10 Intermittent Fasting Tips For Easy Success And Why Fasting Works

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millions of people have tried intermittent fasting and millions more

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are curious but they're hesitating because they think it's gonna be hard so

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today we're going to talk about how to simplify it and how to make the

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transition effortless and painless and easy coming right up

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hey I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss

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anything it's mitt and fasting has become

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immensely popular because it has a lot of different benefits people are

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noticing things happening for the first time in their life people that could

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never reduce insulin resistance or weight they're finding that it's

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relatively straightforward that it's happening people are reducing

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inflammation and LDL ISM is a marker it's an indicator of inflammation so

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they're finding LDL goes down HDL goes up and with that they're also reversing

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things like cardiovascular disease and diabetes things that are often

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considered incurable well it's because they haven't tried a powerful tool like

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intermittent fasting but once you have that tool now all of this is reversible

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because it's not really a disease in the first place it's just an adaptation even

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things like cancer is greatly reduced in the probability to develop and in some

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cases it even reverses intermittent fasting will increase the beneficial

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hormones like brain derived neurotrophic factor and human growth hormone things

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that allow us to maintain memory and cognition and a healthy brain if we do a

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little bit longer fasting we can induce otology which is a very powerful healing

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tool it's recycling it's cleaning up the body's recycling resources and

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rebuilding things and Auto Fuji is a very powerful anti-aging

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tool so the benefits and the reasons to do intermittent fasting are endless and

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very very powerful so if you're thinking about trying intermittent fasting let's

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just clarify the first piece you are already doing it

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alright intermittent fasting is simply the period of time between meals right

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so if you eat every two hours you're fasting for two hours if you're eating

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every four hours you're fasting for four hours most people have their longest

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fast overnight they go an entire night without eating how do you survive that

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because the body has mechanisms it has systems to compensate and maintain

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stability so you're already doing it that's the first thing to understand

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it's just a matter of how much are you gonna do the second thing is that this

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isn't a diet it's a pattern of eating it's not complicated some people will

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just eat whatever it is that they're already eating but they'll skip a meal

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and now they're getting a longer fasting period and they're getting healthier we

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are going to talk about the types of food because some people can just

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maintain a high carb diet and get benefits but for other people if they

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maintain a high carb diet it becomes almost impossible because they just get

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too hungry so we'll talk about how to resolve that and because it's not a diet

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there are no specified foods there are foods that are better for you and we'll

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talk about that because it makes it easier so the concerns that people have

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the first one obviously is does it work well yes it does it's just a matter of

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are you willing to give it a shot and are you willing to learn it and do it

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enough that you get the results but the evidence is pretty much in millions of

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people are reporting tremendous benefits from doing intermittent fasting the next

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cancer people have is is it natural because we've been taught to eat so many

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meals a day and here's the problem that we tend to believe that whatever we have

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done for the last 50 years or so is the No

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for the human species well humans never had three meals a day much less six we

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didn't have refrigerators and cereal and freezers and all these ways to preserve

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and make abundant food available we never had that your body has plenty of

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tools and mechanisms to miss a meal if you miss a meal the body has ways of

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generating energy and managing and stabilizing blood sugar and energy

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levels in the body it has it is perfectly well adapted to missing a meal

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but it has no defense against six meals a day it's never seen that it doesn't

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know what to do with that and that's why when we keep just packing it in and

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never giving time to pull anything out that's where we develop these problems

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that intermittent fasting can reverse so it is much more natural to eat fewer

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meals if you look at how human physiology is designed then people want

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to know is it safe again we've done this for hundreds of thousands of years most

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cultures around the world has had an element of fasting built into religious

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or our cultural traditions and it is perfectly safe and then I just have to

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laugh when I look at some of the mainstream the politically correct

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opinions on intermittent fasting that there's so much success stories that

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they admit that yeah you know it might work but then of course they have to put

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a detractor in there and the best thing they can come up with is it could be

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hard that's their most potent argument against it you know it could be hard

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well what's really hard is getting sick sure it's easier to sit in the sofa and

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eat ice cream and drink beer and and frappuccinos but it's easier in the

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short run if you don't want the degenerative disease that as it's proven

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that the way we eat today and the majority of people getting

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degenerate to disease it's proven the record is in there's no discussion about

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it so if you want something different than that you might have to change

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something okay but it isn't hard they only think it's hard because they think

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they're there arguing that well we have the cereal and the bread and the mac and

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cheese and the and the convenience and the comfort foods and everyone else is

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eating them so it must be hard not to eat it well just because humans invented

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because just because humans took a resource and distorted it into something

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processed and refined and dangerous doesn't mean that you have to eat it you

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don't go use heroin and cocaine just because a human made it right you

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understand that your ancestors never had that that stuff kills you

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well the processed food kills you too and it didn't exist for your ancestors

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so just wipe it clean off your mind that stuff never existed okay so I think it's

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such a lame ridiculous argument that it could be hard because it's not it's a

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mindset if you just understand that those things never existed you're not

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going to do soda anymore then you're gonna do heroin then it is easy because

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you have thousands of healthy natural life-sustaining satisfying foods to

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choose from so the only real issue that people run into when they miss a meal or

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when they go longer without food is that there's a chance you might get hungry

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alright hunger is a natural thing it's your body

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telling you that it wants some food but if you there are certain situations

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where the body is going to tell you much stronger and where it's kind of gonna

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lie to you a little bit and that's where your carb dependent when you have

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trained your body into relying on carbohydrates then it doesn't know how

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to use the fat so if you eat six meals a day with high

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carbohydrate every time you eat you get an insulin spike that insulin is going

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to put the sugar out of the bloodstream into the cell the cell can use some but

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it's gonna store the rest and in the presence of insulin the insulin is going

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to prevent you from retrieving that fat and using it for fuel so when insulin is

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high because you eat six times a day and you eat high carb then you get hungry

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because you can't retrieve the fuel that you stored so once your carb dependent

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then everything is short-term you eat something your blood sugar goes up and

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then the insulin takes it out of the bloodstream

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you can't retrieve it now you get hypoglycemia and this is the situation

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that we had for the last 50 years this is the last several decades so then if

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your hypoglycemic people reason well the solution obviously would be to eat some

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sugar right sure that solves the problem for the next hour but it perpetuates the

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real problem which is insulin resistance and being carb dependent not even six

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meals a day is enough for most people because once you count how often

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somebody eats anything at all and you you count that little snack that little

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a bonbon that sits in the bowl at the office and that little bite of a donut

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or a cookie or a snack bar and that little sip from the cappuccino or the

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Frappuccino most people they did a research and they

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eat over 20 times per day 20 times a day they eat something that's

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going to trigger blood sugar and insulin so the opposite of being carb dependent

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is to be fat adapted and what that means is that if you don't put in sugar and

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carbs and fuel so often the body has to learn to do something in between and the

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longer you go in between the better the body has to get at finding fuel

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elsewhere than what you're putting in your mouth and you're walking around all

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of us walk around with at least a hundred thousand calories on

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our bodies I have about a hundred thousand overweight people might have

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three four five six hundred thousand but you can't get to it until you are fat

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adapted and that means you have to reduce your dependence on carbs and you

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have to go longer between meals so the key the reason that intermittent

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fasting in keto works is that once you are fat adapted and you go longer

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between meals it allows you to have a calorie deficit without getting hungry

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if your carb dependent you're gonna get hungry if your fat adapted and you go

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longer between meals the body says oh I got a look elsewhere and right here is a

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fortune of energy so you eat a thousand calories you take your thousand calories

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from your belly fat you got your fuel for the day and the body doesn't care

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where it comes from when you are fat adapted that so this is the whole key to

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understand and some people can just eat whatever high carb diet and their bodies

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are not so stubborn that when they go to one meal a day or they just eat fewer

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meals their body is not protesting loudly but for most people if you want

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to make it easy and that's what we're talking about in this video is you want

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to be fat adapted first so here are the ten easy steps that's gonna make it

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effortless it's gonna make it smooth it's gonna make it a cinch for you to

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get success with intermittent fasting number one realize that you're already

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doing it okay it's just a matter of how long you're not gonna try intermittent

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fasting you're already doing it so if you're eating your last meal at 9:00 and

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you eat breakfast at 7:00 you're fasting for 10 hours how did you survive the

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night because your body knows what to do you've trained it to manage those 10

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hours now you just need to trained it to manage longer periods

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during waking it is not hard we just have to start doing it the body will

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adapt and it's not a problem the second step you want to do is you

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want to eliminate snacks so rather than topping off insulin 20

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times a day the whole idea is to reduce insulin anytime you go without food your

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insulin starts going down the longer you go without food the more time you give

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insulin a chance to retreat so the first step is to skip all the snacks so you're

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only having three meals a day then you want to start reducing carbohydrates if

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you're eating 300 grams of carbs a day then you want to gradually work your way

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down to maybe a hundred and as you do this you're gonna notice that you get

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less and less hungry but it's gonna take a while for your body to change its

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machinery around to know how to use fat instead you work your way down and when

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you notice that you're not getting as hungry when you're not so hungry in the

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morning when you don't get ravenously hungry before lunch you don't get

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lightheaded your body is starting to adapt some people might have to give to

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a hundred or 50 or thirty but just work your way down until you're less hungry

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until you're more stable then you also add some fat that's number four when you

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cut back the carbs you have to put something in instead and the only thing

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that doesn't really trigger insulin at all

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it's that microscopic it's an insignificant amount of insulin is fat

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so eat the good fats you eat grass-fed hamburger 15-20 percent fat you eat

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things that had naturally have good fat in them lamb chops you eat avocado and

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nuts and then you supplement you add on so if you have some vegetables then you

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can pour some fat on the vegetables such as melted butter or olive oil or coconut

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oil etc number five now that you're noticing more stability you

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decrease you reduce your feeding window further so now instead of having dinner

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at 9:00 p.m. you have it at 5:00 p.m. and you just don't snack anything

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afterwards and now not doing anything else you have shifted your 10:14 to 1410

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meaning you've fast for 14 hours you fast for more than half of the day you

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eat during a 10 hour window and then you can start shrinking that even further so

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if you have breakfast a little bit later now you shrinking the window even more

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now number six once you're noticing once you're getting

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to this point most people are gonna just intuitively they're gonna sense I don't

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really want breakfast anymore that's the most common thing I hear in

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my office is do I have to eat breakfast no of course not some people prefer to

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skip dinner most people like to skip breakfast there's no rule here just pick

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one so let's say that you have lunch you skip breakfast you have lunch at noon

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and you have dinner at 6 now you have an 18 hour fasting window so you've done

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minor changes but instead of having most of your day eating like in the beginning

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you had 14 hours of eating and 10 hours of fasting now you have 18 hours of

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fasting you're fasting three times more than you're eating right the period of

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fasting is three times longer this is a tremendously powerful tool to reduce

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insulin okay you're going much much longer without insulin which gives the

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time to pull back to become more insulin sensitive now if you're really scared or

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if you want to ease into this then you can skip that breakfast but you kind of

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make a pseudo breakfast you do something called bulletproof coffee and you take

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black coffee you're put in you melt some butter into it you put some coconut

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cream or some heavy cream a couple of tablespoons don't go too much on that

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and then you put a tablespoon of MCT oil now you just added three four hundred

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calories of pure fat and that's gonna give you some satisfaction it's going to

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give you some fuel but it won't trigger any significant amount of insulin so

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bulletproof coffee is not something you have to do but it's a tool to get you

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through the time up to lunch if you're hesitating if you if you're not sure

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that you could do it or if you get hungry and you feel that you do need it

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then it's a great thing to do that will get you through that time period without

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triggering insulin number 7 you want to try to get in plenty of liquids and

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minerals when you eat less carbs just minha tend to lose fluids and minerals

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and fluids go together so the first thing that you lose the first three

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pounds that you lose when you go on a diet is liquids because you're reducing

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carbs you're burning through black engine stores but then after that when

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you start fat-burning then it's real actual weight loss but even with that

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you can lose some minerals and you lose some fluids that's maybe the most

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important thing to keep up during a fast when you eat less is minerals so you

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want to get as much as you can from food choose leafy vegetables and things that

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are high in minerals but food today does not have as much minerals as it did even

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a hundred years ago so it's not a bad idea to get some supplements you want to

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get potassium sodium magnesium and calcium primarily maybe something with

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some trace minerals the sodium you get from pink salt or sea salt

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and if you do that then you have the whole range of trace minerals come with

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that the potassium you want to get in a citrate form the magnesium you can get

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as a citrate or a lactate and the calcium you want to get preferably as a

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lactate form those are the most easily converted by the body and absorbed and

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utilized by the body number eight only eat when you're really hungry alright so

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again we often eat just because we think we're supposed to

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we wake up in the morning and oh I'm not really hungry but I got to eat breakfast

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because they said so I've been taught to do that or I'm not really hungry but I'd

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better eat because if I don't I'll get hungry before lunch I won't make it to

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lunch and it's kind of funny because the opposite is actually true I do eat

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breakfast sometimes but I find that I'm hungrier if I have breakfast at 8:00 I'm

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hungrier by 11:00 than if I didn't eat at all so for the most part that's just

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a fear it's something that we've been taught it's a habit that is totally

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unfounded it's a fear that is unfounded so eat when you're hungry ignore tiny

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tiny little rumblings just the tiniest little hunger pang if you drink a cup of

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tea and it goes away it wasn't really hunger it's just your body saying hey I

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think by this time I usually get something all right

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but if you get really hungry then eat and if you get really hungry now number

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9 you want to plan ahead you want to make sure that you have some good food

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available because if you don't and you get really irritable and hypoglycemic

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and you're running out of fuel and there's nothing around now you're going

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to go for some junk so make sure that you have some some cheese or some nuts

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or some chicken wings or an avocado or a can of sardines or some fat bombs

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there's lots and lots of things that you can take with you and have handy stick

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it in the fridge somewhere at work or just keep it in your purse and have it

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ready have the good stuff there when you get hungry number 10 now that you have

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gone through the steps and your body has gotten adapted you've done it seamlessly

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there was no pain it was effortless it was you're wondering why you didn't do

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this already and some people are doing it already but now number 10 is you

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start extending the fast you start shrinking the feeding

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window so before here we were eating during a six-hour window now you start

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shrinking that even further if you just pay attention when you're hungry you'll

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find that you're not really hungry you shrink the window down until you're

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only eating one time a day so now you're doing something like a 23 one you're

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having a big meal you're eating once a day and you're fasting the other 23 and

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for some people they can sustain that for quite some time if you have some

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weight to lose then you can go on you can do this for

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it for years if you're already at your goal weight but you want some of the

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other benefits now you might want to alternate between one meal a day and an

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18-6 pattern that's pretty much what I'm doing not because I have any particular

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goals concerning weight but it's just an easy way to eat it saves a tremendous

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amount of time not to have to eat all the time not to have to bring food all

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the time I get a cup of coffee I go to work I come home at 3 o'clock maybe and

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I'll have a meal and Oh Matt is going to handle a lot of health issues a lot of

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weight issues a lot of insulin resistance issues but for some people

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who are extremely instantly resistant or you might have a stubborn form of

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diabetes type 2 or you might have something even more severe like cancer

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or autoimmunity now you want to go even further you want to start fasting even

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longer periods of time because if you go longer now you kick in something called

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a toffee G which is a very powerful healing mechanism in the body some

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people do it because they're looking for anti-aging benefits some people do it to

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reverse disease but now you extend your fast to 36 hours 42 hours 48 3 days 4

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days a week a month it depends on your goals it depends on your situation but

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don't rush into it get your body adapted work your way up to one meal a day

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and then you play around with it don't go straight into a week or something

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like that because chances are you're gonna feel absolutely lousy and your

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body won't be happy with you and then I want to mention some exceptions millions

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of people will benefit from doing some intermittent fasting the exceptions are

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people who are pregnant women are pregnant and breastfeeding people who

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are already too thin or children young people who are still growing so realize

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that most of the benefits that you get from this people are instantly resistant

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and overweight and diabetic and so forth intermittent fasting allows them a

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calorie deficit it allows them to stay at a calorie deficit without being

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hungry but if you're pregnant or growing or too thin you're not looking for a

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calorie deficit you're looking for a calorie surplus or at least a calorie

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sufficiency you're growing something you're growing tissue and we're trying

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to replenish tissue so you're in a different situation you can still get a

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lot of the benefits of intermittent fasting because the biggest problem with

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intermittent fasting is that you're eating all the time if you just stop

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eating all the time and do something like a 16-8 you can get most of these

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benefits and still give yourself plenty of time to eat all the nutrients and all

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the calories that your body wants within an eight-hour window you could eat three

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times but the 16-hour fasting is vastly better than having a 10-hour fasting

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windows so 16 hours allows you to get most of these benefits your reduced

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insulin resistance you get a tiny little bit of orbit off a G starting and you're

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going to be much much better off for it because a lot of pregnant a lot of

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breastfeeding women are still insulin resistant a lot of growing kids for

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getting a little chubby they are insulin resistant so even though they're growing

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they want the nutrients but they don't want all that

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insulin and the only other special case is a type 1 diabetic type 1 diabetics

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are insulin dependent but if they eat a high carb diet and they just inject

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enough insulin to compensate for the carbs they're eating they can still

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develop all the problems of insulin resistance and obesity and type 2

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diabetes that we see with type 2 diabetics and with with overweight

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people so the only thing that a type 1 diabetic have to be concerned with is to

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monitor and go slowly because you're you've learned a certain amount of

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insulin to inject to compensate to adapt to to handle a certain amount of

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carbohydrate now if you reduce the carbohydrate you have to reduce the

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insulin otherwise you will become hypoglycemic and that's no fun follow

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the same steps but do it very very slowly and give your body time to adapt

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and time for you to learn how much less insulin you're gonna do and you can

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benefit tremendously from using less insulin as a result of eating less

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carbohydrates so remember that you're already doing intermittent fasting

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everyone on the planet is doing intermittent fasting the question is

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just how much and by doing a little bit more you can get tremendous health

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benefits if you understand the principles you understand the steps you

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can make it easy and seamless so if you're not doing intermittent fasting

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already then take these 10 steps and apply them in your life and let me know

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how that goes share the video with someone else who

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wants to give it a try and they'll thank you for it

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if you enjoyed this video then I am positive you're gonna love that one

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thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next video

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