12 Amazing Ways To Boost Human Growth Hormone HGH (Natural Anti-Aging w/ Intermittent Fasting & HIIT

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ten amazing ways to boost human growth hormone also known as HGH so we're going

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to talk about what human growth hormone does why is it something that you want

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more of and we're going to talk about natural ways to maximize your own

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production of it but we're also going to talk about what can go wrong if you add

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it from the outside because that's becoming a very popular trend and as

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always we're going to not just list the steps but we're going to help you

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explain what each one does so that you understand and you can implement it in

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your life for the best possible health results coming right up

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hey I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss

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anything human growth hormone is exactly what it sounds like it's a hormone that

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promotes growth so when we take little babies and turn them into adults they're

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a whole lot bigger because they have had growth hormone during that time so while

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you're growing that's when your body makes the most growth hormone that you

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will ever have and then as you have reached your full height then from that

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point on your growth hormone tends to decline it goes down with age but it

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doesn't have to go down as fast as it does in most people so while you're

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growing you want a lot of it and your long bones your legs and your arms

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they have growth zones they have growth plates that respond to the growth

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hormone so while the growth plates are open you get taller after the growth

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plates close typically around 16 to 20 years old then you don't get any taller

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and if you get a lot of growth hormone like if you inject it then other bones

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start growing they grow very slightly but what you will see is if

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feet and your hands keep growing your jaw and your forehead and your eyebrows

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and your nose keep growing so people that have either a lot of natural growth

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hormone that's those facial features that you'll see or if they inject it

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then you can see even in some female bodybuilders where they start getting

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those facial features so why is growth hormone so attractive well the main

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thing it does besides growth is it mobilizes energy it when we don't eat

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your body makes growth hormone to pull from your energy stores so it improves

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metabolism and it increases lipolysis it promotes the breaking down of fat for

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energy so in that sense it's the opposite of insulin insulin stores fat

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growth hormone retrieves it to use for energy another thing that people like is

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that it promotes muscle growth it is muscle sparing that is why when we're

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fasting and growth hormone goes up that we don't burn muscle at the same rate

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that we burn fat the growth hormone tells the body burn the fat first spare

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the muscle and while you're not eating anything your body also uses the growth

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hormone to repair things to maintain the tissues so it's muscle growing and

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muscle sparing growth hormone has also been shown to improve mood and focus and

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energy and memory and concentration and it all fits if you think about it

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because your brain depends on maintenance and all those pathways that

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when you have more growth hormone growth hormone maintains the synapses as well

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there are two hormones in particular called BDNF and human growth hormone

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that together they not only build muscles but they even build brain tissue

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they build new brain cells in some cases but primarily they build new brain

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connections they put new synapses and new networks together which can only

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happen in the presence of growth hormone growth hormone has also been shown to

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increase libido and obviously the lack of growth hormone is a lack of libido

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it's even being called the Fountain of Youth that has very profound benefits

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for anti aging you age slower the body is better maintained and repaired with

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growth hormone but a lot of the press a lot of the attention has come obviously

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from pro athletes because it's a performance-enhancing drug when you

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inject it so that's illegal but a lot of athletes use it because it

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helps them perform better a lot of actors and a lot of celebrities are

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promoting it because obviously they have a lot of resources and they want to stay

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looking their best as long as possible and of course they get on all the TV

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shows because as soon as you have a little bit of celebrity then you're an

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instant expert on that topic so they get quoted a lot but the problem is that

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injecting it is not a great idea and we have high school students who are trying

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to grow some muscle to improve their appearance and as much as 11% of all

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high school students have tried human growth hormones so that's a very

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alarming trend when we think that the solution is something that we can just

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is a quick fix that we can add to the body some of the side effects that they

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noticed our aggression that they lose a lot of their inhibition they lose a lot

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of their control in the especially the frontal lobe in the brain and something

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that would be a strong enough reason by itself to most people I think would be

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that you're in guys the testes atrophy so anytime that you introduce something

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from the outside to the body something that the body normally makes on its own

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then there is less incentive for the body to make it that's called negative

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feedback if the body senses it's not there

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then it goes to work to produce it but if it's already there then it there's no

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need to make it so the body starts down regulating the production of that so the

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testes atrophy they shrink so now you have lessened fertility so guys who use

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this a lot especially at an early age they will have a harder time conceiving

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a child later on in life and the other concern with growth hormone is that it

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makes everything grow it promotes the growth of everything including things

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you don't want in your body and that would the number one thing you don't

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want in your body is cancer so there has been some suggestive

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research that it does promote cancer growth now what we want to understand

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though is when we're talking about how good human growth hormone is that is

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when the body is making it itself and when you have high insulin the body

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makes very very little of the human growth hormone and it's the combination

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of the growth hormone and the insulin that promotes cancer because cancer

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can't live in a low blue Coase in a low insulin environment so if you're eating

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a bunch of carbs and you have a high insulin level and then you're injecting

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human growth hormone now you're creating a situation that's not supposed to exist

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high growth hormone and high insulin it's not supposed to exist in the body

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that's artificially created whenever the body makes more on its own it's also

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going to have insulin low at the same time so that's a very safe combination

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when your body makes it on its own so now that we know what it does and why we

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want it let's jump into the top 12 suggested ways and some of these I'm

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going to recommend and some I'm going to tell you why I don't think it's such a

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great idea necessarily number one way is fasting intermittent fasting longer

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fasting the longer you fast the more growth hormone you make some studies

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have suggested that you can make as much as 2,000 percent more in after as little

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as a 24-hour fast now I don't know that it's going to happen that fast some

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studies suggest different numbers but nevertheless the increase is tremendous

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and it keeps going up to a sort of maximum level by the time you have

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fasted for a few or several days and again this makes perfect sense because

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when you're fasting then you need to mobilize energy you need to break down

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fat you need to spare muscles so the body has this magical is incredibly

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intelligent this precisely orchestrated symphony of events to make all these

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things happen at the same time perfect timing

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and number two hit high-intensity interval training because when you do

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hit you're telling your body that you're challenging the body that if you do this

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again the body has to get better until next time you do it so it'd better grow

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some muscles it better adapt to that challenge so high-intensity interval

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training can improve growth hormone by as much as 700% and the increase in

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growth hormone is proportional to the intensity of the exercise to the amount

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of the challenge if you challenge your body a little bit it'll make a little

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bit of growth hormone if you challenge it maximally then it will make the

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maximum amount of growth hormone number three make sure that you get enough

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sleep about eighty-five percent of your growth hormone is released during your

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sleep cycle and there's two reasons for that there's two reasons you want good

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sleep one of the reasons that you make that you're releasing most of the growth

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hormone is probably that you're fasting while you're sleeping so that goes

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together with number but they've also shown that the quality

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of sleep if you have that really deep delta sleep that really rejuvenating

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sleep you're actually releasing more hormones so it's the fact that you're

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fasting but it's also the quality of the sleep that matters number four you want

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to reduce insulin because insulin is the opposite of growth hormone we just

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talked about how growth hormone mobilizes energy insulin stores energy

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so anytime that you have a situation where the body makes insulin then you're

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gonna shut down growth hormone and if you watched any other videos on this

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channel then you know that insulin is stimulated by carbs so you want to

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follow a low-carb diet number five you want to reduce cortisol cortisol is a

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stress hormone whenever you're stressed your body is looking for more resources

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but it's looking for quicker resources then growth hormones so it makes

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cortisol and cortisol raise this blood sugar cortisol the blood sugar increases

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insulin so now you're shutting down growth hormone a little bit number five

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cortisol you want to reduce cortisol cortisol is a stress hormone and

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whenever you have stress your body is looking for more energy resources but

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unlike growth hormone that's more of a slow and steady rise and supply of

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energy stress demands a quick and instantaneous supply of energy and the

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fastest way during stress to produce energy is glucose so cortisol races

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glucose which also increases insulin so even though cortisol and growth hormone

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both work to increase energy production they actually work sort of opposite

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because like I said the human growth hormone is a long-term energy mobilizer

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and the cortisol is an instantaneous and because it's instantaneous and raises

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blood sugar and insulin it actually turns off

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growth hormone number six skip breakfast have no breakfast when you don't eat

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breakfast during sleep your body makes the growth hormone you have a little bit

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higher level of growth hormone we wake up in the morning if you eat you're

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producing insulin and you turn off that growth hormone if you skip the breakfast

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now you go longer fasting so again fasting is the strongest promoter of

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growth hormone so if you skip the breakfast now you're extending the fast

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making more growth hormone and this also goes with number seven have no food

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before bedtime so go try to get a two three four hour window at least between

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your last meal and bedtime and there's nothing magical about that except again

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you're extending your fast you're compressing your feeding window and

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you're extending your fasting window and you're promoting number one number eight

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someone suggested laughter and that has been shown to promote growth hormone and

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most likely that's because laughter makes you feel good it's a form of

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distressing so you want to do a lot of different things to reduce your stress

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you want to relax you want to meditate your breathing exercises and watching a

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funny movie or having a good time is another form of reducing stress and then

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the last four I put in a different color because they're sort of different and a

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lot of references I saw they said the number one thing you wanted to do was to

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lose belly fat well losing belly fat is not a bad thing but it's the wrong thing

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to focus on because the belly fat is only there because of insulin if you

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watch some of my other videos you know that cortisol and insulin is what

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produces the belly fat so you don't want to go after the belly fat because then

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you might do something stupid like trying to remove the belly fat with

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sit-ups or crunches and you think more is better and now you're just making

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more cortisol and it's backfiring so crunches are not

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bad losing belly fat is not bad but don't think that it's the losing of the

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belly fat that's doing it it's an association they've done studies and

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they found people with more belly fat have less growth hormone well yes

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because people with belly fat have very high insulin levels their insulin

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resistance so forget about the belly fat focus on the insulin and reducing carbs

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go fast longer periods of time number 10 arginine and vitamins and there's

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different amino acids that have been shown to increase growth hormone so

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isn't that a good idea well yeah kind of but just try to get over the idea once

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and for all that taking something for something is gonna solve a problem you

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want to solve the underlying problem you want to reduce the insulin you want to

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get your body into a pattern where it's storing and retrieving in a good ratio

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so adding some nutrients it's not a bad idea just don't think that one thing is

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going to solve all your problems and don't think that mega-doses of one thing

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is going to be always beneficial because once we get into that kind of thinking

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now we think oh 500 milligrams is good let me take 5,000 and now we're just

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unbalancing something else your body is made to live off of food and the better

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the balance and the complexity of those foods the better off you are

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number 11 GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid so that has been shown to increase

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growth hormone why wouldn't you want to take that because it's a

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neurotransmitter it's something that the body produces on its own and they've

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done some research and they found that yes indeed it increased the growth

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hormone secretion but the benefits were short-lived why because anytime you add

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something to the body that the body is supposed to make and to balance on its

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own you're reducing the body's own

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production it's down regulating it because you're adding it the body

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doesn't need to make it okay so please understand that principle that if the

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body is supposed to make it then you can't add it in the long term without

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upsetting a balance and the same exact thing holds true for melatonin melatonin

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is a sleep hormone and it is produced by the pineal gland and when your body is

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imbalanced you make the right amount of it and melatonin promotes better sleep

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so yes number three sleep is very important and

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I'm not totally opposed to using melatonin occasionally but it does

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develop kind of a dependency because when you add it on a regular basis your

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body down regulates the production melatonin is directly opposed to

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cortisol so whenever you have cortisol and stress you're gonna suppress

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melatonin and vice versa so again if you take melatonin

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occasionally then I think that's all right but long-term you want to reduce

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the stress because the stress is what's inhibiting the melatonin so growth

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hormone is very desirable and the older we get the more we want to work at

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maintaining proper levels but more is only better if the body makes it itself

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once you start adding it from the outside you will always change the

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balance in the body so here's how we want to think about these things we want

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to think about the sequence of how the body creates health

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it starts with raw materials that call substrates they're the pieces that the

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body needs to put things together that's food and whole food supplements so food

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would ideally be the only source but because food is kind of depleted these

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days it doesn't have the minerals and vitamins that it used to and because

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when we're stressed we increase our need then it is a good idea

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to supplement and food processing of course destroys more nutrients so things

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like fish oil and nutritional yeast and some mineral supplements I think is a

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very good idea for most people so those are the substrates and then you provide

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the substrates to the body and then the body has innate intelligence it's very

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very smart and then you take the conditions of life the conditions are

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going to change they're going to vary some days certain things happen in other

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days they happen less the conditions of life and the body responds and adapt to

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those conditions and then brings the body back to homeostasis that's the

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balance where everything is working perfectly so when all of this is working

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now the body produces the optimal hormones the optimal pH the optimal

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stomach acid the optimal muscle tone for that condition the optimal blood

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pressure depends depending on what you're doing at the time so yes we want

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more growth hormone but let the body make it and just do the natural things

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that induce that stimulate the body to adapt and create those responses in the

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body the body will always produce the optimal amount of something at the right

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time in the right amount and it will provide it for the right duration that's

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how the body orchestrates everything and always returns to homeostasis so very

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often we put a lot of words to it it looks complicated but when you think

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about it when everything that we're trying to talk about on this channel

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brings it back to the simple and the natural so fasting is the most natural

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thing there is because your ancestors didn't have food all the time so they

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fasted except it was called starving when they didn't have the

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option of eating until they found something but for them it was starving

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for you it's fasting it's the same thing metabolically hit was called having fun

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running around or not so fun being chased by something trying to eat you

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that was their hit they got their sleep on a regular basis because the Sun went

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down they didn't have much carbs so they didn't make they didn't get their

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insulin out of balance they didn't develop insulin resistance they had some

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stress but it was short-term it wasn't a chronic stress that never went away they

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ran away from the animal and then they could sit down and have a good time they

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didn't have breakfast until they went out and found something and they

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probably didn't eat right before bedtime because they probably only ate once or

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twice a day so this isn't super complicated it's things that humans have

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done and we just need to understand how the world has changed so that we can fit

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into it and let our physiology be as close as possible to what our ancestors

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had to what our body is designed for if you want to learn more we have lots of

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videos on all these related topics and if you enjoyed this video then I'm sure

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you're gonna love that one thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next

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time go make some growth hormone

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