10 Signs You Have An Iron Deficiency

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Hello Health Champions. Today I want to talk about the top ten signs of iron

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deficiency but more importantly while that is a huge problem with iron

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deficiency it is almost as important to understand if you have too much iron so

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we don't want to jump to conclusions and we want to understand the whole picture

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Coming right up.

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg. I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything iron is a trace mineral we need very

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small amounts comparatively and it's involved in metabolism it's part of

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enzymes and protein that help us metabolize things but the big thing that

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we're concerned with when it comes to iron is oxygen transport that's what

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everyone talks about with iron is iron deficiency and anemia because iron is

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involved with making red blood cells and hemoglobin hemoglobin has iron in it and

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it only works if we have enough iron without that we can't make red blood

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cells we can't transport oxygen hemoglobin is a large protein and it has

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four subunits it's a globular it's large that's where

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the name comes from globin and heme means that it has heme in it so these green

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areas they are the heme area so there's four places four subunits where iron can

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attach here we're seeing one of those subunits and the arrow is pointing to

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where that iron would attach on the heme ring now something most people don't

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realize is that if we just take one atom and change it if we take iron out and

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replace it with magnesium then the whole hemoglobin turns into chlorophyll which

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is plant based so animals make hemoglobin plants make chlorophyll and

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they only differ by one atom per subunit so what that means is if you have a

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condition where you're anemic but it's not because of a lack of iron then you

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could actually benefit by taking chlorophyll because you would get the

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whole complex you get all the components of the hemoglobin and

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you just have to pop one iron atom in there to make it happen maybe the most

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common sign of iron deficiency is fatigue and when we're really low in

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iron we can't make the proper components of the blood so we get anemia or an amia

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meaning literally lack of blood the first thing we look at is hemoglobin and

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we're supposed to have 14 to 15 grams of hemoglobin per deciliter when we run

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a blood test and what does hemoglobin do it grabs oxygen the blood comes to the

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lungs it picks up oxygen and the hemoglobin holds it and carries it out

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to the tissues when we don't have enough oxygen when we're suffering in our

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oxygen carrying capacity and can't deliver it now energy production falls

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we can't make enough of the body's energy currency called ATP and as a

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result we have fatigue this is something we really want to check for in our

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office because if we try to get somebody healthy whether it's for pain or

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metabolism or to heal something the body has to have oxygen and energy to make

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that happen so anemia is kind of a deal breaker if it's supposed to be at 14 to

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15 gram and it starts dropping down towards 10 now you have lost 1/3 of your

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oxygen carrying capacity and a lot of your ability to produce energy all

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around the world this is the number one blood disorder it's huge proportions

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globally 25 percent of the world's population is anemic 1.6 billion people

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and in kids it's even worse so for children age 0 to 5 47 % of them are

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anemic and in some areas like sub-saharan Africa it's as high as 70

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the numbers are gonna vary widely depending on the region but just as an

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example because we are in the u.s. here where I am US adult men have about 2%

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anemia whereas Caucasian females have about 10%

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and why is that because females have a menstrual period

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they lose a little bit of blood every month it's a combination of nutritional

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status and how much blood you're losing African American females and Latina

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females are twice as high though and that probably may be some genetic

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component but probably more so with nutritional status when we look globally

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it is very very clear that the cause of anemia is primarily an iron deficiency

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very little doubt however in the United States and especially for men the

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picture is not so clear so we don't want to jump to conclusions whenever we see

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anemia and think iron deficiency iron deficiency sign number two is pallor or

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paleness why is that because oxygenated or arterial blood is red whereas once it

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drops off that oxygen in the tissues the blood turns blue and that's why the

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venous blood the returning blood is blue so most of the veins that you see most

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of the blood vessels you can observe on yourself or veins and that's why they're

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blue rather than red some of the places you're going to see this are in the face

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your gums and lips the lower eyelids so if you just pull down a little bit on

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your eye it's supposed to be a deep bright red if it's not then you could be

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anemic the nail beds when you look at the area under the nail that's supposed

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to be a pink if it's more whitish that's another sign of anemia and iron

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deficiency and the sclera the white of the eye is supposed to be white if it

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starts turning bluish that means you have less oxygenation and a possible

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deficiency let's talk about the causes why might we be missing iron well

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there's two simple reasons one is that we're not getting enough and that could

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be from diet one contributing factor is veganism because the best quality iron

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the heme iron comes from animals and countries that are primarily vegan have

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much much higher rates of anemia and iron deficiency but even if we're

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getting enough through the diet we have to be able to absorb it and if our

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absorption is lacking in any way because of maybe not enough hydrochloric acid

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maybe we have celiac disease we have some inflammation the gut lining isn't

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working properly or we might have parasites any of those reasons and many

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many others if they make our absorption suffer we can't absorb it then we're not

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getting enough the other major cause of the principle of why we're not having

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enough iron is because we're losing too much and this is actually a much more

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common reason than that we're not eating enough especially in the United States a

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very common way of losing a lot of blood quickly is through an internal bleeding

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called an ulcer and also would be in the stomach but we could also have holes and

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perforations at other places in our GI tract a big reason is heavy periods

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women in their reproductive years have a menstrual period and some women lose as

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little as a tablespoon and others lose as much as 80 milliliters or even a lot

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more the average is somewhere around 2 to 3 tablespoons and with that blood

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you're also losing iron and that is iron that has to be replenished through the

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diet and you have to manufacture those extra red blood cells every month

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medications can also make you lose blood and something as simple and common as

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aspirin for each aspirin you're losing about 5 milliliters of blood give or

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take and there are other medications as well like antibiotics and ACE inhibitors

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that can change the permeability of your gut lining and then we want to think

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about what if we are taking some medication but we already have an ulcer

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now we're really really multiplying those effects and losing blood at a much

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faster rate sign number 3 of iron deficiency is shortness of breath if you

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get winded very easily just because you're walking or you're walking up the

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stairs and this didn't used to happen last year then you might be iron

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deficient why do we get easily winded because you have lost some oxygen

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carrying capacity you can't make as much energy and now your body is making you

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breathe faster to compensate to try to take in more air to make energy

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so is anemia always an iron problem no it's the most common worldwide but there

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are many other things like sickle cell anemia when the blood cells are miss

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shapen genetically and then they get destroyed and recycled at a much higher

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rate then we can have anemia from that you know pernicious anemia

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Sidra blastic anemia and there's hundreds of different types of anemia a

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lot of them are genetic and there's also anemia of chronic disease this happens

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as people get older or they develop a chronic disease at a younger age when

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the body stops working optimally now we also get higher rates of anemia and you

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would think that especially in women that when they get older they don't have

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their periods anymore they would kind of catch up well oftentimes they develop

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something else like a chronic disease instead and something else isn't working

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as well and in all or most of these cases

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the iron is not the problem it's that the cells are breaking down or we can't

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manufacture them fast enough but the iron is not the issue sign number four

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is heart palpitations that's when your heart starts beating harder or faster

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you can feel it thumping in your chest that's again because when we don't have

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the oxygen carrying capacity we can't make energy and ATP and now the heart is

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going to increase is going to beat faster and harder to try to compensate

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when the blood is less quality when it's less concentrated resources then we're

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going to make up for it by sending more sigh number five cold hands and feet and

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it's the same reason where the oxygen and the energy but now it's because the

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body is prioritizing the vital organs your liver and your heart and your

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kidneys and your spleen and your digestion come first

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you will die real quick if they don't work you can live with cold hands for a

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while so your body is going to create some vasoconstriction and that pools the

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blood toward the core and we prioritize those essential organs sine number six

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dry damaged brittle hair and that is the same mechanism we don't have as much

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resources in the body and now we're gonna prioritize the vital organs so

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this is very very similar to the cold hands and feet sigh number seven is

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headaches dizziness and lightheadedness and at first this one looks like the

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previous two with lack of oxygen energy and ATP but this one is quite different

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because the brain makes everything else work so it gets the highest priority it

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is two percent of the body weight but it's 20% of the energy consumptions it's

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an energy hog it is using a lot of energy but it's supremely important so

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no matter what else happens we're going to try to make sure

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the brain gets its resources and now what we do then is we create

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vasodilation to the brain we vaso-constrict to the periphery but we

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vaso-dilate to the brain and now what happens is as those blood vessels dilate

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that's where the headache comes in it's like a migraine that migraines often

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have a throbbing quality where you can feel each heartbeat as a pain and this

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would be very much the same way when we have a vasodilation headache and that's

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because the body is just trying to get more nutrients there then what about the

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dizziness and lightheadedness well because the brain is such an energy hog

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and very thin brittle nails so if you see this nail it's kind of spoon shaped very thin and it's flaring out

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and that's a sign of long-term oxygen deprivation this nail has not been getting oxygen or nutrients

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for quite some time again both because resources are limited but also because

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resources are prioritized to the vital organs so we get vasoconstriction

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Sign number nine is kind of crazy it happens sometimes with

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anemia with iron deficiency but also sometimes in pregnancy

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and it's called pica and this is where we get cravings for things that have no nutrients

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where we want to chew on something that can't give us anything

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such as ice or clay or dirt and another common one is paint chips

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so if you notice that you start having cravings for these things or if you notice your

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child is starting to chew on these then that would be a good reason to start checking your iron levels

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sign number 10 is anxiety and why does that happen

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because as we can't make enough energy as our energy levels and ATP levels go down

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now the frontal lobe starts to suffer the brain like we talked about

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it's an energy hog it uses a tremendous amount of energy and it's sort of like a

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dimmer switch that if you have a light turned on and the dimmer is all the way

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up to a hundred and then you turn it down to 60 or 70% then the lights will

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come down gradually and that's kind of what happens with that frontal lobe as

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well and the frontal lobe is critical for anxiety because it inhibits things

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like anxiety it inhibits unwanted things and if the overall activity of the brain

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goes down then we lose some of that inhibition of the anxiety and now that

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anxiety is more uncontrolled take iron if you need it but absolutely don't take

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it if you don't need it so before you take it you want to measure and make

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sure you want to measure a minimum of red blood cells hemoglobin the size the

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hematocrit serum iron iron saturation total iron binding capacity and ferritin

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if you are anemic and you need iron then taking some of a good quality source

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could tremendously increase your health and your quality of life but on the

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reverse of that if you don't to actually need iron and you take it

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then it could set you up for a heap of trouble if you enjoyed this video you

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can continue learning about health and how the body really works by checking

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out that one thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next video

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