10 Signs That You Have A Leaky Gut

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Hello Health champions. Today I want to go over the top 10 signs and symptoms that you may have an inflamed and

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leaky gut and if you stay with me and watch all the way to the end you'll be amazed at

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how many of your signs and symptoms that may be associated with inflammation and leaky

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gut. Number one is digestive problems and that's no big surprise obviously you may have things

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like chronic diarrhea constipation may have gas or bloating and you can have things like

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IBS which is irritable bowel syndrome and that's a broad descriptive term that covers

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just about anything but very often is associated with alternating between constipation and

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diarrhea SIBO is something that's been popularized in recent years which is small

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intestine bacterial overgrowth and one of the main symptoms of that is gas and bloating

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What we want to understand is that these are just the tip of the iceberg that there's so much more going on.

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Leaky gut is also known as intestinal permeability and how do you know if you got it?

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Well there are lab tests but they're not necessarily that reliable.

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They're expensive There are lots of false positives so do you really need a lab test to figure out if you

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have it. Well not really because this is so common that if you think you got it then you probably

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do and the other thing is it's just like a lot of other condition in the body it's not

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necessarily that you have it or you don't but the question is how much do you have it? what

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happens is you have these cells and there's different layers you're supposed to have a

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protective mucus layer on the inside fn the lining of your gut and then on the

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top on the apex of these cells you have some hair cells and then this gray line which is

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enlarged here these the tight junctions and they are supposed to keep, to hold these cells really tightly

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together so that nothing can get through but if this loosens up if there is a poor nutrition

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or inflammation or auto immune attack then we can get a loosening a weakening of

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these tight junctions and things can start leaking through in severe cases you could

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also have leaking both through the tight junction and through the cell if these membranes have been

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damaged We want to think about the gut a little differently than most people do because we

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think of it as putting food inside us when we eat something and goes inside but that's

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not really how it works gut is really sort of outside of you cuz you put things in on

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one end and if your body didn't do anything with it if it didn't break it down and actively

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decide to use it and absorb it then it would come out the other end exactly the same way

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you put it in but the gut is a tube and out of this tube we're only supposed to have single

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molecules cross and we'll take another look at that to get a bigger picture of that and

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then these single molecules they don't just happen to travel across it's a very purposeful

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activity there are carriers there's transport mechanisms to take these molecules across these cell layers

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from the gut into the bloodstream and then once they're in the bloodstream then we can

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take them further into the cell and that's really the whole purpose of this is to put

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things in the gut the blood is not really where it needs to be they need to be in the cell because

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that's where we can do things with it that's what we generate energy and we can reassemble

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these individual molecules into tissue and in the bloodstream is where the battle takes

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place this is where if some foreign particles if some unintended particles get into the

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blood now your immune system have to fight it out and make sure that we can neutralize

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them and that they just don't get into the cells and if everything works the way it's supposed

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to then what gets into the blood and into the cell intracellular that's only the approved

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stuff the second thing that can happen with leaky guts and inflammation in the gut is

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nutritional deficiencies and what happens is we have these villi or fingers in the gut

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and then if we magnify this we see that on the surface of the cells we have something called microvilli

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which are hair cells these are also known as brush border and there's something about

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this brush border that that is a home for bacteria beneficial bacteria and the production of

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enzymes that we need to break down the food and if we don't have a healthy environment

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in the gut then this brush border gets damaged and we don't have the proper bacteria and

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the proper production of enzymes now we can't break down the food properly and then we can't

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absorb it properly so now we get deficiencies in essential fatty acids we get deficiencies

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in essential amino acid and carbohydrates they're not essential but to the extent that

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we eat them we still need to break them down in a proper way. because if we don't if we

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don't break them down and absorb them in the early portion of the digestive tract then

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they're going to drift further down they're going to travel further down the digestive tract

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and become food and particularly food for the pathogenic bacteria remember we're only

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supposed to absorb individual molecules one at a time and if we don't have enzymes then

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these sugars the disaccharides which are two sugars linked together or polysaccharides they

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can't get through this barrier and now they travel down and become food for the bacteria

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that can harm us. Number 3 is multiple allergies and sensitivity and this is unfortunately

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something that we're seeing more and more of in recent years food intolerance and something

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called Universal Reactor is if you have a leaky gut and pretty much everything that you eat

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some of these proteins and antigens leak through your intestinal membrane now you're going

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to get multiple allergies and they can get to the point where you are a universal reactor

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pretty much anything that you eat you're going to have some kind of reaction to it and then

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we need to talk about size of particles the smallest unit size were concerned with is

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called one Dalton and it's like a base unit for the size of molecular matter that is the

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size of one proton and the next size up we're concerned with is a glucose molecule or an

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amino acid molecule these are the size that are supposed to readily pass across the membranes

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and get absorbed but anything larger is supposed to have trouble getting across so glucose

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is 180 Daltons and an amino acid can vary a lot in size but they're generally in that

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same size range roughly the same size now if we increase this. We blow this up 50 times now we have

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what's called an antigen and this is about the size that's large enough for your immune

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system to recognize it and tag it an antigen is something that can produce an antibody

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in this is 50 times larger than the molecules that we're supposed to absorb and then we increase that

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eight more times and now we have the size of a typical protein so proteins can be rather

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small and they can be an enormous but just to give you an idea what we'll call the protein

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about 60 to 80,000 Daltons and then if we blow that up 500 more times now we're at the size of

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a virus and they're at about forty million Daltons and the next step up would be a bacterium

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is now we blow it up 30 thousand more times so again body cells can vary quite a bit

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but a bacterium is about the scale of one of your body cells so when we go from the

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size of the molecule we're supposed to absorb up to the size of a cell or a bacterium we're

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talkin about increasing 6 billion times in size and why are we talkin about this because I

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just want you to appreciate how fine to how precise how delicate these barriers are in

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the body that they're only a certain size that were supposed to absorb and they're infinitely

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smaller than the structures of of the body of the cellso when we're talkin bout or cell

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would still talkin something that is microscopic it is far too small to see by the naked eye

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and yet we're talkin something that billions of times smaller that your body is supposed

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to keep out. number four is skin rashes so when we have things like acne or rosacea were eczema

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it's because when we have a lot of inflammation and we have a lot of immune reactions we also

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build up a whole lot more debris and waste products in the body we have certain organs

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of elimination and most people know about things like the liver and the kidney but we

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also eliminate a lot of stuff through the lungs and the largest organ of elimination is actually

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the skin Now we could argue depending on what waste product we look as and so forth

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which one of this is most important but these are the top four elimination organs that we

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have and your skin is super important to help your body in getting rid of waste and if

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you have more waste then it's going to cause some problems on the way out the fifth sign

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of a leaky gut is a poor immune system and why does that happen because your body gets

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busy with other things so if your immune system has two jobs basically it can fight off pathogens

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or it can fight off toxins and foods that get into the wrong place that's a toxin

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so when we have food reactions and the body starts making antigens and we have white blood

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cells that go after food that's in the wrong place now it creates a lot of inflammation

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and again we're using up resources on the food rather than the pathogens and foreign intruders

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number 6 is autoimmune disease what is your immune system supposed to do? It is basically

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just telling the difference between your own cells your own tissue and those things that

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are not your own cells so like we talked about food particles and pathogens, virus, bacteria

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Etc and then it supposed to neutralize and eliminate and fight off those things that

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are not yourself but auto immunity is when it gets confused and it can't clearly tell

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the difference between self and foreign so in a war analogy it's sort of like falling

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prey to Friendly Fire that the more chaos the more smoke the more stuff going on at

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the same the more difficult it is to tell the difference between self and foreign and

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some examples of this or SLE like systemic lupus erythematosus which is an autoimmune

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disease that start attacking a lot of your organs and systems. celiacs disease we have

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Crohn's disease and I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis are more examples of autoimmune diseases and

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these are becoming more and more prevalent in recent years and Hashimoto's is probably

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the most common of all of them and very much under diagnosed because when people have thyroid

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problems we just give them a synthetic hormone we don't necessarily go and look for the root

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cause but Hashimoto's is an autoimmune attack of the thyroid Rheumatoid arthritis is a devastating

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attack on the joints on the synovial membranes in the joint so you get crippling arthritis

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multiple sclerosis is when the autoimmune attack happens to your nervous system and

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you have messages your brain is trying to send messages out by the electrical wires

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and if you have an attack to the insulation of those wires called myelin now you're going

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to get short-circuiting you're going to have signals jumping across at the wrong places

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causing multiple sclerosis and psoriatic arthritis is another example A lot of people think of

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psoriasis as just a skin issue but it's actually an arthritis it can be as crippling as rheumatoid

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arthritis and one more is Vitiligo which is what this girl has it is when you're losing

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in the skin number seven is arthritis, or osteoarthritis that you often find with joint pain and this

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is so common that basically most people over 60 have this to some degree and it starts

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effecting the large joints of the body like the spine and the knees and hips and shoulders

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but also the joints of the fingers very common and unlike the autoimmune arthritises this one

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is usually looked upon as mechanical so people get over 50 or over 60 and they go to the

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doctor and they take some X-ray and they say you have arthritis in your joint have worn

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down but this is the wrong way to look at it because your body wears down every minute

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of every day but when it's working it gets rebuilt so we don't want to think of it as

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a breakdown we want to think of it as a lack of repair so for example most people

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are going to have if they have knee pain then they're saying well your left knee wore out

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well you walked an equal number of steps on your right knee so why didn't that one wear down

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Well the answer is they both wore down but one was better at repairing and this is because

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of multiple reasons like mechanical stability that we get from nervous system control but

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the other reason again is inflammation which unlike the arthritis with the autoimmunity

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this is not the erosive autoimmune kind this is more of a generalized type the 8th thing that

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can happen with a leaky gut and inflammation as you get cravings and this starts often with

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dysbiosis or an unbalanced gut flora and how does that work well the little creatures that

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you have living in your gut your microbiome you have about 40 trillion of them there is

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one bacteria roughly for every cell in your body and they sort of have a voice they have

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a say in the matter sounds strange because they're kind of living down there but there's

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a reason they call it your second brain and there's a huge relationship between what happens

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in your gut and what happens in your brain and in the rest of the body so these bacteria

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in your gut actually signal they participate in your body over all communication and they

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can influence your reward and your satiety pathways and they can produce mood-altering

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toxins and basically hijack your vagus so the brain has cranial nerve outflow and

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the 10th cranial nerve is called the vagus nerve which is responsible for your parasympathetic

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nervous system or most of your digestion so the vagus nerve is what talks to your gut

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and to these bacteria and as part of that signaling system these bacteria can basically

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hijack the vagus nerve so if you have an unbalanced gut and they crave sugar than they can make

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you crave sugar as well. Number 9 is rain issues, cognitive issues, mental issues and now you can see how

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it's starting to incorporate every system in the body start being affected when you

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got isn't working properly and we get things like headaches and brain fog and memory loss

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and what we have to understand is that there are two super important barriers in the body

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the first one we talked about that's your intestinal membrane the second one is to your

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brain and this is known as the BBB that's not the Better Business Bureau in this case

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it's the blood-brain barrier and while the gut barrier is super selective the blood-brain

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barrier is supposed to be even more selective because some things that are allowed into

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the blood are still not allowed into the brain and the same things that start compromising

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the Integrity of your gut membrane those same factors also start compromising the blood-brain

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barrier and now if you understood what I was just saying that it pretty much means that

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if you have a leaky gut now we also will have a leaky brain and if you start having dysbiosis

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and the wrong kind of bacteria producing toxins in your gut and they leak through that leaky

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gut now they're also going to be leaking into the brain and start causing brain fog and

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cognitive issues. But there's even more to these cognitive issues much more far-reaching

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than talk to some videos about frontal lobe inhibition and when your brain starts to be

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affected when you get more inflammation and challenges to the brain now the frontal lobe

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also can't produce the same amount of energy and have the same control that it normally

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does and the frontal lobe is supposed to turn things off 90% of what the frontal lobe

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does his to turn off distractions basically and some of these distractions are depressive

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thoughts and anxious thoughts and worry and so forth and when your brain is working properly when

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the frontal lobe is strong like a bright light bulb then it's going to be able to turn off

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these depressive thoughts and turn off those anxious thoughts and put you in a stable mood

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when the frontal lobe is compromised now these things start to rise to the surface basically

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And the same exact mechanism happens with ADD and ADHD that your brain has to turn things

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off in order for you to be able to focus when your brain can't turn things off now you don't

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focus and you have attention deficit number 10 consequence of leaky gut and inflamed

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gut is chronic fatigue chronic fatigue syndrome any time they call it a syndrome that means

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they can't really pin it on anything cuz there's so many different factors and it's expressing

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itself in so many different ways and it's very often associated with fibromyalgia because

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these kind of depend on the same factors things like decreased brain function overall poor

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nutrition and increased inflammation and like we talked about when all of this is going

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on now your body has to expend a lot of energy and resources on other things such as the

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digestion and immune system both of those things are extremely expensive they use up

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a lot of your fuel a lot of the energy produced in the body goes to digestion and immune system

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and if your body gets busy with those now you don't have a lot of energy left over for the things you want to do.

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if you enjoy this video that will be a great one for you next and if

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