

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it's the difference between you breaking the fast completely or helping you

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through it then it's a good thing then you should have your bulletproof coffee

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you should have your bone broth if it helps you get and now there's six hours

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or another 12 hours or an extra day or two on your fast then do it because it's

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helping you but if you're doing OMAD or if you're doing an 18-6 and you're

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having each bulletproof coffee is three to four to five hundred calories and you

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have two of those a day then chances are that it's going to have you take too

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many calories too much fat it's going to keep you from reaching these goals just

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because you're violating so many of these principles so you've got to use

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some common sense and I would say it's okay if it helps you through the fast

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and it will still reduce your insulin resistance but again if you hit a

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plateau then chances are you are violating some of these rules and then

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you're probably better cutting it out so you want to understand the principles

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around these you want to understand that people react differently and once you

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understand them you can try them out and see what happens if it works for you

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great if it doesn't work for you change it up go one step further do one thing

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more to get the results you want these are all tools and the more that you

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apply the tools the better your results some people just have to do a little bit

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some people have to do a lot ultimately you just want to make sure that you're

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burning the fat that you're maintaining or increasing your basal metabolic rate

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that you're reducing your insulin resistance and that you're keeping your

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muscle so again growth hormone is going to help you keep

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your muscle and the weight training and the high intensity training the interval

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training is going to increase the growth hormone but it's also going to use your

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muscles it's going to strain your muscles it's going to stress your

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muscles to give your body an extra incentive to build more muscle as it

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repairs the damage from the exercise so realize

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that exercise is damaged that's the whole point that you're stressing you're

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damaging so the body has to rebuild it bigger and that would be an extra

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incentive to keep the muscle but I wouldn't go and do super hard extended

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workouts because now you'll probably trigger some cortisol and if you're

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fasting you probably don't have all the resources to maintain that muscle at

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that point so do your weights keep it short do your

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high-intensity interval training keep it short if you're new to the

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channel and you enjoy this kind information make sure that you subscribe

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and hit that notification bell and if you'd like to learn more about how to

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get truly healthy then make sure that you check out our other videos on

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sting and insulin resistance thank you for watching and I'll see you in the

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next video

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