10 HIIT Exercises To Lose Belly Fat Fast

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Hello Health Champions. let's talk about 10  HIIT exercises to help you burn belly fat.  

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Number one is slam ball and HIIT stands  for high intensity interval training  

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that means you do something very intensely  for a short period of time and slam ball is  

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a good example you use a heavy ball 15, 20  30 pounds and you don't want it to bounce  

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a whole lot it's more just like a sandbag you slam  it down and you got to pick it back up and what  

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you want to think about though is to go as much as  possible in a straight line straight up and pull  

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straight down in this video you see a guy doing  it on the beach i think he has a rock or something  

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and his form is not fantastic he's going a  little bit too much forward to backwards and  

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he's not really good at protecting his back so  make sure you go straight up straight down and  

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protect your back interestingly the vast majority  of exercises to burn belly fat involves crunches  

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but the problem is it doesn't work you  cannot choose a specific spot to burn  

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fat it doesn't do that so what happens is your  muscle burns if you focus on crunches then you  

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work out one muscle a whole lot and it burns but  there is no physiological relationship there is no  

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breaking down of the fat on top of the muscle if  some exercise manages to break down fat which all  

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of it does to some degree but you're not breaking  it down from the specific area you're working out  

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when you break down fat it's called lipolysis  and it is systemic it happens equally all around  

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the body so focal training doesn't work for  burning fat crunches can still be a good thing  

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if they're performed correctly because you  build a strong core and that's a good thing  

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number two is medicine ball and just like the  slam ball you could probably use the same ball  

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it is heavy and what you want to do in this  example is you squat down and throw it up this guy  

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is showing excellent form he's protecting his back  he's got his weight on his heel he goes deep and  

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he pushes up as hard as he can uses his whole body  uses large muscles with high intensity excellent  

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exercise number three is sledgehammer so if you  have a tractor tire and a big sledge hammer then  

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you want to use a tall posture go as high as you  can pull that sledge down on the tire and slam  

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it down and this guy's showing excellent form  he is not pausing at all he's just going from  

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one to the next which means very high intensity  now what i have found personally is that a pick  

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ax works equally well in my backyard if you go  with a pickaxe and you go really hard at it that  

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heart rate can really come up and i like to use  my energy for something productive another popular  

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one is number four battle ropes and here you can  do it different ways you can use your arms and go  

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alternating one at a time or you can pull the  arms together up and down and when you do that  

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you want to go as tall as possible and then slam  it down and use as much of your body as possible  

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now if you do it together to me that makes it  a little bit higher intensity because you can  

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incorporate more of your body at one time if you  look at this guy he certainly getting a strenuous  

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exercise but his legs aren't moving his glutes are  not working it's static whereas this lady see how  

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her whole body is going up and down she's using  her hips her legs and i think she could get even  

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higher to get a little bit more intensity out of  it so i said that crunches are not really a great  

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idea to burn belly fat but why then would high  intensity interval training work is it because  

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we're burning more calories per minute well yes  we are burning more calories but the whole point  

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of high intensity is that we keep it so short  that we're only really working at that high level  

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for a few minutes so for such a short time  you're not really going to burn any more calories  

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however it is what happens afterwards because you  release hormones you stress your body so that you  

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increase your metabolism for several hours after  the workout and what happens when you go all out  

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when it's truly maximum high intensity you're  increasing your production of growth hormone  

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dramatically and here's what growth hormone does  it promotes muscle building and it promotes fat  

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burning so when you break down fat you're making  energy but it's not at the expense of muscle that  

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is exactly what you want that allows you to build  muscle over time and now when you have more muscle  

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what happens is muscle is more metabolically  active you have replaced fat tissue which is  

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very low metabolism at rest with something that  has higher vascularity and burns more energy than  

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fat even at rest and then there's the thing about  body wisdom now this is my own personal opinion  

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i've never seen anything published on this but i  believe this is one aspect of how it works as well  

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that if you weigh 400 pounds and you're sitting on  your sofa watching a movie and the only strain you  

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put on your body is to click that remote control  then your body has no reason to change anything  

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that body works perfectly fine to sit on the sofa  and eat pizza and drink beer and click that remote  

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however if you're being chased by a wild animal if  you have to fight for your survival if you have to  

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exert maximum force to get away from something  then your body senses that that extra  

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hundred pounds is quite hindering it's not  going to improve your survival so if you  

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put your body through that on a regular basis  your body says you know if this keeps happening  

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i'm probably not going to survive with this extra  weight so the body wisdom in my opinion is going  

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to work it's going to increase the metabolism  somewhat to burn off that fat so you can have a  

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body that fits your lifestyle and your environment  again it's not the biggest component necessarily  

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but i do think that's part of it number five is  using a bike you could use a stationary bike you  

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could use a road bike and the great thing here  is that it's relatively safe on the road maybe  

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you'll hit some speeds but on a stationary bike  you're going to stay in one place and you don't  

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have to be extremely athletic you don't have  to have this enormous fitness or body control  

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and if you have some knee issues you're not going  to put a lot of weight on them and the key here  

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is to do it in bursts you can do 15 seconds 30  seconds one minute but it has to be all out if you  

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can do it for 30 minutes it's not the type of high  intensity that we're talking about number six is  

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box jumps and this can be extremely effective the  trick is that you have to be pretty fit and have  

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pretty good body control to do it safely if you're  very fit you can do a continuous up and down and  

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if you're not quite as fit you want to make sure  that you do it a little bit slower and you pause  

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between the jumps so you don't risk anything and  here's an example of some very fit people that  

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just go back and forth back and forth there's no  pause on the floor they just go right back to it  

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which would give you the highest intensity but  again make sure that you do it safely and that  

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you're fit enough for what you're trying to do  now let's try to understand this type of exercise  

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a little bit we said that if you do it for 30  minutes it's not really hit so the key is to  

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do very very short intense bursts but it doesn't  mean that there's just one way to do it it means  

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that you can do different things depending on the  intensity depending on your fitness depending on  

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the situation it could be 10 seconds it could be  up to maybe two minutes and then you can repeat  

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or you can just do one of them but  here's what you're trying to look for  

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you're trying to do something with high speed high  intensity you're trying to get your heart rate  

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way way up and the key here if you're working on  heart rate primarily is to get it close to or all  

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the way up to your maximum heart rate which is  roughly 220 minus your age so again that's not  

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an absolute number mine for example will still  get a good bit higher than that it helps you get  

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to your maximum heart rate if you can use your  largest muscles or ideally all the muscles in  

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your body at the same time but if you're doing  something like weight lifting or you're doing  

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squats or you're doing a leg press machine you  can still do high intensity just because you're  

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using the largest muscles in your body if you do  it heavy enough the other key is to do it dynamic  

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you want to use large movements so depending on  the weight you want to do it at the highest speed  

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and the highest dynamic range that you can handle  at that weight for that exercise and another key  

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is to do it basically until you fail and why is  that because you're sending a message to your body  

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you're telling your body that i'm going to  keep doing this we had a situation today where  

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this body just wasn't quite good enough and  that gives the body the message it has to change  

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something and the way it changes is to produce  more growth hormone so you can build more muscle  

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and burn off some fat and get better  because you're planning to do it again  

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very soon the other thing to understand is because  you're doing it so intensely you're also stressing  

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your body so i would suggest that you don't want  to do this more than twice a week if you're super  

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fit if you're an athlete if you're pursuing a  specific goal maybe do it three times a week but  

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ideally i think twice a week and very often i read  a magazine or i see a video where they're talking  

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about a 45 minute high intensity interval training  circuit well if you can do it for 45 minutes  

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even if it's intervals within there you're not  really meeting the criteria that we talked about  

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because if you can do it for 45 minutes then  you're not failing now something i used to do  

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when i was an athlete preparing for the olympics  i did a lot of sprints and one workout that i did  

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probably two to three times a week especially  during the hard period was six times 150 meters  

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that was a good distance for me because it was  short enough that i could do several of them  

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but it was long enough that i could get my  heart rate up to maximum so i would do a  

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warm-up to get myself ready to get my body up to  that level of performance to that intensity then  

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i would run all out 150 meters and that meant  about 17 and a half to 18 seconds when i was at  

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my best and during that 18 seconds i would hit  a maximum heart rate it would get 220 or above  

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but because it was so intense and i wanted to do  six of these i needed a good amount of rest so i  

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would take three or four or sometimes even five  minutes toward the end of the workout to be able  

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to do another one at that intensity so the workout  might last for 30 minutes but my total high  

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intensity training was less than two minutes this  video is not the list about the best exercises  

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these are examples to help you understand  how you can make up your own number seven is  

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running in place so this may not be as intense as  some of the others but the beauty of it is you can  

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do it anytime you can do it at home you don't need  any specific equipment and it's very very simple  

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so the key though is to work your arms and i'll  show you a couple of videos to demonstrate that  

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if you're really fit you can bring your knees  up to raise the intensity if you're not so fit  

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then don't worry about the high knees here's an  example of what i don't recommend he is pretty  

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much static there are no large movements he's  going fast but he's not involving any large  

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muscle groups his arms are pretty much still don't  do it this way and don't do it this way either  

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this guy has no motion from the shoulder it's all  at the elbow and he is not lifting his knees at  

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all he's using his hamstrings only but here's what  you want it to look like look at the shoulders  

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look at the large dynamic movements the high knees  he's using all the large muscle groups in his body  

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number eight is another classic burpees you can do  them with weights you can do without weights you  

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can do jumping jacks you can jump straight now the  beauty of this i think is to use your body weight  

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so i don't really see the purpose of using extra  weights and here's a girl who does a really nice  

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job she's keeping her back straight when she's  in the plank position and she is jumping up she's  

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extending far she's getting a lot of big muscle  groups involved and if you really push off and  

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jump you could hit some high heart rate very very  quickly on this number nine is one of my favorites  

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it's probably what i do the most which is sprints  and you can do them upstairs you can do them  

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uphill you can do them on an incline treadmill  or you can do it on a flat surface like a track  

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now the beauty of doing it uphill is that you  have gravity working against you so you don't have  

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to go as fast because the faster you go the more  likely that you get injured that you pull a muscle  

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or you get out of control here's a great example  of doing it in a park somewhere he's got really  

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good form he's pumping his arms he's lifting  his knees and he's getting some really good  

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intensity working against gravity makes it easier  to get tired and hit exercise number 10 would be  

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squat jumps again a beautiful exercise that you  don't need any special equipment as long as you're  

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fit enough to do it you can do it with your legs  together with your feet side by side or you can do  

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it like a split or a lunge jump and here's a girl  showing really good form she's got her heels on  

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the ground she's going straight up and down with  full extension my only reservation on this one is  

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that it might be a little hard on the knees to go  that deep into a squat i might stop that a little  

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bit earlier this guy using splits is not extending  as far up but you can surely exhaust yourself  

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very quickly with this exercise. If you enjoyed  this video, you'll love that one and if you truly  

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