10 Weird Signs You Already Have LIVER DAMAGE

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Hello Health Champions. Is your liver dying? And  if so how could you tell? The first sign might  

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just be something as common as a big belly whereas  some of the other signs we're going to talk about  

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may seem a little weird but once you understand  what causes them then it just goes to show how  

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incredibly common they are and how far-reaching  liver damage could be and sign number one is dry  

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eyes or dry mouth I mean this has happened to  everyone at some point but when is it serious  

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well this could be due to a hormonal imbalance  and there's two hormones that can be get out of  

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balance from a liver damage and that's cortisol  and insulin and they can affect fluid balance  

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in the body you can get dehydrated and lose fluid  that way it could also be the thyroid because the  

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liver is responsible for converting and activating  most of the thyroid hormones you can't really have  

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good good thyroid function without a healthy liver  and the thyroid will stimulate the salivary glands  

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that produce tears and saliva but it could also  be a metabolic imbalance and there's something  

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called hepatic encephalopathy which means the  liver is supposed to neutralize toxins and if  

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the liver isn't so healthy now toxins build  up and if they build up enough at a certain  

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point the whole brain chemistry gets affected  and the Brain can't carry out all its function  

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and all its regulation appropriately and one of  the most important things it does is to regulate  

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your autonomic or your automatic function in  the body so you don't think about breathing or  

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making saliva and all this and whenever you have  a stress you're going to turn off your relaxing or  

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your parasympathetic part of the nervous system  and this part is responsible for all secretions  

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so again if the brain is stressed and it can't  relax properly now you can't regulate secretions  

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so obviously the liver can cause this but it  could also be something as simple as stress  

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and it's important that you start understanding  some of these mechanisms so that you can tell when  

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it's really serious and when it's just something  temporary and one example that you've probably all  

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experienced is if you're having to do a speech  like a public performance and you get really  

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really nervous and your mouth dries up that's  the perfect example some people call it cotton  

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mouth and you can hear this on people when they  get nervous and they speak into a microphone and  

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all of a sudden you hear that smacking dry sound  in the mouth so that's just the stress turning  

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off the salivary function and perhaps the most  important reason that we understand some of these  

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things is because of how common this is this  is what a healthy liver looks like it's kind  

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of pinkish reddish but then as the liver starts to  get damaged it changes color and it goes pale and  

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yellow and that's because of fatty infiltration  it's called a fatty liver and it used to be that  

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this mostly happened to alcoholics but today the  vast majority are just caused by poor diet and  

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today we have as much as 40% of the population has  fatty infiltration in their liver and this is the  

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first time this isn't necessarily A unhealthy  liver but this is where it starts becoming  

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unhealthy This Is Where It Starts developing  some low-grade inflammation and taking on some  

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damage in the next stage called liver fibrosis  the this is where the inflammation progresses  

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and some of the healthy tissue turns fibrous it  hardens and now it's much much harder to reverse  

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the damage and this could be as many as 12% so  if we look at these numbers and realize that in  

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the us alone there's probably a 100 million  people with fatty liver and maybe even more  

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with a small degree of fatty liver and there's  tens of Millions with fibrosis with progressing  

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damage then the next step is where this fibrosis  gets very very severe and now they call it liver  

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cirrhosis and this can affect as many as 5% of  the population so we're still talking tens of  

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millions in the United States now the good news is  that the liver is the most amazing organ in terms  

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of regenerating you can cut off a huge portion of  the liver and and it rebuilds itself in weeks and  

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months the problem is that you need to do that  you need to start taking care of the liver in  

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the early stages while there's just some fatty  infiltration you can probably reverse that 100%  

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or near 100% but once there is more and more  healthy tissue turning fibrous then it becomes  

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harder and harder to reverse and repair that  liver and by the time you're in cirrhosis and  

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significant portion or most of the liver is turned  into fibrous tissue now there's probably not much  

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that you can do about it and there's several  things that can cause liver damage one would  

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be the hepatitis virus another one traditionally  people think about is alcohol excess alcohol that  

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liver has to metabolize that all that alcohol  and the alcohol turns into fat and just like we  

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talked about creates damage you can also Al  have autoimmune hepatitis where your immune  

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system gets confused and starts attacking the  tissue and breaking it down causing inflammation  

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and then there is acute liver failure and this  is where you're basically feeling good one day  

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and then the next day you are feeling terrible  and you rush to the emergency room so a lot of  

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these processes develop over a long time but this  acute failure Could Happen very very quickly and  

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now the number one cause is going to be medication  and some of this would be prescription medication  

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that's controlled and restricted but most of it  is actually over the counter medication that you  

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can go and buy anywhere But even with all these  different causes the number one cause today of  

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fatty liver is fructose and that's what we get  in added sugar so table sugar Agave molasses  

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high fructose corn syrup they're going to be  50% on average fructose and 50% glucose so if  

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you eat a 100 grams of sugar which most people do  based on the average then you're getting 50 grams  

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of fructose that is almost as bad as alcohol in  turning the liver fatty and therefore fructose  

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is also the driving factor between obesity and  cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes and  

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a day goes by that we don't hear about how  obesity causes different diseases but it's  

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not how it works and it's super important if we  want to try to address some of these things we  

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need to understand the difference between a cause  and an association so if they tell us for example  

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that non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is caused  by obesity then they don't understand really how  

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things work because a non-alcoholic fatty liver  is going to be caused by insulin resistance and  

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this insulin resistance which is when we eat  too much sugar and too much processed foods and  

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too many processed carbohydrates this insulin  resistance is what leads to obesity and then  

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this insulin resistance also leads to type two to  diabetes so there's no causal relationship between  

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fatty liver and obesity they just occur together  the cause is insulin resistance and just like we  

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what we said is the cause of insulin resistance  is primarily fructose it's not the only cause  

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excess carbohydrates processed carbohydrates  even seed oils and inflammation have a role in  

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this but fructose tends to be the thing that  tips the scale so rather than blaming type 2  

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diabetes and obesity for the problem we need to  understand that the cause is fructose causing  

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insulin resistance causing these other problems  sign number two is increased thirst which could  

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also be part of the metabolic imbalance so if  that's not working now we could have a buildup of  

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a waste product called ammonia and if that builds  high enough now it can start affecting the brain's  

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ability to regulate fluid balance and also the  kidney's ability to regulate fluid and there's  

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more players than that there's also something  called the adrenal gland that makes a hormone  

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that tells the kidney how much sodium and water  to reabsorb so I'm only showing you this for the  

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relationship to understand that the brain talks to  the kidney and the kidney and the adrenals talk to  

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each other and the Brain talks to the adrenal  and then a bunch of things that the liver does  

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affects the adrenal so everything is interrelated  so it's kind of like tumbling dominoes that if the  

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liver is compromised now it starts affecting all  kinds of other things but it works the other way  

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around as well that once you start improving one  aspect now you get a domino the other way where  

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it starts improving a bunch of other things which  is what holistic healthcare the holistic Viewpoint  

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is that you look at the whole picture and once you  start improving one thing it starts affecting all  

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kinds of things sign number three is spider veins  and this is a circulatory imbalance that can also  

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be caused by an unhealthy liver and spider veins  are spider like looking veins that are very close  

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to the surface very superficial and very small and  the cause is something called portal hypertension  

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so that is when the blood pressure increases in  the portal vein and what is that well whenever  

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you eat food and that gets digested and absorbed  the blood vessels in the gut takes that blood and  

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comes together into the portal vein which is one  big blood vessels that takes it into the liver so  

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the liver gets first shot at everything that you  eat it needs to process and detoxify and figure  

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out if it's good or bad stuff that's coming in  but now if the liver is compromised if it starts  

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getting fatty infiltration and fibrous tissue  now that blood can't flow from the portal vein  

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and through the liver so it kind of backs up  and now that blood pressure increases because  

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the liver is backed up and that's where we could  get things like these spider veins when that back  

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pressure increases and bursts some of these fine  blood vessels but there other blood vessels that  

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can also be affected such as in sign number four  you could get hemorrhoids from this same mechanism  

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because that's also expanded blood vessels that  are affected by the portal vein and sign number  

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five is difficult breathing which could also be  due to the portal veins so here if the pressure  

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if the blood backs up and the pressure increases  now some of that water could be squeezed out of  

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the blood vessels and into the surrounding tissue  so you get water in the abdominal cavity and this  

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is called AES it could result in a big belly in  some cases and the way you could tell from other  

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big bellies is that it would be like water if you  push it it would kind of be like a wave floating  

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around in the stomach and then some of this  water in the abdominal cavity could actually  

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get into the plural space called plural fusion  and this is the space around the lungs there's  

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like a double layer with vacuum around the lungs  and if we have water leaking in here and if that  

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goes far enough now we could actually compromise  the lungs ability to absorb oxygen and sign number  

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six is very low cholesterol so most people are  taught that cholesterol is a bad thing and the  

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lower the better well that's not true because  cholesterol is super important and the body  

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makes the vast majority of all the cholesterol  that you have and that you use is manufactured  

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because we need it so if you have very very low  cholesterol it could be that you're not able  

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to make it so what could be the mechanism behind  that well if you have an impaired liver that can't  

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neutralize toxins some of those toxins are going  to be heavy metals so now you get a heavy metal  

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toxicity and these heavy metals can interfere with  key enzymes involved in the man manufacturer of  

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cholesterol Metals aren't the only thing but it  is one example of what could happen and now the  

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mechanism the problem is impaired synthesis so  I hope you can start seeing how many different  

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functions the liver performs and how far-reaching  it can be and in addition to cholesterol of course  

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the liver makes all kinds of things primarily  proteins and it makes tens of thousands even  

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hundreds of thousands of different proteins some  of these are blood proteins that help regulate  

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the thickness and viscosity of the blood some are  enzymes that perform various metabolic functions  

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in the body some proteins are hormones others  regulate inflammation and then we also have  

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proteins that are involved with immune regulation  and there are transport proteins and this brings  

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us to sign number seven which is muscle wasting  also due to impaired synthesis because some of  

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these proteins that the liver make are necessary  for maintenance and support of muscles they don't  

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actually make the muscle proteins because that's  made in the muscle but they make other proteins  

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that support and enable the muscles to function  and if you start seeing muscle wasting it's going  

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to be most obvious in the large muscle groups  first in areas like your thigh the quadriceps  

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and your hamstrings but also of course the butt  the Gluteus Maximus so now you're seeing things  

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like really skinny legs and a big belly and a flat  butt and a bad liver is not the only thing that  

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can cause this it can also be caused by stress  and high cortisol levels and insulin resistance  

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but liver is just one more way that this can  happen so if you start putting the signs and  

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symptoms together now maybe you can start seeing a  bigger picture sign number eight is taste per and  

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this is kind of a weird one to most people and  they're not really sure of the exact mechanism  

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but they know with liver damage that it's common  enough that there's a clear association between  

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liver damage and a change in taste and it could  be that you get a metallic taste it could be a  

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bitter taste or even a lack of taste and some  of the suggested mechanisms would be a change  

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in B composition or it could be a deficiency in  nutrients like B12 or zinc and it could also be  

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that the liver damage causes inflammation that  affects how The Taste receptors process or when  

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the taste receptors send the signal to the brain  there could also be a change in neural processing  

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from that inflammation so I think you can see why  it's appropriate that the first four letters of  

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the world liver is live and why it's such a bad  thing if your liver is dying but you can also see  

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that the signs that we're going through could  have multiple different causes not just liver  

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failure and this is why it's so important that  we understand some of the mechanisms and see  

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the bigger picture why it's not enough to just  memorize a list it's not enough just to get a  

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quick idea we have to become students of Health  today we have to start understanding our bodies  

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and why is that because the world has changed  the world has changed more in 50 years than the  

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previous 50,000 and most of the thousands or  tens of thousands of different chemicals and  

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factors that affect us today your ancestors never  had your DNA was never exposed to these factors  

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before so we need to start understanding how they  affect us and a rather sad illustration of that  

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is the fact that we today they have a sick care  system where we treat symptoms and disease and  

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emergencies and this is costing us $4.9 trillion  this year when I started talking about this 10,  

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15 years ago it was three trillion and now we're  in a few years we'll be double that and that  

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doesn't mean as I'm sure you've seen that people  are getting healthier. No, the rates of diabetes  

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and obesity and cancer it's all going up because  the sick care system is not addressing root causes  

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it's only trying to cover things up and the reason  we get so sick is that we don't understand how the  

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world has changed or what to do about it how to  make ourselves fit in to this new world and that's  

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why I do the videos the way that I do they're a  little bit longer than most but once you invest  

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that time now you can start understanding the  mechanisms and you can truly be empowered and  

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start taking charge of your health number nine  is restlessness anxiety and agitation and again  

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this is when the liver is pretty far gone in  terms of damage and we have something called  

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hepatic encephalopathy liver is failing causing  brain damage or even if it's not damaged brain  

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it's interfering with the proper function of the  brain so now we have neurological compromise and  

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we have toxicity in the bloodstream to the point  where the brain just isn't able to carry out its  

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normal function with the precision that we're  looking for and this could lead to sign number 10  

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which is mood swings which could have to do also  with irritability or even behavioral changes and  

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I'm not going to go into depth on solutions in  this video because I made several other videos  

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that talk about that so if you enjoyed this video  you're going to love that one and if you truly  

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want to master Health by understanding how the  body really works make sure you subscribe hit  

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