14 Shocking Facts About Insulin Resistance And Diabetes You Have To Understand

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insulin resistance and diabetes what is the difference between insulin

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resistance and diabetes and is insulin resistance the same thing as

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pre-diabetes today we're going to talk about 14 facts that you have to

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understand if you want to optimize your health or if you have loved ones or

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wanting to improve any of these conditions stay tuned

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I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if you

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want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss

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anything instantly resistance pre-diabetes and

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type 2 diabetes is what we're gonna talk about today the number one thing to know

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is that it affects 30 million people in the u.s. that's about 10% of the

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population with full-blown type 2 diabetes out of those people 25 percent

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don't know that they have it so as high as the numbers are these problems are

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still under diagnosed number two 84 million people

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another 84 million on top of that have officially insulin resistance that means

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that they are over five point seven on the a1c and out of all those people

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ninety percent don't know that they have it so even though they've done some

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research they still don't understand really how big of a problem this is and

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the people who have it don't know they have it so they're not changing they

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don't know to change anything insulin resistance is also called pre

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diabetes or pre type-2 diabetes because very often or even typically if you have

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insulin resistance then within five years it will have progressed to type 2

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diabetes so we need to understand that these are progressive mechanisms we wear

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out the body and if you want to get a true idea of how big this problem is

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then understand the number one cause of weight gain is

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insulin resistance so it's not like every obese person has insulin

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resistance and every skinny person does not but there's a pretty close

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correlation between the two and officially eighty seven point five

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percent of the people in the United States are overweight so that should

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give you kind of an idea of how big this problem really is that whether wherever

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we we draw the line for what we're gonna call insulin resistance eighty seven

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point five percent probably have a significant degree of insulin resistance

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number five there is a big drive from official government agencies to identify

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to diagnose the problem but when people are identified and diagnosed and treated

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then they add on on average if they get diagnosed at age 50 it will add on on

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average a hundred eighty thousand to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to

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their healthcare costs during a lifetime and they will end up having an eight

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year shorter life span than they would have without the diabetes so there's the

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problem that's sure we want to find out we want to identify we want to

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understand the problem but even when they find it

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it just becomes expensive and people still don't live normal full lives so

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getting it diagnosed and treated is not a fix in any way fact number six it is

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the number one cause of amputations amputations of toes and feet and fingers

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and so forth it is the number one cause of blindness and it is the number one

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cause of kidney failure leading to dialysis it is the number seven overall

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cause of death but once we understand that it is the causative factor it's the

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primary causative mechanism in what's called metabolic syndrome or syndrome

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X which essentially is associated with

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higher blood pressure increased cardiovascular disease and increased

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stroke that it's basically the causative mechanism of all those conditions then

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we understand that it's not really the number seven cause of death it is by far

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the number one cause of death because it's contributing to many of the other

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higher ranked conditions when we look at the prevalence by age group then we see

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that people between 18 and 44 only 4% have type 2 diabetes and that might seem

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like okay well that's a good number but realize that 50 years ago the people in

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this age group had close to 0% type-2 diabetes and then when they between 45

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and 64 now it is 17 percent almost one in five is like one in six when they're

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over 65 one in four twenty four percent have type-2 diabetes so realize that

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when these people when the 65 year olds were teenagers then there were virtually

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no people that had type 2 diabetes that was a disease reserved for middle age

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and up 50 and up younger people hardly ever had it because it took so long to

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develop and when we look at it today and the youngest group then 200,000 kids

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have type 2 diabetes something that was unheard of fifty years ago and in the

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age group 10 to 19 the the rate is growing by 4.8% every year so it's it's

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accelerating it's not just growing steadily it's an accelerating growth so

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when we talk about insulin resistance and diabetes we need to understand that

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it's a continuum it's a continuum of insulin resistance all the way from just

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having a little bit of extra insulin to the point where your system is

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completely broken and the is just spilling out into the urine

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because the levels are so high the kidneys can't contain it so think about

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it this way the green here is this is blood glucose and this is insulin so

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green is normal that means we eat something our blood sugar goes up a

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little bit and then insulin goes up to match it and the insulin of course

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lowers the blood sugar that's the purpose of insulin to guide the sugar

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out of the bloodstream and into the cells and then when the blood sugar is

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normal insulin comes down to a very low level again so that would be something

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like a normal fasting blood glucose of about 80 and a fasting insulin level of

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three but then if we keep eating foods that stimulate a lot of blood sugar so

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this is primarily carbohydrates and sugar then we get higher blood sugar

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this is the orange so now we get greater blood sugar swings and with higher blood

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sugar so instead of normal the blood sugar would rise this much now the blood

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sugar Rises that much and now we need a higher dose of insulin to guide that

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blood sugar out and then the blood sugar comes down and insulin comes down but it

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doesn't come down all the way because the cells are starting to become insulin

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resistant the cells are saying hey we've have too much fuel and the purpose of

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the insulin is to drive that fuel into the cell but if the cell has had enough

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it's going to start resisting so with a green with a normal situation we have

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blood sugar go up insulin comes up and they both return to baseline but with a

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little bit of insulin resistance now the blood sugar goes up and the

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insulin comes up higher and the blood sugar comes back to normal but the

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insulin doesn't so now we're starting to get insulin resistance but we can't tell

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from Joe looking at the blood sugar and then

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we're looking at when we're starting to wear the system out if we keep doing

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this for 20 30 40 years and this why we see these numbers increasing with age

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because it takes decades to break the system unless you're just totally

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totally abusing the system and then you start seeing some cases here even in the

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kids once we start having severe insulin resistance and diabetes now the blood

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sugar goes sky-high the insulin goes way way high but even

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with that super high insulin the blood sugar still won't come down and the

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insulin stays up and that would be the red arrow here so it's a continuum

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insulin resistance and diabetes are not two different things they're just

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different degrees of the same thing so you go all the way from insulin

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sensitive to mildly insulin resistant to moderate to severe ly insulin resistant

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to full-blown diabetes when you have broken the system and even with all that

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insulin it still can't get the blood sugar down below a hundred and eighty so

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now we have sugar spilling over in the urine and that's where the name comes

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from diabetes mellitus or mellitus and what that num name means diabetes means

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flow-through and Meletus means sweet so they used to actually diagnose diabetes

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with tasting the urine and if it was sweet they know they had diabetes that

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before any sophisticated tests but that's the mechanism that's where the

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name comes from when the blood sugar rise is so high that it pushes out

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through the kidneys where the kidneys can't reabsorb it because there's just

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so much of it then we're starting to totally break the system now we're

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getting kidney damage and we're getting inflammation and we're starting to set

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ourselves up for all these long degenerative problems that result in

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amputations and blindness and kidney failure so that's the continuum of

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insulin resistance and we need to understand that out of the two factors

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the blood glucose and the insulin the insulin is the real problem that first

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of all the blood glucose doesn't necessarily change for the first 10 20

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years but in the long run it's still the insulin that is the big problem when we

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understand that it's not a blood sugar problem now we can start addressing it

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we need to reduce the insulin we need to stop eating the foods that trigger the

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most insulin we need to give the body a chance to burn off some of that fuel

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before we put more in and if we understand that then we unfortunately

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also understand that treatment is going to make it worse because the cell is

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already overloaded the cell already has too much fuel we packing it full of

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sugar the sugar turns into fat and the cell is bursting at the seams that's why

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when it's full it becomes resistant but the treatment is aimed at the blood

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sugar the treatment is aimed at pushing more sugar into the cell but it already

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has too much so whether you take something that like metformin that's

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supposed to make your cell more insulin sensitive that can help the insulin

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short term because the cell will allow it in without you

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creating crazy amounts of insulin but you're promoting the process of

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overloading that you are still making the problem of overloading worse you're

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still driving the insulin resistance because you're packing the cell even

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more and once the problem is so bad that no amount of the body's production of

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insulin can keep up then they start injecting insulin but

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because they think that the glucose is the only problem the real problem is

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insulin and they're treating the insulin problem with more insulin so even though

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they can't control blood sugar a little bit they will make your diabetes and

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your insulin resistance and your metabolic syndrome worse they'll drive

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more blood pressure more cardiovascular disease and more stroke the cause the

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blood sugar is just the effect it's just rising because the body can't keep up

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you gotta help the body keep up by not overloading it and if you understand

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that then we get to the number 14 fact that you have to understand is that it

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is 90 plus percent reversible there's always going to be a few cases that are

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just too far gone but the vast vast majority of these cases can be reversed

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it is an overloading problem of things that trigger insulin primarily sugar and

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carbohydrate and if you stop adding them so much and so often the body will have

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a chance to burn something off if you keep eating sugar and carbs and you keep

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taking things that will enhance the loading of these things into the cell

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then you're going to just perpetuate it and keep making it worse a couple of

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quotes to illustrate this when I looked at the definitions for diabetes mellitus

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they say it's sometimes called a sugar diabetes it's a condition that occurs

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when the body can't use glucose normally but what is normal is it what we've done

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for the last 50 years or what we've done for the last hundred and fifty thousand

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years right so our DNA is way way old it hasn't

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changed in modern times so whatever our ancestors ate is what we are adapted to

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but and that was normal we might have found a little bit of fruit a few

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berries beehive a couple times a year we ate maybe

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ten 15 maybe 20 grams of sugar per day today the official guidelines tell us

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that the body is supposed to process glucose normally that means getting

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about 70 grams of carbohydrate which turns into sugar from grain another 75

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grams from fruit which they say can be fresh frozen canned or dried they tell

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us to eat low-fat or fat-free dairy three cups a day that'll give us another

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40 grams of sugar and then they say don't eat more than 10% of your total

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calories from sugar that from added table sugar that's another 50 grams so

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235 grams of sugar or grain which will turn into sugar in a few minutes that is

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probably ten times the amount that your body is designed for 10 times the amount

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that it can keep up with long-term so if you eat this amount your body can

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tolerate it it will take a while before you break your carbohydrate processing

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machine and in some people it breaks after 10-15 years and in some people it

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breaks after 3040 years but we're on pace to getting basically the majority

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of the population being diabetic as when we get older so we have to rethink what

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normal glucose processing is the body is not defective it only breaks when we

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abuse it the second quote I wanted to mention was diabetes is a serious

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disease that can often be managed through physical activity diet and the

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appropriate use of insulin and other medications to control blood sugar

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levels this is still the official viewpoint that it's appropriate to use

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insulin and medication to control blood sugar and when they talk about

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controlling it or managing it with diet they're talking about eating this kind

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of diet so as long as we believe that that's normal and they're treating it

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with drugs and insulin is appropriate we're not going

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to change anything we might lower the percentage of people who have high blood

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sugar by forcing more of it into the cell but in the process we are going to

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increase insulin resistance where you to increase metabolic syndrome and we're

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gonna promote all the problems associated with insulin resistance and

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diabetes so how do you reverse it I've made several videos that go into a lot

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more detail I think you'll really enjoy those but basically you want to eat less

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sugar less carbs you want to eat fewer meals you want to get some exercise and

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you want to work on reducing your stress all those things are factors that drive

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insulin and insulin resistance by reducing them you'll give the body a

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chance to recover if you're new to the channel and you enjoy having things

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thoroughly explain and understand them so you can help yourself to better

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health make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that we can

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keep this content coming your way and please share this content because

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most people you know fit into these categories that we've talked about today

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and unless you tell them they may never find out thanks for watching

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