10 Ways To Lose More Weight & Burn More Fat While Sleeping

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hello health champions is it possible to lose  more weight and burn more fat while you're  

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sleeping we're going to review some data and  separate fact from fiction coming right up hey  

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I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former  Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly master  

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health by understanding how the body really works  make sure you subscribe and hit that notification  

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bell so you don't miss anything I reviewed a few  of the top videos and together they represented  

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about twenty million views so hopefully you would  think they had some good data in there and there  

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was some but the problem is that they never talked  about the mechanism and there is no consideration  

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for health so a lot of times people think that  just because something works it's a good idea  

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or if it seems to work short term but we're gonna  talk about in a more holistic perspective how it's  

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actually good for you which ones of these are  going to help you and which ones are gonna hurt  

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you the way to burn more fat to lose weight while  you're sleeping is to have a healthy metabolism  

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and this is something that all of these videos  agree on so they had somewhere between 1 and  

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15 different ways and putting it all together I  came up with about 13 different claims that they  

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had but I want you to keep in mind that these  are the claims we're gonna talk about this is  

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not the final list so don't just stop here and go  with this we're gonna go over this and talk about  

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which one's a fact and which ones are fiction  somebody's metabolism all about well in all of  

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these videos they claim as usual that it's about  calories they talk about what you did this and  

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it burns that many calories but that's kind of  irrelevant because a calorie is just a unit of  

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energy expenditure is just a way of measuring  how much is happening but if we induce or force  

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or trick the body into using more energy it's  usually short term what's really matters is how  

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willing is the body to spend energy does the  body perceive that there's a shortage or an  

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abundance because when they talk about calories  there make an assumption they're assuming that  

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we create this change but all other factors remain  the same and that is absolutely ridiculous because  

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the reality of the thing is that the body always  compensates for things the body always adapts and  

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the body always moves back to homeostasis what  we want to be aware of is that certain things  

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can look like they're working in the short-term  but they can set us up for trouble in the long  

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run so consider the following is this a good  thing how does it affect homeostasis if we push  

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the body out of balance in the short-term is it  going to allow the body a better balance in the  

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long term and if we do something over and over  then we're changing plasticity we are rewiring  

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the body and setting up a new habit so is this a  good habit in all ways we want to ask ourselves  

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is this a natural thing and if we're eating if  we're ingesting something we want to ask is this  

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something that the body usually needs is this a  natural part of human lifestyle is it what we call  

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a genuine replacement part something that the body  can use to build stuff or it's a natural component  

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of metabolism so hopefully you're interested not  just in results but long-term health and here's  

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what we want to ask how does it actually work how  does it influence long term homeostasis or balance  

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and how does it affect the body's willingness to  spend because that's what metabolism is in the  

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long run how much is the body willing to spend and  the mechanisms in question are insulin sensitivity  

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and in in resistance it is human growth hormone  and a couple more stress hormones adrenaline and  

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cortisol and we want to look at how does this  work long-term versus short-term the first thing  

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they're suggesting is to optimize thyroid function  and that is fantastic advice because the thyroid  

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is your metabolic regulator but what does it  mean to fix it so they're suggesting typically  

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a few different minerals and zinc and selenium  are things that a lot of people are deficient  

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in but the third mineral that they suggest is  iodine and that is kind of a two-edged sword  

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it can help some people it can hurt other people  and 35 percent of the world's population live in  

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areas where there is little iodine in the soil  so for those people if they're truly deficient  

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and that's their only problem then taking iodine  is going to help their thyroid but if you don't  

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live someplace where the soil is poor in iodine  then chances are really really high like 90% that  

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you're under performing thyroid is because of  something called Hashimoto's disease and that  

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is an autoimmune disease and the problem with that  is if you have an autoimmune thyroid and you take  

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iodine then you're giving the thyroid something  that will make it work more then you're going  

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to up regulate the autoimmune attack you're going  to make the autoimmune worse and you're going to  

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increase the attack on the thyroid so absolutely  we want to optimize thyroid function but it's not  

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as simple as taking this stuff just keep that  in mind suggestion number two is to get enough  

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good sleep and that is good advice because they  found in people who sleep five hours rather than  

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the average normal eight hours is it increases to  stress on the body it dramatically increases the  

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amount of cortisol produced and with doing that  it's going to increase cravings it will increase  

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muscle loss and it will decrease human growth  hormone because when your body's in a state of  

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stress it wants emergency fuel it wants glucose  because that's the fastest fuel and that's why  

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it produces cortisol to raise glucose but  it also increases cravings so you can get  

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even more glucose and then it burns off muscle  because that's a third way to make glucose out  

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of muscle so stress is one of the most devastating  things that you can have on the body and sleeping  

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more is a great way to improve the balance and  reduce the stress one more way that sleeping  

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helps because it's not just about the number  of hours it is about the regularity and when  

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you sleep and the quality of sleep so try to sleep  while it's dark and try to get into a rhythm in a  

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circadian rhythm that has some regularity because  your body produces growth hormone in bursts and  

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some of that is while you're sleeping and if  you have a good quality and a regular sleep your  

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body's gonna release more growth hormone which  will improve your metabolism the third way is to  

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do hit high-intensity interval training and what  that does it dramatically can increase your human  

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growth hormone without costing you a whole lot  of cortisol human growth hormone builds muscle  

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and it can provide better sleep in the sense  that if you play hard then you're also going  

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to sleep better the fourth suggestion is to lift  weights and when you lift weights you can build  

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muscle and muscle is more metabolically active  you're going to use more energy you're going to  

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have more blood circulation for every pound of  muscle you have rather than every pound of fat  

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and if you lift weights heavy meaning heavy  weights few repetitions then you're kind of  

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mimicking the high-intensity interval training and  now you're also making more human growth hormone  

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because you're challenging you're pushing your  body just like you do with a hit and all of that  

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put together is going to help you build more  muscle and more growth hormone which is fat  

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burning suggestion number five is cold showers and  what does that do it kind of shocks you and that's  

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a beneficial stress as long as it's short-term  that's the key to understand that stress can  

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be beneficial which is called you stress or it  can be destructive which is called distress and  

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the body the human body is made for short-term  high intensity stress things like high intensity  

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interval training and weight lifting and cold  showers and ice baths that is good because it  

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shocks the body and then hopefully we get enough  time to recover and recuperate the bad stress is  

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chronic a little bit of stress all the time it  breaks the body down and doesn't give the body  

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time and opportunity to recover and rebuild so  the short term produces an extreme sympathetic  

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stress and the sympathetic nervous system is the  portion of your nervous system that responds to  

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stress and creates a stress response with high  blood pressure high heart rate etc and it also  

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creates more adrenaline and more cortisol and  more growth hormone and these are stress hormones  

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that are good in the short term and bad in the  long term the other thing that happens though is  

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when you have a lot of something when you have an  extreme stress response it makes it easier for the  

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body to create a rebound parasympathetic meaning  when you kind of pull and stretch something in  

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one way it's gonna go more the other way when you  let go so this creates a more profound relaxation  

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effect that's why people say after a cold shower  they feel amazingly relaxed and what happens now  

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is you get a decrease in cortisol and a decrease  in adrenaline in the long run so you have a  

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short-term increase but you more than make up  for it with a decrease in the long run suggestion  

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number six is to take MCT oil why because it can  help people get a 5 percent higher metabolism so  

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how do we want to think about this well it's the  quick fuel source that's why it works if you are  

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primarily dependent on carbohydrates if you have  trained your body to a carbohydrate metabolism  

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and you're trying to switch over to a fat-burning  metabolism your body resists a little bit so if  

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you give it a quick fuel source then it senses  that there's a perception of fuel but it gets  

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that without insulin ok the other fast fuel is  glucose carbohydrate but it comes at a price of  

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higher insulin which creates problems and long  run so here's like the perfect middle road you  

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get something that doesn't stimulate insulin but  it's still quick number 7 is to eat more protein  

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and proteins not a bad thing but the reason  they're saying to do that is because protein is  

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expensive to digest as opposed to carbohydrate  and fat which get into the system very easily  

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protein is difficult so what that means is for  every hundred calories of protein that you eat  

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fifteen to thirty of those calories are used up  right away in the breaking down of that food so  

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it's like the net calories are fewer from protein  and that's a terrible way to look at it alright  

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we should eat protein because we need protein we  need building blocks not to try to push metabolism  

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in a certain way because this is one of those  things where if you make the badi do more in one  

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way it's just going to compensate something else  there is no positive net effect of this the other  

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argument for eating more protein is that if you  eat it before you go to bed then at night you'll  

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have stable blood sugar and that's not a terrible  idea but it doesn't have to be protein it could  

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be also fat anything that is satiating that gives  you a sense of fullness without affecting insulin  

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suggestion number eight is to drink a lot of  water and it's not about hydration it's about  

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the coldness of the water it's about something  called a thermogenic effect so what happens is  

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your body has a certain body temperature and a  certain mass and then you put in another smaller  

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mass that is cold or ice cold now you just lower  the body's average temperature you have a heat  

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deficit and your body is going to crank up the  furnace to make up the difference so this is a  

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short-term stress and this is where we get into  trouble so often with getting a short-term benefit  

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seeming benefit but in the long run there is no  way that the body is going to benefit from this  

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because it's just going to compensate you didn't  add anything useful to the body you didn't change  

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hormones or behavior so it's just gonna compensate  someplace else what we would want to ask though is  

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what happens to your digestion what happens to the  health of your digestive tract if you drink large  

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amounts of cold or ice cold water the ninth way  is to eat spicy peppers because peppers contain  

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something called capsaicin that's a chemical that  has a thermogenic effect and this will create a  

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short-term chemical stress is that a good thing  may seem like a benefit but your body is gonna  

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compensate and adapt and make up for it so there's  no net gain again we want to ask rather what could  

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happen to our digestive tract our digestive health  if we do this on a regular basis the 10th way is  

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to sleep in a colder environment and what happens  then is your body has to produce more heat and it  

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up regulates it makes more of something called  brown fat and this is not like your average fat  

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on the body this is a kind of fat that has a  thermogenic it's the heat producing fat which  

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is a good thing so by up regulating your brown  fat you could actually improve your metabolism  

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the other reason to turn the temperature down a  little bit is that people generally sleep better  

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in a cooler environment they get a deeper more  peaceful a better quality sleep and if you want  

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to give this a try then do it gradually because  you have to give your body some time to adapt and  

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upregulate this because otherwise you're going to  be miserable also think about not overcompensate  

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don't put on a lot of more clothing or put more  blankets on because that's going to defeat the  

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purpose the whole point is to teach your body  to produce more heat so do it a little bit at  

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a time maybe one degree per night or one degree  for every few nights number eleven is caffeine  

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and what does it do it is a short-term chemical  stress it increases adrenaline it's a stimulant  

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and if you do it on a regular basis like you  have many many cups of coffee every day now  

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you're affecting plasticity now you're creating  a habit and a demand that's going to increase  

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cortisol it's going to increase insulin resistance  and it can contribute to adrenal fatigue and while  

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there are some seemingly beneficial effects of  coffee they're all short-term all right so don't  

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think of it as a good thing it's something  that the body can tolerate in moderation but  

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it cannot promote homeostasis long term number 12  is apple cider vinegar and it can improve insulin  

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sensitivity in doing that it can improve the fat  burning potential when insulin goes down then we  

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free up the fat stores the body can use the fat  store so the potential for fat burning goes up  

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significantly and there's some other evidence that  suggests apple cider vinegar can help your satiety  

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help you control your appetite so it's a good idea  to give it a try and take maybe two tablespoons  

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a day and if you want some of these benefits for  insulin sensitivity during the night to stabilize  

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blood sugar then taking maybe a tablespoon before  bed would be a good idea the 13th way to improve  

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fat burning and weight loss during sleep is to  adopt a low carb lifestyle because carbs are  

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burned first so if you always eat a bunch of carbs  and you keep refilling topping off with carbs then  

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your body never really gets to any significant  fat burning therefore the less carbs you eat the  

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closer you are to the fat-burning zone you might  get there in three to four hours instead of 12 to  

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14 to 16 hours after a meal a low carb lifestyle  also helps you reduce insulin overtime which  

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like we said make the fat stores on the body more  available and this is going to help you greatly in  

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your overall fat adaptation so yes fix the thyroid  absolutely but it's not just about taking iodine  

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if you think you have a thyroid issue go get some  help from someone who's qualified in helping you  

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with subtle issues and autoimmunity and then there  are some things that you can still do and take but  

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do them for the right reasons don't think of them  as a way to improve fat burning one is MCT oil it  

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can be a great thing in a transition phase use  it once in a while on an ongoing basis but think  

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of it as a highly refined food it doesn't have  a whole lot of nutrients if you want to use a  

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tablespoon in bulletproof now and then that's fine  but again don't use more thinking that it's this  

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magical tool hot peppers eat some spicy food if  you like it but don't think of it as a magic pill  

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caffeine same thing have a cup of coffee or two  but don't drink it because you think it's gonna  

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do something great for you should you ever drink  cold water well have a cold drink if it's really  

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hot outside and sip it so you can enjoy it don't  do it to try to create some thermogenic effect  

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eat protein because protein provides building  blocks don't eat extra protein to try to make  

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it difficult for your body to digest food thereby  burning more energy it's going to backfire here  

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then are the best ways the things that you want  to pursue in order to improve your metabolism  

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number one is to lift weights especially if  you do high-intensity and short duration and  

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reps number two cold showers keeping in mind  that longer and more isn't necessarily better  

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because high stress can just break the body down  number three look for a lower temperature at night  

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because you can up regulate your Brown fat but  do it gradually so that your body has time to  

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adapt and actually create that change over time  number four get enough sleep good quality sleep  

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and sleep during the dark hours of the day so that  you optimize your circadian clock number five do  

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some high-intensity interval training and just  like all of these other things don't think that  

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more is better and why do these items remain on  this short list because they are things that are  

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good in the long term they are things that allow  your body to return to homeostasis that you can  

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promote homeostasis in the long run as opposed to  just stressing the body for a short-term effect if  

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you enjoyed this video and you'd like to learn  more about how the body works and how to get  

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truly I've done videos covering every idea that  we've discussed through this video but I think  

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that you would really like to watch that one next  thanks so much for watching I'll see you next time

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