10 Signs Your Body Is Crying Out For Help

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Hello Health Champions. Did you know that  signs and symptoms can be your best friend.  

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I mean your body is amazingly smart, so signs and  symptoms don't appear for no good reason. If your  

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body was really stupid then it might just get  a little bit out of balance and then completely  

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shut down sort of like a car might do. One day it  starts and the next day it doesn't. But your body  

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doesn't do that it keeps going and going and along  the way it gives you little hints called signs and  

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symptoms to let you know when it's time to change  something. When it would like a little help. So  

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these signs and symptoms are warning signs. They're  trying to tell us something and the first step is  

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to recognize them but if that's all we do we can  still get in trouble because a lot of people they  

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just recognize it and now they're fearful. They  worry what does this mean but they don't take  

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the time to understand it and if that goes on  now they get paranoid and they start looking for  

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every little sign and symptom and that's called  a hypochondriac you're looking for disease and  

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that's obviously not what we want. In general the  responses to my videos are overwhelmingly positive,  

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but there's also some people who don't take the  time to watch them all the way through, and some of  

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these people call me a fear mongerer. They say my  life was perfectly fine until you came along and  

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explained how I can improve it. Well the problem is  that if we don't understand these things, then it  

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can lead to fear, and that's why I do my videos  the way I do, with some context and explanation,  

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because once you understand the context of things  now you start trusting your body. You understand  

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that it has the mechanisms to turn these things  around and over time you develop a confidence  

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in your body and that's one of the most  powerful things that you can have because now  

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you understand that not only can it reverse the  sign and the symptom in the vast majority of cases  

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but you can get it up to an even better level than  it was before. Pale skin and nails. And there's a  

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million things that can cause pale skin but if  it also happens to be with brittle nails now we  

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start looking a little bit extra and if this also  happens with pretty consistent chronic fatigue  

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now we want to start thinking and what do  these things have in common? And in this case  

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very commonly we would suspect anemia and that  means lack of blood. "Emia" means blood and "An" means  

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lack of, or not enough of. So the color of the  skin comes from two things it comes from pigment  

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but it also comes from oxygenated blood. When your  blood carries a lot of oxygen it gets a deeper  

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red than when it's lower in oxygen so then  does that mean that the pale skin is simply  

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that there's less oxygen in the blood. No   it goes one step further than that because when  

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we have anemia when we don't have enough oxygen  in the blood now the body has to reprioritize.  

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This super intelligent body realizes that you  have some vital organs like your heart and your  

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liver and your kidneys and your pancreas that  you would die really quickly if they didn't work.  

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So it shunts the blood toward these vital organs  and it causes something called vasoconstriction  

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and into the vital organs. So now you have pale  skin because the blood doesn't reach the skin  

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and if you understand this mechanism then you  see why this would also cause the common cold  

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hands and feet in people who are anemic. So we want  to learn to think about these mechanisms a little  

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bit so what causes lack of blood? Well, either  you're not making enough or you're losing too much  

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and the primary causes for not making enough is if  you don't have enough iron because the red in the  

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blood cell comes from hemoglobin which is an iron  containing compound, but if you're also missing b12  

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or folic acid then you also cannot make these red  blood cells properly, so then you're not making  

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enough. But there could also be a number of other  things dozens hundreds of things like autoimmune  

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diseases, infection, medication, chemotherapy and  a vast array of other diseases that are just  

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interfering with the normal metabolic processes in  the body. The most common reason for losing blood  

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is heavy periods which obviously is for  females only. In males the number one cause  

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is ulcers and these can be caused by stress  that can be caused by medications things that  

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increase the permeability of your digestive  tract and then you can lose blood through  

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your digestive tract but you could also lose  them from excess destruction and this would be  

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things like sickle cell anemia or thalassemia or  other inborn errors where you're not making normal  

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blood cells. There's something wrong with them  they're irregularly shaped and if they're not  

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normal they don't live as long so they get taken  out of circulation much faster and that's another  

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reason why it's very difficult to make enough when  they're being destroyed very quickly. Here's a very  

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serious one so if you're getting vision problems  suddenly if you get something like double vision  

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if you get blind spots or even if like a half  or a quarter of your visual field is different  

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or even absent. If you have sudden big changes  like numbness you lose sensation in a whole  

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limb if you get weakness or even paralysis in a  whole limb then that's obviously a huge problem  

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and it could also be that you have loss  of balance or you could have confusion  

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and irritability. So what do all of these have  in common? It is that they affect the brain  

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and the brain is low in oxygen but it's not just  low it is basically completely deprived of oxygen  

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in certain areas so these are dramatic changes  with quick onset. And now we want to think of a TIA 

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or a stroke. And TIA  stands for transient ischemic  attack. Transient means it's short-term or  

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temporary ischemic means that there's a loss of  oxygen supply because a lack of blood circulation.   

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So what happens here is that a blood vessel might  have an obstruction of some sort or a narrowing  

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already and then we have a lump of something  called an embolus that gets stuck and that can  

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mostly or completely obstruct the blood flow  so now there is an area of the brain that has  

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a complete loss of blood supply and oxygen. And if  we're fortunate then this is transient and that  

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means it's short term that by some mechanism this  blockage comes undone and the blood starts flowing  

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again and now we can have a complete recovery. So  if the blockage is only for a few minutes or if  

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it's partial and only for an hour or a few hours  now there's a chance of full recovery, but we still  

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want to take this very very seriously because  a TIA  is also called a pre-stroke. They know  

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that the mechanisms that lead up to a TIA  are  the same ones the circumstances are the same  

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that eventually lead to strokes so if people  start having transient ischemic attacks  

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very often they'll start happening more often  and eventually there will be a full stroke.  

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And a stroke is basically the same thing but it  creates permanent damage so now we have a blockage  

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that either stays there and doesn't go away or  there's a rupture of a blood vessel so that the  

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blood can't get where it's supposed to. And while  this damage is permanent these cells that are  

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damaged and die they don't come back. There's  still some potential for improvement because  

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through very very patient rehab we can actually  rewire the brain. The brain can start sending these  

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synapses and these pathways to other healthy areas  that can start take over that function. But we want  

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to understand that both of these are medical  emergencies because even if you're fortunate  

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enough that it is transient you do not have time  to sit around and figure out if it's going to get  

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better. You want to get into an emergency room  immediately and of course the best thing is to  

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prevent this to make it never happen and the way  to do that is to do everything else that I talk  

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about in my videos. I talk about how to assist the  body in restoring the best possible health and the  

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biggest challenge that we have is sugar, insulin  and metabolic syndrome. These result in diabetes  

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and high blood pressure which is the number  one cause of stroke and the way to prevent it  

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is to reduce sugar, insulin and get nutritious food.  Sign number six is called pitting edema. So edema  

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is swelling and pitting edema means that you push  into the swelling and when you take your finger  

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away it leaves a big dent that doesn't go away  for a few minutes. Number seven is rapid heartbeat  

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and what might these have in common. Well if  you see both of these then you want to suspect  

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low albumin and albumin is the main protein in  the bloodstream. And why is it there well primarily  

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to act as a sponge because blood has blood  pressure and if there wasn't something to pull  

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the fluid back into the blood vessel then it would  leak out of the blood vessel because of the higher  

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pressure inside the arteries. And if we're losing  the albumin now that water just starts leaking out  

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into the surrounding tissue causing edema. But how  then would it also cause a rapid heartbeat? Well  

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if we're losing fluid if the water that's  supposed to be in the bloodstream now ends  

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up in the surrounding tissue then our total blood  volume goes down and the body has to compensate by  

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increasing the heart rate to work harder to pump  that blood around because it simply has less  

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volume. So just like with anemia we have to ask are  we not making enough or are we losing too much. So  

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if we are low on protein it could be because  we are insufficient in protein in the diet, but  

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that is extremely rare especially in the western  world where we see most of the edema. You could  

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actually have a poor digestion if you're eating  enough protein but you're not breaking it down  

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then it never ends up where it's supposed to go  and the first step in digesting protein is called  

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hydrochloric acid. Hypochlorhydria is when  you don't have enough hydrochloric acid and  

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interestingly even with millions and millions of  people who have heartburn meaning the sensation  

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of too much stomach acid, they're actually low  in stomach acid because if they had enough then  

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they would digest the food and it would move on  and would never have time to start burning and  

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irritating. But then we really want to start  appreciating how the body is connected how  

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everything works together. So one of the causes  of low hydrochloric acid is if you're hypothyroid,  

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because your thyroid is like your thermostat.  It's your metabolic driver and if the thyroid  

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slows down everything else in the body slows down  including the production of hydrochloric acid. And  

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now if the thyroid is low that could be because  your pituitary is low because the pituitary makes  

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something to stimulate the thyroid to do what it  does. So those are reasons we might be low on the  

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intake but we could also not be making enough  so the liver is who makes this albumin and if  

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the liver has too much trouble with other things  like fatty liver or liver cirrhosis or hepatitis  

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or some other severe stress now it's going  to be too busy with other things to be making  

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proper amounts of albumin. We could also be  losing albumin through the digestive tract  

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called protein-losing enteropathy so enteropathy  simply means sick on the inside. So your digestive  

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tract is supposed to absorb protein you take the  big proteins you break them down into small amino  

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acids and then you absorb them, but if you have  some severe digestive disorders like Crohn's  

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disease, Celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease  where there's just basically a war zone and  

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lots and lots of inflammation now you're going  to get so much intestinal permeability that  

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some of this albumin can actually leak the other  way. It's supposed to go from the digestive tract  

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lumen into the bloodstream but if your digestive  tract is really shot it can start leaking  

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the other way and now we're losing protein that  way. So here we're basically talking about severe  

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cases of leaky gut which i've talked about in  other videos and also what drives this a lot are  

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food allergies food sensitivities food intolerance  and one of the top contenders there is grain  

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so one more reason to avoid grains and sugar  and eat the best whole food you can. Number eight  

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is brain fog and that is getting so common  that a lot of people think that well maybe  

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that's just supposed to be there maybe we're not  supposed to function any better than that. A lot  

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of people come into my clinic with brain fog and  they're going to also complain of low motivation  

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of poor focus of low energy and anxiety that  they can't control. So what do these have in  

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common is the frontal lobe the frontal portion  of the brain is responsible for motivation  

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for keeping you on track for forward planning.  And therefore it's also responsible for focus. 

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When your energy is low it's very often  because you don't have focus you're not sure  

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what to do you don't have the motivation and that  affects energy as well and the reason that your  

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anxiety is poorly controlled is that your brain  is primarily inhibitory. 80-90%  

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of what the frontal lobe does is to turn things  off to inhibit them to silence the noise. So  

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lack of focus is basically that you can't control  the noise. All of the distractions are getting  

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louder and the brain can't silence it. Same thing  with anxiety anxiety is basically noise it's  

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unwanted thought and when the frontal lobe can't  silence it, now it is uncontrolled. Now if we want  

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to understand the causes of a weak frontal  lobe we have to ask what are the needs what  

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are the requirements of a functioning frontal  lobe and it needs three things. It needs fuel,  

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oxygen and stimulation. So stimulation is basically  making the brain do something. Use it or lose it.  

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And if we make it do something now it's going  to require some fuel and it's going to need  

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some oxygen to turn that fuel into energy. But if  we have anemia - see how these things come around  

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again? If we don't have enough healthy red blood  cells to deliver the oxygen now we can't turn that  

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fuel into energy and now we are not firing on all  cylinders so this stimulation is actually going  

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to break down that frontal lobe instead of rebuild  it now it's going to stress that frontal lobe. And  

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another reason we're not making enough energy here  could be that we also have a hypothyroid so it  

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really makes you appreciate how all these pieces  work together. But assuming that we have a proper  

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fuel delivery then the number one thing that we  can do for the frontal lobe is to stimulate it.  

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And the stimulation we're talking about comes from  movement movement provides 90 percent or more of  

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all stimulation, all the signals all the juice  that keeps the brain alive. Use it or lose it.  

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And that is why I will talk about exercise and  movement as a part of health every chance that  

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I get. Now it starts to get really interesting.  number nine is insomnia and I can't tell you  

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how common this is there's virtually nobody that  gets proper quality sleep or enough sleep anymore.  

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And number 10 is stretch marks what could they  possibly have to do with each other? Well, let's  

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talk about it. So insomnia has to do with the  hormone called melatonin, and stretch marks have  

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to do with the hormone called cortisol, and bear  with me we're going to get this totally clear.  

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You're going to love it. And melatonin regulates  your circadian rhythms - your sleep rhythms, whereas  

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the purpose of cortisol is to raise your glucose.  And cortisol is a stress hormone so any time that  

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you have stress your body perceives a challenge of  some sort and in order to rise to that challenge  

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it anticipates the need for more fuel and the  quickest form of fuel is glucose. Now the way these  

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two hormones work together is that cortisol pretty  much completely shuts off the effect of melatonin  

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so for example in the morning there's something  called dawn phenomenon that a couple of hours  

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before you're supposed to wake up in the morning  while you're still asleep, your body makes a little  

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extra cortisol to raise the glucose to get you  ready for the day. To alert you a little bit. But  

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at the same time this increased cortisol inhibits  counteracts the melatonin so that when one goes  

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up the other goes down and now you can't sleep  anymore. So there's two ways this affects your  

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sleep because when you're stressed very often that  manifests as racing thoughts you can't shut your  

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mind down. You have too many things to worry about  and now you can't get into a state where you can  

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fall asleep. But that stress also that racing  thought that also increases cortisol so not  

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only can you not get into a proper state but this  cortisol also shuts off melatonin. So what about  

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stretch marks how can that fit in? Well, cortisol  as we said has the purpose of increasing glucose  

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but if you're not eating anything right now where  does that glucose come from? It's being made from  

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something else, and in this case protein.  And one of the proteins in the skin  

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is called collagen. So with high cortisol you're  going to break down more collagen, turn it into  

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glucose to deal with that stress response, and now  you get the stretch marks because the skin loses  

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its integrity. So the stretch marks could be  from an increased breakdown from high cortisol,  

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or again we want to think about what if it is that  we're not making enough. Just like the albumen what  

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if we're not eating enough protein? What if  we're not digesting enough protein? What if  

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we are low in hydrochloric acid? What if we're low  in hydrochloric acid because we have hypothyroid?  

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Maybe that hypothyroid is because the pituitary  isn't working right and maybe that pituitary  

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isn't working right because cortisol blunts  it makes the pituitary a little desensitized

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to the different hormones in the body. So you can  see how everything in the body fits together and  

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that's why we're talking about holistic health and  that's why it's so silly to just look for a list  

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and say here is the symptom. What do I take for  that? That's a short term idea and it's getting  

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more and more irrelevant as we're getting more  toxic more stressed than those simple cookbook  

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solutions just don't work anymore. If you enjoy  this video you're going to love that one, and if  

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you truly want to master health by understanding  how the body really works, make sure you subscribe  

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