10 Warning Signs Your CORTISOL Is Way Too High!
Hello Health Champions today we're going to talk about the top 10 signs your cortisol is too high,
Now cortisol is often called the stress hormone and they're mentioned together so much that people
think that stress and cortisol are the same thing and that's not the whole picture because stress is
a much bigger picture stress is a neurological adaptation where your body shifts so basically
if you're in a relaxed state called feed breed and then you encounter something that your body
finds dangerous whether it's a real or imagined danger now you get into the fight flight response
and now your body starts shifting priority you start shifting resources so first of all a few
things happen is that your pupils dilate so you can take in more light and see more of the danger
that's going on so pupils will dilate then your blood pressure will increase your heart rate will
increase your muscles will tense up and all of this is so that you can get ready for that fight
flight so that you can fight or run away you're going to need more blood in the muscles you need
tension in the muscles and so forth and then your body also needs some fast emergency Fuel and this
is where the cortisol comes in because cortisol is a hormone that its purpose is to raise blood sugar
so that's the fight flight response and that takes a lot of resources so if we send more resources to
the fight flight response than all of the things that normally are handled by our feed breed or
our relaxation response like digestion are going to go down our immune system is going to go down
our reproductive function is going to go down our healing and repair is going to go down so we need
to understand that if we truly understand this picture digestion immunity cardiovascular disease
high blood pressure etc etc then that pretty much encompasses all disease there are very few things
that wouldn't fit in to that picture so if we were to do a video on stress the signs of stress they
would include basically everything and we could call that video 10 000 signs of stress now don't
worry I'm not going to do that video would be here forever the cortisol is a part of that it's
only the portion it's a chemical messenger it's a hormone that raises blood sugar primarily but also
has some other effects that we're going to talk about and it's one hormone among several and it
is part of this stress response Cascade so in this video we're not going to talk about the stress
response as a whole we're going to hone in on the specific things that have to do with cortisol and
sign number one is weight gain and how does that come about especially around the abdominal area so
this is often called an apple shaped weight gain you can have a pear-shaped weight gain
where you gain it mostly on the hips or you can have a little bit all over but if you gain it
mostly around the middle in an apple shape that is especially bad because that's because of visceral
fat intra-abdominal fat and if the weight happens to be there specifically it's usually associated
with cortisol and now it's not just fat but it's associated with a lot of different diseases
and what happens with cortisol we said that it raises blood sugar it's the
purpose is to generate glucose and there's different ways we're going to talk about
when glucose goes up then insulin goes up and if this happens chronically like you're chronically
stressed chronically High cortisol now we get a increased level of insulin resistance
and if you have stubborn weight then it could be that you've done a lot of different things
you're doing some exercise you're doing some dietary changes but if that cortisol is there
to trigger insulin then that could be the reason that that stubborn weight won't let go and number
two is blood sugar imbalances we just said that the purpose of cortisol is to raise blood sugar
and that's because blood sugar is the emergency fuel the body prefers to burn fat for the Baseline
for a nice steady energy Supply but if we need a little extra energy like we're being chased by a
wild animal now we're going to need sugar so we can break that down when we can't breathe
fast enough to oxidize and burn that fat we're going to need just a little buffer and that's
what the glucose is the emergency fuel but the problem with modern society is that our stresses
are more mental they're more more imaginary we don't have wild animals chasing after us if we
did we would use up all that energy so the body generates glucose but we burn through it when the
stress is emotional now we're not expending extra energy we're just raising that blood sugar so now
that glucose goes up that insulin goes up and if that becomes chronic now that can contribute to
increased insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes Now this could be cortisol from stress or it
could be a synthetic version called cortisone or corticosteroids so oftentimes when people
are extremely stressed during a period of time or they go on a course of corticosteroids then
that could be the thing that tips the scale it is rarely The Thing by itself in addition to
good genetics and a perfect diet that's going to cause diabetes but if you're already heading that
way then it could very well tip the scale sign number three is that you might experience Cravings
or changes in appetite so again the purpose of cortisol is to raise blood sugar but how does
the body do that so there's three different ways basically one is to break down glycogen you have
a little bit of carbohydrates stored in the liver and the muscles that you can start breaking down
that's one way second is to turn something else like glycerol or protein amino acids into glucose
so that's number two but number three that's the most powerful is to eat some more carbs and
that's called cravings and that's why there's a vending machine on every corner in every building
in every school and every gas station and that's why they're loaded with nothing but sugar so that
stressed people can go and get their fix so the body is going to do all three of these but even
if you do the first two to some degree you're very likely to still get some cravings for carbs and
sugar but there's one more type of craving that we can develop and that's because stress affects
the adrenal glands whenever we have stress the adrenals that sit on top of the kidney they're
the glands that have to produce the hormones they have the work load the burden of actually
making the adrenaline and the cortisol among other things so when we're working the adrenals harder
and having them do all this cortisol then some other things can fall by the wayside and as a
result we can lose some minerals in the process and that's why a lot of times when people are
stressed they also crave salt and minerals number four is frequent infections are you one of those
people who catch every cold and flu that comes around when it's cold and flu season or maybe
you catch everything that your kids bring home and a lot of people that start improving their
health status they notice that they may not catch everything that the kids bring home anymore and
this fits in with what I just drew on the glass there that when our stress levels go up we're
using resources for other things so our immunity takes a step back so that stress response is about
surviving in the moment whereas the relaxation response and the immune system is about surviving
long term so surviving the moment that's about identifying and defending yourself or fleeing
from big stuff outside of you dangers that could kill you in a moment or threaten your survival
whereas digestion and immune function and repair have to do with the really small stuff inside and
when it's about survival the short-term survival always comes first because if you don't survive
this second then there's no point in having a good immune system tomorrow number five is
that women may find their menstrual period become erratic or go away all together and the reason is
that the stress response starts at the level of brain and hypothalamus and hypothalamus is your
master regulator so it tells basically all the other hormone organs what to do and it releases
something called corticotropin releasing hormone and that's the start of the stress response that
ends up the cortico sounds a lot like cortisol and that's exactly what it is and when the crh goes
up then the gonadotropin releasing hormone goes down so anything that has to do with stimulating
the reproductive system is going to be inhibited by that stress response and that also makes sense
because if you're in a battle Zone if your body is perceiving if your brain is perceiving that it's
really dangerous it's really stressful out here in the world then it might say it's too dangerous
to have a baby and reproduce right now so we're just going to turn off that function until things
get safer number six is something that a lot of people are concerned with osteoporosis so there's
many many different ways that cortisol affects this cortisol directly inhibits turns off the
osteoblasts the cells that build bone and they increase the activity of the osteoclasts that
break down bone so it's a double whammy there but it comes keeps going it also decreases calcium
absorption even if you're eating it you can't use it as well and it increases the excretion
so you get you lose more calcium in the urine and even more the mechanism we just talked about
for the menstrual period for men this happens specifically when your corticotrophone releasing
hormone goes up your gonadotropin releasing hormone goes down and in men this is known as
hypogonadism so you can have an decreased function of your reproductive organ and this is associated
with osteoporosis in men number seven is muscle weakness and we're not just talking about a little
bit of weakness maybe temporary on one side so in my office for example I test muscles and we find
different ways of adjusting and turning them back on but this type of muscle weakness we're talking
about a loss of muscle mass something that goes on for years and years where the muscle actually goes
away and part of this mechanism is gluconeogenesis when cortisol levels are high we're looking
to make sugar blood sugar and we increase the gluconeogenesis but if this is chronic
then we're going to get it from breaking down protein to some degree it's not the only way
but if it happens long enough there will be some protein breakdown and just like we said before
the purpose is to generate emergency energy but if you're not running from something if you're
just sitting at your desk and being tense or if you're just sitting in traffic with White Knuckles
you're having a stress response but you're not expending the energy so what happens now is you
get a big belly and a flat butt you're breaking down the muscles in your large muscle groups
around your butt and your legs so you get a flat butt skinny legs and you get a big belly because
that extra glucose now turns right back into fat and if there's cortisol in the equation then it's
typically going to end up in the midsection so this is just one more reason I talk so much about
stress and why it's such a good idea to take it seriously number eight is easy bruising if you hit
something and you get a bruise almost every time then that could be high cortisol because cortisol
like we just said it breaks down protein in large muscle groups but it also breaks down protein in
connective tissue so tissue becomes more fragile so when you hit it now you get some bleeding
and what about things like cortisone shots well that's sort of the same thing Cortisone and
cortisol it's the same stuff except they inject it and it will reduce inflammation but it will
also make tissue more fragile so you want to be really careful with these cortisone shots and if
you feel desperate and you got to do it then do it maybe once because if you do it over and over
and over chances are that these tissues they're injecting into will become more fragile and you
increase your risk of future injury number nine is that high cortisol may slow down healing and
cortisol inhibits inflammation and again cortisol corticosteroids cortisone it's all the same stuff
and the reason we took that cortisone shot was to inhibit inflammation but inflammation is also
really important the body does it for a reason the only time it becomes a problem is when it's out of
balance but that inflammation is the first step of healing the first stage and if we don't have that
first stage very often healing doesn't complete so as a result we can get poor wound healing and
we might have slow recovery from various forms of injury from cuts and scratches or even from
surgeries number 10 is insomnia poor sleep and this is becoming so common I think 50 percent of
everyone coming into the office has this as one of their main concerns and there's something called a
pineal gland the name pineal comes from the name it's shaped like a pine cone it sits right at the
back of the brain stem and it makes a hormone called melatonin and this melatonin regulates
your sleep and wake cycle your circadian rhythms and when it's time for you to sleep the pineal
gland makes more melatonin and puts you to sleep then when it's time to wake up then there are two
things that are going to reverse the activity that's going to turn off that melatonin and one
is light and that makes good sense we're supposed to sleep when it's dark when the light hits the
eye then that light stimulates various processes and turned off that melatonin the other thing that
turns off melatonin is cortisol and that also makes sense because if you are sleeping in your
cave and you have a tiger come in and growl then you should wake up really really fast so
that tiger triggers a stress response that stress response triggers cortisol and that cortisol shuts
off that melatonin like nothing else so what are some of the solutions to this well there are some
lifestyle changes that you can make obviously I often recommend meditation because that's one of
the strongest most powerful ways to turn off that worrisome chatter that we all have running around
in our heads as modern human beings and meditation takes a while to learn but I think it's well worth
it and we're going to talk about some other tools but they're not instead of meditation so
there are these lifestyle changes you definitely want to incorporate anyway exercise is another
one because if you play hard you sleep better and also exercise stimulates the brain it activates
the frontal lobe and the frontal lobe the better the frontal lobe can fire and work the better it
can turn off that stress response so here are two super powerful ways to reduce and control
your stress and one more way obviously I have been going on and on and on about how cortisol
raises blood sugar well if you stabilize blood sugar to start with by eating less sugar less
carbohydrate more protein and fat and getting your carbohydrates from leafy greens and non-starchy
vegetables now your blood sugar is going to be rock solid and stable it's not going to fluctuate
by more than a few points and the need for cortisol goes way way down so this is something a
lot of people don't understand they know that it's stressed they don't understand that unstable blood
sugar is one of the most powerful forms of stress so these lifestyle changes are something that you
absolutely want to do there is no substitute for it however there are some very powerful tools that
you can add on to make life simpler and one is called brain tap it's something we use in the
office a lot and we've seen some tremendous results it's basically an induced meditation
you put the headset on you play a recording for 15-20 minutes and the blinking frequencies calms
down your brain so it gets you like halfway toward where you want to be and then you meditate and you
get the rest of it so this one works whether you have any skills or not you can fall asleep and it
does the job but it's not instead of meditation because you still need to develop some internal
skills in turning things off but this does a tremendous job of getting you part of the way
the next thing is you want to support your adrenals there is so much adrenal fatigue
out there and the supplement we use is called Drenamin it is from standard process and has a
lot of components it's a whole food supplement and it has some things in it that you can't
find in any other supplement on the market and that's why we use it and if you have a problem
with minerals if you are stressed and your adrenals can't quite generate the hormones
to hold on to and and balance minerals properly then you want to supplement those and I made a
powder an electrolyte powder called euLyte just for that purpose and I formulated it to be the
most comprehensive electrolyte but it's also sort of like a four in One supplement to take care of
all those minerals so if you want to check that out I'll put some information down below for all
of those things if you enjoyed this video you're going to love that one and if you truly want to
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