10 Signs You're Eating Too Much Sugar

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Hello Health Champions today we're going to talk  about 10 signs that you eat too much sugar so  

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we'll start from the back number 10 is that you  dull your taste buds that if you eat a lot of  

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sugar then over time your taste buds don't  appreciate the subtle flavors anymore and as  

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a result you need your sweets to be sweeter and  sweeter and sweeter so hamburger buns for example  

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most people think of them as bread they don't even  realize how sugary they are hamburger buns in the  

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US is basically like cake in other places of the  world cookies soda pies and cakes are getting more  

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and more sugary over time and they're much much  sweeter in the United States than anywhere else  

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you're going to find and the reason they add so  much sugar is that it sells as people get hooked  

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on sugar all they have to do to sell a product is  is just put more sugar in there an example would  

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be Starbucks and these popular coffee drinks they  don't sell coffee there anymore it's like a tiny  

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tiny percentage is coffee most of what they  sell is just sugar balms and a huge problem  

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here is that now regular food becomes boring the  taste buds don't appreciate the wonderful natural  

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Aromas and flavors of food like Steak and Fish  and vegetables and natural things and then you  

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tend to drift toward fast food where of course  they add in all this sugar and these chemicals  

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number nine is sweet cravings and this is similar  to what we just talked about but it goes much much  

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further because sugar has the power to stimulate  opiate receptors in your brain and nervous system  

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so when you eat sugar you stimulate dopamine and  you feel pleasure so a lot of our reward rewards  

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so our Behavior seeking out rewards is tied to  Sugar but the problem is that we're seeking it  

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but we never get satisfied and if you have that  Sugar you satiate your sugar Cravings then five  

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minutes later they're back so it's a vicious cycle  where you just want more and more and more and the  

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problem is that this becomes part of the culture  and it starts already as kids where we're using  

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sweet as rewards as bribes basically that if you  eat your vegetables you can have dessert if you do  

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your homework you can have a soda and so forth so  we instill this expectation in this behavior that  

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sugar equals pleasure equals rewards and I have to  also touch on some pretty significant mainstream  

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ignorance about these issues so there was this  video where they told you that you shouldn't eat  

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so much sugar but then they go on to saying that  Sugar shouldn't become your worst enemy and they  

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say just know your limits and control yourself so  the disturbing piece of ignorance here is that we  

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assume people all operate the same whether it's  sugar or alcohol we're very very different some  

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people have a much greater tendency to get  addicted so you can't just because you know  

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how to control yourself you can't be judgmental  and just assume that because someone else can't  

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that they just don't know their limits and  they don't know how to control themselves for  

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some people this may be true but for some people  sugar truly becomes your worst enemy and then if  

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you realize that and you know that for a fact  then just like alcohol you need to cut it out  

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completely no added sugar at all number eight  is skin breakouts it's pretty well known that  

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that Sugar leads to acne and sugar feeds bacteria  along with everything else but there's one more  

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thing I want to be concerned with and that's ages  Advanced glycation end products so sugar is kind  

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of sticky and when it sticks to proteins then it  forms these Ages which lead to premature aging so  

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premature wrinkles premature aging of the skin  but not just the skin every organ every cell in  

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the body body is subject to premature aging sign  number seven is muscle and joint pain this is also  

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known as osteoarthritis when you have a low-grade  systemic inflammation if that inflammation gets  

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into the joints now we know that as osteoarthritis  but here's the problem when people have pain most  

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people will just go take a pill but is that a good  idea in my opinion you do not want to take a pill  

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at least not without addressing the underlying  cause because what happens now is that you're  

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not addressing the root cause you're numbing out  the pain but you're allowing the root cause to  

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continue and this low-grade systemic inflammation  is the number one cause of heart disease stroke as  

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well as 90% of all the degenerative diseases that  people take medication for chronic medication and  

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which ultimately kills people sign number six  of eating too much sugar is tooth decay so of  

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course that means cavities and plaque and if  you cut out sugar completely what you'll find  

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is that the plaque doesn't even develop nearly as  much as when you eat sugar and in fact if you eat  

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very little sugar and you have just a single piece  of candy you will notice that plaque building up  

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almost within minutes and just how closely sugar  and tooth decay were linked was discovered about  

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a century ago by a guy called Western price  he was a dentist and he traveled around the  

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world to study tooth decay versus diet and he  studied virtually all of the leftover primitive  

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or indigenous cultures in the world where  they had not been in contact with so-called  

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civilization and processed foods and sugar and  what he found was that even though most of these  

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cultures did not use any toothbrushes they also  had no cavities or virtually no cavities like 1%  

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of the cavities of the Western World at the time  and he wrote a book about this which is excellent  

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called nutrition and physical degeneration and he  found that basically almost no cavities occurred  

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before people had sugar and processed foods and  in doing this he also found that that it wasn't  

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just the cavities but people's overall physiology  and health and I have to touch on one more piece  

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of mainstream ignorance this is what I found in  another video and what's scary is that this keeps  

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coming up this is what I hear from people every  day don't get the wrong idea or anything sugar in  

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the right Amounts is good for you because glucose  is what supplies your body energy and there are  

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two enormous problems and dangerous problems with  the statements the sugar they're talking about is  

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added sugar and the truth is that added sugar  is not the same as glucose we'll touch on that  

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in a second and the other problem is that most  of our energy comes from fat so when they say  

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that sugar is good because it has glucose which is  where your energy comes from they obviously don't  

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know what sugar is when we talking about added  sugar talking about suc white table sugar which  

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has one ring of glucose but it's linked to a ring  of fructose so we have glucose and fructose so yes  

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sugar has glucose in it but saying that sugar  is glucose is very very misleading so where we  

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get most of our glucose would be from starches  if you eat those so if we take here's another  

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glucose ring now if we link these together in long  chains then they're called a starch and they can  

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be hundreds or thousands of these molecules but  it's 100% glucose there is no fructose that's the  

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difference between sugar and glucose sugar and  starch so sugar from starch meaning glucose is  

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not the worst thing that's why a lot of cultures  could eat rice and potatoes for centuries and not  

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get diabetic not have tremendous health problems  because the starch breaks down into pure glucose  

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the sucrose however is a completely different  animal it's a disaccharide which needs a an  

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enzyme called sucrase to break it down and then  you get 50% glucose which again isn't the end of  

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the world but this fructose is terrible because  it can only be processed through the liver it  

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quickly overwhelms the liver causing what's  called a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease so  

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when they say that Sugar isn't so bad because we  need glucose they're talking about starch they're  

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not talking about sugar they don't understand  the difference so they put them all together  

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in the second statement down here that 90% of  energy comes from fat this is a complete and  

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total mystery because over and over we are being  told that glucose is what supplies The Body Energy  

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we need to eat starches we need to eat bread  we need to eat grains they tell us so that we  

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can get energy well if you eat a zero fat diet or  nearly zero fat diet you're still not getting most  

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of your energy from glucose because that glucose  you can't the body can't store glucose well at  

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all whenever you eat a lot of starch whenever you  eat a lot of carbohydrates the body converts that  

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blood sugar into fat before you use it so even  if you eat almost zero fat your body Burns for  

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energy probably somewhere around 50 % fat and 50%  glucose so if you eat a healthy diet though like  

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a Paleo and a whole food diet with meat and fat  and vegetables over time you're probably as you  

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get fat adapted you're probably going to run about  90% of your energy from fat so this statement is  

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just extremely inaccurate but this is what we  are told and this is what most people believe  

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but what you will get from eating a lot of sugar  and a lot of carbohydrates is unstable energy you  

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have highs and lows you have inconsistent energy  because you create blood sugar swings whenever you  

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eat a lot of sugar or some processed starches  your blood sugar spikes and then it drops and  

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then you eat again and it spikes and this leads  to energy when your blood sugar is high and then  

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very low energy when your blood sugar is low the  solution to this of course is to not eat sugar  

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or processed foods but rather eat whole food and  now your blood sugar becomes very very stable and  

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your energy becomes very very stable so if you  have blood sugar swings this also often leads  

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to mood swings and irritability sign number four  is bloating and this comes from all the bacteria  

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in your gut when those bacteria are imbalance when  they can process the food coming through then you  

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should not have a lot of bloating but if you have  a lot of sugar this sugar feeds the wrong kinds  

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of pathogens it creates an imbalance in your gut  flora and it leads to something called dysbiosis  

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which is just that an imbalance in the bacteria  and now over time what can happen is that you  

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get a gut compromise the intestinal lining might  deteriorate at the mucus layer might deteriorate  

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and as a result you could have a leaky gut and  you could have things like immune compromises as  

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well and this is really important to understand  that the signs and the symptoms should not be  

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our primary concern we should understand that  it's just the tip of the iceberg that this is  

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part of an imbalance and we need to address that  root cause so that we can restore full function  

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and let's just take an example of how we've been  feeding that gut biome that microbiome over time  

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so if we look at the green would be historically  and the blue would be how we eat currently and  

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we look at three things soluble fiber we look at  lactose and we look at sucrose so there are some  

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other things also that can feed the microbes but  these three things are the primary food for those  

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microbes in your gut so when we look at soluble  fiber historically we ate much much much more  

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soluble fiber because natural food whole food has  more fiber processed foods and sugar has no fiber  

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basically lactose we probably ate a little bit  less so lactose is the sugar in milk and it's  

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a disaccharide meaning Two Sugars so we need an  enzyme to break it down before can be absorbed  

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into the bloodstream and this is why glucose is  not a primary fuel for these gut bacteria even  

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if they could consume it glucose is a single  molecule and because it's single and ready to  

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absorb it basically never makes it down to where  the bacteria are living we absorb it in the first  

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half of the digestive tract so glucose is not a  f Factor here really and depending on how far we  

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look back historically we may or may not have had  Dairy but for about 8 to 10,000 years we have had  

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some Dairy and some lactose even though a lot of  it was probably turned into butter and cheese and  

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we also had it raw which meant that there were  enzymes and bacteria in the milk to help us break  

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down the milk and the proteins and the lactose so  today we eat a lot more of products but also we  

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have a lot of pasteurized milk that is much harder  to digest and then when we look at sucrose which  

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really has the potential to disturb and unbalance  your microbiome we used to eat maybe a couple of  

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grams because we had some in leafy greens and in  fruits and so forth which were seasonal we might  

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get a couple of grams a day as opposed to over a  100 grams of sucrose and high fructose corn syrup  

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and honey and agave and all that stuff that we're  consuming today so just to give you an idea I'm  

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not claiming that these are graphically exact or  anything but just to give you an idea of how much  

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it has changed and why our gut biome is probably  not the same because we're not feeding it the same  

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things and as a result we end up with a lot of  bloating number three is weight gain so especially  

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if it's around the midsection but generalized  weight gain as well and the key here is to  

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understand insulin because when we eat sugar and  processed carbohydrates now the blood sugar Rises  

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and The Body responds with insulin we'll look  a little bit more at this in a second and like  

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we said sugar has glucose and fructose and that  fructose can only be processed through the liver  

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so the potential to overwhelm the liver and cause  non-alcoholic fat or liver disease is tremendous  

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the vast majority of fatty liver disease today is  from sugar and of course when we get very insulin  

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resistant and we have that fatty liver now we are  almost guaranteed eventually to get type2 diabetes  

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if we continue on that path but again even  though most typ two diabetics not all but most  

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have weight gain and are obese that should not be  our main concern we need to understand what this  

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process what this adaptation is doing to the body  and realize that this mechanism this adaptation  

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is also responsible for the number one cause of  blindness the number one cause of kidney failure  

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and the number one cause of amputations and here  I want to cover some something that I came across  

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which I believe is a lazy Viewpoint that everyone  talks about how we eat too much sugar we need to  

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cut back on sugar but where do we draw the line so  this Viewpoint was that it's simply not realistic  

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to avoid all added sugar in your diet and my  question is that maybe not all people have to  

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but why is it not realistic and it's like saying  to an alcoholic that you know I we know you have  

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a problem but it's simply not realistic for you  to avoid alcohol because all these parties all  

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these stores everywhere you go there's alcohol  available so surely it's not realistic to cut it  

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out or if you were misled during a period in your  life where your frontal L wasn't fully developed  

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and you ended up at some parties where they  were Distributing certain not so great chemicals  

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addictive chemicals Etc would you say that just  because they're available just because everyone  

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is doing them because you're kind of on this party  circuit that now it's not realistic to stay away  

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from those chemicals anymore of course not and my  point here is if if it's possible and realistic to  

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stay away from alcohol and from illicit chemicals  then why would it not be realistic to stay away  

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from added sugar because added sugar has no place  in real food so again I'm not saying that 100% of  

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people should never have sugar that we should make  it illegal but why wouldn't it be realistic we are  

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we're getting lazy and we're allowing all this  garbage in just because it's so abundant sign  

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number two would be frequent colds and flu if  you find that you get sick all the time maybe  

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cut back some on the sugar so there's many many  different ways that Sugar decreases immunity but  

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one more interesting way is that glucose and  vitamin C vitamin C is very important for your  

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immune system for Activation of certain white  cells and glucose and vitamin C use the same  

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transport mechanism so everything in your body is  shuttled and moved on purpose molecule by molecule  

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nothing's just floating around randomly getting  to places by accident the body on purpose will  

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transport it and shuttle it across membranes so  the more glucose you have lying around floating  

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around the more of the glucose is going to occupy  the sites and compete for this transport mechanism  

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meaning we can't move the vitamin C to where it  needs to be if we have too much sugar around and  

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interestingly humans and primates and guinea pigs  are the only mammals that cannot manufacture our  

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own vitamin C our own ascorbic acid and then you  might wonder well isn't that just a huge defect  

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in our genetic makeup if we can't make it what's  what's wrong with us but the way I look at it is  

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that it's never been a problem because the food  would provide a certain amount of vitamin C that  

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was plenty until we started competing with sugar  for that transport mechanism and the number one  

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sign that you're eating too much sugar is that  your blood markers start going up and there's  

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lots of blood markers we can look at but three of  the main ones would be glucose A1C and Insulin so  

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glucose is how much sugar is in your blood stream  In This Moment A1C is a 3 to four month average  

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and insulin is an indirect indicator it tells us  how hard the body is working to keep it down and  

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why does this matter well if we look at glucose  and A1C in yellow and we look at insulin in red  

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and we see how that would develop over time if we  start at time zero and we are in insulin sensitive  

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we're healthy we're metabolically healthy then  there would be a balance between glucose and  

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insulin and then the body if we start eating more  sugar if we keep eating more sugar and more carbs  

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the body is going to work really really hard at  keeping that glucose down that's what the body  

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has to do high levels of glucose is toxic to  the brain so in order to keep the glucose down  

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the body is going to increase the insulin levels  so even though the glucose stays the same here  

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from year 0 to year five we have become many times  more insulin resistant because it takes that much  

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more insulin to control the situation if we go 10  years into the future we see that there's still  

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not really a change in the glucose levels maybe a  couple of points but that insulin just keeps going  

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up 15 years same thing keeps going 20 years and  now maybe you can see if you look at the size of  

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these yellow that this would be maybe a healthy  level around 80 and here we might be at 90 and  

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100 and 120 130 which is a diabetic level so the  glucose even going from super healthy to diabetic  

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only changes by a few perc it only Chang changes  very marginally because it's a controlled variable  

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but the thing that controls it is insulin and the  body has to work that much harder at controlling  

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it so insulin might increase 10 15 20 times and  this is one of the biggest problems in my opinion  

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that when we test things we don't test the really  important stuff we don't test the things that can  

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show us early on the changes that we need to  make so if you really want to find out your  

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blood work markers you want to test all three of  these including insulin and for those who really  

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want to take charge and understand more about this  I created a course and I'll put some information  

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in a link down below and you could also order a  very complete set of blood work to follow along  

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with the course if you really want to take charge  and understand it I also created a little document  

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where I put all these slides together that you  can click on a link and get those if you want  

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to use them to follow along if you enjoyed this  video you're going to love that one and if you  

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truly want to master Health by understanding how  the body really works make sure you subscribe hit  

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