10 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes That Stop Weight Loss

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Hello Health Champions. Today I want to talk  about the top 10 mistakes that people make  

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during intermittent fasting that rob them  of the results and the success that they're  

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looking for when starting out on fasting or  intimate fasting. And when I say success,  

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I'm talking about long-term success because  if you do something to get healthier but then  

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you stop doing it and you get right back to  being unhealthy where you started then what  

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was the point of changing anything at all. So have  the mindset of changing for a lifetime. Another  

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problem is that people don't understand that  we are different it's like they think there is  

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the right way. Tell me the right way as if someone  could do all the research and just figure it out  

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and come up with a one magical answer  that's going to apply to everybody.  

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And there is no such thing so stop looking for the  right way but instead if you start understanding  

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the different principles and the mechanisms  then you use trial and error and you figure  

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out what the right way is for you. And then  there are some people who can make every single  

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mistake that I'm going to talk about and they  succeed anyway at least in terms of weight loss.  

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They eat the pizza they eat the ice cream they  just do it once a day and they lose the weight.  

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Now I'm happy that they're getting some weight  loss results or whatever they're looking for but  

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it doesn't mean that that is healthy in the long  run. But then on the other hand there are other  

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people who have much more stubborn situations  and they have to be very meticulous and follow  

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every single rule in the book. So keep in  mind as we're talking about these 10 mistakes  

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that when we talk about results they have to  be sustainable otherwise it doesn't work and  

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if it's too painful you're not very likely to  carry it through but rather a lot of people  

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will quit. Mistake number 10 is that people often  change too quickly. So if you're like most people  

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and you've never really tried to do anything  then you probably wake up and you have breakfast  

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you eat a mid-morning snack you have lunch  mid-afternoon snack dinner and an evening snack  

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and the only time you're not eating is when you're  sleeping. So if you sleep for eight hours you  

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might be fasting for 10 hours and all the rest  of the time you're basically eating. So what I  

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suggest is that you allow your body to get used to  this gradually don't try to shock your body. Do it  

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nicely then your body is going to work with you so  if you just move your evening snack back an hour  

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you gained an hour of fasting. If you skip it  all together you gain another couple of hours  

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if you move your breakfast up after that and you  skip the snacks now you have 15 hours of fasting  

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and you're only stimulating insulin three times a  day. And then the next step, you probably realize  

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you don't need breakfast at all so you just eat  lunch and dinner and now you have an 18-hour fast.  

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So you've almost doubled your fasting period and  your feeding period has shrunk in more than half  

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and some people do really well just going cold  turkey going from six meals a day to two meals a  

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day and if that works great but I don't recommend  it I recommend you change gradually because your  

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body is going to be much happier in the long run  for a lot of people if you change too quickly it's  

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unnecessarily painful and if it's painful and  uncomfortable a lot of people are going to quit  

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and then we don't get the results. Mistake number  nine is that we think of it as a quick fix.  

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We've all heard about these diets we see the  magazines every day that lose 30 pounds in  

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30 days or some ridiculous thing like that  and the problem is we get the mindset that  

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we can do anything for a period of time but  what happens then is we plan to go back to  

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doing what we used to do and create the problem  all over. So get over the idea of a quick fix.  

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Don't think of this as a diet think of it  as a lifestyle and stop thinking short term.  

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Just because it's powerful does not mean  that it's short term you can get results  

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within weeks but it doesn't mean you can go back  to doing what you used to do. Mistake number eight  

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is to not eat enough food and it could be because  you don't understand intermittent fasting or it  

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could be that you're just too gung-ho and you  just want the results super fast. You decided  

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I'm gonna do this once and for all and you  just go all in and that may not be so smart  

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the idea of intermittent fasting is that  you eat less food overall because you eat  

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fewer meals but when you do eat you allow  yourself to eat until you're full. That way  

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you can eat to satiety you don't feel deprived but  you are eating less food overall. You're allowing  

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your body to get into fat burning and you can  start burning some fat off the body instead of  

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from what you're eating. But for some people who  are a little too eager they end up eating low carb  

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which is a good thing but then they also eat low  fat and low protein, right? You can't eat less or  

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very little of everything that's not going to work  there's a word for that it's called starvation  

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and there's two problems with that first of all  you're shocking your body you're not allowing it  

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to get into that healthy, peaceful, harmonious  place where it finds its homeostasis long term.  

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And the other problem is that you're going to  be suffering and it's going to be very difficult  

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to sustain it. Mistake number seven is to eat  too much carbohydrate and why is that a problem  

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because carbohydrate raises insulin and  the whole reason we're doing intermittent  

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fasting is to lower insulin. We do that two  ways by lowering carbohydrate and by eating  

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fewer meals because what increases insulin is  whenever we eat something and whenever we eat  

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especially carbohydrate. So for some people  it's enough to just reduce the number of meals  

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but for a lot of people you have to do both.  You have to reduce the carbs and eat fewer meals  

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and why is that so important to lower insulin?  Because insulin is fat storing and if insulin  

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remains high then we're going to stay in a  state of fat storing we're going to prevent  

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fat burning and if we eat less but insulin is high  then we still can't get to those fat stores on  

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the body. And if we can't get to them and the body  senses it needs energy but it can't find it on the  

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body then it says you have to eat more and you end  up getting hungry. So high levels of insulin makes  

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you hungry and too much carbs will maintain those  high insulin levels. Mistake number six is to eat  

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too much protein for most people I'm not talking  about the meat fish chicken eggs I'm not talking  

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about whole food good sources of protein if you  eat that in moderation it's totally okay and  

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for the vast majority of people you don't really  need to restrict these at all. But we still have  

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to be aware of what happens to excess protein  because the excess gets turned into glucose.  

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Whenever you eat protein it can only end up  two ways either your body uses it for something  

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structural meaning muscles, bone, skin, hair,  collagen, it can use it for hormones small amount  

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so the structural is one way but the other  way anything the body can't use for structural  

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becomes energy it converts it into glucose and it  uses it for fuel and then the glucose gets stored  

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as glycogen up to the limit which isn't very much  of how much glycogen we can store and the rest  

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gets converted to fat. So what I really want to  get at is that some people have heard that sugar  

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is bad and carbohydrates bad and fat is bad and  then they think that the only thing left to eat  

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is protein and they eat as much as they can of  meat fish and chicken but then they might also  

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in between start eating things like protein  powders and protein powders are not a great idea.  

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I'm not totally opposed to it if you want to use  it here and there just don't think of more protein  

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as always better and these protein powders most of  them are plant-based but even the ones there are  

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things like whey and collagen they have a very  poor conversion into the structural into the  

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tissues meaning over 80 percent of these protein  powders and the protein in the powders gets turned  

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into glucose and then some of the protein powders  even have other sugars or carbohydrates or even  

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artificial chemicals and sweeteners. Mistake  number five is to eat too much fat so this is  

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a little confusing to people because they think  that low carb and keto and intermittent fasting  

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is about eating as much fat as possible and that's  not true. It's about reducing the carbohydrates  

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so that you lower the insulin, so you can burn  the fat now that's a good thing if you can burn  

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fat because then you can burn the dietary fat but  the real purpose is to burn the fat off the body  

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and you still want to be in a caloric  deficit so that your body has an incentive  

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to burn the fat off the body. If you keep  giving your body all the fat it needs for  

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energy through the diet then it's never going  to get around to burning it off the body.  

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So for some people it takes care of itself because  when they eat fewer meals their appetite goes down  

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and they start burning the fat but for others they  have a tendency to keep eating a little bit more  

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than they should. So this is something that you  want to be aware of that if you're not losing the  

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weight your body is not burning it off the body  it could be that you're still eating too much fat.  

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Mistake number four is to eat too many calories  and it is possible if you're a really good  

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cook you cook gourmet foods and you eat twice  a day and you have rich sauces and you like to  

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add the garlic butter. It's still possible to  eat a little bit beyond satiety you have this  

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temptation to finish things just because it tastes  really good. So be aware of that that if you  

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eat twice a day and you eat 1500 calories per  meal that's still 3,000 and you're probably not  

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going to be burning through that very efficiently.  But another problem is a little more sneaky that  

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people think that bulletproof coffee is such a  great thing and I'm not opposed to it but the  

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purpose of bulletproof coffee is to extend  your fast. It's to help you get through an  

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extra three, four, five hours so without raising  insulin. So if you can keep insulin going down  

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and you can extend the fast then bulletproof  coffee is a good thing. But if you get it  

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a little bit backwards and you think that the  bulletproof coffee is better than nothing. That is  

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actually going to do something and help you lose  weight and you get the idea that more is better  

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especially with collagen, like a lot of people  tell you to add, then before you know it you  

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might have three of those - two tablespoons of  butter a little dash of cream some collagen - 300  

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calories. If you do that three times a day now  you just added a thousand calories that you  

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didn't maybe think about. Another problem can  be alcohol because alcohol strictly speaking  

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the straight alcohol liquor like vodka, whiskey,  cognac, bourbon has virtually zero impact on  

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insulin so it should be safe on a fast or intimate  and fast but it still is very very energy dense  

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so one little shot of liquor has 150 calories  so if you have three a week that might be  

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okay if you have three a day now you just added  about 500 calories that maybe you didn't think  

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about. So the solution is just to be more  aware that don't add things unnecessarily  

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that you don't think about and also if you eat  very rich food then maybe eat a little bit less  

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of that rich food and instead what you do is you  add more low calorie density foods. So you eat the  

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leafy greens and the non-starchy vegetables and  you kind of make half the plate of that. Mistake  

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number three is high cortisol to have a high  stress lifestyle that maintains high cortisol.  

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Poor sleep is one more factor because if you don't  sleep enough or if your quality of sleep is poor  

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then you tend to run higher cortisol levels also.  

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And the problem with cortisol is cortisol is  produced in the body in response to stress  

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and when you're stressed your body is looking  to raise blood sugar. So cortisol helps the body  

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get more blood sugar but that higher blood  sugar triggers insulin which triggers  

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insulin resistance and fat storing and so forth.  So for some people a chronic high cortisol level  

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could be the thing that is holding them back.  Now the problem with stress or a mental state  

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of stress is I tell this to a lot of people and  they will tell me that oh but I'm not stressed  

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and then we check their adrenals which handle  the stress and their adrenals are totally shot.  

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Because stress is not how stressed you feel it's  not about how you feel or how you think you feel  

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it's about how you have conditioned your body over  a lifetime. A lot of people will tell me I was  

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stressed 20-30 years ago but today my life is very  peaceful well it's during your years of growing up  

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and during your years of living that you condition  your body into certain responses and it's not  

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about the stress out there, it's how your body  responds to it and that's a conditioned response  

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at the cellular level. Another way to raise  cortisol is to do too much anaerobic exercise so  

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anaerobic is when you're huffing and puffing when  you're pushing yourself and if you do a class like  

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this and they're trying to whip you on and they're  trying to encourage you and they tell you how many  

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calories you're burning and you're doing  well but you're huffing and puffing for  

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40, 50, 60 minutes now you're producing cortisol  during all that time and that cortisol is going  

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to backfire on you because if you're huffing and  puffing and you're making cortisol then your body  

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has to use up carbohydrates and if you didn't  eat very many carbohydrates then it's either  

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going to break down muscle or it's going to make  you consume more the next meal. So it's going to  

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make you hungrier the one type of anaerobic that's  okay is called high intensity interval training  

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which is anaerobic but it's very very short term  so whereas a class might last 45 minutes or more,  

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high intensity interval training is where  you warm up a little bit and then you go  

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super high intensity for just a few minutes  and then you get certain benefits, but you're  

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not staying in that state long enough to make  a lot of cortisol. Another thing to be aware of  

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is that if you're on medication called  corticosteroids then that is a man-made version of  

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cortisol so even if you're doing everything else  right then they are giving you cortisol and that's  

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going to tend to mess things up. So just be aware  of that that if you're on steroids that's probably  

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going to make you extra hungry and that may not be  the best time to try to be super strict with this  

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but just try to get over the steroids and then  start over. Another thing I talk a lot about is  

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breathing exercises and meditation because that  is the best way long term to handle to reprogram  

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that conditioned stress response so that the world  outside may still be the way it is but your body  

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reacts your body interprets that differently and  you can get back into balance. Fasting mistake  

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number two is to not eat enough salt we hear  so often that salt is unhealthy. Salt raises  

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blood pressure and that is not true. Excess salt  can aggravate an existing health condition if we  

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don't have the ability to regulate but a healthy  body can regulate salt perfectly. The only time  

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you want to restrict it is if you have something  like kidney failure because now your body has  

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lost the ability to regulate so therefore you have  to help your body out. But when you're fasting  

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your insulin will drop. That's the whole purpose  you eat fewer meals less carbs your insulin drops  

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and insulin retains sodium. Insulin acts on  the kidneys to recycle more sodium, more salt,  

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so when insulin drops then we're going to lose  salt. Therefore you have to take a little extra  

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also glycogen binds water. Glycogen is the  carbohydrate storage form in the body and when  

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we eat less carbs and we eat fewer meals now  we're going to use up those carbohydrates and  

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when we use them up they can no longer bind  water so we lose additional water that way  

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and salt, sodium, always follows water. They go  hand in hand their buddies they go together so now  

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you're losing water and salt because insulin drops  you're losing water and salt because you're using  

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up carbs and losing it that way. Therefore when  you're fasting make sure that you get a little bit  

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extra salt and water compared to what you usually  do and the number one mistake people probably make  

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when they're fasting is that they're depriving  themselves. They're allowing themselves to get  

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too hungry and when that happens all they can  think of is all the things they're going to eat  

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when they're allowed to eat again. They're  dreaming about it and what ends up happening  

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is they just consume three meals in one sitting.  They're eating all the things that they didn't eat  

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when they were fasting so they might consume  everything on here just to make up for it.  

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In addition to that they might sort of stray a  little extra and start eating carbs and junk. And  

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that's another reason I usually encourage people  to do it gradually do it at a pace where your body  

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gets used to it because it's not about depriving  yourself it's not about suffering. So what you  

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want to try to do when you get back to eating is  to eat a normal to large meal. Don't try to make  

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up and eat three meals in one sitting and you  want to look for low carbohydrate because when  

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you eat carbohydrate that's going to stimulate  those cravings again. They're going to make you  

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hungrier and you also want to focus on eating  quality nutrients. Eat nutrient dense food eat  

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whole food unprocessed foods. If you enjoyed this  video, you're going to love that one, and if you  

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