10 Top Secrets To NEVER Get Sick Again - Real Doctor Reviews

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hello health champions today when you talk about the top 10 secrets to never

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get sick again coming right up hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and

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a former Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly master health by

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understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell so you don't miss anything

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every time that flu season comes around or there's an epidemic of some sort then

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there is a lot of talk about how to prevent the spread and how to contain it

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and washing hands and so forth and that's all good but no one ever talks

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about what makes the difference in how capable the body is at resisting the

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infection and coping with the infection what makes the difference between being

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exposed and staying healthy or being exposed and getting sick or even worse

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dying so today we're going to go over all those things that they don't usually

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talk about how do we boost the body's immunity how do we up regulate our

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immune system and most importantly how do we understand the most basic

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mechanisms in your body in your nervous system that decide based on

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circumstances whether to upregulate or down regulate your immune function so

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the first two things you want to do is under avoiding exposure so these have to

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do with hygiene and sanitation and when it comes to public health this is what

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Public Health has been responsible for and they have done a tremendous job that

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is the number one factor that has increased life expectancy that has

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increased the average lifespan of humans is because we don't die from infections

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anymore and the number one reason that we have raised the life expectancy as

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much as we have is because of public health of hygiene and sanitation so

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those things are important but everyone else already talks about those so

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we know you want to wash your hands you want to wipe off surfaces you want to

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use some common sense all right so we'll leave it at that and

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then we're going to talk about we're going to spend the rest of the time on

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the things that other people don't talk about how do you make your body work

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better so that you don't catch the stuff that comes around so next you want to

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pay attention to nutrition and under nutrition there's a couple of things

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first you stop putting bad stuff in and then you start putting good stuff in so

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avoiding the bad the number one thing you want to avoid is sugar right you

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want to avoid putting things in that destroy or interfere or down regulate

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your immunity and sugar does that but more than that sugar feeds it

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selectively feeds the pathogenic bacteria in your body so everything you

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don't want in your body the virus the bacteria the yeast fungus parasites and

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even cancer they love sugar so if you stop putting sugar in you've already

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made a tremendous difference in your immunity next you want to stop putting

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toxins in anything that's foreign we're talking environmental pollutants and

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pesticides but also all the stuff they put in food right if you don't know what

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it is on the list of ingredients don't buy it whole food doesn't need a long

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list of ingredients and anything toxic like a preservative or an artificial

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color or artificial flavor or artificial anything it's foreign to your body your

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liver is gonna have to neutralize and detox it and it's gonna have to spend

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resources it's gonna have to expend resources that it could be using for

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other things like immune function right so stop putting bad stuff in next you

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want to put some good things in your body and now we're talking fresh Whole

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Foods primarily every cell in your body whether it's a tissue cell or a brain

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cell or a liver cell or an immune cell they have requirements they need

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certain things they need vitamins they need minerals they need essential amino

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acids and essential fatty acids and if your body has plenty of those there's a

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greater probability that your body has what it needs to make the necessary

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immune cells whereas if you eat all processed foods and you don't have any

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of those nutrients then you got body is gonna fall short in terms of

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manufacturing those immune cells next you want to also think about your

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intestinal flora the bacterial flora and you have about 40 trillion cells and

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give or take in your gut and normally there's a balance if you're healthy

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there's a balance between the so called beneficial and the pathogenic and the

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pathogenic aren't really bad unless there's an imbalance if they're kept in

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check then they actually serve a purpose but if we get things out of balance by

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feeding them sugar now the pathogenic ones take over and we start disregard

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system and most of your immune system is in the gut so it makes good sense to try

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to take care of it so first thing is to cut out the sugar then you eat whole

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fresh food but then you can also add on some fermented foods and maybe even some

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probiotics don't think of them as a cure-all though all right they can be a

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good little factor to tip the scale but they're not going to undo a bunch of

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other great imbalances they're not gonna undo a lot of other bad habits that you

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have those are the very basics now we're getting to the core of the issue what is

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it actually that decides when to turn on or off your immune system what is it in

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the body that makes the decision to increase or decrease all right and the

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answer is your autonomic nervous system it's the part of your brain and nervous

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them that handles everything you don't have to think about your focus you're

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consciously focused on a lot of things around you but there's about a million

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times more stuff going on behind the scenes that are managed by your

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autonomic nervous system and this autonomic nervous system the main task

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that it has is to allocate resources it's to decide what's the most important

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thing that we have to do right now with all this this stuff going on how do we

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spend the resources to make the best possible result and stress is the number

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one factor that the autonomic nervous system has to deal with and whenever we

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have stress the body creates a response right it's not the stress that makes the

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difference it's the nervous systems interpretation of a factor that becomes

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a stress and that you have a stress response to and whenever you have a

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response now the brain changes how it a liqu AIT's the resources it makes a

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different decision based on whatever happened that it interpreted as stress

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and the autonomic nervous system has two branches one is called the sympathetic

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and one is called the parasympathetic the sympathetic is what people think of

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as fight/flight your fight/flight system and the parasympathetic is your feed

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breed so we're gonna simplify this even a little further and we're gonna say

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that the sympathetic primarily focuses on things outside of you things that

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could threaten you from the outside like enemies or cars or grizzly bears or

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external dangers all right the parasympathetic handles everything

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inside it handles your digestion your immune system your detoxification your

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reproductive function and your healing right so everything inside is

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parasympathetic everything outside is sympathetic that's the simplest way of

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thinking about this so the nervous system based on its interpretation of

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stress is going to allocate resources differently so think of it as a faucet

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that there's so much fluid there's so much resources flowing through the

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pipeline and it can go either into the sympathetic or the parasympathetic and

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depending on the situation we're going to get different scenarios so it's not

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that one is good and the other is bad because we need them both but we need to

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be able to be flexible and make the most appropriate decision so this would

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represent the 50/50 balance this would represent a sympathetic dominance this

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is when we have a lot of stress so if a grizzly bear is attacking us then this

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would be appropriate because it would save our life if we have an infection or

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if we're sleeping or meditating then most of the attention would be on the

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parasympathetic that would be very very little sympathetic activity there'd be

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very little attention on the outside all right so we need all of these and we

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need to be able to be flexible and be able to change appropriately here's the

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problem that stress activates sympathetic responses it starts

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defending us toward things on the outside whether it's real or imagined

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so anything that makes you tense or frustrated or angry or overwhelmed or

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fearful or anxious we're guilty or whatever bad feeling you have is going

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to trigger a sympathetic response so this isn't just the grizzly bear this is

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a sympathetic dominance that most people have due to emotional stress and

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overwhelm and that means that the faucet is pretty much turned entirely off for

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your immune system so this is critical to understand that

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why do students get colds around exam time whenever there's finals or midterms

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the frequency the percentage of students with colds and sniffling and coughing

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goes up exponentially it's because they eat junk they drink coffee they eat

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sugar and they stay up all night they don't get enough sleep they have a lot

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of stress and their immune system shuts down because you've reallocated the

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resources away from the immune system and same thing with anybody who gets the

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cold or flu whenever it comes around right it's not the difference isn't

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primarily if you get exposed or how much exposure you get the difference is

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primarily how much resistance you have okay these are opportunistic pathogens

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they take the opportunity of a weak host if you don't present them the

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opportunity they'll bounce off of you and they have no business coming near

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you we want to be able to be flexible and we want to be able to reduce the

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chronic stress so let's take a look at now that we understand what drives

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stress what regulates stress and immune responses let's take a look at some

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things we can do the next thing we have to understand about stress though is

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that some stress is beneficial some stress is normal and stimulating and

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healthy whereas other types of stress can be destructive and what's the

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difference well this stress response this fight/flight response was developed

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in a world where we were required to have quick bursts of activity okay if

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there was a danger we had to run or fight or climb a tree we had to generate

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physical resources increase heart rate increased blood pressure increased

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muscle tone make it out of the dangerous situation so we can make it to safety

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but those types of stresses were short-lived they were supposed to last

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for a few minutes and then they were over all right so

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today though these imagine stresses the emotional stresses the deadlines and the

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tension and the overwhelm their chronic they're like a baseline that stays with

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us day in and day out so they become destructive and those we want to

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decrease but we can actually increase our health and our immunity by using

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some of those short-term stresses so the number one short-term physical stress

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that is very common that everyone should do is called exercise and the purpose of

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exercise there's many benefits that increase the circulation it changes

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hormones but for our purposes what we're talking about is that when you challenge

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the body then it kind of bounces back and becomes better so if you challenge

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it by increasing the heart rate like you would in high-intensity interval

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training then you challenge it so it has to become better it up regulates

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something so it can do it better tomorrow and they found that these kinds

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of challenges actually increases your immune system it up regulates your white

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blood cell count but it also even changes your DNA it activates longevity

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genes your genetic makeup is fine-tuned for the better by performing these so

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these stresses even though we talk about stress as a bad thing some things

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short-term are actually very very beneficial

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so high-intensity interval training would be increasing your heart rate you

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can also do it with weight lifting if you challenge your body with weights if

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you lift something real heavy and it it needs to be pretty heavy so do something

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that you can load up pretty massive weight and have the potential for for

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failure almost so it needs to be a significant resistance then your body

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says hey this was really heavy I'd better change something I'd better adapt

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so I can cope with this better tomorrow another very interest

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anyway is number six that you can also create a similar benefit from hot and

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cold contrast so in Sweden and Finland there's a tradition of hot saunas so you

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get into a little enclosure that's super hot you sit in there for 10-15 minutes

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and then you run out into the snow or into the cold water sometimes they they

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open up a hole in the ice and jump into the water and of course you don't do

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that for any length of time you get in for a few seconds and you jump out and

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you go back in the sauna so you alternate the hot and the cold

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and you get some of this physical stress that is beneficial for the body if you

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don't have a sauna you can do the same thing simply stand in your nice

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comfortable warm shower and then you just turn off the hot and you stand

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there in the cold for 2030 seconds I know it's a revolting feeling revolting

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idea but if you get used to the idea and you practice it it gets easier and

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easier and you can get some of these same benefits so that's the type of

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natural stress that we're designed for it's appropriate if we do it's

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short-term it's actually very very healthy the other type of stress is

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chronic stress there's nothing good about it because long-term stress we

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were never designed for it just wears on us day in and day out it wears us down

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we have no no chance to recover from it as long as it goes on it's unnatural and

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destructive so this we want to do everything we can we want to learn how

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to counteract it so number seven is to understand that when you feel good you

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can't feel bad all right that sounds stupid but if you pay attention to how

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you feel and you know that you're tense or frustrated or overwhelmed and you

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decide hey let's change this I don't like the way I'm feeling I'm gonna do

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something different I'm not gonna wallow in my misery I'm gonna snap out of it

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I'm gonna go turn on a funny movie I'm gonna read a good book I'm

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change the way I feel then it sounds too simple I know but it works when you feel

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good you can't feel bad it's really as simple as that and if we learn to pay

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attention to how we feel and we create regular habits and we take the time to

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do this it doesn't have to be all day long a few minutes at a time is

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sufficient to break the pattern number eight we want to make sure we get enough

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sleep because chronic sleep deprivation is a tremendous stress when we have a

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lot of stress when we feel stressed and tension overwhelmed

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we need more sleep because the stress is wearing us down and then those people

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are often wants to get less sleep so that's kind of a vicious cycle there but

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it's not like everyone needs seven or eight or nine hours it depends on the

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person that it depends on how well we cope with stress so don't think that

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just because someone else sleeps for nine hours

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you have to but pay attention to how you feel and and get the appropriate amount

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of sleep for you so you're recovered number nine EFT emotional freedom

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technique and the Sedona Method these are two my favorites

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because they are developed methods those are techniques that you can learn to

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create a pattern interrupt the problem with all these negative emotions is they

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become habits okay we we experience them so much that we get really good at it

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it's something that we do we don't want to think of it as something we do we

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think they happen to us but that's not really true we learn a

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certain behavior in response to certain things and then we get good at it but if

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we learn some method some techniques to interrupt that pattern and do something

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different then we can get the nervous system we can change the habit and get

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it on to a different track so these are methods that you can learn there about

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how to change how you feel in this moment they can be very very powerful by

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learning how to pay attention and to shift it and

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number 10 is meditation breathing exercises and relaxation training the

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relaxation response is the opposite of the stress response so by learning to

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relax and not just having a couple of drinks and watching TV that's not what

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I'm talking about I'm talking about changing your mental focus practicing a

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different focus so that you learn how to relax breathing is a very useful

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component of that we've done some other videos you breathe in for five seconds

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out for five seconds that's a basic pattern that can serve as a foundation

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for relaxation training and meditation but meditation goes a little bit further

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okay it's about finding a different place inside you so there's lots of

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different guided meditations and Transcendental Meditation and the more

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you do it the better you get and I think if there's anything that can get you

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healthy and reduce stress and change your life for the positive it would be

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everything in the body is about balance its balance between sympathetic and

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parasympathetic it's a balance between how much we do of the these different

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things and right from the start here that public health has been

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fantastically transformative for longevity and human health okay there's

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no doubt about it they have transformed society but there is a tendency also to

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take it a little too far we have germophobia we

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Spray and we disinfect them we wipe down and we spread chemicals on surfaces and

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on our hands and if we completely eliminate our exposure to pathogens then

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we also don't give our immune system and opportunity to learn about these

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pathogens and develop immunity against it part of a strong immune system is to

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have exposure to different pathogens right so it's not like we're ever gonna

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get away from it but we can take it too far so that's not

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to say that you shouldn't follow the guidelines the public health guidelines

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when there's flu season or an epidemic because their job is to prevent spread

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and it's crucial that we follow their their guidelines but we don't want to

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take it too far and we want to understand that you do have an immune

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system and you don't want to try to completely sterilize your environment in

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every way right there's a balance here the other balance I wanted to cover real

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quick was of these challenges of high-intensity interval training about

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jumping in holes in the ice in doing workouts just because there's some

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tremendous benefit to this doesn't mean that more is better alright so if you

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can boost your immune system from jumping in in the ice for 20 seconds

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it doesn't mean 20 minutes is better even if you can be macho and survive it

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it's not that you're gonna get a hundred times the benefit and the same thing

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with any of these challenges high-intensity interval training it's

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not about doing more it's just about getting the challenging get in get out

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be done with it alright high intensity interval training you just get up to a

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peak you do it once or twice even if it's just four seconds that you stay on

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that peak and you don't do it more than a couple of times a week right because

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more isn't better so just keep that in mind so for the bonus I'm gonna share a

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poll that we did on our channel on ways that people use

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to boost their immune system and then I'm gonna couple that with an

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interesting piece of research that I found so we asked people what they were

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doing to boost immunity and we gave them some options and whole food there were

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17% to people that said they used whole food to boost immunity 22% said they

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used low carb living 4% each said they used breathing or relaxation training

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and I was kind of surprised that how low that was because that's going to be very

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high on my list it's not that you want to rank these because you want to do as

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many of them as possible at the same time but then when it came to fasting

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53% of the people who took the poll on my channel said that they did regular

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fasting to improve their immunity and that I think is fantastic I mean it kind

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of shows the type of people who who watch this sort of content but still 53%

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is pretty impressive now what's so interesting about that was I found a

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piece of research about some German researchers who had studied fasting and

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immunity and the effect the beneficial effects of autophagy on some of these

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very very serious viruses some of these life-threatening viruses and this

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research was published in Nature magazine which is maybe the most

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prestigious biological publication there is and they found that auto Fujii had a

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significant very important mechanism ability to reduce the proliferation of

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the MERS virus so Merce was one of the earlier coronaviruses and they found

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that a toff adji could dramatically reduce the spread and proliferation of

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that and they believed that the mechanism involved could also be

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applicable that it could also be beneficial for other viruses and other

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corona viruses like the SARS and like the new virus of

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Wuhan China in 2019 so I think that the people who watch my channel are probably

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ahead of their times with 53% already protecting themselves boosting their

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immunity with fasting so thumbs up huge congratulations to all the people who

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participated and all the people are so ahead of their time if you enjoy this

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video make sure that you check out that one thanks so much for watching I'll see

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