10 HIDDEN Signs You Are Depressed

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Hello Health Champions.

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Depression is one of the most devastating conditions a person can have and it's one

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of the most important issues of our time but it's critical that we clear up some of the

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misconceptions around it rather than just label it and classify it and medicated if

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we understand what depression is and what causes it then we have the power to do something

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about it whether it's for yourself or for a loved one coming right up Hey.

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I’m Dr. Ekberg, and if you want to truly master health by understanding how the body

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really works make sure you subscribe, hit that bell and turn off all the notifications

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so you never miss a life-saving video.

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Depression affect over 18 million people in the United States any given time that's one

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in 10 adults and it's one of the most common prescription is for depression around the

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world is over 300 million people who have depression this is regardless of culture age

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gender religion etc etc If we look here they say depression is both a brain disorder and

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a state of mind so this was two different components even though they're related one

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is a brain that's the tangible physical tissue it has biochemistry it has nutritional and

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physical needs the mind is the abstract aspect of it is how we use the brain is how we wire

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the physical tissue through our habits in our thoughts and other than quality of life

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here's one of those devastating things about it.

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Depression is the primary cause of suicide every 13 minutes somone kills themselves because

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they feel so bad that's over 41,000 people a year in the United States depression is

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further the leading cause of disability worldwide and a major contributor to the overall global

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burden of disease so this is not a small thing this is huge at the core of everything that

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makes people sick.

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Some of the signs and symptoms of depression have to do with mood and mental change So

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if you have a persistent sad mood not just once in awhile but a lot of the time or even

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most of the time if you're feeling hopeless if you have feelings of guilt of helplessness

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or worthlessness if you notice that certain things that you used to enjoy you don't have

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any interest in them anymore or even worse if you have thoughts about suicide there is

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over 11 million people in the US who consider contemplate suicide every year even though

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only 41,000 succeed let's go back to this slide and look at the language because when

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we say that depression is a brain disorder that's very strong language it already puts

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us in a certain state of mind and makes us assume certain things when we say that depression

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is the leading cause of disability then again we're assuming a lot of things so rather than

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calling a disorder I would say it's an imbalance and adaptation the body is constantly changing

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it’s adapting, it is changing, the cells of turning over your changing into certain

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states into certain skills and if you understand that you're changing into it you can change

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out of it.

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it's not something that you have it's not something wrong with you and when we it is

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the leading cause we're assuming a certain thing it's not the cause it's an association

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it's a correlation people that have a lot of depression also have a lot of disability

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and other disease but it's not the cause.

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Because when we say it's the cause now we're implying that depression in itself has no

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cause it happens for no reason so let me be very clear about something I'm not taking

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this lightly I'm not saying that this is just negative thinking not saying it's just in

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your head or that it's not real what I am saying is that have to understand that there

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are causes that we can do something about and once we understand that it gives us a

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sense of hope and it gives us a little bit of power back.

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When we understand that there's physiology and biochemistry that we can change and when

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we understand that we have developed certain habits then we can change those habits.

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I'm not saying it is easy but once we start understanding it we have the possibility to

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do something about it so habits are really momentum that it's not just what you're thinking

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in this moment but anytime that you create a habit it's builds a certain momentum you

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get better and better at doing that and the way this works in the body is something called

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Well, what is that?

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Anytime that you're feeling bad then you are creating synopsis your body always making

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new synapses is making millions of synopsis for second to adapt to your environment and

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make you better at doing what you're doing and this sounds really weird why would you

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want to get better at feeling bad.

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Well it works both ways but your brain doesn't judge you, it doesn't say this is bad behavior

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it says this seems to go on a lot less wire it so you can do it better so every time you

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have a thought you making new synapses your hardwiring new pathways and the more you spend

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time and feeling bad the more of those pathways you create so that later you get better at

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doing that and I know that sounds crazy but like I said your brain doesn't judge you it

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just makes you better at doing things you do a lot and fortunately it works in reverse

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anytime you're feeling good then you're also wiring you're making new pathways that are

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replacing the other pathways but if you have a lot of momentum if you have very strong

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habits then you're going to create a lot of neuroplasticity toward that habit so again

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if she's feeling good then it helps you to feel better but the question is where do you

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spend the most time and in order for you to know that the first thing I have to do is

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to notice how you feel have to have a certain mindfulness it has to become important to

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notice how you feel so that you can change it if you find yourself up here so neuroplasticity

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really means two things its plasticity means the ability to change that it's plastic it's

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changing these pathways are always changing but it also means that as you're laying down

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new pathways you have a tendency to create permanence you have a tendency to create habits

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and momentum whatever you do more of you get better at and the key to understand here is

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that once understand this now you have some control there is some hope and that's very

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different than the standard approach this is typical of what you're going to find if

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you search for information this is from PsychCentral top 10 signs and they're saying feeling blue

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unloved or hopeless sometimes it normal right it is not normal it is very very common, and

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they're saying that there's nothing wrong with you.

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I completely agree you should never beat yourself up there is nothing wrong but that's not the

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same as saying that it's normal it is common, but it's not normal to feel bad and if you

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notice that you're not feeling bad then you can do something about it.

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Here they say depression comes about absolutely no reason whatsoever that is not my experience

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that's not the world view I that I have I think things happen for a reason and if we

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understand that we have some part in it we can do something about it.

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It can hit someone like it jumps on you from the outside and you're just living your life

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with just going on with your business doing your thing and it hit you and there's nothing

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they can do to stop it see this is the ultimate victimization and I don't know that the necessarily

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doing it on purpose but it becomes a victim model and then they go on to call it a mental

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disorder and of course it can be treated with medication and psychotherapy. and again the

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big problem here is if you buy into this way of thinking then there is nothing you can

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do about it for yourself and here are some of the causes that are often quoted they say

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it's about biochemistry that there are comorbidities causing it again it's not a cause the comorbidity

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is another mental issue and they're just saying if you have one type of problem you're more

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likely to have another type of problem and that's because things are not working the

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way they are suppose to.

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They're talkin about environment which can be stress, huge portion, it can be emotional

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trauma, it could be hormonal changes and again I'm not saying that these are not real but

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the way they're presented is usually in a fashion that these things happened to you

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there's nothing you can do about it and here's the clincher genetics and being female like

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how is that for ultimate victimization.

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you look at that, you're feeling bad and then you go oh female now what am I supposed to

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do about that right now let's redefine this.

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Let's take a brand new approach that is based on physiology and science and what's actually

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happening in the body first thing we have to understand he is this red thing up here

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in the front of the brain that's called a frontal lobe or the prefrontal cortex and

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this is the portion of the brain that makes humans human this is how would different than

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other animals because we have a much larger frontal lobe with a much larger surface area

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and that is how we can do things better such as abstract thought and we can think about

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things we have motivation we have forward planning all of those things are more or less

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unique to humans but the way that the brain create balance in your life and this is super

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important if you don't get anything else out of this remember this 80 to 90% of the brain's

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activity of the frontal lobe activity is to turn things off it is not sitting there idle

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waiting for something to happen and then it issues a command to turn something on know

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it's constantly monitoring monitoring billions of pieces of information and then it create

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stability by turning things off by turning off things that you're not supposed to pay

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attention to that are not important to you in this moment so one of the most important

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things that turns off his stress stress is not a bad thing we have to understand the

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difference between a stressor and a stress response.

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A stressor it's something in your environment it's an event it's something that happens

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that gets your attention and the stress response is your brain paying attention it is absolutely

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necessary because otherwise you are a sitting duck.

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But the key here is to understand that the stress happens, you have a response to it

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and then your frontal lobe turned off the stress by being eighty to ninety percent inhibitory

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that's what the brain does.

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It turns things off at the appropriate time next thing it turns off is distractions so

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if you're paying attention right now and somebody snapped her fingers and you look over there

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then you lost your attention you had attention deficit in order for you to keep paying attention

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to what you want your brain has to turn that distraction off that has to inhibit that distraction

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that improves your focus and if you don't have that focused now you have ADD every little

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thing gets your attention Now for our purposes why this is important is because it also turns

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off unwanted thoughts because unwanted thoughts are a form of distraction is something that

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the frontal lobe needs to Monitor and of course a huge part of this are negative thoughts

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and distracted thoughts or any kind of thought that we just can't turn off generally makes

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us feel stressed and anxious and depressed so now let’s define depression now that

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we know what the frontal lobe does now think of the frontal lobe as a lightbulb if we have

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a hundred watt light bulb it has plenty of power plenty of energy to turn off these things

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appropriately but what if this light bulb dims what if it goes down to 80 watts and

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it doesn't shine so brightly now we just lost 20% of the ability to turn these unwanted

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things off and if it dims further now we have less and less and less ability for the frontal

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lobe to monitor and create stability and peace in our lives and now a lot of these signs

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and symptoms make a lot of sense if you have fatigue will the frontal lobe and motivation

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is what's going to give you a lot of energy if you lose that motivation you also don't

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have a lot of energy poor focus and memory again distractive thoughts not being turned

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off if you're sleeping more it's probably because you don't have any energy it's just

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sleeping less it's because you can't turn those annoying thoughts off if you're irritable

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again it's the inability to turn off the things you don't want and weight loss of weight gain

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if your depressed often times you will have no appetite your sort of unmotivated to do

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anything or it can work the other way that the only way you can find to change how you

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feel is to eat something and then eat a bunch of sugar and comfort food and you gain.

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So once we start understanding that there's an organic, there's a biochemical basis for

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this that the brain does these other things so you can go back and look at the first five

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and you'll be able to make sense out of those also now we can do something about it.

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Now let's look at the real root cause it was set on the first slide that the two aspects

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one is the tangible the physical brain the second is the abstract state of mind how you

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using and wiring the brain.

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if the brain is toxic then if it has chemicals or metals or inflammation then that's going

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to short-circuit some of these connections.

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It's going to get in the way of the normal brain activity and it's going to make it more

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difficult for the brain to do what it does.

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Your brain is 2% of your body weight that uses 20% of all your body's resources 20%

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of your calories 20% of your oxygen and therefore it has very very high demands on the resources

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are nutrients if you're deficient if your brain doesn't have steady fuel supply if it

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doesn't have steady glucose and ketones if it doesn't have essential fatty acids for

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proper building blocks to make these cell membranes have the proper integrity.

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If you don't have electrolytes if you don't have trace minerals then you're deficient

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you don't have the necessary substrate for the brain to do its job if you don't use it

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and we did a video recently on what happens to your brain if you never exercise then if

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you don't stimulate your brain properly it will be generate use-it-or-lose-it just like

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any cells in your body brain cells will regenerate and stress is devastating stress changes how

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your body prioritize its resources and stressful also affect the physical brain because when

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you have a stress response your brain changes its priority instead of paying attention to

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digestion and thoughtfulness and creativity your brain goes into a defense mode and it

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shifts the blood flow from the frontal lobe to the more primitive survival centers of

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the brain that you have a lot of chronic stress then you're depriving your frontal lobe of

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fuel on a chronic basis and what amount the state of mind well the state of mind first

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of all depends on biochemistry so everything that we just talked about over here is going

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to influence your state of mind but unlike the standard explanation where by chemists

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and just happens to you now you understand this is something you can effect this is something

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you can influence and then neuroplasticity this is the most devastating and the most

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empowering principle that you have because it will work for you and it will work against

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you like we said when you think things on a regular basis when you have habitual thought

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then the brain will create patterns to make you better at doing that and in functional

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neurology we called it cells that fire together wire together.

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So if you have certain habits if you move through certain patterns that you have certain

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posture and certain thoughts and you look at certain things then all of this is going

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to wire all of those associations together so that everything in your environment start

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triggering the same kind of thought your brain starts associating these things so what you

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want to do then is to change those patterns once you understand that this is wiring then

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you can wire it differently and now that you understand that here is your bonus you probably

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heard of the saying practice makes perfect well now that you have an enhanced understanding

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that is no longer true practice does not make perfect practice makes permanent only perfect

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practice makes perfect.

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Enjoy this video and you'd like to learn more about how the body really works on a really

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check out that one next thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next video.

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