10 Urgent Signs Your Thyroid Is In Trouble

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hello health champions today I want to talk about the thyroid and how thyroid

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problems are so much more common than people realize

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we'll cover ten of the common signs and symptoms that your thyroid might be in

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trouble and we'll talk about the causes and solutions coming right up

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hey I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything the thyroid gland is a small flat gland sitting right at the front of

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the throat it is responsible for metabolism and it acts kind of like a

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thermostat in your body it turns the heat up and down and you have 40

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trillion cells in your body and every one of those cells have thyroid hormone

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receptors that means the thermostat the thyroid determines how much every cell

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in your body does of whatever that cell does so if the thyroid slows down

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everything in your body slows down when they diagnose tyroid problems they

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typically only look at one thing which is TSH and then they look at a range

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from 0.5 to 5.0 anything in between that is normal even though the high number is

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10 times higher than the low they don't really differentiate in this range

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you're just hypo normal or hyper so if it's over five point O then you're

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diagnosed with hypothyroid on hormone replacement therapy in the

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real world though there's a few more things to look at so instead of just

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going from 0.5 to 5.0 we look at a more optimal range from one point eight to

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three point five and the sweet spot is right around 2.5 so now if you're

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between 3 & 5 then you're not fully hypothyroid you don't have the label but

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you're functionally hypothyroid you have reduced function and then on the other

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end this is where things are completely different this is where this is a hidden

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problem because you would think if this is functional hypothyroid and the orange

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then this would be functional hyper but both of these are actually

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functional hypo but four different mechanisms here it is very very common

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and this is because the pituitary which makes thyroid stimulating hormone is

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underperforming so it's just not sending out enough TSH so now you're still

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functionally hypothyroid and this happens very often with insulin

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resistance and metabolic syndrome because of a low-grade systemic

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inflammation how common are thyroid problems done well hyper thyroid where

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it's overactive is kind of rare it's only about 1% but hypothyroid is about

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tend to 50% of the population where it's underperforming and most commonly it's

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because of iodine deficiency there's about 800 million people in the world

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who live someplace where the soil doesn't have a lot of iodine and about a

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quarter of those people are hypothyroid they have an underperforming thyroid in

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the United States there's 13 million people or about 5% of population who are

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on medication on hormone replacement and in Canada a recent study suggested that

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about 10% of people 1 in 10 have a thyroid problem in Germany a study of

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ninety six thousand people ages 18 to 65 they did a very sensitive ultrasound

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study of the thyroid and they found that 33 percent of the population had

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abnormal thyroid either because the thyroid was an abnormal size it was

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larger swollen or because it had nodules there were some pathological tissue in

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the thyroids of one in three and then we realized that this was a range of 80 to

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65 years old but that this increases dramatically with age so we don't have

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exact numbers but probably about 50% or more of people over 50 years old have

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some kind of thyroid AB normality let's run through the signs

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for quick and then we'll talk about most importantly what's causing this and what

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we can do about it so the first sign is temperature and

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then if your hypothyroid then you're going to be sensitive to cold these are

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people who always wear sweaters they want extra blankets they can't stand

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air-conditioning and they always want to be in the Sun or where there's a heater

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hyperthyroid is the opposite these are people sensitive to heat so they always

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want the air-conditioned or a fan blowing sign number two is metabolism so

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if you're hypothyroid then you usually see some weight gain and this is despite

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less appetite so everything slows down you don't eat as much but despite that

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you're gaining weight hyperthyroid the opposite now you have weight loss but

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this is despite having a voracious appetite

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there's doesn't matter how much you eat you just can't seem to put on any weight

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sigh number three is changes in your hair and with hypothyroid you get coarse

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hair and hair loss in hyperthyroid you get fine brittle hair but you still get

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hair loss so both extremes are still a sign that the body's out of balance is

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just not working really well number four has to do with a bowel function so with

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hypothyroid everything slows down and you get constipation with hyperthyroid

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everything speeds up and you get frequent bowel movements and diarrhea

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the fifth sign has to do with mood and if your thyroids underperforming very

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often you'll have depression poor focus and memory problems because you're just

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not making enough energy to support those functions but with a hyper thyroid

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you have other problems even though you're making a lot of energy now

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instead you have agitation and anxiety and you still often have

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poor focus you just can't center yourself

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also with hyperthyroid physically you'll often see a tremor like a resting

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vibration number six is a classic koi tur when we have hypothyroid because of

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iodine deficiency there is little iodine available so the thyroid grows just so

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it's has more tissue to be able to absorb every little bit of iodine it's

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an attempt to compensate for a lack of iodine but in this case there's nothing

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wrong with the thyroid tissue it's healthy tissue it's doing what it's

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supposed to it's just up regulating it's not pathological tissue

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however with hyper thyroid we can also get an enlargement but that's because of

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tumors and nodules in the thyroid and rarely would we see anything like this

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grapefruit size enlargement this would be a benign Gorder meaning

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non-pathological tissue with hyper thyroid and nodules we'll see a slight

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enlargement but nothing like that number seven is skin changes and

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hypothyroid we get rough coarse dry skin with hyperthyroid we get thin and paper

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like skin the eighth sign has to do with the eyes and with hypothyroid you get

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swollen puffy eyes it's like everything swells and just kind of shuts down it

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slows down and shuts down with hyper thyroid you often get bulging eyes and

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one of the classic examples is marty Feldman was a British actor and they

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didn't need any special effects to make him look like that and they not sure

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exactly why it looks like that but there's some tissue behind the eyes that

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swells and makes the eyes protrude sign number nine has to do with energy and in

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hypothyroid we often have chronic fatigue simply because there's not

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enough energy made however in hyperthyroid we can still

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have a lot of fatigue because even though a lot of energy is made it's

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being used up for the wrong things it's being used up just to make heat and make

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all the tissues burn through energy faster but we don't have energy for the

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things we want and these people even though they're fatigued very often they

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can't sleep because everything is just racing sign number 10 is changes in

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heart rate and you guess this one hypothyroid is gonna have a slow heart

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rate called bradycardia and the hyperthyroid is gonna have a very fast

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heart rate called tachycardia and bradycardia would be often times in the

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50 to 60 range and this isn't someone who is not athletically in good shape

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and tachycardia can often be a hundred hundred and twenty or even higher let's

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look at some of the causes if you are hypothyroid the most common reason is

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iodine deficiency but if you don't live someplace where there's low iodine then

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the most common reason is something called Hashimoto's and here's the

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problem very very few people with Hashimoto's know that they have it

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because it's an autoimmune disease and in the mainstream healthcare model there

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is no cure there is no treatment for autoimmunity so they just test for TSH

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and they give you some hormone replacement but if you want to find out

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if you have Hashimoto's there are some tests for antibodies so you can test for

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tpo thyroid peroxidase antibodies or for thyroglobulin antibodies if you're hyper

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thyroid then the number one cause is called Graves disease and interestingly

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enough that's also an autoimmune disease but it's a different antibody again so

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now you're looking for thyroid receptor antibodies and if the hyper thyroid is

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not on then it is probably a tumor typically

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either in the thyroid or in the pituitary what do they do for treatment

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hypothyroid is typically iodine or hormone replacement either a synthetic

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or something more natural what are some of the problems with these treatments if

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you give iodine to someone who is deficient then great that's not a

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problem they're just gonna get back to normal but if you give iodine to someone

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who has an autoimmune attack on their thyroid now very often you're going to

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up regulate the activity of that thyroid and at the same time you're going to up

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regulate the autoimmune response so even if these autoimmune people are iodine

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deficient it is too early that's the wrong time to give them iodine there's

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some things that you need to fix first and the problem with the hormone

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replacement is that it doesn't address the problem the problem is autoimmunity

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the symptom is low thyroid hormone so by giving them more thyroid hormone we're

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treating a symptom but we're allowing the autoimmunity to progress and the

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issue here is that the thyroid is a very very sensitive tissue it's very often

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the first tissue in the body to get under autoimmune attack but if we don't

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fix it early now we have many other tissues in the body like the gut and the

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joints and the pancreas and the cerebellum and the skin that also get

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affected and if we just take something to treat the symptom now it's a crutch

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that is allowing the problem to get worse then how do they treat the

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hyperthyroid they do it with anti thyroid medication so the thyroids

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over-performing let's just do something to suppress it so they basically poison

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it one way or another another way to do it is with radioactive iodine the

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thyroid will absorb iodine selectively much

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more than any other tissue in the body so if that iodine is radioactive if it's

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laced with something then you're gonna kill off some of those thyroid cells the

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problem with either of these is that when you put stress when you poison the

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tissues then long term you tend to just create more pathological tissue with

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more nodules and eventually you might have to do a thyroidectomy now that's

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not always the wrong thing to do because these hyperthyroid people they can get

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to a point where they have a thyroid crisis or a hyper thyroid storm and

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that's life-threatening so if they get to that point then they have to take the

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thyroid out they may not have any time to play around the problems with this

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treatment is the same thing the medication is just a crutch

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while the problem is allowed to get worse the surgery is irreversible if you

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get to that point well it might be unavoidable but once they take it out

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there's no going back and just like the hypothyroid the vast majority of issues

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are still autoimmune so if we fix the autoimmunity early on then we may not

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ever have to get through any of that what causes autoimmunity why would the

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body start attacking itself well mostly it has to do with leaky gut and these

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are two cells in the intestinal lining they're held together by different

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proteins creating tight junctions but if something attacks or weakens these

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proteins then the cells are not being held together so tightly and then large

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particles that are not supposed to get through get through and now the immune

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system starts reacting to that and leaky gut has many different causes but

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primarily it has to do with allergies causing inflammation it has to do with

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antibiotics altering the gut flora and causing irritation and sets aspirin

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tylenol motrin Aleve non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs are enormous

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contributor to these problems sugar allergens lectins things in food

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that are difficult to break down alcohol stress and processed food so all of

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these things that we have an abundance of mostly in the last 50 years that some

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of these things we might have had earlier on but it's primarily things

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that we have introduced very recently and that's why these autoimmune problems

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are growing very very quickly there's no quick easy fix to heal leaky gut but of

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course first of all you want to make sure that you're not doing any of these

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and then start looking at some more of the videos in the library of this

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channel and learn how to address your basic health from the bottom up if you

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enjoyed this video and you'd like to learn more about how the body really

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works and how to get healthy then I think that video would be a great one to

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look at next thanks so much for watching I'll see you in the next video

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