10 Warning Signs That Your Gallbladder Is Toxic

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Hello Health Champions. Today I want to talk about the gallbladder and the signs and symptoms

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that can happen if your gallbladder gets irritated or congested with toxins and sludge

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The gallbladder is a super important organ but it is probably the most misunderstood

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and the most unappreciated organ in the human body the general consensus is that it's not

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a real organ. It's just a little bag it's just a little sack sitting there at the bottom

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of the liver and it's holding some fluid and once in awhile it squirts it out it's not

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a big deal you don't really need it. Now we need to talk about what it does that you will

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see that you need it but you can also look at it from a philosophical perspective and

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My Philosophy is that we are not born with unnecessary body parts it were born with them

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then they have a function they serve a purpose and even if it's something that's going to

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evolve and we get rid of it in a million or 10 million years then if it was unnecessary

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today then we would be born without it today but because the general feeling is that it

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is unnecessary then at the first sign of symptom or trouble then there is surgery that is the

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solution and the only type of surgery they perform is called a cholecystectomy chole means

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gall, bile and cyst means a bladder a container of some sort and ectomy means to remove it

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and according to harvard.edu they perform 1 million gallbladder removals every year

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and out of those 40% can expect to have some significant complication. However close to

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100% of people will have some discomfort and some alteration in their digestive function

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as a result because it does do something and if you remove it if can't do that anymore

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but we still see stupid things like this gallbladder removal may increase Health and Longevity

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as it forces you to make healthier dietary choices because obviously you can't make healthy

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dietary choices if you still have your gallbladder you're not allowed to do that so let's remove

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a body part and force you to do that now I'm not only is that absolutely insane and it's

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such a stupid argument but the problem is that their idea of healthier choices is now it

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forces you to eat low-fat since you can't digest fast well anymore the most common symptoms

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have to do with digestion so one thing you can experience is abdominal pain you've can

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very often feel it right in the middle where you have this little notch between the

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weather rib cage meets or it's going to be a little bit down along the right side of

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the rib cage it could be either a sharp burning pain or it could be more of a diffuse pressure

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pain could also have pain up in the right shoulder and right side of the neck because

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there's a nerve called a phrenic nerve that goes up into the neck and you can get it referred

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pain that way it is mostly fat intolerance that sets these pains off because the gallbladder

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is involved with fat digestion and if your gallbladder is sludged up if it's congested

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and doesn't flow well now you can't digest fat so if you have a lot of fat in one meal and

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that's going to set off these symptoms and whenever one portion of your digestive function

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doesn't work whether it's just stomach acid or your gallbladder or your pancreas now you

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have incomplete digestion and these pieces that are in completely digested they become

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too large and they sit around too long and now you have things like bloating, gas and

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indigestion and you can also notice it coming kinda in reverse with belching and burping

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actually does so we often talk about liver and gallbladder yeah there because their location

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and their function are very intimately connected to liver produces bile and that's a continuous

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production it makes it all the time and bile is like a detergent so we wash your dishes

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and there is some stuck grease if there's some caked-on fat on your dishes then the

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detergent breaks that up so if you have big pieces of fat like if you eat fat and there

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are larger pieces like little droplets then the bile helps break that down so that it

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becomes smaller pieces and later on the pancreas makes an enzyme called lipase that can start

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digesting this fat at the molecular level so the body works at the clump level and the

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lipase works at the molecular level Now this bile contains both this detergent that we

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talked about but it also contains waste so this is a way for the liver to get rid of

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its waste products and if we don't get rid of the bile if we don't produce enough bile

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and if we don't get rid of it then we're also not having a good elimination of waste products

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Now the gall bladder's role in this seems pretty simple that it simply stores and concentrates bile in

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the gallbladder so the liver makes bile throughout and then it collects and it comes down through

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these ducks and it enters into this duct into the gallbladder the gallbladder stores it

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and concentrates it so you think of this as concentrated vs. very diluted detergent

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if it doesn't get concentrated it's not going to be very good breaking up fat if it's too

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diluted it doesn't have much effect and then when we eat a meal with fat especially now

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there's a hormone called cholecystokinin don't worry about the name but it makes this gallbladder

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squeeze and it empties the content so now we get a big push that eliminates this detergent

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and the waste into the common bile duct and then out into the intestine where the food

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is where it can go to work. Now here is the thing to understand that is the main difference cuz a lot of people

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say that the gallbladder isn't necessary because the liver is going to make the bile anyway

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which is true but it makes it continuously and if you remove the gallbladder now this

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bile is not going to get concentrated and it's just going to flow straight through regardless

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of whether you eat regardless of whether there's actually any food to digest so the timing

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is off the time and becomes completely irrelevant to the meal which was the purpose in the first

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place all your organs have timing they do things at a certain time and the bile is supposed

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to be released at certain intervals when there's food there. Without the gallbladder we can't

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do that. Another important thing about bile is that 90 to 95% of it is reabsorbed so we'll

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talk about this in a second it does things throughout digestion and in the small intestine

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but then the detergent portion of this gets reabsorbed while the waste is eliminated and

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then this reabsorb come back through the liver via the blood and this actually helps clean

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the liver this is a very precious substance and this is part of how the liver cleans itself

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including cleaning itself from fatty liver so in order to clean and break down the fats

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that bile is very important. Another sign that your gallbladder might be in trouble is if

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you have constipation or diarrhea because bile normally act as lubrication so if you

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don't have enough bile then there's less lubrication and you can get constipated because things

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kind of gets stuck but he can work the other way also that you could get severe diarrhea

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if you don't have enough bile but that's for a totally different reason that is if you

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are unable to process the food that comes in so if you eat one meal a day for example

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if you need a very large meal a lot of food at one time and there's a lot of fat in that

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especially and you don't have much bile now your digestive tract senses that there is

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no way we're going to be able to process through this food it's just going to create a lot

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of stress all the way so let's just flush it out and hope for better luck next time this is one

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of the problems that people with OMAD have that they have to try to eat a lot of food

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in one sitting and that might be a reason to break up that one meal into two meals and

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maybe put them four hours apart but you could also get diarrhea if you have too much bile

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so if the liver is working properly or maybe too much and you're reabsorbing a lot of this

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bile but there is no gallbladder to help with the timing now you can have this bile is just

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kind of flowing straight through and irritating the gut when there is no food there so now

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you have too much lubrication and you get more of a chronic diarrhea another thing that

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can happen is that you go to the bathroom and you find the results pale and floating

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that they're not the dark brown color they're more pale or grayish and they're floating this

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is called steatorrhea and that means fat in the stool because you're not digesting the

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fat it's still in there that's why pale and fat is lighter than water so it floats. Now

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some uninformed person might say that well that's great if the fat is in the toilet that

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means I didn't absorb it I didn't get those calories that was sort of the idea of some

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horrendous diet food ideas at one point but here's the problem that the fat is actually

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a good thing not just for fuel but because of all the fat soluble vitamins and your essential

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fatty acids so if you can't absorb vitamin A, D, E and K then you're going to have some

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deficiencies and some of those like with vitamin A one of the more common ones are going to be vision

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changes any sort of vision changes but especially if you're driving at night and everything

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starts looking like this that's called night blindness and it could be that you're not

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absorbing vitamin A you're deficient because you just don't have enough bile another common

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problem that's becoming more and more prevalent is called SIBO small intestinal bacterial

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overgrowth and here's the problem we're supposed to have a lot of bacteria in our digestive

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tract but not equally distributed throughout So the small intestine is not supposed to

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have a lot of bacteria. The small intestine does the vast majority of absorption nutrients

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and in the small intestine is where bile does most of it's work most of it's digestive

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work but bile is also antibacterial so it helps control the bacteria and keep them low

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where they're supposed to be low and then the bile gets geniously reabsorbed in the

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small intestine before it gets into the large intestine because in the large intestine we

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want a lot of bacteria to finish off that digestive process so there's something right

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down here call the ileocecal valve or I/C valve this is a one-way valve that things are only

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supposed to go one way but if this gets a little compromised then we can have backflow of these bacteria

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and now these bacteria start working their way back through the small intestine and we

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get small intestinal bacterial overgrowth especially if we're low on bile and just to put this

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in perspective for you the small intestine is supposed to have about a thousand or 10

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to the 3 bacteria per gram or cubic centimeter whereas the large intestine is supposed to

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have a billion or 10 to the 9 bacteria per gram or cubic centimeter so that means from

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the small intestine to the large intestine as it passes this little ileocecal valve the

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bacteria increases 1 million times and the large intestine is where we have these trillions

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of bacteria and we want the diverse bacterial strains we want a diversified biome for optimum

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health most of the signs and symptoms I talked about in this video are when the gallbladder

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is under stress but it's not really an emergency but we want to keep in mind that these

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things can get worse and if you have a complete obstruction that could be a medical emergency

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so don't try to self diagnose that that's something that you would want to have checked out so

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if you have something like jaundice if you have severe pain and yellowing of the skin

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and the eye that could be a complete obstruction and if the bile can't make it out of the liver

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at all now it starts backing up into the system and you get this yellow discoloration from

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bilirubin you could also have a gallbladder attack without obstruction if it is just extremely

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irritated and inflamed you can get things like nausea and vomiting because your body

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is so completely unable to digest food that anything you put down there just comes right

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back out this would have course result in a loss of appetite because why would you want

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to eat under those circumstances in severe cases you can also get things like fever and

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chills and we also want to keep in mind the differential diagnosis that this can mimic

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other things that it can mimic heartburn it can even mimic a heart attack and if you have

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a pain right in this area like a sharp burning pain it could actually be an ulcer but if

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they go check this out and they open you up then they're probably going to take your gallbladder

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just in case they're going to say well we'll take it so you won't have problems down the

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road again they don't really understand what it does so too often they opt to take it

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out here's a very interesting one because very few people are going to see this relationship

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but if we understand the body holistically then it becomes pretty evident you could be hypothyroid

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from having a sluggish congested gallbladder this pink organ is a butterfly shape It is very

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thin it sits on your throat on your Adam's apple and it makes thyroid hormone it is the

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main metabolic hormone that you have like the thermostat for every single cell in your

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body when the thyroid makes more thyroid hormone your metabolism goes up every cell in your

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body does more of what it normally does when the thyroid slows down then every cell in

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your body does less of what it's supposed to do this thyroid primarily makes T4 but

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T4 is mostly inactive it has some metabolic activity but ninety-plus percent of the activity

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in the body is T3 and the body produces T4 and then it's converted to T3 which is the active

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one Now here's where the gallbladder and liver comes in that the liver is responsible for

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60% of this conversion so if you don't convert this hormone you basically have no thyroid

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function even if the thyroid is working and it pushes out this hormone if we don't have

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the conversion we don't have thyroid function now the other part of this is that you got

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the bag. That we talked about in your large intestine convert the last 20% to now that

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you understand more about what the gallbladder liver does and you understand is holistic

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connection you can see that if the gallbladder isn't working if we don't have bile and digestive

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function of the liver is going to suffer and if the digestion suffers now at some point

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we're also going to have consequences in the small intestine and the large intestine and

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80% of all the thyroid function depends on this conversion that is somehow related to

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the gallbladder function so think about this now if your gallbladder isn't there to time

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and initiate the proper digestive function then everything downstream from that is going

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to be compromised and now we're not going to have the proper reabsorption of bile and

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this reabsorbed bile is part of what cleans the liver in addition to what the liver manufactures

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and now we're also not going to have the optimum healthy gut flora in the large intestine so

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you can have a slow or sluggish or toxic gall butter and that's going to affect both of

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these areas of conversion. If you enjoyed this video and you'd like to learn more about how the

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body really works and how to optimize and master your health you're going to love that video

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next. Thank you so much for watching watching I'll see you next time

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