10 Key Signs You Are Fat Adapted (No Equipment Needed)

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hello health champions how do you know if you're truly fat adapted well if

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you're still having cravings and ravenous hunger and sugar cravings then

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you're probably not fat adapted yet so today we're going to talk about what fat

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adaptation is I'm going to give you ten signs to tell if you're getting into

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true fat adaptation coming right up hey I'm dr. Ekberg

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I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if you want to

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truly master health by understanding how the body really works make sure you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss anything so what is

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fat adaptation fat adaptation simply means that your body has the ability to

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burn fat when mostly fat is available another way

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of looking at that is called metabolic flexibility

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so if mostly carbs or mostly fat or mostly protein or a mix of all of those

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are available then the body does just fine it has the metabolic machinery to

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switch from one to the other on very short notice

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that's metabolic flexibility and the only reason that this is even an issue

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is that we have trained our body away from being fat adaptive we've trained

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the body away from metabolic flexibility by having a couple of generations of

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people who have had virtually nothing but carbohydrate and carbohydrate is a

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fuel that raises blood sugar which is dangerous to the brain that's why an

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excess leads to diabetes and neurological problems and so forth so

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the body has to dispose of the carbohydrates first and if we eat

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frequent carbohydrates then the body never really gets to anything but the

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carbohydrates they become the priority and the body becomes dependent so that

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is the reason that if your carb dependent you've shifted all your

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metabolic Machinery over to carbohydrates so now

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when the carbohydrates disappear when you go on a low-carb diet your body says

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I've got no food I don't recognize where my regular food

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is I'm starving even though all that fat is available both in the diet if you eat

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a high fat diet and on the body your body doesn't have access to it because

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it has to retrain and become fat adapted and what that means is has to up

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regulate all the cellular machinery all the receptors and the enzymes and the

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mitochondria involved in fat metabolism and that takes a while it can take a

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couple of weeks if it has been totally basically shut down ketosis is something

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that's measured together with fat adaptation because ketones is a

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byproduct of fat burning so if you're in fat burning you're making ketones you're

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in ketosis but they're not really the same thing because you can have some

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ketosis without being fat adapted so every night when you're sleeping and

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every morning when you wake up you have some ketones even if you have a carb

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dependent metabolism during the night you go eight to ten hours without food

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and your body shifts a little bit but then if your carb adapted you go

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straight up and you have toast and orange juice and cereal and oatmeal and

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you fill up the glycogen stores and the body forgets all about burning fat so

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you never get into being fat adapted so even though you can have a little bit of

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ketosis from time to time it doesn't make you fat adapted so we need to

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understand that difference and I heard some people talk about this I wanted to

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make a comment about diuresis they said that diuresis is a sign of being fat

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burning and it's not it's even less so than the ketosis because diuresis is

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when you lose fluids that have been bound up in the body and the reason is

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that glycogen which you can store carbohydrates as glycogen you

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store about 1,500 grams about three pounds three to four pounds and that

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binds about three to four times its weight and water it's like a sponge it

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holds water to it so when you burn through the glycogen stores that water

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has nothing to hold on to and you flush it straight out so the first five six

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seven pounds that you lose on a low-carb diet is water and that's normal and

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that's okay but it doesn't mean you're burning fat

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or that your fat adapted it just means you're reducing your glycogen stores

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which is a good thing on the way to becoming fat adapted another thing I

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heard was that your fat adapted when you burn through all the glucose that's

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lingering that it can take a couple of weeks to become fat adapted because

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glucose is lingering and that's just not how it works

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because your body makes glucose all the time even when you're completely fasting

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your body makes glucose because you still even in a ketosis even in a

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fasting state you still are going to maintain a blue glucose of in the 70 75

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80 range so glucose does not linger you burned through the stores pretty quickly

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and then your body makes it as needed has really nothing to do with whether

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your fat adapted or not so how long does it take to become fat adapted to where

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your body is metabolically flexible again well it depends primarily on two

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things it depends on how insulin resistant you are the more insulin

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resistance you are the higher your fasting insulin the tougher it's going

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to be for you to be fat adapted because that high insulin level locks the fat

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away so even though you're eating the fat you're kind of burning it but your

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body can't see the burn the body fat so you're not truly fat adapted because

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you're still gonna get hungry because you're depending on dietary fuel because

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of that high insulin level the other factor is how long have you been

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insulin-resistant and how long have you been carb dependent if it's been going

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for a decade or two then you can probably count on two to six weeks for

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your body to completely shift its machinery and that's if you're very

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consistent do you have to be patient here's the good news though if you are

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consistent with it if you truly become fat adapted so if you've been on a

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low-carb diet myself for example I've been low-carb

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for probably ten years I've been in and out Aikido probably been in low-grade

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keto for 80% of the time for those last ten years so if I go on a vacation and I

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do a little carb loading I make a few exceptions and I eat more carbs then I

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notice immediately I get hungrier I gotta have frequent meals my body is

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screaming for food but if I come home and I just cut out the carbs then I'm

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back in true fat adaptation in 24 to 48 hours because I do have the metabolic

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flexibility so that's the good news once you get this done right then you don't

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have to do it over and over and over it gets easier and easier so here are the

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10 signs that you are getting fat adapted number one thing you're gonna

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notice is less hunger you eat your meals and you're not super hungry between

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meals you don't need snacks etc just overall less hunger number two less carb

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cravings you don't feel like when you're eating a meal that oh I have to have

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that rice I have to have that potato a lot of people they can't just have meat

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and vegetables they don't feel satisfied unless they have also stuffed in some

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carbs number three is you don't feel a need for snacks a lot of people have

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been told and trained to have three meals plus three snacks plus an evening

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meal maybe but as you get fat adapted your everything levels out and you

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notice that there's no problem at all skipping

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the snacks number four no ravenous hunger so the character of your hunger

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changes too that's some people they just get totally out of control they can't

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function they get sleepy they get headaches they get irritable they get

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angry they go out of their mind their body is screaming for food that all goes

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away you're not gonna have that kind of hunger anymore and then you'll wake up

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one morning and notice you want to skip a meal it's like I'm not hungry and

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that's something that you should take the cue that don't eat if you're not

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hungry your body is trying to tell you something it has plenty of food it has

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plenty of energy resources just leave it alone and skip the meal sign number six

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is you'll notice you get fat cravings that when you eat a meal you want it to

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be really fatty if it's not dripping with butter if it's not a lot of fat in

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there your body senses that it's missing something so then you're wondering well

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now I just replace the carb craving for a fat craving no not really it's just

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that when you're eating your body knows it wants that dense concentrated

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high-quality fuel and with a carb craving you're perpetuating the problem

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with the carb craving you're creating a blood sugar roller coaster with the fat

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craving you're just providing your body a stable fuel that it needs and if you

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eat it when your body asks for it you'll notice it becomes easier and

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easier and easier to go longer without food something else you might notice at

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this point is that if you get up in the morning and you forget to eat breakfast

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like your long weekend then you get busy with something you go out in the yard

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and all of a sudden it's 5:00 in the afternoon and you haven't eaten anything

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and you didn't really think about it because your body is fat adapted it has

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a stable source of fuel you don't need all that snacks that's a great sign that

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your fat adapted another interesting sign is ketone strips because when you

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first start burning fat and you're making some ketones a lot of

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them are gonna spill out in the urine so the ketone strips that you pee on they

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measure the ketones that get out of the body but as you get more and more fat

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adapted your body produces more ketones and you would expect that ketone strips

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to show a higher rate of ketones but instead they start showing a lower

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number maybe even just a trace and that's because even though you're making

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more ketones your body has up regulated its machinery to burn not just fat but

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also to utilize the ketones and now your body is using them instead of spilling

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them out in the urine so at first the ketone strips are going to show

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increasing amounts and then they're gonna show decreasing amounts and that's

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a great sign sign number eight no mood swings because a lot of mood swings have

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to do with blood sugar and they have to do with energy supply so if your carb

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dependence you're gonna have blood sugar swings as you get fat adapted you have

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virtually no blood sugar swings today I measured my glucose and it was 80 before

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I ate and then I had a very large meal 1,500 calories or so and afterwards my

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blood sugar was a hundred and one so they're very very slight changes in

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blood sugar and that reflects in your mood number nine it's also going to

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reflect in your energy level because your mood and your energy often go

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together so when your energy supply is stable then you always have energy

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throughout the day so some people experience much better energy but

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primarily what you'll notice is stable energy you're not dependent on food

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you're not dependent on snacks to function sign number ten mental clarity

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ketones is a fantastic fuel for the brain it likes it much better than

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glucose actually and it's a more stable fuel plus when you become fat adapt

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you've also decreased the inflammation in the body you've decreased

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inflammation from grains and sugar but also because insulin in itself drives

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inflammation and inflammatory processes so when you bring insulin down and

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become fat adapted now the brain has more stable and it has better fuel and

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less inflammation so for a lot of people this shows up as mental clarity the

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brain fog lifts and they can think they can live in a way that they never have

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felt for years now it's important to understand that while most people will

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experience most of these signs not everyone is going to experience all of

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them and that goes especially for the last two the energy and the mental

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clarity because there's so many other factors that influence that and

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primarily we're talking about people with sensitivities and autoimmunity and

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other sources of inflammation and maybe hypothyroid so if you're not getting all

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ten then chances are that you have a little bit more of a complex situation

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you're not in the 80 or 90% but don't despair just keep being consistent with

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these things and then maybe look for some help from someone who can help you

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iron out those last few details and then a little bonus for you and this is kind

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of interesting it's not necessarily due to fad adaptation per se it might be

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more due to habits and neuroplasticity but here's a fact your taste buds will

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change and this is a good thing because people think that oh I can never eat

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that way because I'm used to eating this way well you can change your taste and

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one way that you'll notice the first thing that you'll notice is that things

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that you used to like that we're sweet now taste

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nauseatingly sweet so for one example milk chocolate if you used to love milk

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chocolate and you taste it now it would taste almost disgusting it would

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so sweet so nauseating of course nowadays you don't eat milk chocolate so

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you wouldn't know how that tastes but I'm just saying hypothetically and if

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you were to fast for a couple of days and then you come back and you eat a

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piece of 85% chocolate it will be like the sweetest thing you ever tasted this

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is a good thing because you can learn to eat things you can learn to like things

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everything that you think you like is because you learn to like it so just

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learn to like the things that you know are better for you simple as that

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if you enjoyed this video make sure to check out that one thank you so much for

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watching I'll see you in the next video

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