14 Common Insulin Resistance Treatments That Stops Your Weight Loss & May Hurt You

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Fourteen insulin resistance treatments that could make things worse

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if we don't understand the mechanisms and what insulin resistance is and what

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the treatment does then the treatment could actually make things worse it can

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make it harder to lose weight it could make us more insulin resistant and it

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could promote metabolic syndrome leading to all the complications of

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cardiovascular disease and stroke and so forth today we're going to explore these

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topics so that you understand it and you can decide what's right for you coming

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right up

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I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if you

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want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss

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anything instantly resistance is a big deal the

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majority of the population is insulin resistant and if we don't understand it

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and it progresses it can or will lead to diabetes which is the leading cause of

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blindness amputation kidney failure and a host of other problems so the

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authorities are becoming more responsive more aware of this and they're promoting

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campaigns to get people to get tested and so that they can get the proper

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treatment but what is proper treatment that's what we're going to talk about

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today so just want to read something we'll quick which kind of represents

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what the mainstream thinks insulin resistance is and I got this off of

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endocrine web.com so it says what is insulin resistance insulin resistance is

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when cells in your muscles body fat and liver starts resisting or ignoring the

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signal that the hormone insulin is trying to send out and the purpose of

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insulin is to help the sugar from the bloodstream into the cell of course so

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here's some interesting words start resisting or ignoring that sounds

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awfully random so now we need to decide and try to understand is the body smart

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or stupid is it random or is it on purpose

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does it do things for some reason or for no reason so when we say start resisting

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or ignoring that sounds kind of willy-nilly it sounds like well you know

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the the cells they're just having a bad day they don't feel like dealing with

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insulin today okay but nothing could be further from the truth because the body

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is incredibly intelligent it is supremely intelligent it has infinite

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intelligence built-in it processes a billion bits of information every second

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to try to orchestrate and regulate and figure out exactly how to guide every

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little process to its optimum in the body there's nothing random about it and

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that's the first thing that we have to understand and then it goes on to say

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that glucose also known as blood sugar is the body's main source of fuel for

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those of you who have studied a little bit of low carb and keto you know that

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of course the main source of fuel is fat and that you can live really well you

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can live better on 75 80 % fat than you can and majority carbohydrate but if you

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don't know that if you believe that glucose is the main source of fuel now

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we we have trouble because if you can't live on anything else how do you get rid

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of it and it continues we get glucose from grains fruits vegetables dairy

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products and drinks that break down into carbohydrates so again if we think

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that's the main source of fuel now we think that grains fruits dairy and sweet

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drinks are a necessity just because that's what humans have had an abundance

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for a few generations we think that normal well again that's a fallacy it's

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a myth it's a misconception and it goes on to answer how insulin resistance

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develops and it says while genetics aging and ethnicity plays a role the

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driving forces behind insulin resistance include excess body weight

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too much belly fat lack of exercise smoking and even skimping on sleep no

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mention of food no mention of carbohydrates no mention of anything

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that would raise blood sugar and here's where the problem is that we it's such a

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total disconnect between the mechanisms and the expression of the problem so

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let's just look real quick at the mechanisms of how how these things work

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together so first we eat something we digest the food it ends up in the

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bloodstream and we increase our blood glucose the food turns into blood

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glucose then the insulin is there to help the glucose into the cell and now

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the cell has a few different options it can use some of that fuel or it can

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store some of that fuel and it can store a little bit as glycogen that's a

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carbohydrate form of storage and when those stores are full because they're

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very very tiny in comparison then the rest gets converted to fat and stored as

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fat so insulin is a fat storing hormone it's a storage hormone in general but

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the end result the main thing it stores is fat because that's the body's main

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currency of long-term energy storage so the key factors in how much insulin is

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made and how much storage motion how much force is in the in the storage of

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this is the amount of carbs carbs drive more insulin carbs stimulate more

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insulin and it is the frequency with which we eat the food so if you eat a

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lot of carbs and you eat them frequently now you're gonna have a lot of insulin

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very often to tell that cell to store because anything it can't use in the

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moment it's going to store and then when the cell is full when it can't store

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anymore it says I don't want any I'm it's developing insulin resistance

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when we think that the cell just randomly ignores the the signal then

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we're not thinking things through we have to understand that if the cell says

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no I don't want anymore if it starts ignoring if it starts resisting insulin

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there's a reason and the reason is that the cell is full we have filled it too

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much so the more carbs we eat and the more often we eat the more blood sugar

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we develop the more insulin we develop the more insulin resistance we develop

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so now we need to think back a little bit and just ask ourselves so if blood

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sugar is high which is the problem according to medicine then how do we

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reduce blood sugar and there's only four ways once the sugar is in the blood or

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in general as far as having a certain amount of sugar in the blood there's

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only four ways to reduce that amount of sugar one is to cram the sugar from the

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bloodstream into the cell that's what insulin does okay the more insulin we

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can always give it so much insulin that it just jam-packed that cell so we can

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cram the the sugar into the cell that's one way of getting it out of the

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bloodstream second we can convert it into something else and that's what also

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happens when our triglycerides go up it's because the sugar is getting higher

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but the cells don't want it so now the liver converts it into something else

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it turns the sugar into triglycerides the third way is that the blood sugar

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goes so high that the kidneys can't reabsorb it anymore so it starts

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spilling out into the urine so we can pee out the sugar and the fourth way to

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not have so much sugar in the blood is the absolute most obvious a kid could

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tell you and yet millions and millions of people miss it are you ready

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don't put so much sugar in right it sounds too simple but if we believe that

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glucose is our main fuel and we have to have grains and sweet drinks to survive

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then then we have a problem but it is the best possibility it's the best

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option don't put so much in so now let's start looking at the treatments what

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what do people what do people do what people receive for treatment the

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treatment the first option is called metformin and metformin is the

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first-line treatment first choice for type 2 diabetics who are unable to

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control their sugars through diet and exercise alone that's where they

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mentioned diet that's the first time diet comes in but what's a normal diet

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what what diet are they trying to use to control their blood sugar they're trying

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to control it with 300 grams of carbohydrate every day half or more of

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which is sugar so of course it's not going to work because they tell them to

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eat most of their food as carbohydrate and they tell them to eat 3 meals plus

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snacks so there's no possible way to control it by diet if you think that's

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an appropriate diet and then I read at e-medicine what the goal for this therapy

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is the pharmacotherapy for insulin resistance and for high blood sugar the

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goal is to reduce morbidity that means sickness that means symptoms and

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problems they want to reduce symptoms and problems and they want to reduce

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complications associated with high blood sugars and they say they use large

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quantities of insulin are used to overcome insulin resistance so what do

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they mean by that when they say overcome insulin resistance are they trying to

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reverse insulin resistance to make the cell become more imbalance more

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sensitive or are they trying to overcome it by cram

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the cell full of more sugar by increasing the insulin to get it out of

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the bloodstream and into the cell and making the problem worse

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so the overcome in this sense is all focused on blood sugar it's not actually

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reversing or overcoming insulin resistance it's only overcoming it's

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tricking or forcing the cell to accept the glucose even though it doesn't want

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any and again if you think the body is random or stupid that might seem like a

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brilliant thing to do if the cell is just randomly resisting insulin then hey

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let's step in and fix it let's just help this stupid cell along to do what it's

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supposed to do but if we understand the body is intelligent now this becomes the

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worst possible solution because the cell is saying hey I don't want it and we're

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just tricking or forcing it to accept more and then they say treatment should

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be aimed at restoring normal insulin sensitivity and secretion so we're going

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to come back just a little bit but first let's look at the mechanisms of all

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these drugs so like we said the first drug of choice is metformin and what

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does it do it increases insulin sensitivity so it acts on the insulin

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receptor and it makes it more open it makes it more permeable it's it tricks

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or guides or persuades that receptor to accept more glucose - to have insulin

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have a stronger effect than it would have without that drug so I'll call that

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when it increases insulin sensitivity I'll call it that the cell is being

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tricked into accepting glucose all right the other thing that metformin does and

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this is maybe the only thing that we can really argue for is it reduces the

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gluconeogenesis of the liver so it hinders it prevents

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it tells the liver to don't make anymore sugar don't develop more blood

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glucose from the stores if you have some glycogen or some other tissues where you

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could pull glucose from then hold off on that so in that sense it is the only

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thing that is trying to control glucose blood glucose without forcing it into

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the cell okay but anytime that you try to interfere once you try to to keep the

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liver from doing something then we have to ask ourselves how healthy is it to

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try to prevent the liver from doing what it thinks is right the second thing is

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pure insulin that's just what people inject and I'll call that crammed so the

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first mechanism is to trick the cells into accepting it and the second

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mechanism is insulin which is just to cram more of this glucose into the cell

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against its will and the third drug on the list is called Bydureon and it's in

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a class called glp-1 and what they do is they trick another kind of receptor into

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helping the pancreas make more insulin and that's the third mechanism so the

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first one is to trick the receptor into letting more in the second one is to use

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insulin to force the glucose into the cell and the third one is just to make

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more insulin so that feeds back into cram and this is all there is so I

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looked up a list that said top eight breakthrough diabetes treatments you may

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have missed so I looked at the eighth treatments and I listed those and that's

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from three to ten here and they're all they have different names and so this is

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the glp-1 that increases insulin production then we have something called

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Humalog which is just another form of insulin that is fast-acting so now it

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helps cram earlier after the meal then we have something called

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which increases insulin sensitivity we have something called Lantus which is

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another form of insulin that is long-acting so this lasts for up to 24

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hours so it just means it's slower to kick in but then it keeps cramming for

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the full 24 hours then we have Soliqua which is a mix of something that cramps

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for a long time and a glp-1 that increases insulin sensitivity and then

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you have another one that's a long-acting you have another one that is

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a glp-1 and you have another one that's a glp-1 and some of these are

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subcutaneous some are long-acting some are mixed but they're all the same stuff

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they're all acting to cram or trick or push the body into making more insulin

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and to get more stuff out of the bloodstream and into the cell and in

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doing that we are making insulin resistance worse because the moment that

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we back off on the drugs then that cell is finally left alone and it has way too

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much fuel to burn so now it is more insulin resistant than ever but then we

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have some people who are more natural more holistic they claim so now they're

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saying oh well you shouldn't use synthetic drugs you shouldn't use any

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pharmaceuticals because they're bad but you should use natural things because

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they're good so now they start talking about green tea which can increase

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insulin sensitivity they talk about cinnamon which can increase insulin

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sensitivity apple cider vinegar chromium they can increase insulin sensitivity

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and help lower blood sugar but now we again have to ask what are we actually

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doing sure we can help the sugar get out of the bloodstream we can we can

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introduce something into the body that will assist in lowering blood sugar that

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will have that will increase the drive to lower blood sugar but where is that

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sugar going it only has one place to go and that's into the cell and the cell is

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already full and if we increase insulin sensitivity

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by tricking the cell again it becomes more insulin resistance so when we look

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at the official goals of pharmacal treatment they seem very reasonable

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indeed that to reduce morbidity to reduce complications to restore normal

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insulin sensitivity and secretion but is any of that happening is any of that

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happening even a little bit with these or are we actually doing the exact

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opposite ok so every one of these treatments whether synthetic or natural

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they only act to do one thing and that is to increase the insulin or increase

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the action of insulin so that we can get the sugar out of the bloodstream and

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into the cell so when we look here at the four options to have less sugar in

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the blood then all the drugs are working at number one cram put more into the

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cell the liver is still going to do convert when it needs to and if we don't

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control it at all if we just let it go totally crazy we're going to pee some out so

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again the only way to create balance because that's what they say they want

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should restore normal insulin sensitivity and secretion that's

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balanced the only way to do that is to put less in there is no other way and

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what do we need put in less the things that stimulate insulin which are

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primarily sugar and processed grains so once we understand this picture now and

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we look at the recommendations which was they say the driving forces is obesity

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and abdominal fat then we understand how absurd the recommendation is to lose

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weight and lose belly fat because it's not the fat

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creating the insulin resistance it's the insulin resistance creating the weight

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gain because insulin is a storage hormone the more insulin resistance you

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are it's like your fat is in a deep freezer there's no way that you can

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touch it as long as you put in any more sugar on a regular basis so when they

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tell you to lose weight to control your insulin resistance first of all they

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have it backwards but then it's like the ultimate insult

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when every form of treatment serves to increase insulin resistance to increase

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the action of insulin which is to store more fat so with this treatment there's

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virtually no way to lose any weight or to reverse the insulin resistance and

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that's why it can be so frustrating for people who follow the mainstream

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recommendations they eat their carbohydrates they exercise and they

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take their metformin or their insulin and they're being told that they're lazy

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and they eat too much when everything that being told to do is going to

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increase the insulin action and store more fat so let's create an intelligent

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goal once we understand the mechanisms let's create the only goal that makes

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any kind of sense and it doesn't have anything to do with blood sugar it has

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to do with withholding starches and sugars making the body produce less

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insulin until the cell wants some fuel as long as we keep cramming the fuel

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into the cell it's not going to want anymore because it has too much the only

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way to create balance is to pull back on the supply until the cell wants some

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that's when insulin resistance starts reversing and how do you do that you do

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it with low carb diets with ketogenic diets with fasting intermittent fasting

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and with exercise and also as little I note everything that we've talked

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about here has to do with type 2 diabetes type 1 diabetes is a completely

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different things and insulin is absolutely appropriate and life-saving

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so that's a completely different making mechanism the type 1 diabetic needs

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insulin because he can't make any on his own the type 2 diabetic insulin is the

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worst kind of treatment because they already have too much so things are

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really quite simple once we look at them and we want to eat some food we want to

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store some food we want to burn some food and when we eat low carb and we eat

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keto and we fast and we learned that it's not necessary it's not obligatory

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it's not the only way to survive to eat six meals a day when we start skipping a

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breakfast or we skip a meal here and there now the body learns to regulate

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hunger and now if you eat once or twice or maybe three times a day you do it

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because your body has found the balance and it's telling you it's time to eat

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something so by getting the body into balance of eat store burn eat store

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burned that is how we become insulin sensitive and insulin sensitivity is the

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balance that we're talking about and that happens when we find the balance at

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a level that makes the cell want some fuel once in a while when we have a

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balance between storing and burning and insulin pushes that balance towards

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storage and the more insulin resistance we are the more it pushes it towards

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storage and we have no chance of retrieving that energy to burn it so

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does it mean that green tea or cinnamon or apple cider vinegar or chromium are

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bad things or insulin is a bad thing no the type 1 diabetic needs insulin and

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these are just components of food and if you do the right things if you start

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cutting back on some carbs if you do the Kido if you

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do the low-carb if you do the fasting now you're addressing the root cause

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you're turning this cycle around and now there's nothing wrong with helping your

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body use the blood glucose as long as you make it part of finding balance not

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just as a way of cramming more if you're new to the channel and you like having

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things explained so that you get the big picture make sure you subscribe and hit

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that notification bell and if you know other people which would probably be the

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case because this applies insulin resistance applies to at least 85% of

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the population to some degree whether they're officially classified or not

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then do them a favor and share this information so that they can start

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moving toward a healthier life thanks for watching

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